blob: 8dd7e9ef1a75b0d862a4945d1c998d50a1784f27 [file] [log] [blame]
<script src="../resources/gc.js"></script>
<script src="../resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<div id="controlparent">
<span id="controlchild">Some Text</span>
#controlparent::before {
content: "item1" "item2" url(bullet.png);
test(function(t) {
}, "Make sure that CSS Alt Text is enabled.");
test(function(t) {
var parentAXNode = accessibilityController.accessibleElementById("controlparent");
var contentTextNode = parentAXNode.childAtIndex(0);
var imageNode = parentAXNode.childAtIndex(1);
var spanAXNode = accessibilityController.accessibleElementById("controlchild");
assert_equals(, "item1item2");
assert_equals(, "");
assert_equals(parentAXNode.childAtIndex(2), spanAXNode);
}, "When no alternative text is supplied text content should have a (concatenated) accessible name, images should have no name.");
<div id="parent">
<span id="child">Some Text</span>
#parent::before {
content: "\25BA" / "code";
test(function(t) {
var parentAXNode = accessibilityController.accessibleElementById("parent");
var textNode = parentAXNode.childAtIndex(0);
assert_equals(, "code");
assert_equals(textNode.role, "AXRole: AXStaticText");
var spanAXNode = accessibilityController.accessibleElementById("child");
assert_equals(parentAXNode.childAtIndex(1), spanAXNode);
}, "A pseudo element with text content and alt text should have the accessible name overridden.");
<div id="parentempty">
<span id="childempty">Some Text</span>
#parentempty::before {
content: "\25BA" / "";
test(function(t) {
var parentAXNode = accessibilityController.accessibleElementById("parentempty");
var childAXNode = parentAXNode.childAtIndex(0);
var spanAXNode = accessibilityController.accessibleElementById("childempty");
// As the alt string was blank, there should be no accessible node for the pseudo element.
// Therefore, the first child should just be the inner span node.
assert_equals(parentAXNode.childrenCount, 1);
assert_equals(childAXNode, spanAXNode);
}, "A pseudo element with text content and an explicitly empty alternative string should not be included in the accessibility tree.");
<div id="imgparent"class="title">
<span id="imgchild">Some Text</span>
#imgparent::before {
content: url(bullet.png) / "star";
test(function(t) {
var parentAXNode = accessibilityController.accessibleElementById("imgparent");
var imageNode = parentAXNode.childAtIndex(0);
assert_equals(, "star");
assert_equals(imageNode.role, "AXRole: AXImage");
var spanAXNode = accessibilityController.accessibleElementById("imgchild");
assert_equals(parentAXNode.childAtIndex(1), spanAXNode);
}, "Pseudo element with image content and alt text should have the accessible name overridden.");
<div id="imgparentempty"class="title">
<span id="imgchildempty">Some Text</span>
#imgparentempty::before {
content: url(bullet.png) / "";
test(function(t) {
var parentAXNode = accessibilityController.accessibleElementById("imgparentempty");
var childAXNode = parentAXNode.childAtIndex(0);
var spanAXNode = accessibilityController.accessibleElementById("imgchildempty");
// For images content on a pseudo element, if the alternative string was provided and
// explicitly empty, this behaves the same as a DOM image node with an empty/missing
// alt attribute.
assert_equals(parentAXNode.childrenCount, 2);
assert_equals(childAXNode.role, "AXRole: AXImage");
assert_equals(, "");
assert_equals(parentAXNode.childAtIndex(1), spanAXNode);
}, "A pseudo element with image content and an explicitly empty alt string should still appear in the accessibility tree with a role of AXImage, but no accessible name.");
<div id="divlistparent" class="title">
<span id="divlistchild">Some Text</span>
#divlistparent::before {
content: "item1" "item2" url(bullet.png) / "a list of items";
test(function(t) {
var parentAXNode = accessibilityController.accessibleElementById("divlistparent");
var textContentListNode = parentAXNode.childAtIndex(0);
assert_equals(, "a list of items");
assert_equals(textContentListNode.role, "AXRole: AXStaticText");
var parentAXNode = accessibilityController.accessibleElementById("divlistparent");
var spanAXNode = accessibilityController.accessibleElementById("divlistchild");
assert_equals(parentAXNode.childAtIndex(1), spanAXNode);
}, "A pseudo element with mixed content list, with first item being text and with alt text should have the accessible name overriden and a role of AXStaticText.");
<div id="emptylistparent" class="title">
<span id="emptylistchild">Some Text</span>
#emptylistparent::before {
content: url(bullet.png) "item1" "item2" url(bullet.png) / "";
test(function(t) {
var parentAXNode = accessibilityController.accessibleElementById("emptylistparent");
var contentListNode = parentAXNode.childAtIndex(0);
assert_equals(, "");
assert_equals(contentListNode.role, "AXRole: AXImage");
var spanAXNode = accessibilityController.accessibleElementById("emptylistchild");
assert_equals(parentAXNode.childAtIndex(1), spanAXNode);
assert_equals(parentAXNode.role, "AXRole: AXGenericContainer");
}, "A pseudo element with mixed content list, with first item being image and with empty alt text should have a role of AXImage and empty name.");
<div id="firstletterparent">
<p id="firstletterchild">Some Text</p>
#firstletterchild::first-letter {
color: red;
content: "Foo" / "Bar";
test(function(t) {
var parentAXNode = accessibilityController.accessibleElementById("firstletterparent");
var firstAXNode = parentAXNode.childAtIndex(0);
assert_equals(firstAXNode.role, "AXRole: AXParagraph");
var paragraphNode = accessibilityController.accessibleElementById("firstletterchild");
assert_equals(firstAXNode, paragraphNode);
}, "Pseudo elements that don't support the content property should not impact the accessibility tree if the property and alt text is supplied.");
<div id="divcontent">Div text content</div>
#divcontent {
content: url(bullet.png) / "alt";
test(function(t) {
var domAXNode = accessibilityController.accessibleElementById("divcontent");
assert_equals(domAXNode.role, "AXRole: AXImage");
assert_equals(, "alt");
},"Non pseudo elements which support the content property should have the alt text applied to the image that replaces their content.");
<!--- The following test cases are merely here to test that the addition of alt text support has not altered the default behaviour if the content property is incorrectly supplied -->
<div id="divdoubleimage">DOM Text</div>
#divdoubleimage {
content: url(bullet.png) url(bullet.png) / "alt";
test(function(t) {
var domAXNode = accessibilityController.accessibleElementById("divdoubleimage");
assert_equals(domAXNode.role, "AXRole: AXGenericContainer");
assert_equals(domAXNode.childrenCount, 1);
var childAXNode = domAXNode.childAtIndex(0);
assert_equals(childAXNode.role, "AXRole: AXStaticText");
assert_equals(, "DOM Text");
},"A DOM Node with more than one image and alternative text should not impact the accessibility tree.");
<div id="divtextcontent">DOM Text</div>
#divtextcontent {
content: "text content replacement" / "alt";
test(function(t) {
var domAXNode = accessibilityController.accessibleElementById("divtextcontent");
assert_equals(domAXNode.role, "AXRole: AXGenericContainer");
assert_equals(domAXNode.childrenCount, 1);
var childAXNode = domAXNode.childAtIndex(0);
assert_equals(childAXNode.role, "AXRole: AXStaticText");
assert_equals(, "DOM Text");
},"A DOM Node with text replacement content and alt text should not impact the accessibility tree.");