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<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>HTTP Cache - Partial Content</title>
<meta name="help" href="">
<meta name="timeout" content="long">
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
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<script src="http-cache.js"></script>
var tests = [
name: "HTTP cache stores partial content and reuses it",
requests: [
request_headers: [
['Range', "bytes=-5"]
response_status: [206, "Partial Content"],
response_headers: [
["Cache-Control", "max-age=3600"],
["Content-Range", "bytes 4-9/10"]
response_body: "01234",
expected_request_headers: [
["Range", "bytes=-5"]
request_headers: [
["Range", "bytes=-5"]
expected_type: "cached",
expected_status: 206,
expected_response_text: "01234"
name: "HTTP cache stores complete response and serves smaller ranges from it (byte-range-spec)",
requests: [
response_headers: [
["Cache-Control", "max-age=3600"]
response_body: "01234567890"
request_headers: [
['Range', "bytes=0-1"]
expected_type: "cached",
expected_status: 206,
expected_response_text: "01"
name: "HTTP cache stores complete response and serves smaller ranges from it (absent last-byte-pos)",
requests: [
response_headers: [
["Cache-Control", "max-age=3600"],
response_body: "01234567890"
request_headers: [
['Range', "bytes=1-"]
expected_type: "cached",
expected_status: 206,
expected_response_text: "1234567890"
name: "HTTP cache stores complete response and serves smaller ranges from it (suffix-byte-range-spec)",
requests: [
response_headers: [
["Cache-Control", "max-age=3600"],
response_body: "0123456789A"
request_headers: [
['Range', "bytes=-1"]
expected_type: "cached",
expected_status: 206,
expected_response_text: "A"
name: "HTTP cache stores partial response and serves smaller ranges from it (byte-range-spec)",
requests: [
request_headers: [
['Range', "bytes=-5"]
response_status: [206, "Partial Content"],
response_headers: [
["Cache-Control", "max-age=3600"],
["Content-Range", "bytes 4-9/10"]
response_body: "01234"
request_headers: [
['Range', "bytes=6-8"]
expected_type: "cached",
expected_status: 206,
expected_response_text: "234"
name: "HTTP cache stores partial response and serves smaller ranges from it (absent last-byte-pos)",
requests: [
request_headers: [
['Range', "bytes=-5"]
response_status: [206, "Partial Content"],
response_headers: [
["Cache-Control", "max-age=3600"],
["Content-Range", "bytes 4-9/10"]
response_body: "01234"
request_headers: [
["Range", "bytes=6-"]
expected_type: "cached",
expected_status: 206,
expected_response_text: "234"
name: "HTTP cache stores partial response and serves smaller ranges from it (suffix-byte-range-spec)",
requests: [
request_headers: [
['Range', "bytes=-5"]
response_status: [206, "Partial Content"],
response_headers: [
["Cache-Control", "max-age=3600"],
["Content-Range", "bytes 4-9/10"]
response_body: "01234"
request_headers: [
['Range', "bytes=-1"]
expected_type: "cached",
expected_status: 206,
expected_response_text: "4"
name: "HTTP cache stores partial content and completes it",
requests: [
request_headers: [
['Range', "bytes=-5"]
response_status: [206, "Partial Content"],
response_headers: [
["Cache-Control", "max-age=3600"],
["Content-Range", "bytes 0-4/10"]
response_body: "01234"
expected_request_headers: [
["range", "bytes=5-"]