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<!doctype html>
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<title>HTTP Cache - Vary</title>
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var tests = [
name: "HTTP cache reuses Vary response when request matches",
requests: [
request_headers: [
["Foo", "1"]
response_headers: [
["Expires", 5000],
["Last-Modified", -3000],
["Vary", "Foo"]
request_headers: [
["Foo", "1"]
expected_type: "cached"
name: "HTTP cache doesn't use Vary response when request doesn't match",
requests: [
request_headers: [
["Foo", "1"]
response_headers: [
["Expires", 5000],
["Last-Modified", -3000],
["Vary", "Foo"]
request_headers: [
["Foo", "2"]
expected_type: "not_cached"
name: "HTTP cache doesn't use Vary response when request omits variant header",
requests: [
request_headers: [
["Foo", "1"]
response_headers: [
["Expires", 5000],
["Last-Modified", -3000],
["Vary", "Foo"]
expected_type: "not_cached"
name: "HTTP cache doesn't invalidate existing Vary response",
requests: [
request_headers: [
["Foo", "1"]
response_headers: [
["Expires", 5000],
["Last-Modified", -3000],
["Vary", "Foo"]
response_body: http_content('foo_1')
request_headers: [
["Foo", "2"]
response_headers: [
["Expires", 5000],
["Last-Modified", -3000],
["Vary", "Foo"]
expected_type: "not_cached",
response_body: http_content('foo_2'),
request_headers: [
["Foo", "1"]
response_body: http_content('foo_1'),
expected_type: "cached"
name: "HTTP cache doesn't pay attention to headers not listed in Vary",
requests: [
request_headers: [
["Foo", "1"],
["Other", "2"]
response_headers: [
["Expires", 5000],
["Last-Modified", -3000],
["Vary", "Foo"]
request_headers: [
["Foo", "1"],
["Other", "3"]
expected_type: "cached"
name: "HTTP cache reuses two-way Vary response when request matches",
requests: [
request_headers: [
["Foo", "1"],
["Bar", "abc"]
response_headers: [
["Expires", 5000],
["Last-Modified", -3000],
["Vary", "Foo, Bar"]
request_headers: [
["Foo", "1"],
["Bar", "abc"]
expected_type: "cached"
name: "HTTP cache doesn't use two-way Vary response when request doesn't match",
requests: [
request_headers: [
["Foo", "1"],
["Bar", "abc"]
response_headers: [
["Expires", 5000],
["Last-Modified", -3000],
["Vary", "Foo, Bar"]
request_headers: [
["Foo", "2"],
["Bar", "abc"]
expected_type: "not_cached"
name: "HTTP cache doesn't use two-way Vary response when request omits variant header",
requests: [
request_headers: [
["Foo", "1"]
response_headers: [
["Expires", 5000],
["Last-Modified", -3000],
["Vary", "Foo, Bar"]
expected_type: "not_cached"
name: "HTTP cache reuses three-way Vary response when request matches",
requests: [
request_headers: [
["Foo", "1"],
["Bar", "abc"],
["Baz", "789"]
response_headers: [
["Expires", 5000],
["Last-Modified", -3000],
["Vary", "Foo, Bar, Baz"]
request_headers: [
["Foo", "1"],
["Bar", "abc"],
["Baz", "789"]
expected_type: "cached"
name: "HTTP cache doesn't use three-way Vary response when request doesn't match",
requests: [
request_headers: [
["Foo", "1"],
["Bar", "abc"],
["Baz", "789"]
response_headers: [
["Expires", 5000],
["Last-Modified", -3000],
["Vary", "Foo, Bar, Baz"]
request_headers: [
["Foo", "2"],
["Bar", "abc"],
["Baz", "789"]
expected_type: "not_cached"
name: "HTTP cache doesn't use three-way Vary response when request doesn't match, regardless of header order",
requests: [
request_headers: [
["Foo", "1"],
["Bar", "abc4"],
["Baz", "789"]
response_headers: [
["Expires", 5000],
["Last-Modified", -3000],
["Vary", "Foo, Bar, Baz"]
request_headers: [
["Foo", "1"],
["Bar", "abc"],
["Baz", "789"]
expected_type: "not_cached"
name: "HTTP cache uses three-way Vary response when both request and the original request omited a variant header",
requests: [
request_headers: [
["Foo", "1"],
["Baz", "789"]
response_headers: [
["Expires", 5000],
["Last-Modified", -3000],
["Vary", "Foo, Bar, Baz"]
request_headers: [
["Foo", "1"],
["Baz", "789"]
expected_type: "cached"
name: "HTTP cache doesn't use Vary response with a field value of '*'",
requests: [
request_headers: [
["Foo", "1"],
["Baz", "789"]
response_headers: [
["Expires", 5000],
["Last-Modified", -3000],
["Vary", "*"]
request_headers: [
["*", "1"],
["Baz", "789"]
expected_type: "not_cached"