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<title>WebAuthn navigator.credentials.get() extensions Tests</title>
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standardSetup(function() {
"use strict";
var dummyExtension = {
foo: true,
bar: "yup"
var credPromise = createCredential();
// bad extension values
new GetCredentialsTest("options.publicKey.extensions", "hi mom")
.runTest("Bad extensions: extensions is string", new TypeError());
new GetCredentialsTest("options.publicKey.extensions", null)
.runTest("Bad extensions: extensions is null", new TypeError());
new GetCredentialsTest("options.publicKey.extensions", [])
.runTest("Bad extensions: extensions is empty Array", new TypeError());
new GetCredentialsTest("options.publicKey.extensions", new ArrayBuffer(0))
.runTest("Bad extensions: extensions is empty ArrayBuffer", new TypeError());
var badJson = '{"foo": true, "bar: "yup"}'; // missing quote after "bar"
new GetCredentialsTest("options.publicKey.extensions", {foo: badJson})
.runTest("Bad extensions: malformatted JSON", new TypeError());
new GetCredentialsTest("options.publicKey.extensions", {foo: dummyExtension})
.runTest("Bad extensions: JavaScript object", new TypeError());
var badExtId = {};
badExtId[createRandomString(65)] = dummyExtension;
new GetCredentialsTest("options.publicKey.extensions", {badExtId: dummyExtension})
.runTest("Bad extensions: extension ID too long", new TypeError());
// phony extensions
// TODO: not sure if this should pass or fail
// should be clarified as part of
var randomExtId = {};
randomExtId[createRandomString(64)] = dummyExtension;
new GetCredentialsTest("options.publicKey.extensions", {foo: JSON.stringify(randomExtId)})
.runTest("extensions is a nonsensical JSON string");
// defined extensions:
// * appid
// * txAuthSimple
// * txAuthGeneric
// * authnSel
// * exts
// * uvi
// * loc
// * uvm
/* JSHINT */
/* globals standardSetup, GetCredentialsTest, createRandomString, createCredential */