blob: 687e362a9cc1e62b2748e93d0b868f863c555465 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "remoting/protocol/mouse_input_filter.h"
#include "remoting/proto/event.pb.h"
#include "remoting/protocol/protocol_mock_objects.h"
#include "remoting/protocol/test_event_matchers.h"
#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "third_party/webrtc/modules/desktop_capture/desktop_geometry.h"
using ::testing::_;
using ::testing::InSequence;
namespace remoting::protocol {
using test::EqualsMouseMoveEvent;
static MouseEvent MouseMoveEvent(int x, int y) {
MouseEvent event;
return event;
struct Point {
int x;
int y;
class MouseInputFilterTest : public testing::Test {
MouseInputFilterTest() : mouse_filter_(&mock_stub_) {}
// Set the size of the client viewing rectangle.
void SetClientSize(int width, int height) {
mouse_filter_.set_input_size(width, height);
// Set the size of the host desktop. For multimon, this is the bounding box
// that encloses all displays.
void SetHostDesktop(int width, int height) {
mouse_filter_.set_output_size(width, height);
// Set the size and offset of a single display in a multimon setup.
void SetHostMultimonSingleDisplay(int x, int y, int width, int height) {
mouse_filter_.set_output_offset(webrtc::DesktopVector(x, y));
mouse_filter_.set_output_size(width, height);
void InjectMouse(const Point& point, bool swap = false) {
mouse_filter_.InjectMouseEvent(MouseMoveEvent(point.x, point.y));
if (swap) {
mouse_filter_.InjectMouseEvent(MouseMoveEvent(point.y, point.x));
void ExpectNoMouse() {
EXPECT_CALL(mock_stub_, InjectMouseEvent(_)).Times(0);
void ExpectMouse(const Point& point, bool swap = false) {
InjectMouseEvent(EqualsMouseMoveEvent(point.x, point.y)))
if (swap) {
InjectMouseEvent(EqualsMouseMoveEvent(point.y, point.x)))
void RunMouseTests(unsigned int len,
const Point* injected,
const Point* expected,
bool swap = false) {
InSequence s;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
ExpectMouse(expected[i], swap);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
InjectMouse(injected[i], swap);
MockInputStub mock_stub_;
MouseInputFilter mouse_filter_;
// Verify that no events get through if we don't set either dimensions.
TEST_F(MouseInputFilterTest, NoDimensionsSet) {
InjectMouse({10, 10});
// Verify that no events get through if there's no input size.
TEST_F(MouseInputFilterTest, InputDimensionsZero) {
SetHostDesktop(50, 50);
InjectMouse({10, 10});
// Verify that no events get through if there's no output size.
TEST_F(MouseInputFilterTest, OutputDimensionsZero) {
SetClientSize(40, 40);
InjectMouse({10, 10});
// Verify that no events get through when input and output are both set to zero.
TEST_F(MouseInputFilterTest, BothDimensionsZero) {
SetClientSize(0, 0);
SetHostDesktop(0, 0);
InjectMouse({10, 10});
// Verify that no events get through if the input and output are both set to
// one. This is an edge case as a 1x1 desktop is nonsensical but it's good to
// have a test to exercise the code path in case of errant values being set.
TEST_F(MouseInputFilterTest, BothDimensionsOne) {
SetClientSize(1, 1);
SetHostDesktop(1, 1);
InjectMouse({10, 10});
// Verify that a min-size desktop (2x2) is handled. This is an edge case test,
// not something we'd expect to need to handle in the real world.
TEST_F(MouseInputFilterTest, BothDimensionsTwo) {
SetClientSize(2, 2);
SetHostDesktop(2, 2);
const Point injected[] = {{1, 1}};
const Point expected[] = {{1, 1}};
RunMouseTests(std::size(expected), injected, expected, true);
// Verify that no events get through if negative dimensions are provided.
TEST_F(MouseInputFilterTest, NegativeDimensionsHandled) {
SetClientSize(-42, -42);
SetHostDesktop(-84, -84);
InjectMouse({10, 10});
// Verify that all events get through, clamped to the output.
TEST_F(MouseInputFilterTest, NoScalingOrClipping) {
SetClientSize(40, 40);
SetHostDesktop(40, 40);
const Point injected[] = {{-5, 10}, {0, 10}, {-1, 10}, {15, 40},
{15, 45}, {15, 39}, {15, 25}};
const Point expected[] = {{0, 10}, {0, 10}, {0, 10}, {15, 39},
{15, 39}, {15, 39}, {15, 25}};
RunMouseTests(std::size(expected), injected, expected, true);
// Verify that we can up-scale with clamping.
TEST_F(MouseInputFilterTest, UpScalingAndClamping) {
SetClientSize(40, 40);
SetHostDesktop(80, 80);
const Point injected[] = {{-5, 10}, {0, 10}, {-1, 10}, {15, 40},
{15, 45}, {15, 39}, {15, 25}};
const Point expected[] = {{0, 20}, {0, 20}, {0, 20}, {30, 79},
{30, 79}, {30, 79}, {30, 51}};
RunMouseTests(std::size(expected), injected, expected, true);
// Verify that we can down-scale with clamping.
TEST_F(MouseInputFilterTest, DownScalingAndClamping) {
SetClientSize(40, 40);
SetHostDesktop(30, 30);
const Point injected[] = {{-5, 10}, {0, 10}, {-1, 10}, {15, 40},
{15, 45}, {15, 39}, {15, 25}};
const Point expected[] = {{0, 7}, {0, 7}, {0, 7}, {11, 29},
{11, 29}, {11, 29}, {11, 19}};
RunMouseTests(std::size(expected), injected, expected, true);
// Multimon tests
// Default display = Left (A)
// o-------------+-----------------+
// | A | B |
// | 2560x1440 | 3840x2160 |
// | | |
// |-------------+ |
// +-----------------+
// o = desktop origin
TEST_F(MouseInputFilterTest, MultimonLeftDefault_FullDesktop) {
SetClientSize(5120, 1728);
SetHostMultimonSingleDisplay(0, 0, 6400, 2160);
const Point injected[] = {
{9, 10}, {1559, 372}, {3053, 1662}, {4167, 99}, {5093, 889}};
const Point expected[] = {
{11, 13}, {1949, 465}, {3816, 2078}, {5209, 124}, {6366, 1111}};
RunMouseTests(std::size(expected), injected, expected);
TEST_F(MouseInputFilterTest, MultimonLeftDefault_ShowLeftDisplay) {
SetClientSize(2048, 1152);
SetHostMultimonSingleDisplay(0, 0, 2560, 1440);
const Point injected[] = {{12, 25}, {2011, 1099}};
const Point expected[] = {{15, 31}, {2514, 1374}};
RunMouseTests(std::size(expected), injected, expected);
TEST_F(MouseInputFilterTest, MultimonLeftDefault_ShowRightDisplay) {
SetClientSize(3072, 1728);
SetHostMultimonSingleDisplay(2560, 0, 3840, 2160);
const Point injected[] = {{175, 165}, {2948, 1532}};
const Point expected[] = {{2779, 206}, {6245, 1915}};
RunMouseTests(std::size(expected), injected, expected);
// Default display = Right (A)
// +-----------------o-------------+
// | B | A |
// | 3840x2160 | 2560x1440 |
// | | |
// | |-------------+
// +-----------------+
// o = desktop origin
TEST_F(MouseInputFilterTest, MultimonRightDefault_ShowLeftDisplay) {
SetClientSize(3072, 1728);
SetHostMultimonSingleDisplay(0, 0, 3840, 2160);
const Point injected[] = {{64, 61}, {3029, 1649}};
const Point expected[] = {{80, 76}, {3786, 2061}};
RunMouseTests(std::size(expected), injected, expected);
TEST_F(MouseInputFilterTest, MultimonRightDefault_ShowRightDisplay) {
SetClientSize(2048, 1152);
SetHostMultimonSingleDisplay(3840, 0, 2560, 1440);
const Point injected[] = {{19, 20}, {2014, 1095}};
const Point expected[] = {{3864, 25}, {6358, 1369}};
RunMouseTests(std::size(expected), injected, expected);
} // namespace remoting::protocol