blob: a297aa8d5294db71352f8ef905e6a934627782ff [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/assistant/util/deep_link_util.h"
#include <array>
#include <set>
#include "ash/assistant/util/i18n_util.h"
#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "base/strings/string_split.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "net/base/escape.h"
#include "net/base/url_util.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace ash {
namespace assistant {
namespace util {
namespace {
// Supported deep link param keys. These values must be kept in sync with the
// server. See more details at go/cros-assistant-deeplink.
constexpr char kIdParamKey[] = "id";
constexpr char kQueryParamKey[] = "q";
constexpr char kPageParamKey[] = "page";
constexpr char kRelaunchParamKey[] = "relaunch";
constexpr char kSourceParamKey[] = "source";
// Supported deep link prefixes. These values must be kept in sync with the
// server. See more details at go/cros-assistant-deeplink.
constexpr char kChromeSettingsPrefix[] = "googleassistant://chrome-settings";
constexpr char kAssistantFeedbackPrefix[] = "googleassistant://send-feedback";
constexpr char kAssistantListsPrefix[] = "googleassistant://lists";
constexpr char kAssistantNotesPrefix[] = "googleassistant://notes";
constexpr char kAssistantOnboardingPrefix[] = "googleassistant://onboarding";
constexpr char kAssistantQueryPrefix[] = "googleassistant://send-query";
constexpr char kAssistantRemindersPrefix[] = "googleassistant://reminders";
constexpr char kAssistantScreenshotPrefix[] =
constexpr char kAssistantSettingsPrefix[] = "googleassistant://settings";
constexpr char kAssistantTaskManagerPrefix[] = "googleassistant://task-manager";
constexpr char kAssistantWhatsOnMyScreenPrefix[] =
} // namespace
// Utilities -------------------------------------------------------------------
GURL CreateAssistantQueryDeepLink(const std::string& query) {
return net::AppendOrReplaceQueryParameter(GURL(kAssistantQueryPrefix),
kQueryParamKey, query);
GURL CreateAssistantSettingsDeepLink() {
return GURL(kAssistantSettingsPrefix);
GURL CreateWhatsOnMyScreenDeepLink() {
return GURL(kAssistantWhatsOnMyScreenPrefix);
std::map<std::string, std::string> GetDeepLinkParams(const GURL& deep_link) {
std::map<std::string, std::string> params;
if (!IsDeepLinkUrl(deep_link))
return params;
if (!deep_link.has_query())
return params;
// Key-value pairs are '&' delimited and the keys/values are '=' delimited.
// Example: "googleassistant://onboarding?k1=v1&k2=v2".
base::StringPairs pairs;
if (!base::SplitStringIntoKeyValuePairs(deep_link.query(), '=', '&',
&pairs)) {
return params;
for (const auto& pair : pairs)
params[pair.first] = pair.second;
return params;
base::Optional<std::string> GetDeepLinkParam(
const std::map<std::string, std::string>& params,
DeepLinkParam param) {
// Map of supported deep link params to their keys.
static const std::map<DeepLinkParam, std::string> kDeepLinkParamKeys = {
{DeepLinkParam::kId, kIdParamKey},
{DeepLinkParam::kPage, kPageParamKey},
{DeepLinkParam::kQuery, kQueryParamKey},
{DeepLinkParam::kRelaunch, kRelaunchParamKey}};
const std::string& key =;
const auto it = params.find(key);
return it != params.end()
? base::Optional<std::string>(net::UnescapeURLComponent(
: base::nullopt;
base::Optional<bool> GetDeepLinkParamAsBool(
const std::map<std::string, std::string>& params,
DeepLinkParam param) {
const base::Optional<std::string>& value = GetDeepLinkParam(params, param);
if (value == "true")
return true;
if (value == "false")
return false;
return base::nullopt;
DeepLinkType GetDeepLinkType(const GURL& url) {
// Map of supported deep link types to their prefixes.
static const std::map<DeepLinkType, std::string> kSupportedDeepLinks = {
{DeepLinkType::kChromeSettings, kChromeSettingsPrefix},
{DeepLinkType::kFeedback, kAssistantFeedbackPrefix},
{DeepLinkType::kLists, kAssistantListsPrefix},
{DeepLinkType::kNotes, kAssistantNotesPrefix},
{DeepLinkType::kOnboarding, kAssistantOnboardingPrefix},
{DeepLinkType::kQuery, kAssistantQueryPrefix},
{DeepLinkType::kReminders, kAssistantRemindersPrefix},
{DeepLinkType::kScreenshot, kAssistantScreenshotPrefix},
{DeepLinkType::kSettings, kAssistantSettingsPrefix},
{DeepLinkType::kTaskManager, kAssistantTaskManagerPrefix},
{DeepLinkType::kWhatsOnMyScreen, kAssistantWhatsOnMyScreenPrefix}};
for (const auto& supported_deep_link : kSupportedDeepLinks) {
if (base::StartsWith(url.spec(), supported_deep_link.second,
base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE)) {
return supported_deep_link.first;
return DeepLinkType::kUnsupported;
bool IsDeepLinkType(const GURL& url, DeepLinkType type) {
return GetDeepLinkType(url) == type;
bool IsDeepLinkUrl(const GURL& url) {
return GetDeepLinkType(url) != DeepLinkType::kUnsupported;
base::Optional<GURL> GetAssistantUrl(DeepLinkType type,
const base::Optional<std::string>& id) {
std::string top_level_url;
std::string by_id_url;
switch (type) {
case DeepLinkType::kLists:
top_level_url =
by_id_url = std::string("");
case DeepLinkType::kNotes:
top_level_url = std::string(
by_id_url = std::string("");
case DeepLinkType::kReminders:
top_level_url =
by_id_url = std::string("");
return base::nullopt;
const std::string url =
(id && !id.value().empty()) ? (by_id_url + id.value()) : top_level_url;
// Source is currently assumed to be |Assistant|. If need be, we can make
// |source| a deep link parameter in the future.
constexpr char kDefaultSource[] = "Assistant";
return net::AppendOrReplaceQueryParameter(CreateLocalizedGURL(url),
kSourceParamKey, kDefaultSource);
GURL GetChromeSettingsUrl(const base::Optional<std::string>& page) {
static constexpr char kChromeSettingsUrl[] = "chrome://settings/";
// Note that we only allow deep linking to a subset of pages. If a deep link
// requests a page not contained in this array, we fallback gracefully to
// top-level Chrome Settings.
static constexpr std::array<char[16], 2> kAllowedPages = {"googleAssistant",
return page && std::find(kAllowedPages.begin(), kAllowedPages.end(),
page.value()) != kAllowedPages.end()
? GURL(kChromeSettingsUrl + page.value())
: GURL(kChromeSettingsUrl);
base::Optional<GURL> GetWebUrl(const GURL& deep_link) {
return GetWebUrl(GetDeepLinkType(deep_link), GetDeepLinkParams(deep_link));
base::Optional<GURL> GetWebUrl(
DeepLinkType type,
const std::map<std::string, std::string>& params) {
static constexpr char kAssistantSettingsWebUrl[] =
if (!IsWebDeepLinkType(type))
return base::nullopt;
switch (type) {
case DeepLinkType::kLists:
case DeepLinkType::kNotes:
case DeepLinkType::kReminders: {
const auto id = GetDeepLinkParam(params, DeepLinkParam::kId);
return GetAssistantUrl(type, id);
case DeepLinkType::kSettings:
return CreateLocalizedGURL(kAssistantSettingsWebUrl);
case DeepLinkType::kUnsupported:
case DeepLinkType::kChromeSettings:
case DeepLinkType::kFeedback:
case DeepLinkType::kOnboarding:
case DeepLinkType::kQuery:
case DeepLinkType::kScreenshot:
case DeepLinkType::kTaskManager:
case DeepLinkType::kWhatsOnMyScreen:
return base::nullopt;
return base::nullopt;
bool IsWebDeepLink(const GURL& deep_link) {
return IsWebDeepLinkType(GetDeepLinkType(deep_link));
bool IsWebDeepLinkType(DeepLinkType type) {
// Set of deep link types which open web contents in the Assistant UI.
static const std::set<DeepLinkType> kWebDeepLinks = {
DeepLinkType::kLists, DeepLinkType::kNotes, DeepLinkType::kReminders,
return base::ContainsKey(kWebDeepLinks, type);
} // namespace util
} // namespace assistant
} // namespace ash