blob: c55bcb3fbb8427f4fa2c8a4f154d46e983466d9a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/public/interfaces/update.mojom.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
namespace ash {
class UpdateObserver {
virtual ~UpdateObserver() {}
virtual void OnUpdateAvailable() = 0;
// Model to store system update availability.
class UpdateModel {
void AddObserver(UpdateObserver* observer);
void RemoveObserver(UpdateObserver* observer);
// Store the state that a software update is available. The state persists
// until reboot. Based on |severity|, |factory_reset_required| and |rollback|,
// the observer views can indicate the severity of the update to users by
// changing the icon, color, and tooltip.
void SetUpdateAvailable(mojom::UpdateSeverity severity,
bool factory_reset_required,
bool rollback,
mojom::UpdateType update_type);
// Store the state of the notification according to the RelaunchNotification
// policy. State persists until reboot or another call to this function.
// The |notification_body| changes the text of the notification, as it
// contains a countdown until the required reboot.
void SetUpdateNotificationState(mojom::NotificationStyle style,
const base::string16& notification_title,
const base::string16& notification_body);
// If |available| is true, a software update is available but user's agreement
// is required as current connection is cellular. If |available| is false, the
// user's one time permission on update over cellular connection has been
// granted.
void SetUpdateOverCellularAvailable(bool available);
mojom::UpdateSeverity GetSeverity() const;
bool update_required() const { return update_required_; }
bool factory_reset_required() const { return factory_reset_required_; }
bool rollback() const { return rollback_; }
mojom::UpdateType update_type() const { return update_type_; }
mojom::NotificationStyle notification_style() const {
return notification_style_;
const base::string16& notification_title() const {
return notification_title_;
const base::string16& notification_body() const { return notification_body_; }
bool update_over_cellular_available() const {
return update_over_cellular_available_;
void NotifyUpdateAvailable();
bool update_required_ = false;
mojom::UpdateSeverity severity_ = mojom::UpdateSeverity::NONE;
bool factory_reset_required_ = false;
bool rollback_ = false;
mojom::UpdateType update_type_ = mojom::UpdateType::SYSTEM;
mojom::NotificationStyle notification_style_ =
base::string16 notification_title_;
base::string16 notification_body_;
bool update_over_cellular_available_ = false;
base::ObserverList<UpdateObserver>::Unchecked observers_;
} // namespace ash