blob: 55749586c1a2a801ce8b5f32615aa96bdda55142 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/struct_traits.h" // nogncheck
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
#include "ui/gfx/color_palette.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/image.h"
#include "ui/gfx/paint_vector_icon.h"
#include "ui/gfx/skia_util.h"
#include "ui/gfx/vector_icon_types.h"
#include "ui/message_center/message_center_export.h"
#include "ui/message_center/notification_delegate.h"
#include "ui/message_center/notification_types.h"
#include "ui/message_center/notifier_settings.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace gfx {
struct VectorIcon;
} // namespace gfx
namespace message_center {
namespace mojom {
class NotificationDataView;
// Represents an individual item in NOTIFICATION_TYPE_MULTIPLE notifications.
struct MESSAGE_CENTER_EXPORT NotificationItem {
NotificationItem(const base::string16& title, const base::string16& message);
base::string16 title;
base::string16 message;
enum class ButtonType {
// A simple button having an icon and a title that the user can click on.
// A button having an icon and a title that should also enable the user to
// input text, enabling them to quickly respond from the notification.
enum class SystemNotificationWarningLevel { NORMAL, WARNING, CRITICAL_WARNING };
// Represents a button to be shown as part of a notification.
explicit ButtonInfo(const base::string16& title);
ButtonInfo(const ButtonInfo& other);
ButtonInfo& operator=(const ButtonInfo& other);
// Title that should be displayed on the notification button.
base::string16 title;
// Icon that should be displayed on the notification button. Optional. On some
// platforms, a mask will be applied to the icon, to match the visual
// requirements of the notification.
gfx::Image icon;
// Type of this button.
ButtonType type = ButtonType::BUTTON;
// The placeholder string that should be displayed in the input field for TEXT
// type buttons until the user has entered a response themselves.
base::string16 placeholder;
// Represents rich features available for notifications.
class MESSAGE_CENTER_EXPORT RichNotificationData {
RichNotificationData(const RichNotificationData& other);
// Priority of the notification. This must be one of the NotificationPriority
// values defined in notification_types.h.
int priority = DEFAULT_PRIORITY;
// Whether the notification should remain on screen indefinitely.
bool never_timeout = false;
// Time indicating when the notification was shown. Defaults to the time at
// which the RichNotificationData instance is constructed.
base::Time timestamp;
// Context message to display below the notification's content. Optional. May
// not be used for notifications that have an explicit origin URL set.
base::string16 context_message;
// Large image to display on the notification. Optional.
gfx::Image image;
// Small badge to display on the notification to illustrate the source of the
// notification. Optional.
gfx::Image small_image;
// Vector version of |small_image|.
// Used by Notification::GenerateMaskedSmallIcon.
// If not available, |small_image| will be used by the method. Optional.
// Due to the restriction of CreateVectorIcon, this should be a pointer to
// globally defined VectorIcon instance e.g. kNotificationCapsLockIcon.
// gfx::Image created by gfx::CreateVectorIcon internally stores reference to
// VectorIcon, so the VectorIcon should live longer than gfx::Image instance.
// As a temporary solution to this problem, we make this variable a pointer
// and only pass globally defined constants.
// TODO(tetsui): Remove the pointer, after fixing VectorIconSource not to
// retain VectorIcon reference.
const gfx::VectorIcon* vector_small_image = &gfx::kNoneIcon;
// Items to display on the notification. Only applicable for notifications
std::vector<NotificationItem> items;
// Progress, in range of [0-100], of NOTIFICATION_TYPE_PROGRESS notifications.
// Values outside of the range (e.g. -1) will show an infinite loading
// progress bar.
int progress = 0;
// Status text string shown in NOTIFICATION_TYPE_PROGRESS notifications.
// If MD style notification is not enabled, this attribute is ignored.
base::string16 progress_status;
// Buttons that should show up on the notification. A maximum of 16 buttons
// is supported by the current implementation, but this may differ between
// platforms.
std::vector<ButtonInfo> buttons;
// Whether updates to the visible notification should be announced to users
// depending on visual assistance systems.
bool should_make_spoken_feedback_for_popup_updates = true;
// Whether it should be possible for the user to click on the notification.
bool clickable = false;
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
// Flag if the notification is pinned. If true, the notification is pinned
// and the user can't remove it.
bool pinned = false;
#endif // defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
// Vibration pattern to play when displaying the notification. There must be
// an odd number of entries in this pattern when it's set: numbers of
// milliseconds to vibrate separated by numbers of milliseconds to pause.
std::vector<int> vibration_pattern;
// Whether the vibration pattern and other applicable announcement mechanisms
// should be considered when updating the notification.
bool renotify = false;
// Whether all announcement mechansims should be suppressed when displaying
// the notification.
bool silent = false;
// An accessible description of the notification's contents.
base::string16 accessible_name;
// Unified theme color used in new style notification.
// Usually, it should not be set directly.
// For system notification, CreateSystemNotification with
// SystemNotificationWarningLevel should be used.
SkColor accent_color = SK_ColorTRANSPARENT;
// Shows |image| as the right icon when notification is collapsed,
// and hides the icon when the notification is expanded.
// This is only effective when new style notification is enabled.
bool use_image_as_icon = false;
class MESSAGE_CENTER_EXPORT Notification {
// Default constructor needed for generated mojom files
// Creates a new notification.
// |type|: Type of the notification that dictates the layout.
// |id|: Identifier of the notification. Showing a notification that shares
// its profile and identifier with an already visible notification will
// replace the former one
// |title|: Title of the notification.
// |message|: Body text of the notification. May not be used for certain
// values of |type|, for example list-style notifications.
// |icon|: Icon to show alongside of the notification.
// |display_source|: Textual representation of who's shown the notification.
// |origin_url|: URL of the website responsible for showing the notification.
// |notifier_id|: NotifierId instance representing the system responsible for
// showing the notification.
// |optional_fields|: Rich data that can be used to assign more elaborate
// features to notifications.
// |delegate|: Delegate that will influence the behaviour of this notification
// and receives events on its behalf. May be omitted.
Notification(NotificationType type,
const std::string& id,
const base::string16& title,
const base::string16& message,
const gfx::Image& icon,
const base::string16& display_source,
const GURL& origin_url,
const NotifierId& notifier_id,
const RichNotificationData& optional_fields,
scoped_refptr<NotificationDelegate> delegate);
// Creates a copy of the |other| notification. The delegate, if any, will be
// identical for both the Notification instances. The |id| of the notification
// will be replaced by the given value.
Notification(const std::string& id, const Notification& other);
// Creates a copy of the |other| notification. The delegate, if any, will be
// identical for both the Notification instances.
Notification(const Notification& other);
Notification& operator=(const Notification& other);
virtual ~Notification();
// Copies the internal on-memory state from |base|, i.e. shown_as_popup,
// is_read and never_timeout.
void CopyState(Notification* base);
NotificationType type() const { return type_; }
void set_type(NotificationType type) { type_ = type; }
// Uniquely identifies a notification in the message center. For
// notification front ends that support multiple profiles, this id should
// identify a unique profile + frontend_notification_id combination. You can
// Use this id against the MessageCenter interface but not the
// NotificationUIManager interface.
const std::string& id() const { return id_; }
const base::string16& title() const { return title_; }
void set_title(const base::string16& title) { title_ = title; }
const base::string16& message() const { return message_; }
void set_message(const base::string16& message) { message_ = message; }
// The origin URL of the script which requested the notification.
// Can be empty if the notification is requested by an extension or
// Chrome app.
const GURL& origin_url() const { return origin_url_; }
void set_origin_url(const GURL& origin_url) { origin_url_ = origin_url; }
// A display string for the source of the notification.
const base::string16& display_source() const { return display_source_; }
const NotifierId& notifier_id() const { return notifier_id_; }
void set_profile_id(const std::string& profile_id) {
notifier_id_.profile_id = profile_id;
// Begin unpacked values from optional_fields.
int priority() const { return optional_fields_.priority; }
void set_priority(int priority) { optional_fields_.priority = priority; }
// This vibration_pattern property currently has no effect on
// non-Android platforms.
const std::vector<int>& vibration_pattern() const {
return optional_fields_.vibration_pattern;
void set_vibration_pattern(const std::vector<int>& vibration_pattern) {
optional_fields_.vibration_pattern = vibration_pattern;
// This property currently only works in platforms that support native
// notifications.
// It determines whether the sound and vibration effects should signal
// if the notification is replacing another notification.
bool renotify() const { return optional_fields_.renotify; }
void set_renotify(bool renotify) { optional_fields_.renotify = renotify; }
// This property currently has no effect on non-Android platforms.
bool silent() const { return optional_fields_.silent; }
void set_silent(bool silent) { optional_fields_.silent = silent; }
base::Time timestamp() const { return optional_fields_.timestamp; }
void set_timestamp(const base::Time& timestamp) {
optional_fields_.timestamp = timestamp;
const base::string16 context_message() const {
return optional_fields_.context_message;
void set_context_message(const base::string16& context_message) {
optional_fields_.context_message = context_message;
// Decides if the notification origin should be used as a context message
bool UseOriginAsContextMessage() const;
const std::vector<NotificationItem>& items() const {
return optional_fields_.items;
void set_items(const std::vector<NotificationItem>& items) {
optional_fields_.items = items;
int progress() const { return optional_fields_.progress; }
void set_progress(int progress) { optional_fields_.progress = progress; }
base::string16 progress_status() const {
return optional_fields_.progress_status;
void set_progress_status(const base::string16& progress_status) {
optional_fields_.progress_status = progress_status;
// End unpacked values.
// Images fetched asynchronously.
const gfx::Image& icon() const { return icon_; }
void set_icon(const gfx::Image& icon) { icon_ = icon; }
const gfx::Image& image() const { return optional_fields_.image; }
void set_image(const gfx::Image& image) { optional_fields_.image = image; }
const gfx::Image& small_image() const { return optional_fields_.small_image; }
void set_small_image(const gfx::Image& image) {
optional_fields_.small_image = image;
const gfx::VectorIcon& vector_small_image() const {
return *optional_fields_.vector_small_image;
// Due to the restriction of CreateVectorIcon, this should be a pointer to
// globally defined VectorIcon instance e.g. kNotificationCapsLockIcon.
// See detailed comment in RichNotificationData::vector_small_image.
void set_vector_small_image(const gfx::VectorIcon& image) {
optional_fields_.vector_small_image = &image;
// Mask the color of |small_image| to the given |color|.
// If |vector_small_image| is available, it returns the vector image
// filled by the |color|.
// Otherwise, it uses alpha channel of the rasterized |small_image| for
// masking.
gfx::Image GenerateMaskedSmallIcon(int dip_size, SkColor color) const;
// Buttons, with icons fetched asynchronously.
const std::vector<ButtonInfo>& buttons() const {
return optional_fields_.buttons;
void set_buttons(const std::vector<ButtonInfo>& buttons) {
optional_fields_.buttons = buttons;
void SetButtonIcon(size_t index, const gfx::Image& icon);
bool shown_as_popup() const { return shown_as_popup_; }
void set_shown_as_popup(bool shown_as_popup) {
shown_as_popup_ = shown_as_popup;
// Read status in the message center.
bool IsRead() const;
void set_is_read(bool read) { is_read_ = read; }
// Used to keep the order of notifications with the same timestamp.
// The notification with lesser serial_number is considered 'older'.
unsigned serial_number() { return serial_number_; }
// Gets and sets whether the notifiction should remain onscreen permanently.
bool never_timeout() const { return optional_fields_.never_timeout; }
void set_never_timeout(bool never_timeout) {
optional_fields_.never_timeout = never_timeout;
bool clickable() const { return optional_fields_.clickable; }
void set_clickable(bool clickable) {
optional_fields_.clickable = clickable;
bool pinned() const {
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
return optional_fields_.pinned;
return false;
#endif // defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
void set_pinned(bool pinned) { optional_fields_.pinned = pinned; }
#endif // defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
// Gets a text for spoken feedback.
const base::string16& accessible_name() const {
return optional_fields_.accessible_name;
SkColor accent_color() const { return optional_fields_.accent_color; }
void set_accent_color(SkColor accent_color) {
optional_fields_.accent_color = accent_color;
bool use_image_as_icon() const { return optional_fields_.use_image_as_icon; }
void set_use_image_as_icon(bool use_image_as_icon) {
optional_fields_.use_image_as_icon = use_image_as_icon;
NotificationDelegate* delegate() const { return delegate_.get(); }
const RichNotificationData& rich_notification_data() const {
return optional_fields_;
void set_delegate(scoped_refptr<NotificationDelegate> delegate) {
delegate_ = delegate;
// Set the priority to SYSTEM. The system priority user needs to call this
// method explicitly, to avoid setting it accidentally.
void SetSystemPriority();
// Delegate actions.
void Display() const { delegate()->Display(); }
void Click() const { delegate()->Click(); }
void ButtonClick(int index) const { delegate()->ButtonClick(index); }
void Close(bool by_user) const { delegate()->Close(by_user); }
// Helper method to create a simple system notification. |click_callback|
// will be invoked when the notification is clicked.
// It should only be used for critical notification, as SetSystemPriority and
// CRITICAL_WARNING color are set inside, which means the notification would
// not go away without user interaction.
// TODO(tetsui): Add a function parameter |small_image| of gfx::VectorIcon, so
// display source of critical system notification is illustrated by icon.
static std::unique_ptr<Notification> CreateSystemNotification(
const std::string& notification_id,
const base::string16& title,
const base::string16& message,
const gfx::Image& icon,
const std::string& system_component_id,
const base::Closure& click_callback);
// Factory method to create all kinds of notifications generated by system,
// from normal priority ones to critical priority ones.
// |small_image| is a small icon show on the upper left header to illustrate
// |display_source| of the notification.
// One specified in the |optional_fields| is overridden.
static std::unique_ptr<Notification> CreateSystemNotification(
NotificationType type,
const std::string& id,
const base::string16& title,
const base::string16& message,
const gfx::Image& icon,
const base::string16& display_source,
const GURL& origin_url,
const NotifierId& notifier_id,
const RichNotificationData& optional_fields,
scoped_refptr<NotificationDelegate> delegate,
const gfx::VectorIcon& small_image,
SystemNotificationWarningLevel color_type);
// The type of notification we'd like displayed.
NotificationType type_;
std::string id_;
base::string16 title_;
base::string16 message_;
// Image data for the associated icon, used by Ash when available.
gfx::Image icon_;
// The display string for the source of the notification. Could be
// the same as |origin_url_|, or the name of an extension.
// Expected to be a localized user facing string.
base::string16 display_source_;
friend struct mojo::StructTraits<mojom::NotificationDataView, Notification>;
// The origin URL of the script which requested the notification.
// Can be empty if requested through a chrome app or extension or if
// it's a system notification.
GURL origin_url_;
NotifierId notifier_id_;
unsigned serial_number_;
RichNotificationData optional_fields_;
bool shown_as_popup_; // True if this has been shown as a popup.
bool is_read_; // True if this has been seen in the message center.
// A proxy object that allows access back to the JavaScript object that
// represents the notification, for firing events.
scoped_refptr<NotificationDelegate> delegate_;
} // namespace message_center