blob: 8bb5ecce26026900063f10658ea7de531ea9604e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
visibility = [
rel_blink_core_gen_dir = rebase_path(blink_core_output_dir, root_build_dir)
# Config for code that builds as part of core.
config("config") {
cflags = []
if (is_win) {
# Suppress __declspec(dllexport)/extern conflict (C4910).
cflags += [ "/wd4910" ]
if (is_chromecast) {
defines += [ "BLINK_MEDIA_LOG=VLOG(2)" ]
config("core_include_dirs") {
include_dirs = [
if (is_android && use_openmax_dl_fft) {
include_dirs += [ "//third_party/openmax_dl" ]
config("blink_core_pch") {
if (enable_precompiled_headers) {
if (is_win) {
# This is a string rather than a file GN knows about. It has to match
# exactly what's in the /FI flag below, and what might appear in the
# source code in quotes for an #include directive.
precompiled_header = rebase_path("win/Precompile-core.h", root_build_dir)
# This is a file that GN will compile with the above header. It will be
# implicitly added to the sources (potentially multiple times, with one
# variant for each language used in the target).
precompiled_source =
# Force include the header.
cflags = [ "/FI$precompiled_header" ]
# Disable warning for "this file was empty after preprocessing". This
# error is generated only in C mode for ANSI compatibility. It conflicts
# with precompiled headers since the source file that's "compiled" for
# making the precompiled header is empty.
# This error doesn't happen every time. In VS2013, it seems if the .pch
# file doesn't exist, no error will be generated (probably MS tested this
# case but forgot the other one?). To reproduce this error, do a build,
# then delete the precompile.c.obj file, then build again.
cflags_c = [ "/wd4206" ]
core_config_add += [ ":blink_core_pch" ]
source_set("generated") {
deps = [
# FIXME: don't depend on bindings/modules
source_set("prerequisites") {
public_deps = [
deps = [
# FIXME: don't depend on bindings_modules
public_configs = [
if (is_mac) {
public_configs += [ "//third_party/WebKit/Source:mac_precompiled_headers" ]
if (use_openmax_dl_fft) {
deps += [ "//third_party/openmax_dl/dl" ]
# Note that this is a source set rather than a group, even though it has no
# sources. A group would implicitly forward all direct dependent configs
# through it, but we want to keep our internal targets' public_configs private
# and only forward some of them.
component("core") {
output_name = "blink_core"
visibility = [] # Allow re-assignment of list.
visibility = [ "//third_party/WebKit/*" ]
# If you create a new subdirectory, make a new BUILD file for that directory
# and reference it in the deps below rather than adding the sources here.
sources = [
configs -= core_config_remove
configs += core_config_add
public_deps = [
deps = [
if (is_win && is_debug && is_component_build && current_cpu == "x64") {
# Incremental linking doesn't work on this target in debug mode for
# 64-bit builds - the .ilk file gets too large and the incremental
# link silently fails. Therefore 32-bit builds or 64-bit release builds
# (component either way) should be used for fastest incremental build
# performance. VC++ bug filed for 64-bit debug incremental link failures:
configs -= [ "//build/config/win:default_incremental_linking" ]
configs += [ "//build/config/win:no_incremental_linking" ]
public_configs = [ ":core_include_dirs" ]
if (is_mac) {
libs = [
source_set("testing") {
configs += [
deps = [
sources = [
# Compile the sources produced by these IDL file lists.
sources += process_file_template(
webcore_testing_idl_files + core_testing_dictionary_idl_files +
generated_webcore_testing_idl_files +
# core_bindings_generated ------------------------------------------------------
generate_event_interfaces("core_event_interfaces") {
sources = [
output_file = "core/"
# generated_testing_idls -------------------------------------------------------
group("generated_testing_idls") {
public_deps = [
action("generated_settings_macros") {
script = "../build/scripts/"
inputs = scripts_for_in_files + [
outputs = [
args = [
rebase_path("frame/", root_build_dir),
action("generated_testing_idls_settings") {
script = "../build/scripts/"
inputs = scripts_for_in_files + [
outputs = [
args = [
rebase_path("frame/", root_build_dir),
action("generated_testing_idls_internal_runtime_flags") {
script = "../build/scripts/"
inputs = scripts_for_in_files + [
outputs = [
args = [
rebase_path("../platform/", root_build_dir),
css_properties("make_core_generated_computed_style_base") {
script = "../build/scripts/"
other_inputs = [
outputs = [
css_properties("make_core_generated_css_property_apis") {
script = "../build/scripts/"
other_inputs = [
outputs = [
css_properties("make_core_generated_css_property_names") {
script = "../build/scripts/"
outputs = [
process_in_files("make_core_generated_media_features") {
script = "../build/scripts/"
in_files = [ "css/" ]
other_inputs = [
outputs = [
css_properties("make_core_generated_style_property_shorthand") {
script = "../build/scripts/"
other_inputs = [
outputs = [
css_properties("make_core_generated_style_builder") {
script = "../build/scripts/"
other_inputs = [
outputs = [
css_properties("make_core_generated_cssom_types") {
script = "../build/scripts/"
other_inputs = [
outputs = [
css_properties("make_core_generated_css_property_metadata") {
script = "../build/scripts/"
other_inputs = [ "../build/scripts/templates/CSSPropertyMetadata.cpp.tmpl" ]
outputs = [
process_in_files("make_core_generated_css_value_keywords") {
script = "../build/scripts/"
in_files = [
outputs = [
other_args = [
process_in_files("make_core_generated_html_element_factory") {
script = "../build/scripts/"
in_files = [
other_inputs = make_element_factory_files
outputs = [
process_in_files("make_core_generated_html_element_type_helpers") {
script = "../build/scripts/"
in_files = [ "html/" ]
other_inputs = make_element_type_helpers_files
outputs = [
process_in_files("make_core_generated_svg_names") {
script = "../build/scripts/"
in_files = [
other_inputs = make_element_factory_files
outputs = [
process_in_files("make_core_generated_svg_element_type_helpers") {
script = "../build/scripts/"
in_files = [ "svg/" ]
other_inputs = make_element_type_helpers_files
outputs = [
# make_event_factory -----------------------------------------------------------
make_event_factory("make_core_generated_event_factory") {
in_files = [
outputs = [
# make_names -------------------------------------------------------------------
process_in_files("make_core_generated_media_feature_names") {
script = "../build/scripts/"
in_files = [ "css/" ]
other_inputs = make_names_files
outputs = [
make_names("make_core_generated_media_type_names") {
in_files = [ "css/" ]
outputs = [
make_names("make_core_generated_event_names") {
in_files = [ "$blink_core_output_dir/" ]
outputs = [
make_names("make_core_generated_event_target_names") {
in_files = [ "events/" ]
outputs = [
make_names("make_core_generated_fetch_initiator_type_names") {
in_files = [ "fetch/" ]
outputs = [
make_names("make_core_generated_event_type_names") {
in_files = [ "events/" ]
outputs = [
make_names("make_core_generated_html_tokenizer_names") {
in_files = [ "html/parser/" ]
outputs = [
make_names("make_core_generated_input_type_names") {
in_files = [ "html/forms/" ]
outputs = [
make_names("make_core_generated_input_mode_names") {
in_files = [ "editing/" ]
outputs = [
# make_qualified_names ---------------------------------------------------------
make_qualified_names("make_core_generated_math_ml_names") {
in_files = [
outputs = [
make_qualified_names("make_core_generated_xlink_names") {
in_files = [ "svg/" ]
outputs = [
make_qualified_names("make_core_generated_xml_ns_names") {
in_files = [ "xml/" ]
outputs = [
make_qualified_names("make_core_generated_xml_names") {
in_files = [ "xml/" ]
outputs = [
# One-off scripts --------------------------------------------------------------
action("make_minimized_css") {
script = "../build/scripts/"
inputs = [
outputs = [
args = [
args += rebase_path(inputs, root_build_dir)
deps = make_core_generated_deps
# "HTMLEntityTable" in make_core_generated from GYP.
action("make_core_generated_html_entity_table") {
visibility = [] # Allow re-assignment of list.
visibility = [ ":*" ]
script = "html/parser/create-html-entity-table"
inputs = [
outputs = [
args = [ "-o" ] + rebase_path(outputs, root_build_dir)
args += rebase_path(inputs, root_build_dir)
deps = make_core_generated_deps
action("make_core_generated_css_tokenizer_codepoints") {
visibility = [] # Allow re-assignment of list.
visibility = [ ":*" ]
script = "../build/scripts/"
outputs = [
args = [
if (is_mac && !use_system_xcode) {
args += [
deps = make_core_generated_deps
action("make_core_generated_css_primitive_value_unit_trie") {
visibility = [] # Allow re-assignment of list.
visibility = [ ":*" ]
script = "../build/scripts/"
input_file = "css/"
inputs = make_trie_helpers_files + [
outputs = [
args = [
rebase_path(input_file, root_build_dir),
if (is_mac && !use_system_xcode) {
args += [
deps = make_core_generated_deps
action("make_core_generated_html_element_lookup_trie") {
visibility = [] # Allow re-assignment of list.
visibility = [ ":*" ]
script = "../build/scripts/"
input_file = "html/"
inputs = make_trie_helpers_files + [
outputs = [
args = [
rebase_path(input_file, root_build_dir),
if (is_mac && !use_system_xcode) {
args += [
deps = make_core_generated_deps
action("make_core_generated_origin_trials") {
script = "../build/scripts/"
inputs = scripts_for_in_files + [
outputs = [
args = [
rebase_path("../platform/", root_build_dir),
if (is_mac && !use_system_xcode) {
args += [
action_foreach("make_core_generated_bison") {
script = "../build/scripts/"
sources = [
outputs = [
args = [
if (is_mac && !use_system_xcode) {
args += [ hermetic_xcode_path ]
deps = make_core_generated_deps
# Targets from above that generate outputs that need to be compiled.
# All sources declared as outputs from these targets will be compiled into one
# target.
targets_generating_sources = [
group("all_generators") {
public_deps = targets_generating_sources
public_deps += [
# This target's generated source is #included into another source file.
# So we don't want to list it in the "generating sources" list above,
# but it does need to be listed as a dependency here.
# Compiles the code generated by the targets above.
target(core_link_small_target_type, "core_generated") {
sources = bindings_core_v8_files
# Add all sources generated by the targets above.
foreach(current, targets_generating_sources) {
sources += get_target_outputs(current)
public_deps = [
configs -= core_config_remove
configs += core_config_add + [ "..:inside_blink" ]
# Dependencies required to compile the sources.
public_deps += [
# FIXME: don't depend on bindings/modules
configs += [
# TODO(jschuh): fix size_t to int truncations.
include_dirs = [ "$root_gen_dir/blink" ]
cflags = []
defines = []
if (is_win && is_component_build) {
defines += [ "USING_V8_SHARED" ]
if (is_win) {
cflags += [
# In generated bindings code: "switch contains default but no case".
# 4701 and 4702 are disabled because of issues in Bison-generated
# XPathGrammar.cpp.
# Fuzzer for blink::TextResourceDecoder.
fuzzer_test("text_resource_decoder_fuzzer") {
sources = [
deps = [
source_set("unit_tests") {
testonly = true
sources = [
configs += [
deps = [
# Fuzzer for blink::StyleSheetContents
fuzzer_test("stylesheet_contents_fuzzer") {
sources = [
deps = [
seed_corpus = "//third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/fast/css/resources"
libfuzzer_options = [ "max_len=2048" ]
# Fuzzer for blink::HTMLPreloadScanner.
fuzzer_test("html_preload_scanner_fuzzer") {
sources = [
seed_corpus = "//third_party/WebKit/LayoutTests/fast/parser"
deps = [
# Fuzzer for blink::ContentSecurityPolicy.
fuzzer_test("content_security_policy_fuzzer") {
sources = [
deps = [
dict = "//testing/libfuzzer/fuzzers/dicts/content_security_policy.dict"
seed_corpus = "//testing/libfuzzer/fuzzers/content_security_policy_corpus"