blob: 8fae804e52a4562ce52fd0ba00fc6ad2b47a44a6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/resource_coordinator/tab_manager_delegate_chromeos.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include "ash/shell.h"
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/files/file_util.h"
#include "base/memory/memory_pressure_monitor_chromeos.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h"
#include "base/process/memory.h"
#include "base/process/process_handle.h" // kNullProcessHandle.
#include "base/process/process_metrics.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h"
#include "chrome/browser/memory/memory_kills_monitor.h"
#include "chrome/browser/resource_coordinator/tab_lifecycle_unit_external.h"
#include "chrome/browser/resource_coordinator/tab_manager_stats_collector.h"
#include "chrome/browser/resource_coordinator/utils.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/browser.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_list.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_window.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/tabs/tab_strip_model.h"
#include "chrome/common/chrome_constants.h"
#include "chromeos/dbus/dbus_thread_manager.h"
#include "components/arc/arc_bridge_service.h"
#include "components/arc/arc_service_manager.h"
#include "components/arc/arc_util.h"
#include "components/device_event_log/device_event_log.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h"
#include "content/public/browser/notification_service.h"
#include "content/public/browser/notification_types.h"
#include "content/public/browser/render_frame_host.h"
#include "content/public/browser/render_process_host.h"
#include "content/public/browser/render_widget_host.h"
#include "services/service_manager/zygote/zygote_host_linux.h"
#include "ui/wm/public/activation_client.h"
using base::ProcessHandle;
using base::TimeDelta;
using base::TimeTicks;
using content::BrowserThread;
namespace resource_coordinator {
namespace {
// The default interval after which to adjust OOM scores.
constexpr base::TimeDelta kAdjustmentInterval =
// When switching to a new tab the tab's renderer's OOM score needs to be
// updated to reflect its front-most status and protect it from discard.
// However, doing this immediately might slow down tab switch time, so wait
// a little while before doing the adjustment.
const int kFocusedProcessScoreAdjustIntervalMs = 500;
wm::ActivationClient* GetActivationClient() {
if (!ash::Shell::HasInstance())
return nullptr;
return wm::GetActivationClient(ash::Shell::GetPrimaryRootWindow());
void OnSetOomScoreAdj(bool success, const std::string& output) {
VLOG(2) << "OnSetOomScoreAdj " << success << " " << output;
if (!success)
LOG(ERROR) << "Set OOM score error: " << output;
else if (!output.empty())
LOG(WARNING) << "Set OOM score: " << output;
bool IsNewProcessTypesEnabled() {
return base::FeatureList::IsEnabled(features::kNewProcessTypes) &&
} // namespace
// static
const int TabManagerDelegate::kPersistentArcAppOomScore = -100;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const ProcessType& type) {
switch (type) {
case ProcessType::FOCUSED_TAB:
return os << "FOCUSED_TAB";
case ProcessType::FOCUSED_APP:
return os << "FOCUSED_APP";
case ProcessType::IMPORTANT_APP:
return os << "IMPORTANT_APP";
case ProcessType::BACKGROUND_APP:
return os << "BACKGROUND_APP";
case ProcessType::BACKGROUND_TAB:
return os << "BACKGROUND_TAB";
case ProcessType::UNKNOWN_TYPE:
return os << "UNKNOWN_TYPE";
case ProcessType::BACKGROUND:
return os << "BACKGROUND";
case ProcessType::CACHED_APP:
return os << "CACHED_APP";
return os;
// TabManagerDelegate::Candidate implementation.
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out,
const TabManagerDelegate::Candidate& candidate) {
if (
out << "app " << *;
else if (candidate.lifecycle_unit())
out << "tab " << candidate.lifecycle_unit()->GetTitle();
out << ", process_type " << candidate.process_type();
return out;
TabManagerDelegate::Candidate& TabManagerDelegate::Candidate::operator=(
TabManagerDelegate::Candidate&& other) = default;
bool TabManagerDelegate::Candidate::operator<(
const TabManagerDelegate::Candidate& rhs) const {
if (process_type() != rhs.process_type())
return process_type() < rhs.process_type();
if (app() &&
return *app() < *;
if (lifecycle_unit() && rhs.lifecycle_unit())
return lifecycle_unit_sort_key_ > rhs.lifecycle_unit_sort_key_;
// When NewProcessTypes feature is turned off and using old ProcessType
// categories, tabs and apps are in separate categories so this is an
// impossible case. Otherwise, tabs and apps are compared using last active
// time.
if ((lifecycle_unit() && || (app() && rhs.lifecycle_unit()))
return GetLastActiveTime() < rhs.GetLastActiveTime();
NOTREACHED() << "Undefined comparison between apps and tabs: process_type="
<< process_type();
return app();
TimeTicks TabManagerDelegate::Candidate::GetLastActiveTime() const {
if (app())
return TimeTicks::FromUptimeMillis(app()->last_activity_time());
if (lifecycle_unit())
return lifecycle_unit()->GetLastFocusedTime();
return TimeTicks();
ProcessType TabManagerDelegate::Candidate::GetProcessTypeInternal() const {
const bool use_new_proc_types = IsNewProcessTypesEnabled();
if (app()) {
if (app()->is_focused())
return ProcessType::FOCUSED_APP;
if (!use_new_proc_types) {
return app()->IsImportant() ? ProcessType::IMPORTANT_APP
: ProcessType::BACKGROUND_APP;
if (app()->IsBackgroundProtected())
if (app()->IsCached())
return ProcessType::CACHED_APP;
return ProcessType::BACKGROUND;
if (lifecycle_unit()) {
if (lifecycle_unit_sort_key_.last_focused_time == base::TimeTicks::Max())
return ProcessType::FOCUSED_TAB;
DecisionDetails decision_details;
if (!lifecycle_unit()->CanDiscard(
&decision_details)) {
return use_new_proc_types ? ProcessType::PROTECTED_BACKGROUND
return use_new_proc_types ? ProcessType::BACKGROUND
: ProcessType::BACKGROUND_TAB;
return ProcessType::UNKNOWN_TYPE;
// Holds the info of a newly focused tab or app window. The focused process is
// set to highest priority (lowest OOM score), but not immediately. To avoid
// redundant settings the OOM score adjusting only happens after a timeout. If
// the process loses focus before the timeout, the adjustment is canceled.
class TabManagerDelegate::FocusedProcess {
static const int kInvalidArcAppNspid = 0;
FocusedProcess() { Reset(); }
void SetTabPid(const base::ProcessHandle pid) {
pid_ = pid;
nspid_ = kInvalidArcAppNspid;
void SetArcAppNspid(const int nspid) {
pid_ = base::kNullProcessHandle;
nspid_ = nspid;
base::ProcessHandle GetTabPid() const { return pid_; }
int GetArcAppNspid() const { return nspid_; }
// Checks whether the containing instance is an ARC app. If so it resets the
// data and returns true. Useful when canceling an ongoing OOM score setting
// for a focused ARC app because the focus has been shifted away shortly.
bool ResetIfIsArcApp() {
if (nspid_ != kInvalidArcAppNspid) {
return true;
return false;
void Reset() {
pid_ = base::kNullProcessHandle;
nspid_ = kInvalidArcAppNspid;
// The focused app could be a Chrome tab or an Android app, but not both.
// At most one of them contains a valid value at any time.
// If a chrome tab.
base::ProcessHandle pid_;
// If an Android app.
int nspid_;
// TabManagerDelegate::MemoryStat implementation.
// static
int TabManagerDelegate::MemoryStat::ReadIntFromFile(const char* file_name,
const int default_val) {
std::string file_string;
if (!base::ReadFileToString(base::FilePath(file_name), &file_string)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to read file" << file_name;
return default_val;
int val = default_val;
if (!base::StringToInt(
base::TrimWhitespaceASCII(file_string, base::TRIM_TRAILING), &val)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to parse string" << file_string;
return default_val;
return val;
// static
int TabManagerDelegate::MemoryStat::LowMemoryMarginKB() {
static const int kDefaultLowMemoryMarginMb = 50;
static const char kLowMemoryMarginConfig[] =
return ReadIntFromFile(kLowMemoryMarginConfig, kDefaultLowMemoryMarginMb) *
// Target memory to free is the amount which brings available
// memory back to the margin.
int TabManagerDelegate::MemoryStat::TargetMemoryToFreeKB() {
static constexpr char kLowMemAvailableEntry[] =
const int available_mem_mb = ReadIntFromFile(kLowMemAvailableEntry, 0);
// available_mem_mb is rounded down in the kernel computation, so even if
// it's just below the margin, the difference will be at least 1 MB. This
// matters because we shouldn't return 0 when we're below the margin.
return LowMemoryMarginKB() - available_mem_mb * 1024;
int TabManagerDelegate::MemoryStat::EstimatedMemoryFreedKB(
base::ProcessHandle handle) {
return GetPrivateMemoryKB(handle);
const base::WeakPtr<TabManager>& tab_manager)
: TabManagerDelegate(tab_manager, new MemoryStat()) {}
const base::WeakPtr<TabManager>& tab_manager,
TabManagerDelegate::MemoryStat* mem_stat)
: tab_manager_(tab_manager),
focused_process_(new FocusedProcess()),
weak_ptr_factory_(this) {
auto* activation_client = GetActivationClient();
if (activation_client)
TabManagerDelegate::~TabManagerDelegate() {
auto* activation_client = GetActivationClient();
if (activation_client)
void TabManagerDelegate::OnBrowserSetLastActive(Browser* browser) {
// Set OOM score to the selected tab when a browser window is activated.
// case (like when switching focus between 2 browser windows) so we need to
// handle it here.
TabStripModel* tab_strip_model = browser->tab_strip_model();
int selected_index = tab_strip_model->active_index();
content::WebContents* contents =
if (!contents)
base::ProcessHandle pid =
void TabManagerDelegate::OnWindowActivated(
wm::ActivationChangeObserver::ActivationReason reason,
aura::Window* gained_active,
aura::Window* lost_active) {
if (arc::IsArcAppWindow(gained_active)) {
// Currently there is no way to know which app is displayed in the ARC
// window, so schedule an early adjustment for all processes to reflect
// the change.
// Put a dummy FocusedProcess with nspid = kInvalidArcAppNspid for now to
// indicate the focused process is an arc app.
// TODO(cylee): Fix it when we have nspid info in ARC windows.
// If the timer is already running (possibly for a tab), it'll be reset
// here.
TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kFocusedProcessScoreAdjustIntervalMs), this,
if (arc::IsArcAppWindow(lost_active)) {
// Do not bother adjusting OOM score if the ARC window is deactivated
// shortly.
if (focused_process_->ResetIfIsArcApp() &&
void TabManagerDelegate::StartPeriodicOOMScoreUpdate() {
adjust_oom_priorities_timer_.Start(FROM_HERE, kAdjustmentInterval, this,
void TabManagerDelegate::ScheduleEarlyOomPrioritiesAdjustment() {
// If able to get the list of ARC processes, prioritize tabs and apps as a
// whole. Otherwise try to kill tabs only.
void TabManagerDelegate::LowMemoryKill(
::mojom::LifecycleUnitDiscardReason reason,
TabManager::TabDiscardDoneCB tab_discard_done) {
arc::ArcProcessService* arc_process_service = arc::ArcProcessService::Get();
base::TimeTicks now = base::TimeTicks::Now();
if (arc_process_service) {
&TabManagerDelegate::LowMemoryKillImpl, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(),
now, reason, std::move(tab_discard_done)));
} else {
LowMemoryKillImpl(now, reason, std::move(tab_discard_done), base::nullopt);
int TabManagerDelegate::GetCachedOomScore(ProcessHandle process_handle) {
auto it = oom_score_map_.find(process_handle);
if (it != oom_score_map_.end()) {
return it->second;
// An impossible value for oom_score_adj.
return -1001;
LifecycleUnitVector TabManagerDelegate::GetLifecycleUnits() {
if (tab_manager_)
return tab_manager_->GetSortedLifecycleUnits();
return LifecycleUnitVector();
void TabManagerDelegate::OnFocusTabScoreAdjustmentTimeout() {
base::ProcessHandle pid = focused_process_->GetTabPid();
// The focused process doesn't render a tab. Could happen when the focus
// just switched to an ARC app before the timeout. We can not avoid the race.
if (pid == base::kNullProcessHandle)
// Update the OOM score cache.
oom_score_map_[pid] = chrome::kLowestRendererOomScore;
// Sets OOM score.
VLOG(3) << "Set OOM score " << chrome::kLowestRendererOomScore
<< " for focused tab " << pid;
if (!base::AdjustOOMScore(pid, chrome::kLowestRendererOomScore))
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to set oom_score_adj to "
<< chrome::kLowestRendererOomScore
<< " for focused tab, pid: " << pid;
void TabManagerDelegate::AdjustFocusedTabScore(base::ProcessHandle pid) {
// Clear running timer if one was set for a previous focused tab/app.
if (focus_process_score_adjust_timer_.IsRunning())
// If the currently focused tab already has a lower score, do not
// set it. This can happen in case the newly focused tab is script
// connected to the previous tab.
ProcessScoreMap::iterator it = oom_score_map_.find(pid);
const bool not_lowest_score = (it == oom_score_map_.end() ||
it->second != chrome::kLowestRendererOomScore);
if (not_lowest_score) {
// By starting a timer we guarantee that the tab is focused for
// certain amount of time. Secondly, it also does not add overhead
// to the tab switching time.
// If there's an existing running timer (could be for ARC app), it
// would be replaced by a new task.
TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kFocusedProcessScoreAdjustIntervalMs), this,
void TabManagerDelegate::Observe(int type,
const content::NotificationSource& source,
const content::NotificationDetails& details) {
switch (type) {
content::RenderProcessHost* host =
// Coming here we know that a renderer was just killed and memory should
// come back into the pool. However - the memory pressure observer did
// not yet update its status and therefore we ask it to redo the
// measurement, calling us again if we have to release more.
// Note: We do not only accelerate the discarding speed by doing another
// check in short succession - we also accelerate it because the timer
// driven MemoryPressureMonitor will continue to produce timed events
// on top. So the longer the cleanup phase takes, the more tabs will
// get discarded in parallel.
base::chromeos::MemoryPressureMonitor* monitor =
if (monitor)
bool visible = *content::Details<bool>(details).ptr();
if (visible) {
content::RenderProcessHost* render_host =
// Do not handle the "else" case when it changes to invisible because
// 1. The behavior is a bit awkward in that when switching from tab A to
// tab B, the event "invisible of B" comes after "visible of A". It can
// cause problems when the 2 tabs have the same content (e.g., New Tab
// Page). To be more clear, if we try to cancel the timer when losing
// focus it may cancel the timer for the same renderer process.
// 2. When another window is launched on top of an existing browser
// window, the selected tab in the existing browser didn't receive this
// event, so an attempt to cancel timer in this case doesn't work.
NOTREACHED() << "Received unexpected notification";
// Here we collect most of the information we need to sort the existing
// renderers in priority order, and hand out oom_score_adj scores based on that
// sort order.
// Things we need to collect on the browser thread (because
// TabStripModel isn't thread safe):
// 1) whether or not a tab is pinned
// 2) last time a tab was selected
// 3) is the tab currently selected
void TabManagerDelegate::AdjustOomPriorities() {
// If Chrome is shutting down, do not do anything
if (g_browser_process->IsShuttingDown())
arc::ArcProcessService* arc_process_service = arc::ArcProcessService::Get();
if (arc_process_service) {
} else {
// Pass in nullopt if unable to get ARC processes.
// Get a list of candidates to kill, sorted by descending importance.
// static
const LifecycleUnitVector& lifecycle_units,
const OptionalArcProcessList& arc_processes) {
std::vector<Candidate> candidates;
candidates.reserve(lifecycle_units.size() +
(arc_processes ? (*arc_processes).size() : 0));
for (LifecycleUnit* lifecycle_unit : lifecycle_units) {
if (arc_processes) {
for (const auto& app : *arc_processes) {
// Sort candidates according to priority.
std::sort(candidates.begin(), candidates.end());
return candidates;
bool TabManagerDelegate::IsRecentlyKilledArcProcess(
const std::string& process_name,
const TimeTicks& now) {
const auto it = recently_killed_arc_processes_.find(process_name);
if (it == recently_killed_arc_processes_.end())
return false;
return (now - it->second) <= GetArcRespawnKillDelay();
bool TabManagerDelegate::KillArcProcess(const int nspid) {
auto* arc_service_manager = arc::ArcServiceManager::Get();
if (!arc_service_manager)
return false;
auto* arc_process_instance = ARC_GET_INSTANCE_FOR_METHOD(
arc_service_manager->arc_bridge_service()->process(), KillProcess);
if (!arc_process_instance)
return false;
arc_process_instance->KillProcess(nspid, "LowMemoryKill");
return true;
bool TabManagerDelegate::KillTab(LifecycleUnit* lifecycle_unit,
::mojom::LifecycleUnitDiscardReason reason) {
bool did_discard = lifecycle_unit->Discard(reason);
return did_discard;
chromeos::DebugDaemonClient* TabManagerDelegate::GetDebugDaemonClient() {
return chromeos::DBusThreadManager::Get()->GetDebugDaemonClient();
void TabManagerDelegate::LowMemoryKillImpl(
base::TimeTicks start_time,
::mojom::LifecycleUnitDiscardReason reason,
TabManager::TabDiscardDoneCB tab_discard_done,
OptionalArcProcessList arc_processes) {
VLOG(2) << "LowMemoryKillImpl";
// Prevent persistent ARC processes from being killed.
if (arc_processes) {
[](auto& proc) { return proc.IsPersistent(); });
std::vector<TabManagerDelegate::Candidate> candidates =
GetSortedCandidates(GetLifecycleUnits(), arc_processes);
// TODO(semenzato): decide if TargetMemoryToFreeKB is doing real
// I/O and if it is, move to I/O thread (
int target_memory_to_free_kb = 0;
base::ScopedAllowBlocking allow_blocking;
target_memory_to_free_kb = mem_stat_->TargetMemoryToFreeKB();
MEMORY_LOG(ERROR) << "List of low memory kill candidates "
"(sorted from low priority to high priority):";
for (auto it = candidates.rbegin(); it != candidates.rend(); ++it) {
// Kill processes until the estimated amount of freed memory is sufficient to
// bring the system memory back to a normal level.
// The list is sorted by descending importance, so we go through the list
// backwards.
const TimeTicks now = TimeTicks::Now();
base::TimeTicks first_kill_time;
for (auto it = candidates.rbegin(); it != candidates.rend(); ++it) {
MEMORY_LOG(ERROR) << "Target memory to free: " << target_memory_to_free_kb
<< " KB";
if (target_memory_to_free_kb <= 0)
const ProcessType process_type = it->process_type();
// Never kill selected tab, foreground app, and important apps regardless of
// whether they're in the active window. Since the user experience would be
// bad.
if (it->app()) {
if (process_type == ProcessType::FOCUSED_APP) {
MEMORY_LOG(ERROR) << "Skipped killing focused app "
<< it->app()->process_name();
if (process_type == ProcessType::IMPORTANT_APP) {
MEMORY_LOG(ERROR) << "Skipped killing important app "
<< it->app()->process_name();
if (IsRecentlyKilledArcProcess(it->app()->process_name(), now)) {
MEMORY_LOG(ERROR) << "Avoided killing " << it->app()->process_name()
<< " too often";
int estimated_memory_freed_kb =
if (KillArcProcess(it->app()->nspid())) {
if (first_kill_time.is_null()) {
first_kill_time = base::TimeTicks::Now();
recently_killed_arc_processes_[it->app()->process_name()] = now;
target_memory_to_free_kb -= estimated_memory_freed_kb;
MEMORY_LOG(ERROR) << "Killed app " << it->app()->process_name() << " ("
<< it->app()->pid() << ")"
<< ", estimated " << estimated_memory_freed_kb
<< " KB freed";
} else {
MEMORY_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to kill " << it->app()->process_name();
} else if (it->lifecycle_unit()) {
if (process_type == ProcessType::FOCUSED_TAB) {
MEMORY_LOG(ERROR) << "Skipped killing focused tab "
<< it->lifecycle_unit()->GetTitle();
// The estimation is problematic since multiple tabs may share the same
// process, while the calculation counts memory used by the whole process.
// So |estimated_memory_freed_kb| is an over-estimation.
int estimated_memory_freed_kb =
if (KillTab(it->lifecycle_unit(), reason)) {
if (first_kill_time.is_null()) {
first_kill_time = base::TimeTicks::Now();
target_memory_to_free_kb -= estimated_memory_freed_kb;
MEMORY_LOG(ERROR) << "Killed tab " << it->lifecycle_unit()->GetTitle()
<< ", estimated " << estimated_memory_freed_kb
<< " KB freed";
if (target_memory_to_free_kb > 0) {
<< "Unable to kill enough candidates to meet target_memory_to_free_kb ";
if (!first_kill_time.is_null()) {
TimeDelta delta = first_kill_time - start_time;
MEMORY_LOG(ERROR) << "Time to first kill " << delta;
UMA_HISTOGRAM_MEDIUM_TIMES("Arc.LowMemoryKiller.FirstKillLatency", delta);
// tab_discard_done runs when it goes out of the scope.
void TabManagerDelegate::AdjustOomPrioritiesImpl(
OptionalArcProcessList arc_processes) {
std::vector<TabManagerDelegate::Candidate> candidates;
std::vector<TabManagerDelegate::Candidate> apps_persistent;
// Least important first.
LifecycleUnitVector lifecycle_units = GetLifecycleUnits();
auto all_candidates =
GetSortedCandidates(std::move(lifecycle_units), arc_processes);
for (auto& candidate : all_candidates) {
// TODO(cylee|yusukes): Consider using IsImportant() instead of
// IsPersistent() for simplicity.
// TODO(cylee): Also consider protecting FOCUSED_TAB from the kernel OOM
// killer so that Chrome and the kernel do the same regarding OOM handling.
if ( &&>IsPersistent()) {
// Add persistent apps to |apps_persistent|.
} else {
// Add tabs and killable apps to |candidates|.
// Now we assign priorities based on the sorted list. We're assigning
// priorities in the range of kLowestRendererOomScore to
// kHighestRendererOomScore (defined in chrome_constants.h). oom_score_adj
// takes values from -1000 to 1000. Negative values are reserved for system
// processes, and we want to give some room below the range we're using to
// allow for things that want to be above the renderers in priority, so the
// defined range gives us some variation in priority without taking up the
// whole range. In the end, however, it's a pretty arbitrary range to use.
// Higher values are more likely to be killed by the OOM killer.
// Break the processes into 2 parts. This is to help lower the chance of
// altering OOM score for many processes on any small change.
int range_middle =
(chrome::kLowestRendererOomScore + chrome::kHighestRendererOomScore) / 2;
// Find some pivot point. For now (roughly) apps are in the first half and
// tabs are in the second half.
auto lower_priority_part = candidates.end();
bool use_new_proc_types = IsNewProcessTypesEnabled();
ProcessType pivot_type = use_new_proc_types ? ProcessType::BACKGROUND
: ProcessType::BACKGROUND_TAB;
for (auto it = candidates.begin(); it != candidates.end(); ++it) {
if (it->process_type() >= pivot_type) {
lower_priority_part = it;
ProcessScoreMap new_map;
// Make the apps harder to kill.
DistributeOomScoreInRange(apps_persistent.begin(), apps_persistent.end(),
kPersistentArcAppOomScore, &new_map);
// Higher priority part.
DistributeOomScoreInRange(candidates.begin(), lower_priority_part,
chrome::kLowestRendererOomScore, range_middle,
// Lower priority part.
DistributeOomScoreInRange(lower_priority_part, candidates.end(), range_middle,
chrome::kHighestRendererOomScore, &new_map);
void TabManagerDelegate::DistributeOomScoreInRange(
std::vector<TabManagerDelegate::Candidate>::iterator begin,
std::vector<TabManagerDelegate::Candidate>::iterator end,
int range_begin,
int range_end,
ProcessScoreMap* new_map) {
// Processes whose OOM scores should be updated. Ignore duplicated pids but
// the last occurrence.
std::map<base::ProcessHandle, int32_t> oom_scores_to_change;
// Though there might be duplicate process handles, it doesn't matter to
// overestimate the number of processes here since the we don't need to
// use up the full range.
int num = (end - begin);
const float priority_increment =
static_cast<float>(range_end - range_begin) / num;
float priority = range_begin;
for (auto cur = begin; cur != end; ++cur) {
const int score = round(priority);
base::ProcessHandle pid = base::kNullProcessHandle;
if (cur->app()) {
pid = cur->app()->pid();
} else {
pid = cur->lifecycle_unit()->GetProcessHandle();
// 1. tab_list contains entries for already-discarded tabs. If the PID
// (renderer_handle) is zero, we don't need to adjust the oom_score.
// 2. Only add unseen process handle so if there's multiple tab maps to
// the same process, the process is set to an OOM score based on its "most
// important" tab.
if (pid == base::kNullProcessHandle ||
new_map->find(pid) != new_map->end())
if (pid == base::kNullProcessHandle)
// Update the to-be-cached OOM score map. Use pid as map keys so it's
// globally unique.
(*new_map)[pid] = score;
// Need to update OOM score if the calculated score is different from
// current cached score.
if (oom_score_map_[pid] != score) {
VLOG(3) << "Update OOM score " << score << " for " << *cur;
if (cur->app()) {
oom_scores_to_change[pid] = static_cast<int32_t>(score);
} else {
if (!base::AdjustOOMScore(pid, score))
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to set oom_score_adj to " << score
<< " for process " << pid;
priority += priority_increment;
if (oom_scores_to_change.size()) {
} // namespace resource_coordinator