blob: 02f6276b625353cf6fa80fa917f5c159124899e1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ppapi/c/dev/ppb_url_util_dev.h"
#include "ppapi/cpp/var.h"
namespace pp {
class Instance;
class Module;
// Simple wrapper around the PPB_URLUtil interface.
class URLUtil_Dev {
// This class is just a collection of random functions that aren't
// particularly attached to anything. So this getter returns a cached
// instance of this interface. This may return NULL if the browser doesn't
// support the URLUtil inteface. Since this is a singleton, don't delete the
// pointer.
static const URLUtil_Dev* Get();
Var Canonicalize(const Var& url,
PP_URLComponents_Dev* components = NULL) const;
Var ResolveRelativeToURL(const Var& base_url,
const Var& relative_string,
PP_URLComponents_Dev* components = NULL) const;
Var ResolveRelativeToDocument(const Instance& instance,
const Var& relative_string,
PP_URLComponents_Dev* components = NULL) const;
bool IsSameSecurityOrigin(const Var& url_a, const Var& url_b) const;
bool DocumentCanRequest(const Instance& instance, const Var& url) const;
bool DocumentCanAccessDocument(const Instance& active,
const Instance& target) const;
Var GetDocumentURL(const Instance& instance,
PP_URLComponents_Dev* components = NULL) const;
Var GetPluginInstanceURL(const Instance& instance,
PP_URLComponents_Dev* components = NULL) const;
URLUtil_Dev() : interface_(NULL) {}
// Copy and assignment are disallowed.
URLUtil_Dev(const URLUtil_Dev& other);
URLUtil_Dev& operator=(const URLUtil_Dev& other);
const PPB_URLUtil_Dev* interface_;
} // namespace pp