blob: e5a85d9a9b49b1357926482db7bc3b501225bced [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
''' Given a valgrind XML file, parses errors and uniques them.'''
import gdb_helper
import hashlib
import logging
import optparse
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import time
from xml.dom.minidom import parse
from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError
import common
# Global symbol table (yuck)
TheAddressTable = None
# These are regexps that define functions (using C++ mangled names)
# we don't want to see in stack traces while pretty printing
# or generating suppressions.
# Just stop printing the stack/suppression frames when the current one
# matches any of these.
# TODO(timurrrr): add more boring callers when needed
# Don't show our testing framework:
# Depends on scheduling:
# Also don't show the internals of libc/pthread.
def getTextOf(top_node, name):
''' Returns all text in all DOM nodes with a certain |name| that are children
of |top_node|.
text = ""
for nodes_named in top_node.getElementsByTagName(name):
text += "".join([ for node in nodes_named.childNodes
if node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE])
return text
def getCDATAOf(top_node, name):
''' Returns all CDATA in all DOM nodes with a certain |name| that are children
of |top_node|.
text = ""
for nodes_named in top_node.getElementsByTagName(name):
text += "".join([ for node in nodes_named.childNodes
if node.nodeType == node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE])
if (text == ""):
return None
return text
def shortenFilePath(source_dir, directory):
'''Returns a string with the string prefix |source_dir| removed from
prefixes_to_cut = ["build/src/", "valgrind/coregrind/"]
if source_dir:
for p in prefixes_to_cut:
index = directory.rfind(p)
if index != -1:
directory = directory[index + len(p):]
return directory
# Constants that give real names to the abbreviations in valgrind XML output.
SRC_FILE_DIR = "dir"
SRC_FILE_NAME = "file"
SRC_LINE = "line"
def gatherFrames(node, source_dir):
frames = []
for frame in node.getElementsByTagName("frame"):
frame_dict = {
OBJECT_FILE : getTextOf(frame, OBJECT_FILE),
SRC_FILE_DIR : shortenFilePath(
source_dir, getTextOf(frame, SRC_FILE_DIR)),
SRC_FILE_NAME : getTextOf(frame, SRC_FILE_NAME),
SRC_LINE : getTextOf(frame, SRC_LINE)
# Ignore this frame and all the following if it's a "boring" function.
enough_frames = False
for regexp in _BORING_CALLERS:
if re.match("^%s$" % regexp, frame_dict[FUNCTION_NAME]):
enough_frames = True
if enough_frames:
frames += [frame_dict]
global TheAddressTable
if TheAddressTable != None and frame_dict[SRC_LINE] == "":
# Try using gdb
return frames
class ValgrindError:
''' Takes a <DOM Element: error> node and reads all the data from it. A
ValgrindError is immutable and is hashed on its pretty printed output.
def __init__(self, source_dir, error_node, commandline):
''' Copies all the relevant information out of the DOM and into object
error_node: The <error></error> DOM node we're extracting from.
source_dir: Prefix that should be stripped from the <dir> node.
commandline: The command that was run under valgrind
# Valgrind errors contain one <what><stack> pair, plus an optional
# <auxwhat><stack> pair, plus an optional <origin><what><stack></origin>,
# plus (since 3.5.0) a <suppression></suppression> pair.
# (Origin is nicely enclosed; too bad the other two aren't.)
# The most common way to see all three in one report is
# a syscall with a parameter that points to uninitialized memory, e.g.
# Format:
# <error>
# <unique>0x6d</unique>
# <tid>1</tid>
# <kind>SyscallParam</kind>
# <what>Syscall param write(buf) points to uninitialised byte(s)</what>
# <stack>
# <frame>
# ...
# </frame>
# </stack>
# <auxwhat>Address 0x5c9af4f is 7 bytes inside a block of ...</auxwhat>
# <stack>
# <frame>
# ...
# </frame>
# </stack>
# <origin>
# <what>Uninitialised value was created by a heap allocation</what>
# <stack>
# <frame>
# ...
# </frame>
# </stack>
# </origin>
# <suppression>
# <sname>insert_a_suppression_name_here</sname>
# <skind>Memcheck:Param</skind>
# <skaux>write(buf)</skaux>
# <sframe> <fun>__write_nocancel</fun> </sframe>
# ...
# <sframe> <fun>main</fun> </sframe>
# <rawtext>
# <![CDATA[
# {
# <insert_a_suppression_name_here>
# Memcheck:Param
# write(buf)
# fun:__write_nocancel
# ...
# fun:main
# }
# ]]>
# </rawtext>
# </suppression>
# </error>
# Each frame looks like this:
# <frame>
# <ip>0x83751BC</ip>
# <obj>/data/dkegel/chrome-build/src/out/Release/base_unittests</obj>
# <fn>_ZN7testing8internal12TestInfoImpl7RunTestEPNS_8TestInfoE</fn>
# <dir>/data/dkegel/chrome-build/src/testing/gtest/src</dir>
# <file>gtest-internal-inl.h</file>
# <line>655</line>
# </frame>
# although the dir, file, and line elements are missing if there is
# no debug info.
self._kind = getTextOf(error_node, "kind")
self._backtraces = []
self._suppression = None
self._commandline = commandline
# Iterate through the nodes, parsing <what|auxwhat><stack> pairs.
description = None
for node in error_node.childNodes:
if node.localName == "what" or node.localName == "auxwhat":
description = "".join([ for n in node.childNodes
if n.nodeType == n.TEXT_NODE])
elif node.localName == "xwhat":
description = getTextOf(node, "text")
elif node.localName == "stack":
self._backtraces.append([description, gatherFrames(node, source_dir)])
description = None
elif node.localName == "origin":
description = getTextOf(node, "what")
stack = node.getElementsByTagName("stack")[0]
frames = gatherFrames(stack, source_dir)
self._backtraces.append([description, frames])
description = None
stack = None
frames = None
elif node.localName == "suppression":
self._suppression = getCDATAOf(node, "rawtext");
def __str__(self):
''' Pretty print the type and backtrace(s) of this specific error,
including suppression (which is just a mangled backtrace).'''
output = ""
if (self._commandline):
output += self._commandline + "\n"
output += self._kind + "\n"
for backtrace in self._backtraces:
output += backtrace[0] + "\n"
filter = subprocess.Popen("c++filt -n", stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
buf = ""
for frame in backtrace[1]:
buf += (frame[FUNCTION_NAME] or frame[INSTRUCTION_POINTER]) + "\n"
(stdoutbuf, stderrbuf) = filter.communicate(buf.encode('latin-1'))
demangled_names = stdoutbuf.split("\n")
i = 0
for frame in backtrace[1]:
output += (" " + demangled_names[i])
i = i + 1
global TheAddressTable
if TheAddressTable != None and frame[SRC_FILE_DIR] == "":
# Try using gdb
foo = TheAddressTable.GetFileLine(frame[OBJECT_FILE],
if foo[0] != None:
output += (" (" + foo[0] + ":" + foo[1] + ")")
elif frame[SRC_FILE_DIR] != "":
output += (" (" + frame[SRC_FILE_DIR] + "/" + frame[SRC_FILE_NAME] +
":" + frame[SRC_LINE] + ")")
output += " (" + frame[OBJECT_FILE] + ")"
output += "\n"
assert self._suppression != None, "Your Valgrind doesn't generate " \
"suppressions - is it too old?"
output += "Suppression (error hash=#%016X#):\n" % self.ErrorHash()
output += (" For more info on using suppressions see "
# Widen suppression slightly to make portable between mac and linux
supp = self._suppression;
supp = supp.replace("fun:_Znwj", "fun:_Znw*")
supp = supp.replace("fun:_Znwm", "fun:_Znw*")
supp = supp.replace("fun:_Znaj", "fun:_Zna*")
supp = supp.replace("fun:_Znam", "fun:_Zna*")
# Split into lines so we can enforce length limits
supplines = supp.split("\n")
supp = None # to avoid re-use
# Truncate at line 26 (VG_MAX_SUPP_CALLERS plus 2 for name and type)
# or at the first 'boring' caller.
# ( proposes raising
# VG_MAX_SUPP_CALLERS, but we're probably fine with it as is.)
newlen = min(26, len(supplines));
# Drop boring frames and all the following.
enough_frames = False
for frameno in range(newlen):
for boring_caller in _BORING_CALLERS:
if re.match("^ +fun:%s$" % boring_caller, supplines[frameno]):
newlen = frameno
enough_frames = True
if enough_frames:
if (len(supplines) > newlen):
supplines = supplines[0:newlen]
for frame in range(len(supplines)):
# Replace the always-changing anonymous namespace prefix with "*".
m = re.match("( +fun:)_ZN.*_GLOBAL__N_.*\.cc_" +
if m:
supplines[frame] = "*".join(m.groups())
output += "\n".join(supplines) + "\n"
return output
def UniqueString(self):
''' String to use for object identity. Don't print this, use str(obj)
rep = self._kind + " "
for backtrace in self._backtraces:
for frame in backtrace[1]:
rep += frame[FUNCTION_NAME]
if frame[SRC_FILE_DIR] != "":
rep += frame[SRC_FILE_DIR] + "/" + frame[SRC_FILE_NAME]
rep += frame[OBJECT_FILE]
return rep
# This is a device-independent hash identifying the suppression.
# By printing out this hash we can find duplicate reports between tests and
# different shards running on multiple buildbots
def ErrorHash(self):
return int(hashlib.md5(self.UniqueString()).hexdigest()[:16], 16)
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.UniqueString())
def __eq__(self, rhs):
return self.UniqueString() == rhs
def log_is_finished(f, force_finish):
prev_line = ""
while True:
line = f.readline()
if line == "":
if not force_finish:
return False
# Okay, the log is not finished but we can make it up to be parseable:
if prev_line.strip() in ["</error>", "</errorcounts>", "</status>"]:
return True
return False
if '</valgrindoutput>' in line:
# Valgrind often has garbage after </valgrindoutput> upon crash.
return True
prev_line = line
class MemcheckAnalyzer:
''' Given a set of Valgrind XML files, parse all the errors out of them,
unique them and output the results.'''
"Memcheck sanity test 01 (memory leak).": 1,
"Memcheck sanity test 02 (malloc/read left).": 1,
"Memcheck sanity test 03 (malloc/read right).": 1,
"Memcheck sanity test 04 (malloc/write left).": 1,
"Memcheck sanity test 05 (malloc/write right).": 1,
"Memcheck sanity test 06 (new/read left).": 1,
"Memcheck sanity test 07 (new/read right).": 1,
"Memcheck sanity test 08 (new/write left).": 1,
"Memcheck sanity test 09 (new/write right).": 1,
"Memcheck sanity test 10 (write after free).": 1,
"Memcheck sanity test 11 (write after delete).": 1,
"Memcheck sanity test 12 (array deleted without []).": 1,
"Memcheck sanity test 13 (single element deleted with []).": 1,
"Memcheck sanity test 14 (malloc/read uninit).": 1,
"Memcheck sanity test 15 (new/read uninit).": 1,
# Max time to wait for memcheck logs to complete.
def __init__(self, source_dir, show_all_leaks=False, use_gdb=False):
'''Create a parser for Memcheck logs.
source_dir: Path to top of source tree for this build
show_all_leaks: Whether to show even less important leaks
use_gdb: Whether to use gdb to resolve source filenames and line numbers
in the report stacktraces
self._source_dir = source_dir
self._show_all_leaks = show_all_leaks
self._use_gdb = use_gdb
# Contains the set of unique errors
self._errors = set()
# Contains the time when the we started analyzing the first log file.
# This variable is used to skip incomplete logs after some timeout.
self._analyze_start_time = None
def Report(self, files, check_sanity=False):
'''Reads in a set of files and prints Memcheck report.
files: A list of filenames.
check_sanity: if true, search for SANITY_TEST_SUPPRESSIONS
# Beyond the detailed errors parsed by ValgrindError above,
# the xml file contain records describing suppressions that were used:
# <suppcounts>
# <pair>
# <count>28</count>
# <name>pango_font_leak_todo</name>
# </pair>
# <pair>
# <count>378</count>
# <name>bug_13243</name>
# </pair>
# </suppcounts
# Collect these and print them at the end.
# With our patch for in,
# the file also includes records of the form
# <load_obj><obj>/usr/lib/libgcc_s.1.dylib</obj><ip>0x27000</ip></load_obj>
# giving the filename and load address of each binary that was mapped
# into the process.
global TheAddressTable
if self._use_gdb:
TheAddressTable = gdb_helper.AddressTable()
TheAddressTable = None
cur_report_errors = set()
suppcounts = {}
badfiles = set()
if self._analyze_start_time == None:
self._analyze_start_time = time.time()
start_time = self._analyze_start_time
parse_failed = False
for file in files:
# Wait up to three minutes for valgrind to finish writing all files,
# but after that, just skip incomplete files and warn.
f = open(file, "r+")
pid = re.match(".*\.([0-9]+)$", file)
if pid:
pid = pid.groups()[0]
found = False
running = True
firstrun = True
skip = False
origsize = os.path.getsize(file)
while (running and not found and not skip and
(firstrun or
((time.time() - start_time) < self.LOG_COMPLETION_TIMEOUT))):
firstrun = False
if pid:
# Make sure the process is still running so we don't wait for
# 3 minutes if it was killed. See
ps_out = subprocess.Popen("ps p %s" % pid, shell=True,
if len(ps_out.readlines()) < 2:
running = False
skip = True
running = False
found = log_is_finished(f, False)
if not running and not found:
logging.warn("Valgrind process PID = %s is not running but its "
"XML log has not been finished correctly.\nMake it up"
"by adding some closing tags manually." % pid)
found = log_is_finished(f, not running)
if running and not found:
if not found:
newsize = os.path.getsize(file)
if origsize > newsize+1:
logging.warn(str(origsize - newsize) +
" bytes of junk were after </valgrindoutput> in %s!" %
parsed_file = parse(file);
except ExpatError, e:
parse_failed = True
logging.warn("could not parse %s: %s" % (file, e))
lineno = e.lineno - 1
context_lines = 5
context_start = max(0, lineno - context_lines)
context_end = lineno + context_lines + 1
context_file = open(file, "r")
for i in range(0, context_start):
for i in range(context_start, context_end):
context_data = context_file.readline().rstrip()
if i != lineno:
logging.warn(" %s" % context_data)
logging.warn("> %s" % context_data)
if TheAddressTable != None:
load_objs = parsed_file.getElementsByTagName("load_obj")
for load_obj in load_objs:
obj = getTextOf(load_obj, "obj")
ip = getTextOf(load_obj, "ip")
TheAddressTable.AddBinaryAt(obj, ip)
commandline = None
preamble = parsed_file.getElementsByTagName("preamble")[0];
for node in preamble.getElementsByTagName("line"):
if node.localName == "line":
for x in node.childNodes:
if x.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE and "Command" in
commandline =
raw_errors = parsed_file.getElementsByTagName("error")
for raw_error in raw_errors:
# Ignore "possible" leaks for now by default.
if (self._show_all_leaks or
getTextOf(raw_error, "kind") != "Leak_PossiblyLost"):
error = ValgrindError(self._source_dir, raw_error, commandline)
if error not in cur_report_errors:
# We haven't seen such errors doing this report yet...
if error in self._errors:
# ... but we saw it in earlier reports, e.g. previous UI test
cur_report_errors.add("This error was already printed in "
"some other test, see 'hash=#%016X#'" % \
# ... and we haven't seen it in other tests as well
suppcountlist = parsed_file.getElementsByTagName("suppcounts")
if len(suppcountlist) > 0:
suppcountlist = suppcountlist[0]
for node in suppcountlist.getElementsByTagName("pair"):
count = getTextOf(node, "count");
name = getTextOf(node, "name");
if name in suppcounts:
suppcounts[name] += int(count)
suppcounts[name] = int(count)
if len(badfiles) > 0:
logging.warn("valgrind didn't finish writing %d files?!" % len(badfiles))
for file in badfiles:
logging.warn("Last 20 lines of %s :" % file)
os.system("tail -n 20 '%s' 1>&2" % file)
if parse_failed:
logging.error("FAIL! Couldn't parse Valgrind output file")
return -2
is_sane = False
print "-----------------------------------------------------"
print "Suppressions used:"
print " count name"
remaining_sanity_supp = MemcheckAnalyzer.SANITY_TEST_SUPPRESSIONS
for (name, count) in sorted(suppcounts.items(),
key=lambda (k,v): (v,k)):
print "%7d %s" % (count, name)
if name in remaining_sanity_supp and remaining_sanity_supp[name] == count:
del remaining_sanity_supp[name]
if len(remaining_sanity_supp) == 0:
is_sane = True
print "-----------------------------------------------------"
retcode = 0
if cur_report_errors:
logging.error("FAIL! There were %s errors: " % len(cur_report_errors))
if TheAddressTable != None:
for error in cur_report_errors:
retcode = -1
# Report tool's insanity even if there were errors.
if check_sanity and not is_sane:
logging.error("FAIL! Sanity check failed!")"The following test errors were not handled: ")
for (name, count) in sorted(remaining_sanity_supp.items(),
key=lambda (k,v): (v,k)):"%7d %s" % (count, name))
retcode = -3
if retcode != 0:
return retcode"PASS! No errors found!")
return 0
def _main():
'''For testing only. The MemcheckAnalyzer class should be imported instead.'''
retcode = 0
parser = optparse.OptionParser("usage: %prog [options] <files to analyze>")
parser.add_option("", "--source_dir",
help="path to top of source tree for this build"
"(used to normalize source paths in baseline)")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if len(args) == 0:
parser.error("no filename specified")
filenames = args
analyzer = MemcheckAnalyzer(options.source_dir, use_gdb=True)
retcode = analyzer.Report(filenames)
if __name__ == "__main__":