blob: 7a8d2087700765f66361f0f88c65fb0df2c3dd6e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/autofill/content/renderer/page_passwords_analyser.h"
#include <stack>
#include "base/lazy_instance.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "components/autofill/content/renderer/form_autofill_util.h"
#include "components/autofill/content/renderer/page_form_analyser_logger.h"
#include "components/autofill/content/renderer/password_form_conversion_utils.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/web/web_document.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/web/web_element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/web/web_element_collection.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/web/web_form_control_element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/web/web_label_element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/web/web_node.h"
#include "third_party/re2/src/re2/re2.h"
namespace autofill {
namespace {
const char kDocumentationUrl[] = "";
const char* kTypeAttributes[] = {"text", "email", "tel", "password"};
const char* kTypeTextAttributes[] = {"text", "email", "tel"};
char kTextFieldSignature = 'T';
char kPasswordFieldSignature = 'P';
// Produce a relevant link to developer documentation regarding the warning or
// error. If no particular reference is given, the default URL will be provided.
// Otherwise, the URL will point to the specified anchor.
std::string LinkDocumentation(const std::string& message,
const char* reference = nullptr) {
std::string documented = message + " (More info: " + kDocumentationUrl + ")";
if (reference)
return documented + std::string("#") + reference;
return documented;
// A simple wrapper that provides some extra data about nodes
// during the DOM traversal (e.g. whether it lies within a <form>
// element, which is necessary for some of the warnings).
struct TraversalInfo {
const blink::WebNode node;
const bool in_form;
// Collects the important elements in a form that are
// relevant to the Password Manager, which consists of the text and password
// inputs in a form, as well as their ordering.
struct FormInputCollection {
blink::WebFormElement form;
std::vector<blink::WebFormControlElement> inputs;
std::vector<size_t> text_inputs;
std::vector<size_t> password_inputs;
std::vector<size_t> explicit_password_inputs;
std::string signature;
// The signature of a form is a string of 'T's and 'P's, representing
// username and password fields respectively. This is used to quickly match
// against well-known <input> patterns to guess what kind of form we are
// dealing with, and provide intelligent autocomplete suggestions.
void AddInput(const blink::WebFormControlElement& input) {
std::string type(
input.HasAttribute("type") ? input.GetAttribute("type").Utf8() : "");
signature +=
type != "password" ? kTextFieldSignature : kPasswordFieldSignature;
if (type != "password") {
} else {
if (input.HasAttribute("autocomplete")) {
// There are some warnings we only throw if we are certain that a
// password field is actually a password (rather than a credit card
// security code, etc.).
std::string autocomplete(input.GetAttribute("autocomplete").Utf8());
if (autocomplete == "current-password" ||
autocomplete == "new-password")
struct LabelPatternLazyInstanceTraits_##NAME \
: public base::internal::DestructorAtExitLazyInstanceTraits<re2::RE2> { \
static re2::RE2* New(void* instance) { \
return CreateMatcher(instance, PATTERN); \
} \
}; \
base::LazyInstance<re2::RE2, LabelPatternLazyInstanceTraits_##NAME> NAME = \
DECLARE_LAZY_MATCHER(ignored_characters_matcher, R"(\W)");
DECLARE_LAZY_MATCHER(username_matcher, R"(user(name)?|login)");
DECLARE_LAZY_MATCHER(email_matcher, R"(email(address)?)");
DECLARE_LAZY_MATCHER(telephone_matcher, R"((mobile)?(telephone)?(number|no))");
// Represents a common <label> content text-pattern that indicates
// something of the purpose of an element (for example: that it is a username
// field).
struct InputHint {
const re2::RE2* regex;
std::string tokens;
size_t match;
InputHint(const re2::RE2* regex) : regex(regex), match(std::string::npos) {}
InputHint(const re2::RE2* regex, const std::string tokens)
: InputHint(regex) {
this->tokens = " " + tokens;
void MatchLabel(std::string& label_content, size_t index) {
if (re2::RE2::FullMatch(label_content, *regex))
match = index;
// Multiple semantic forms may be contained within a single <form> element,
// which causes confusion to the Password Manager, which acts under the
// assumption each <form> element corresponds to a single form.
// |FormIsTooComplex| uses a simple heuristic to guess whether a form may
// contain too many inputs to be considered a single form.
bool FormIsTooComplex(const std::string& signature) {
unsigned kind_changes = 0;
unsigned password_count = 0;
for (const char kind : signature) {
if (kind ==
(kind_changes & 1 ? kTextFieldSignature : kPasswordFieldSignature))
password_count += kind == kPasswordFieldSignature;
return kind_changes >= 3 || password_count > 3;
// Stores an element's id in |ids| for duplicity-checking.
void TrackElementId(
const blink::WebElement& element,
std::map<std::string, std::vector<blink::WebNode>>* nodes_for_id) {
if (element.HasAttribute("id")) {
std::string id_attr = element.GetAttribute("id").Utf8();
// We don't want to re-analyse the same nodes each time the method is
// called. This technically means some warnings might be overlooked (for
// example if an invalid attribute is added), but these cases are assumed
// to be rare, and are ignored for the sake of simplicity.
// The id of |node| will additionally be added to the corresponding |ids| set.
bool TrackElementIfUntracked(
const blink::WebElement& node,
std::set<blink::WebNode>* skip_nodes,
std::map<std::string, std::vector<blink::WebNode>>* nodes_for_id) {
if (skip_nodes->count(node))
return true;
// If we don't skip the node, we want to make sure its id is tracked.
TrackElementId(node, nodes_for_id);
return false;
// Error and warning messages regarding the DOM structure: missing <form> tags,
// duplicate ids, etc. Returns a list of the forms found in the DOM for further
// analysis.
std::vector<FormInputCollection> ExtractFormsForAnalysis(
const blink::WebDocument& document,
std::set<blink::WebNode>* skip_nodes,
PageFormAnalyserLogger* logger) {
std::vector<FormInputCollection> form_input_collections;
// Keep track of inputs that are inside <form> elements to find the complement
// for warnings afterwards.
std::set<blink::WebFormControlElement> inputs_with_forms;
std::map<std::string, std::vector<blink::WebNode>> nodes_for_id;
blink::WebVector<blink::WebFormElement> forms;
for (const blink::WebFormElement& form : forms) {
// Collect all the inputs in the form.
blink::WebVector<blink::WebFormControlElement> form_control_elements;
for (const blink::WebFormControlElement& input : form_control_elements) {
if (TrackElementIfUntracked(input, skip_nodes, &nodes_for_id))
// We are only interested in a subset of input elements -- those likely
// to be username or password fields.
if (input.TagName() == "INPUT" &&
(!input.HasAttribute("type") ||
input.GetAttribute("type").Utf8()))) {
TrackElementIfUntracked(form, skip_nodes, &nodes_for_id);
// Check for password fields that are not contained inside forms.
auto password_inputs = document.QuerySelectorAll("input[type=\"password\"]");
for (unsigned i = 0; i < password_inputs.size(); ++i) {
if (TrackElementIfUntracked(password_inputs[i], skip_nodes, &nodes_for_id))
// Any password fields inside <form> elements will have been skipped,
// leaving just those without associated forms.
LinkDocumentation("Password field is not contained in a form:"),
PageFormAnalyserLogger::kVerbose, password_inputs[i]);
// Check for input fields that are not contained inside forms, to make sure
// their id attributes don't conflict with other fields also not contained
// inside forms.
std::string selector = "input:not([type])";
for (const char* text_type : kTypeTextAttributes)
selector += ", input[type=\"" + std::string(text_type) + "\"]";
auto text_inputs =
for (const blink::WebElement& text_input : text_inputs)
TrackElementIfUntracked(text_input, skip_nodes, &nodes_for_id);
// Warn against elements sharing an id attribute. Duplicate id attributes both
// are against the HTML specification and can cause issues with password
// saving/filling, as the Password Manager makes the assumption that ids may
// be used as a unique identifier for nodes.
for (const auto& pair : nodes_for_id) {
const std::string& id_attr = pair.first;
const std::vector<blink::WebNode>& nodes = pair.second;
if (nodes.size() <= 1)
if (!id_attr.empty()) {
"Found %zu elements with non-unique id #%s:",
nodes.size(), id_attr.c_str())),
PageFormAnalyserLogger::kWarning, nodes);
} else {
"Found %zu elements with non-unique id #%s:",
nodes.size(), id_attr.c_str())),
PageFormAnalyserLogger::kWarning, nodes);
return form_input_collections;
// The username field is the most difficult field to identify, as there
// are often many other textual fields in a form, and it is not always
// possible to work out which one is the username. Here, we find any
// <label> elements pointing to the input fields, and check their content.
// Labels containing text such as "Username:" or "Email address:" are
// likely to indicate the desired field, and will be prioritised over
// other fields.
void InferUsernameField(
const blink::WebFormElement& form,
const std::vector<blink::WebFormControlElement>& inputs,
size_t username_field_guess,
std::map<size_t, std::string>* autocomplete_suggestions) {
blink::WebElementCollection labels(form.GetElementsByHTMLTagName("label"));
std::vector<InputHint> input_hints;
std::string username_field_guess_tokens;
input_hints.push_back(InputHint(email_matcher.Pointer(), "email"));
input_hints.push_back(InputHint(telephone_matcher.Pointer(), "tel"));
for (blink::WebElement item = labels.FirstItem(); !item.IsNull();
item = labels.NextItem()) {
blink::WebLabelElement label(item.To<blink::WebLabelElement>());
blink::WebElement control(label.CorrespondingControl());
if (!control.IsNull() && control.IsFormControlElement()) {
blink::WebFormControlElement form_control(
auto found = std::find(inputs.begin(), inputs.end(), form_control);
if (found != inputs.end()) {
std::string label_content(
// Reduce to plain-text, as labels often contain extra punctuation.
ignored_characters_matcher.Get(), "");
for (InputHint& input_hint : input_hints)
input_hint.MatchLabel(label_content, found - inputs.begin());
for (InputHint& input_hint : input_hints) {
if (input_hint.match != std::string::npos) {
username_field_guess = input_hint.match;
username_field_guess_tokens = input_hint.tokens;
(*autocomplete_suggestions)[username_field_guess] =
"username" + username_field_guess_tokens;
// Infer what kind of form a form corresponds to (e.g. a
// registration, log-in or password reset form), based on the structure of
// the form.
void GuessAutocompleteAttributesForPasswordFields(
const std::vector<size_t>& password_inputs,
bool has_text_field,
std::map<size_t, std::string>* autocomplete_suggestions) {
size_t password_count = password_inputs.size();
switch (password_count) {
case 3:
(*autocomplete_suggestions)[password_inputs[0]] = "current-password";
FALLTHROUGH; // To match the last two password fields.
case 2:
(*autocomplete_suggestions)[password_inputs[password_count - 2]] =
(*autocomplete_suggestions)[password_inputs[password_count - 1]] =
case 1:
(*autocomplete_suggestions)[password_inputs[password_count - 1]] =
has_text_field ? "current-password" : "new-password";
// Error and warning messages specific to an individual form (for example,
// autocomplete attributes, or missing username fields, etc.).
void AnalyseForm(const FormInputCollection& form_input_collection,
PageFormAnalyserLogger* logger) {
const blink::WebFormElement& form = form_input_collection.form;
const std::vector<blink::WebFormControlElement>& inputs =
const std::vector<size_t>& text_inputs = form_input_collection.text_inputs;
const std::vector<size_t>& explicit_password_inputs =
const std::vector<size_t>& password_inputs =
const std::string& signature = form_input_collection.signature;
// We're only interested in forms that contain password fields.
if (password_inputs.empty())
bool has_text_field = !text_inputs.empty();
size_t username_field_guess =
0; // Give it a default value to keep the compiler happy.
// In order to decrease number of messages and chance of false positives show
// username suggestions only when password fields are annotated.
if (!explicit_password_inputs.empty()) {
if (!has_text_field || text_inputs[0] > explicit_password_inputs[0]) {
// There is no formal requirement to have associated username fields for
// every password field, but providing one ensures that the Password
// Manager associates the correct account name with the password (for
// example in password reset forms).
LinkDocumentation("Password forms should have (optionally hidden) "
"username fields for accessibility:"),
PageFormAnalyserLogger::kVerbose, form);
} else {
// By default (if the other heuristics fail), the first text field
// preceding a password field will be considered the username field.
for (username_field_guess = explicit_password_inputs[0] - 1;;
--username_field_guess) {
DCHECK(username_field_guess < signature.size());
if (signature[username_field_guess] == kTextFieldSignature)
if (FormIsTooComplex(signature)) {
"Multiple forms should be contained in their own "
"form elements; break up complex forms into ones that represent a "
"single action:"),
PageFormAnalyserLogger::kVerbose, form);
// The autocomplete attribute provides valuable hints to the Password
// Manager as to the semantic structure of a form. Rather than simply point
// out that an autocomplete attribute would be useful, we try to suggest the
// intended value of the autocomplete attribute in order to save time for
// the developer.
std::map<size_t, std::string> autocomplete_suggestions;
// If there are no password fields that have been explicitly declared
// passwords, we don't suggest an autocomplete="username" attribute, to stop
// false positives associated with credit card details.
if (!explicit_password_inputs.empty() && has_text_field &&
text_inputs[0] < explicit_password_inputs[0]) {
InferUsernameField(form, inputs, username_field_guess,
GuessAutocompleteAttributesForPasswordFields(password_inputs, has_text_field,
// For each input element that is not annotated with an autocomplete
// attribute, if we have a guess for what function the input serves, log
// a warning, suggesting that the inferred attribute value should be added.
for (size_t i = 0; i < inputs.size(); ++i) {
if (autocomplete_suggestions.count(i) &&
logger->Send(LinkDocumentation("Input elements should have autocomplete "
"attributes (suggested: \"" +
autocomplete_suggestions[i] + "\"):"),
PageFormAnalyserLogger::kVerbose, inputs[i]);
} // namespace
// Out-of-line definitions to keep [chromium-style] happy.
PagePasswordsAnalyser::PagePasswordsAnalyser() {}
PagePasswordsAnalyser::~PagePasswordsAnalyser() {}
void PagePasswordsAnalyser::Reset() {
void PagePasswordsAnalyser::AnalyseDocumentDOM(blink::WebLocalFrame* frame,
PageFormAnalyserLogger* logger) {
blink::WebDocument document(frame->GetDocument());
// Extract all the forms from the DOM, and provide relevant warnings.
std::vector<FormInputCollection> forms(
ExtractFormsForAnalysis(document, &skip_nodes_, logger));
// Analyse each form in turn, for example with respect to autocomplete
// attributes.
for (const FormInputCollection& form_input_collection : forms)
AnalyseForm(form_input_collection, logger);
// Finally, send all the warnings and errors to the console.
void PagePasswordsAnalyser::AnalyseDocumentDOM(blink::WebLocalFrame* frame) {
PageFormAnalyserLogger logger(frame);
AnalyseDocumentDOM(frame, &logger);
} // namespace autofill