blob: a96beaeef0cff9f90a335c1df93f7e94602a7701 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "components/cryptauth/remote_device.h"
#include "components/cryptauth/remote_device_ref.h"
namespace cryptauth {
class RemoteDeviceCache;
// A helper class around RemoteDeviceCache which keeps track of which devices
// have been removed from, or "expired" in, the cache.
// If the set of devices provided to SetRemoteDevicesAndInvalidateOldEntries()
// is different from the set provided to a previous call to
// SetRemoteDevicesAndInvalidateOldEntries(), then the devices in the previous
// call which are not in the new call will be marked as stale. Stale devices are
// still valid RemoteDeviceRefs (preventing clients from segfaulting), but will
// not be returned by GetNonExpiredRemoteDevices().
class ExpiringRemoteDeviceCache {
virtual ~ExpiringRemoteDeviceCache();
void SetRemoteDevicesAndInvalidateOldEntries(
const RemoteDeviceList& remote_devices);
RemoteDeviceRefList GetNonExpiredRemoteDevices() const;
// Add or update a RemoteDevice without marking any other devices in the cache
// as stale.
void UpdateRemoteDevice(const RemoteDevice& remote_device);
base::Optional<RemoteDeviceRef> GetRemoteDevice(
const std::string& device_id) const;
std::unique_ptr<RemoteDeviceCache> remote_device_cache_;
std::set<std::string> device_ids_from_last_set_call_;
} // namespace cryptauth