blob: 5546ec880600b2f8b00eedf50343a3690e87f016 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "chrome/browser/media/webrtc/test_stats_dictionary.h"
#include "chrome/test/base/in_process_browser_test.h"
namespace infobars {
class InfoBar;
namespace content {
class WebContents;
// Base class for WebRTC browser tests with useful primitives for interacting
// getUserMedia. We use inheritance here because it makes the test code look
// as clean as it can be.
class WebRtcTestBase : public InProcessBrowserTest {
// Typical constraints.
static const char kAudioVideoCallConstraints[];
static const char kAudioOnlyCallConstraints[];
static const char kVideoOnlyCallConstraints[];
static const char kVideoCallConstraintsQVGA[];
static const char kVideoCallConstraints360p[];
static const char kVideoCallConstraintsVGA[];
static const char kVideoCallConstraints720p[];
static const char kVideoCallConstraints1080p[];
static const char kAudioVideoCallConstraints360p[];
static const char kAudioVideoCallConstraints720p[];
static const char kOkGotStream[];
static const char kFailedWithPermissionDeniedError[];
static const char kFailedWithPermissionDismissedError[];
static const char kUseDefaultCertKeygen[];
static const char kUseDefaultAudioCodec[];
static const char kUseDefaultVideoCodec[];
~WebRtcTestBase() override;
// These all require that the loaded page fulfills the public interface in
// chrome/test/data/webrtc/getusermedia.js.
// If an error is reported back from the getUserMedia call, these functions
// will return false.
// The ...AndAccept()/...AndDeny()/...AndDismiss() functions expect that a
// prompt will be shown (i.e. the current origin in the tab_contents doesn't
// have a saved permission).
bool GetUserMediaAndAccept(content::WebContents* tab_contents) const;
bool GetUserMediaWithSpecificConstraintsAndAccept(
content::WebContents* tab_contents,
const std::string& constraints) const;
bool GetUserMediaWithSpecificConstraintsAndAcceptIfPrompted(
content::WebContents* tab_contents,
const std::string& constraints) const;
void GetUserMediaAndDeny(content::WebContents* tab_contents);
void GetUserMediaWithSpecificConstraintsAndDeny(
content::WebContents* tab_contents,
const std::string& constraints) const;
void GetUserMediaAndDismiss(content::WebContents* tab_contents) const;
void GetUserMediaAndExpectAutoAcceptWithoutPrompt(
content::WebContents* tab_contents) const;
void GetUserMediaAndExpectAutoDenyWithoutPrompt(
content::WebContents* tab_contents) const;
void GetUserMedia(content::WebContents* tab_contents,
const std::string& constraints) const;
// Convenience method which opens the page at url, calls GetUserMediaAndAccept
// and returns the new tab.
content::WebContents* OpenPageAndGetUserMediaInNewTab(const GURL& url) const;
// Convenience method which opens the page at url, calls
// GetUserMediaAndAcceptWithSpecificConstraints and returns the new tab.
content::WebContents* OpenPageAndGetUserMediaInNewTabWithConstraints(
const GURL& url, const std::string& constraints) const;
// Convenience method which gets the URL for |test_page| and calls
// OpenPageAndGetUserMediaInNewTab().
content::WebContents* OpenTestPageAndGetUserMediaInNewTab(
const std::string& test_page) const;
// Opens the page at |url| where getUserMedia has been invoked through other
// means and accepts the user media request.
content::WebContents* OpenPageAndAcceptUserMedia(const GURL& url) const;
// Closes the last local stream acquired by the GetUserMedia* methods.
void CloseLastLocalStream(content::WebContents* tab_contents) const;
std::string ExecuteJavascript(const std::string& javascript,
content::WebContents* tab_contents) const;
// Sets up a peer connection in the tab and adds the current local stream
// (which you can prepare by calling one of the GetUserMedia* methods above).
// Optionally, |certificate_keygen_algorithm| is JavaScript for an
// |AlgorithmIdentifier| to be used as parameter to
// |RTCPeerConnection.generateCertificate|. The resulting certificate will be
// used by the peer connection. Or use |kUseDefaultCertKeygen| to use a
// certificate.
void SetupPeerconnectionWithLocalStream(
content::WebContents* tab,
const std::string& certificate_keygen_algorithm =
kUseDefaultCertKeygen) const;
// Same as above but does not add the local stream.
void SetupPeerconnectionWithoutLocalStream(
content::WebContents* tab,
const std::string& certificate_keygen_algorithm =
kUseDefaultCertKeygen) const;
// Same as |SetupPeerconnectionWithLocalStream| except a certificate is
// specified, which is a reference to an |RTCCertificate| object.
void SetupPeerconnectionWithCertificateAndLocalStream(
content::WebContents* tab,
const std::string& certificate) const;
// Same as above but does not add the local stream.
void SetupPeerconnectionWithCertificateWithoutLocalStream(
content::WebContents* tab,
const std::string& certificate) const;
void CreateDataChannel(content::WebContents* tab, const std::string& label);
// Exchanges offers and answers between the peer connections in the
// respective tabs. Before calling this, you must have prepared peer
// connections in both tabs and configured them as you like (for instance by
// calling SetupPeerconnectionWithLocalStream).
// If |video_codec| is not |kUseDefaultVideoCodec|, the SDP offer is modified
// (and SDP answer verified) so that the specified video codec (case-sensitive
// name) is used during the call instead of the default one.
void NegotiateCall(content::WebContents* from_tab,
content::WebContents* to_tab) const;
// Hangs up a negotiated call.
void HangUp(content::WebContents* from_tab) const;
// Call this to enable monitoring of javascript errors for this test method.
// This will only work if the tests are run sequentially by the test runner
// (i.e. with --test-launcher-developer-mode or --test-launcher-jobs=1).
void DetectErrorsInJavaScript();
// Methods for detecting if video is playing (the loaded page must have
// chrome/test/data/webrtc/video_detector.js and its dependencies loaded to
// make that work). Looks at a 320x240 area of the target video tag.
void StartDetectingVideo(content::WebContents* tab_contents,
const std::string& video_element) const;
bool WaitForVideoToPlay(content::WebContents* tab_contents) const;
// Returns the stream size as a string on the format <width>x<height>.
std::string GetStreamSize(content::WebContents* tab_contents,
const std::string& video_element) const;
// Returns true if we're on Windows 8 or higher.
bool OnWin8OrHigher() const;
void OpenDatabase(content::WebContents* tab) const;
void CloseDatabase(content::WebContents* tab) const;
void DeleteDatabase(content::WebContents* tab) const;
void GenerateAndCloneCertificate(content::WebContents* tab,
const std::string& keygen_algorithm) const;
void VerifyStatsGeneratedCallback(content::WebContents* tab) const;
double MeasureGetStatsCallbackPerformance(content::WebContents* tab) const;
std::vector<std::string> VerifyStatsGeneratedPromise(
content::WebContents* tab) const;
scoped_refptr<content::TestStatsReportDictionary> GetStatsReportDictionary(
content::WebContents* tab) const;
double MeasureGetStatsPerformance(content::WebContents* tab) const;
std::vector<std::string> GetWhitelistedStatsTypes(
content::WebContents* tab) const;
// Change the default audio/video codec in the offer SDP.
void SetDefaultAudioCodec(content::WebContents* tab,
const std::string& audio_codec) const;
void SetDefaultVideoCodec(content::WebContents* tab,
const std::string& video_codec) const;
// Add 'usedtx=1' to the offer SDP.
void EnableOpusDtx(content::WebContents* tab) const;
void CreateAndAddStreams(content::WebContents* tab, size_t count) const;
void VerifyRtpSenders(content::WebContents* tab,
base::Optional<size_t> expected_num_tracks =
base::Optional<size_t>()) const;
void VerifyRtpReceivers(content::WebContents* tab,
base::Optional<size_t> expected_num_tracks =
base::Optional<size_t>()) const;
void CloseInfoBarInTab(content::WebContents* tab_contents,
infobars::InfoBar* infobar) const;
std::string CreateLocalOffer(content::WebContents* from_tab) const;
std::string CreateAnswer(std::string local_offer,
content::WebContents* to_tab) const;
void ReceiveAnswer(const std::string& answer,
content::WebContents* from_tab) const;
void GatherAndSendIceCandidates(content::WebContents* from_tab,
content::WebContents* to_tab) const;
infobars::InfoBar* GetUserMediaAndWaitForInfoBar(
content::WebContents* tab_contents,
const std::string& constraints) const;
bool detect_errors_in_javascript_;