blob: 762dd0da810af96fd64ccb7e637d4302aff053cb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/debug/crash_logging.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "content/browser/loader/navigation_url_loader_delegate.h"
#include "content/browser/navigation_subresource_loader_params.h"
#include "content/browser/prerender/prerender_host.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/commit_deferring_condition_runner.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/cross_origin_opener_policy_status.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/navigation_controller_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/navigation_entry_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/navigation_throttle_runner.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/policy_container_host.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/policy_container_navigation_bundle.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_frame_host_csp_context.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_frame_host_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/site_instance_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/web_package/web_bundle_handle.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/common/navigation_client.mojom-forward.h"
#include "content/public/browser/allow_service_worker_result.h"
#include "content/public/browser/global_routing_id.h"
#include "content/public/browser/navigation_handle.h"
#include "content/public/browser/navigation_throttle.h"
#include "content/public/browser/navigation_type.h"
#include "content/public/browser/peak_gpu_memory_tracker.h"
#include "content/public/browser/render_process_host_observer.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/associated_remote.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/pending_associated_remote.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/pending_remote.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/system/data_pipe.h"
#include "net/base/isolation_info.h"
#include "net/base/proxy_server.h"
#include "net/dns/public/resolve_error_info.h"
#include "services/metrics/public/cpp/ukm_source_id.h"
#include "services/network/public/cpp/content_security_policy/csp_context.h"
#include "services/network/public/cpp/origin_policy.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/blocked_by_response_reason.mojom-shared.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/content_security_policy.mojom.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/web_sandbox_flags.mojom-shared.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/loader/previews_state.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/navigation/impression.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/tokens/tokens.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/loader/mixed_content.mojom-forward.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/navigation/navigation_params.mojom-forward.h"
#include "third_party/perfetto/include/perfetto/tracing/traced_value_forward.h"
#include "url/origin.h"
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
#include "base/android/scoped_java_ref.h"
#include "content/browser/android/navigation_handle_proxy.h"
namespace base {
namespace trace_event {
class TracedValue;
} // namespace trace_event
} // namespace base
namespace network {
class ResourceRequestBody;
struct URLLoaderCompletionStatus;
} // namespace network
namespace content {
class AppCacheNavigationHandle;
class CrossOriginEmbedderPolicyReporter;
class WebBundleHandleTracker;
class WebBundleNavigationInfo;
class SubresourceWebBundleNavigationInfo;
class FrameNavigationEntry;
class FrameTreeNode;
class NavigationURLLoader;
class NavigationUIData;
class NavigatorDelegate;
class PrefetchedSignedExchangeCache;
class ServiceWorkerMainResourceHandle;
struct SubresourceLoaderParams;
// The primary implementation of NavigationHandle.
// Lives from navigation start until the navigation has been committed.
class CONTENT_EXPORT NavigationRequest
: public NavigationHandle,
public NavigationURLLoaderDelegate,
public NavigationThrottleRunner::Delegate,
public CommitDeferringConditionRunner::Delegate,
private RenderProcessHostObserver,
private network::mojom::CookieAccessObserver {
// Keeps track of the various stages of a NavigationRequest.
// To see what state transitions are allowed, see |SetState|.
enum NavigationState {
// Initial state.
// Waiting for a BeginNavigation IPC from the renderer in a
// browser-initiated navigation. If there is no live renderer when the
// request is created, this stage is skipped.
// TODO(zetamoo): Merge this state with WILL_START_REQUEST.
// Temporary state where:
// - Before unload handlers have run and this navigation is allowed to
// start.
// - The navigation is still not visible to embedders (via
// NavigationHandle).
// The navigation is visible to embedders (via NavigationHandle). Wait for
// the NavigationThrottles to finish running the WillStartRequest event.
// This is potentially asynchronous.
// The request is being redirected. Wait for the NavigationThrottles to
// finish running the WillRedirectRequest event. This is potentially
// asynchronous.
// The response is being processed. Wait for the NavigationThrottles to
// finish running the WillProcessResponse event. This is potentially
// asynchronous.
// The browser process has asked the renderer to commit the response
// and is waiting for acknowledgement that it has been committed.
// The response has been committed. This is one of the two final states of
// the request.
// The request is being canceled.
// The request is failing. Wait for the NavigationThrottles to finish
// running the WillFailRequest event. This is potentially asynchronous.
// The request failed with a net error code and an error page should be
// displayed. This is one of the two final states for the request.
// The SiteInstance currently associated with the navigation. Note that the
// final value will only be known when the response is received, or the
// navigation fails, as server redirects can modify the SiteInstance to use
// for the navigation.
enum class AssociatedSiteInstanceType {
NONE = 0,
// This enum is used in UMA histograms, so existing values should neither be
// reordered or removed.
enum class OriginAgentClusterEndResult {
kMaxValue = kRequestedAndOriginKeyed
// Creates a request for a browser-initiated navigation.
// Note: this is sometimes called for renderer-initiated navigations going
// through the OpenURL path. |browser_initiated| should be false in that case.
// TODO(clamy): Rename this function and consider merging it with
// CreateRendererInitiated.
static std::unique_ptr<NavigationRequest> CreateBrowserInitiated(
FrameTreeNode* frame_tree_node,
blink::mojom::CommonNavigationParamsPtr common_params,
blink::mojom::CommitNavigationParamsPtr commit_params,
bool browser_initiated,
bool was_opener_suppressed,
const blink::LocalFrameToken* initiator_frame_token,
int initiator_process_id,
const std::string& extra_headers,
FrameNavigationEntry* frame_entry,
NavigationEntryImpl* entry,
const scoped_refptr<network::ResourceRequestBody>& post_body,
std::unique_ptr<NavigationUIData> navigation_ui_data,
const absl::optional<blink::Impression>& impression);
// Creates a request for a renderer-initiated navigation.
static std::unique_ptr<NavigationRequest> CreateRendererInitiated(
FrameTreeNode* frame_tree_node,
NavigationEntryImpl* entry,
blink::mojom::CommonNavigationParamsPtr common_params,
blink::mojom::BeginNavigationParamsPtr begin_params,
int current_history_list_offset,
int current_history_list_length,
bool override_user_agent,
scoped_refptr<network::SharedURLLoaderFactory> blob_url_loader_factory,
mojo::PendingAssociatedRemote<mojom::NavigationClient> navigation_client,
std::unique_ptr<WebBundleHandleTracker> web_bundle_handle_tracker);
// Creates a NavigationRequest for synchronous navigation that have committed
// in the renderer process. Those are:
// - same-document renderer-initiated navigations.
// - synchronous about:blank navigations.
// TODO(clamy): Eventually, this should only be called for same-document
// renderer-initiated navigations.
static std::unique_ptr<NavigationRequest> CreateForSynchronousRendererCommit(
FrameTreeNode* frame_tree_node,
RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host,
bool is_same_document,
const GURL& url,
const url::Origin& origin,
const net::IsolationInfo& isolation_info_for_subresources,
blink::mojom::ReferrerPtr referrer,
const ui::PageTransition& transition,
bool should_replace_current_entry,
const std::string& method,
const NavigationGesture& gesture,
bool is_overriding_user_agent,
const std::vector<GURL>& redirects,
const GURL& original_url,
std::unique_ptr<CrossOriginEmbedderPolicyReporter> coep_reporter,
std::unique_ptr<WebBundleNavigationInfo> web_bundle_navigation_info,
int http_response_code);
static NavigationRequest* From(NavigationHandle* handle);
// If |type| is a reload, returns the equivalent ReloadType. Otherwise returns
// ReloadType::NONE.
static ReloadType NavigationTypeToReloadType(
blink::mojom::NavigationType type);
~NavigationRequest() override;
// Returns true if this request's URL matches |origin| and the request state
// is at (or past) WILL_PROCESS_RESPONSE.
bool HasCommittingOrigin(const url::Origin& origin);
// Returns true if this navigation's COOP header implies that the destination
// site of this navigation should be site-isolated. In addition to checking
// for eligible COOP header values, this function also verifies other
// criteria, such as whether this feature is enabled on the device (e.g.,
// above memory threshold) or whether the site is already isolated.
bool ShouldRequestSiteIsolationForCOOP();
// NavigationHandle implementation:
int64_t GetNavigationId() override;
ukm::SourceId GetNextPageUkmSourceId() override;
const GURL& GetURL() override;
SiteInstanceImpl* GetStartingSiteInstance() override;
SiteInstanceImpl* GetSourceSiteInstance() override;
bool IsInMainFrame() override;
bool IsInPrimaryMainFrame() override;
bool IsInPrerenderedMainFrame() override;
bool IsPrerenderedPageActivation() override;
bool IsRendererInitiated() override;
bool IsSameOrigin() override;
bool WasServerRedirect() override;
const std::vector<GURL>& GetRedirectChain() override;
int GetFrameTreeNodeId() override;
RenderFrameHostImpl* GetParentFrame() override;
base::TimeTicks NavigationStart() override;
base::TimeTicks NavigationInputStart() override;
const NavigationHandleTiming& GetNavigationHandleTiming() override;
bool IsPost() override;
const blink::mojom::Referrer& GetReferrer() override;
void SetReferrer(blink::mojom::ReferrerPtr referrer) override;
bool HasUserGesture() override;
ui::PageTransition GetPageTransition() override;
NavigationUIData* GetNavigationUIData() override;
bool IsExternalProtocol() override;
net::Error GetNetErrorCode() override;
RenderFrameHostImpl* GetRenderFrameHost() override;
bool IsSameDocument() override;
bool HasCommitted() override;
bool IsErrorPage() override;
bool HasSubframeNavigationEntryCommitted() override;
bool DidReplaceEntry() override;
bool ShouldUpdateHistory() override;
const GURL& GetPreviousMainFrameURL() override;
net::IPEndPoint GetSocketAddress() override;
const net::HttpRequestHeaders& GetRequestHeaders() override;
void RemoveRequestHeader(const std::string& header_name) override;
void SetRequestHeader(const std::string& header_name,
const std::string& header_value) override;
void SetCorsExemptRequestHeader(const std::string& header_name,
const std::string& header_value) override;
const net::HttpResponseHeaders* GetResponseHeaders() override;
net::HttpResponseInfo::ConnectionInfo GetConnectionInfo() override;
const absl::optional<net::SSLInfo>& GetSSLInfo() override;
const absl::optional<net::AuthChallengeInfo>& GetAuthChallengeInfo() override;
net::ResolveErrorInfo GetResolveErrorInfo() override;
net::IsolationInfo GetIsolationInfo() override;
void RegisterThrottleForTesting(
std::unique_ptr<NavigationThrottle> navigation_throttle) override;
bool IsDeferredForTesting() override;
bool IsCommitDeferringConditionDeferredForTesting() override;
bool WasStartedFromContextMenu() override;
const GURL& GetSearchableFormURL() override;
const std::string& GetSearchableFormEncoding() override;
ReloadType GetReloadType() override;
RestoreType GetRestoreType() override;
const GURL& GetBaseURLForDataURL() override;
const GlobalRequestID& GetGlobalRequestID() override;
bool IsDownload() override;
bool IsFormSubmission() override;
bool WasInitiatedByLinkClick() override;
bool IsSignedExchangeInnerResponse() override;
bool HasPrefetchedAlternativeSubresourceSignedExchange() override;
bool WasResponseCached() override;
const net::ProxyServer& GetProxyServer() override;
const std::string& GetHrefTranslate() override;
const absl::optional<blink::Impression>& GetImpression() override;
const absl::optional<blink::LocalFrameToken>& GetInitiatorFrameToken()
int GetInitiatorProcessID() override;
const absl::optional<url::Origin>& GetInitiatorOrigin() override;
const std::vector<std::string>& GetDnsAliases() override;
bool IsSameProcess() override;
NavigationEntry* GetNavigationEntry() override;
int GetNavigationEntryOffset() override;
void RegisterSubresourceOverride(
blink::mojom::TransferrableURLLoaderPtr transferrable_loader) override;
GlobalRenderFrameHostId GetPreviousRenderFrameHostId() override;
bool IsServedFromBackForwardCache() override;
void SetIsOverridingUserAgent(bool override_ua) override;
void SetSilentlyIgnoreErrors() override;
network::mojom::WebSandboxFlags SandboxFlagsToCommit() override;
bool IsWaitingToCommit() override;
bool WasEarlyHintsPreloadLinkHeaderReceived() override;
void WriteIntoTrace(perfetto::TracedValue context) override;
void RegisterCommitDeferringConditionForTesting(
std::unique_ptr<CommitDeferringCondition> condition);
// Called on the UI thread by the Navigator to start the navigation.
// The NavigationRequest can be deleted while BeginNavigation() is called.
void BeginNavigation();
const blink::mojom::CommonNavigationParams& common_params() const {
return *common_params_;
const blink::mojom::BeginNavigationParams& begin_params() const {
return *begin_params_;
const blink::mojom::CommitNavigationParams& commit_params() const {
return *commit_params_;
// Updates the navigation start time.
void set_navigation_start_time(const base::TimeTicks& time) {
common_params_->navigation_start = time;
void set_is_cross_site_cross_browsing_context_group(
bool is_cross_site_cross_browsing_context_group) {
commit_params_->is_cross_site_cross_browsing_context_group =
void set_app_history_back_entries(
std::vector<blink::mojom::AppHistoryEntryPtr> entries) {
commit_params_->app_history_back_entries = std::move(entries);
void set_app_history_forward_entries(
std::vector<blink::mojom::AppHistoryEntryPtr> entries) {
commit_params_->app_history_forward_entries = std::move(entries);
NavigationURLLoader* loader_for_testing() const { return loader_.get(); }
NavigationState state() const { return state_; }
FrameTreeNode* frame_tree_node() const { return frame_tree_node_; }
bool is_synchronous_renderer_commit() const {
return is_synchronous_renderer_commit_;
SiteInstanceImpl* dest_site_instance() const {
return dest_site_instance_.get();
int bindings() const { return bindings_; }
bool browser_initiated() const {
return commit_params_->is_browser_initiated;
bool from_begin_navigation() const { return from_begin_navigation_; }
AssociatedSiteInstanceType associated_site_instance_type() const {
return associated_site_instance_type_;
void set_associated_site_instance_type(AssociatedSiteInstanceType type) {
associated_site_instance_type_ = type;
void set_was_discarded() { commit_params_->was_discarded = true; }
void set_net_error(net::Error net_error) { net_error_ = net_error; }
const std::string& GetMimeType() {
return response_head_ ? response_head_->mime_type : base::EmptyString();
const network::mojom::URLResponseHead* response() {
return response_head_.get();
const mojo::DataPipeConsumerHandle& response_body() {
return response_body_.get();
mojo::ScopedDataPipeConsumerHandle& mutable_response_body_for_testing() {
return response_body_;
void SetWaitingForRendererResponse();
// Notifies the NavigatorDelegate the navigation started. This should be
// called after any previous NavigationRequest for the FrameTreeNode has been
// destroyed.
void StartNavigation();
void set_on_start_checks_complete_closure_for_testing(
base::OnceClosure closure) {
on_start_checks_complete_closure_ = std::move(closure);
// Updates the destination SiteInfo for this navigation. This is called on
// redirects. |post_redirect_process| is the renderer process that should
// handle the navigation following the redirect if it can be handled by an
// existing RenderProcessHost. Otherwise, it should be null.
// |web_exposed_isolation_info| is the new isolation info extracted from the
// redirect response.
void UpdateSiteInfo(const WebExposedIsolationInfo& web_exposed_isolation_info,
RenderProcessHost* post_redirect_process);
int nav_entry_id() const { return nav_entry_id_; }
// For automation driver-initiated navigations over the devtools protocol,
// |devtools_navigation_token_| is used to tag the navigation. This navigation
// token is then sent into the renderer and lands on the DocumentLoader. That
// way subsequent Blink-level frame lifecycle events can be associated with
// the concrete navigation.
// - The value should not be sent back to the browser.
// - The value on DocumentLoader may be generated in the renderer in some
// cases, and thus shouldn't be trusted.
// TODO( Replace devtools navigation token with the generic
// navigation token that can be passed from renderer to the browser.
const base::UnguessableToken& devtools_navigation_token() const {
return devtools_navigation_token_;
// Called on same-document navigation requests that need to be restarted as
// cross-document navigations. This happens when a same-document commit fails
// due to another navigation committing in the meantime.
void ResetForCrossDocumentRestart();
// If the navigation redirects cross-process or otherwise is forced to use a
// different SiteInstance than anticipated (e.g., for switching between error
// states), then reset any sensitive state that shouldn't carry over to the
// new process.
void ResetStateForSiteInstanceChange();
// Lazily initializes and returns the mojo::NavigationClient interface used
// for commit.
mojom::NavigationClient* GetCommitNavigationClient();
void set_transition(ui::PageTransition transition) {
common_params_->transition = transition;
void set_has_user_gesture(bool has_user_gesture) {
common_params_->has_user_gesture = has_user_gesture;
// Ignores any interface disconnect that might happen to the
// navigation_client used to commit.
void IgnoreCommitInterfaceDisconnection();
// Resume and CancelDeferredNavigation must only be called by the
// NavigationThrottle that is currently deferring the navigation.
// |resuming_throttle| and |cancelling_throttle| are the throttles calling
// these methods.
void Resume(NavigationThrottle* resuming_throttle);
void CancelDeferredNavigation(NavigationThrottle* cancelling_throttle,
NavigationThrottle::ThrottleCheckResult result);
// Returns the underlying NavigationThrottleRunner for tests to manipulate.
NavigationThrottleRunner* GetNavigationThrottleRunnerForTesting() {
return throttle_runner_.get();
// Simulates renderer aborting navigation.
void RendererAbortedNavigationForTesting();
typedef base::OnceCallback<bool(NavigationThrottle::ThrottleCheckResult)>
NavigationThrottle* GetDeferringThrottleForTesting() const {
return throttle_runner_->GetDeferringThrottle();
// Called when the navigation was committed.
// This will update the |state_|.
// |navigation_entry_committed| indicates whether the navigation changed which
// NavigationEntry is current.
// |did_replace_entry| is true if the committed entry has replaced the
// existing one. A non-user initiated redirect causes such replacement.
void DidCommitNavigation(const mojom::DidCommitProvisionalLoadParams& params,
bool navigation_entry_committed,
bool did_replace_entry,
const GURL& previous_main_frame_url,
NavigationType navigation_type);
NavigationType navigation_type() const {
return navigation_type_;
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// Returns a reference to |navigation_handle_| Java counterpart. It is used
// by Java WebContentsObservers.
base::android::ScopedJavaGlobalRef<jobject> java_navigation_handle() {
return navigation_handle_proxy_->java_navigation_handle();
const std::string& post_commit_error_page_html() {
return post_commit_error_page_html_;
void set_post_commit_error_page_html(
const std::string& post_commit_error_page_html) {
post_commit_error_page_html_ = post_commit_error_page_html;
void set_from_download_cross_origin_redirect(
bool from_download_cross_origin_redirect) {
from_download_cross_origin_redirect_ = from_download_cross_origin_redirect;
// This should be a private method. The only valid reason to be used
// outside of the class constructor is in the case of an initial history
// navigation in a subframe. This allows a browser-initiated NavigationRequest
// to be canceled by the renderer.
void SetNavigationClient(
mojo::PendingAssociatedRemote<mojom::NavigationClient> navigation_client);
// Whether the navigation loads an MHTML document or a subframe of an MHTML
// document. The navigation might or might not be fullfilled from the MHTML
// archive (see `is_mhtml_subframe_loaded_from_achive` in the NeedsUrlLoader
// method). The navigation will commit in the main frame process.
bool IsMhtmlOrSubframe();
// Whether this navigation navigates a subframe of an MHTML document.
bool IsForMhtmlSubframe() const;
// Whether the navigation has a non-OK net error code.
// Note that this is different from IsErrorPage(), which only returns true if
// the navigation has finished committing an error page. The net error code
// can be non-OK before commit and also in cases that didn't result in the
// navigation being committed (e.g. canceled navigations).
virtual bool DidEncounterError() const;
std::unique_ptr<AppCacheNavigationHandle> TakeAppCacheHandle();
AppCacheNavigationHandle* appcache_handle() const {
return appcache_handle_.get();
void set_complete_callback_for_testing(
ThrottleChecksFinishedCallback callback) {
complete_callback_for_testing_ = std::move(callback);
mutable_url_loader_client_endpoints_for_testing() {
return url_loader_client_endpoints_;
void set_ready_to_commit_callback_for_testing(base::OnceClosure callback) {
ready_to_commit_callback_for_testing_ = std::move(callback);
// Sets the READY_TO_COMMIT -> DID_COMMIT timeout. Resets the timeout to the
// default value if |timeout| is zero.
static void SetCommitTimeoutForTesting(const base::TimeDelta& timeout);
RenderFrameHostImpl* rfh_restored_from_back_forward_cache() {
return rfh_restored_from_back_forward_cache_;
const WebBundleNavigationInfo* web_bundle_navigation_info() const {
return web_bundle_navigation_info_.get();
// The NavigatorDelegate to notify/query for various navigation events.
// Normally this is the WebContents, except if this NavigationHandle was
// created during a navigation to an interstitial page. In this case it will
// be the InterstitialPage itself.
// Note: due to the interstitial navigation case, all calls that can possibly
// expose the NavigationHandle to code outside of content/ MUST go though the
// NavigatorDelegate. In particular, the ContentBrowserClient should not be
// called directly from the NavigationHandle code. Thus, these calls will not
// expose the NavigationHandle when navigating to an InterstitialPage.
NavigatorDelegate* GetDelegate() const;
blink::mojom::RequestContextType request_context_type() const {
return begin_params_->request_context_type;
network::mojom::RequestDestination request_destination() const {
return begin_params_->request_destination;
blink::mojom::MixedContentContextType mixed_content_context_type() const {
return begin_params_->mixed_content_context_type;
// Returns true if the navigation was started by the Navigator by calling
// BeginNavigation(), or if the request was created at commit time by calling
// CreateForCommit().
bool IsNavigationStarted() const;
// Restart the navigation restoring the page from the back-forward cache
// as a regular non-bfcached history navigation.
// The restart itself is asychronous as it's dangerous to restart navigation
// with arbitrary state on the stack (another navigation might be starting,
// so this function only posts the actual task to do all the work (see
// RestartBackForwardCachedNavigationImpl);
void RestartBackForwardCachedNavigation();
std::unique_ptr<PeakGpuMemoryTracker> TakePeakGpuMemoryTracker();
std::unique_ptr<NavigationEarlyHintsManager> TakeEarlyHintsManager();
// Returns true for navigation responses to be rendered in a renderer process.
// This excludes:
// - 204/205 navigation responses.
// - downloads.
// Must not be called before having received the response.
bool response_should_be_rendered() const {
return response_should_be_rendered_;
// Must only be called after ReadyToCommitNavigation().
network::mojom::ClientSecurityStatePtr BuildClientSecurityState();
bool ua_change_requires_reload() const { return ua_change_requires_reload_; }
void SetRequiredCSP(network::mojom::ContentSecurityPolicyPtr csp);
network::mojom::ContentSecurityPolicyPtr TakeRequiredCSP();
bool anonymous() const { return anonymous_; }
// Returns a pointer to the policies copied from the navigation initiator.
// Returns nullptr if this navigation had no initiator.
const PolicyContainerPolicies* GetInitiatorPolicyContainerPolicies() const;
// Returns the policies of the new document being navigated to.
// Must only be called after ReadyToCommitNavigation().
const PolicyContainerPolicies& GetPolicyContainerPolicies() const;
// Creates a new policy container for Blink connected to this navigation's
// PolicyContainerHost.
// Must only be called after ReadyToCommitNavigation().
blink::mojom::PolicyContainerPtr CreatePolicyContainerForBlink();
// Moves this navigation's PolicyContainerHost out of this instance.
// Must only be called after ReadyToCommitNavigation().
scoped_refptr<PolicyContainerHost> TakePolicyContainerHost();
CrossOriginEmbedderPolicyReporter* coep_reporter() {
return coep_reporter_.get();
std::unique_ptr<CrossOriginEmbedderPolicyReporter> TakeCoepReporter();
// Returns UKM SourceId for the page we are navigating away from.
// Equal to GetRenderFrameHost()->GetPageUkmSourceId() for subframe
// and same-document navigations and to
// RenderFrameHost::FromID(GetPreviousRenderFrameHostId())
// ->GetPageUkmSourceId() for main-frame cross-document navigations.
ukm::SourceId GetPreviousPageUkmSourceId();
void OnServiceWorkerAccessed(const GURL& scope,
AllowServiceWorkerResult allowed);
// Take all cookie observers associated with this navigation.
// Typically this is called when navigation commits to move these observers to
// the committed document.
TakeCookieObservers() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Returns the coop status information relevant to the current navigation.
CrossOriginOpenerPolicyStatus& coop_status() { return coop_status_; }
// Returns true if |common_params| represents a WebView loadDataWithBaseUrl
// navigation. Note that this may sometimes return a different result from
// IsNavigationTreatedAsLoadDataWithBaseURLInTheRenderer(), as the renderer
// applies additional checks before possibly entering the special
// loadDataWithBaseUrl path tha will try to use the supplied base URL and
// history URL (instead of just using the data: URL like a normal data: URL
// navigation).
// NOTE: To ensure consistency with other browser-side checks that already
// use IsLoadDataWithBaseURL(), prefer to use IsLoadDataWithBaseURL() for now.
// IsNavigationTreatedAsLoadDataWithBaseURLInTheRenderer() and
// IsLoadDataWithBaseURLAndHasUnreachableURL() are both currently only used to
// simulate renderer-side calculations. In the future, the plan is to remove
// those two functions and combine all the checks into just one function.
// TODO(rakina): Maybe combine all three functions to
// GetLoadDataWithBaseURLInfo() that will return a struct containing relevant
// information (e.g. "has_unreachable_url", "base_url_used", etc.)
// TODO( Inspect whether current callers for
// IsLoadDataWithBaseURL() should use
// IsNavigationTreatedAsLoadDataWithBaseURLInTheRenderer() instead.
static bool IsLoadDataWithBaseURL(
const blink::mojom::CommonNavigationParams& common_params);
// Returns true if the navigation is treated as a loadDataWithBaseURL
// navigation in the renderer, different than other data: URL navigation.
// In particular, whether the renderer will try to use the supplied base URL
// and history URL as the "document URL" and "history URL", instead of just
// using the data: URL used to commit like it would on normal data: URL
// navigations. Note that this does not say anything about whether the
// supplied base URL & history URL will actually be used (as they can be
// empty/invalid etc), just whether the renderer will go through the special
// path that *tries* to use those URLs.
// NOTE: This function is currently only used for simulating renderer-side
// calculations. Do not use it to make actual decisions. For most cases, the
// IsLoadDataWithBaseURL() function above should be used.
bool IsNavigationTreatedAsLoadDataWithBaseURLInTheRenderer();
// Returns true if the navigation is a WebView loadDataWithBaseUrl
// navigation that has a non-empty "unreachable URL" in the renderer, set to
// the "history URL" supplied with the loadDataWithBaseUrl call.
// NOTE: This function is currently only used for simulating renderer-side
// calculations. Do not use it to make actual decisions.
bool IsLoadDataWithBaseURLAndHasUnreachableURL();
// Will calculate the origin that this NavigationRequest will commit. (This
// should be reasonably accurate, but some browser-vs-renderer inconsistencies
// might still exist - they are currently tracked in
// This method depends on GetRenderFrameHost() and therefore can only be
// called after a response has been delivered for processing, or after the
// navigation fails with an error page.
url::Origin GetOriginToCommit();
// If this navigation fails with net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT, act as if it were
// cancelled by the user and do not commit an error page.
void SetSilentlyIgnoreBlockedByClient() {
silently_ignore_blocked_by_client_ = true;
// Returns the current url from GetURL() packaged with other state required to
// properly determine SiteInstances and process allocation.
UrlInfo GetUrlInfo();
bool is_overriding_user_agent() const {
return commit_params_->is_overriding_user_agent;
// Returns the IsolationInfo that should be used to load subresources.
const net::IsolationInfo& isolation_info_for_subresources() const {
return isolation_info_for_subresources_;
// NeedsUrlLoader() returns true if the navigation needs to use the
// NavigationURLLoader for loading the document.
// A few types of navigations don't make any network requests. They can be
// committed immediately in BeginNavigation(). They self-contain the data
// needed for commit:
// - about:blank: The renderer already knows how to load the empty document.
// - about:srcdoc: The data is stored in the iframe srcdoc attribute.
// - same-document: Only the history and URL are updated, no new document.
// - MHTML subframe: The data is in the archive, owned by the main frame.
// Note #1: Even though "data:" URLs don't generate actual network requests,
// including within MHTML subframes, they are still handled by the network
// stack. The reason is that a few of them can't always be handled otherwise.
// For instance:
// - the ones resulting in downloads.
// - the "invalid" ones. An error page is generated instead.
// - the ones with an unsupported MIME type.
// - the ones targeting the top-level frame on Android.
// Note #2: Even though "javascript:" URL and RendererDebugURL fit very well
// in this category, they don't use the NavigationRequest.
// Note #3: Navigations that do not use a URL loader also bypass
// NavigationThrottle.
bool NeedsUrlLoader();
network::CrossOriginEmbedderPolicy cross_origin_embedder_policy() const {
return cross_origin_embedder_policy_;
network::mojom::PrivateNetworkRequestPolicy private_network_request_policy()
const {
return private_network_request_policy_;
// Whether this navigation request waits for the result of beforeunload before
// proceeding.
bool IsWaitingForBeforeUnload();
// If the response is loaded from a WebBundle, returns the URL of the
// WebBundle. Otherwise, returns an empty URL.
GURL GetWebBundleURL();
// Creates a SubresourceWebBundleNavigationInfo if the response is loaded from
// a WebBundle.
// Returns the original request url:
// - If this navigation resulted in an error page, this will return the URL
// of the page that failed to load.
// - If this is navigation is triggered by loadDataWithBaseURL or related
// functions, this will return the data URL (or data header, in case of
// loadDataAsStringWithBaseURL).
// - Otherwise, this will return the first URL in |redirect_chain_|. This
// means if the navigation is started due to a client redirect, we will return
// the URL of the page that initiated the client redirect. Otherwise we will
// return the first destination URL for this navigation.
// NOTE: This might result in a different value than original_url in
// |commit_params_|, which is always set to the first destination URL for this
// navigation.
const GURL& GetOriginalRequestURL();
// This is the same as |NavigationHandle::IsServedFromBackForwardCache|, but
// adds a const qualifier.
bool IsServedFromBackForwardCache() const;
// Whether this navigation is activating an existing page (e.g. served from
// the BackForwardCache or Prerender)
bool IsPageActivation() const override;
// See comments for |prerender_navigation_entry_|.
void SetPrerenderNavigationEntry(
std::unique_ptr<NavigationEntryImpl> prerender_navigation_entry) {
prerender_navigation_entry_ = std::move(prerender_navigation_entry);
std::unique_ptr<NavigationEntryImpl> TakePrerenderNavigationEntry();
// Store a console message, which will be sent to the final RenderFrameHost
// immediately after requesting the navigation to commit.
// /!\ WARNING /!\: Beware of not leaking cross-origin information to a
// potentially compromised renderer when using this method.
void AddDeferredConsoleMessage(blink::mojom::ConsoleMessageLevel level,
std::string message);
base::WeakPtr<NavigationRequest> GetWeakPtr();
bool is_potentially_prerendered_page_activation_for_testing() const {
return is_potentially_prerendered_page_activation_for_testing_;
int prerender_frame_tree_node_id() const {
<< "Must be called after StartNavigation()";
return prerender_frame_tree_node_id_.value();
void RenderFallbackContentForObjectTag();
// Returns the vector of web features used during the navigation, whose
// recording was delayed until the new document that used them commits.
// Empties this instance's vector.
std::vector<blink::mojom::WebFeature> TakeWebFeaturesToLog();
// Helper for logging crash keys related to a NavigationRequest (e.g.
// "navigation_request_url" and "navigation_request_initiator"). The crash
// keys will be logged if a ScopedCrashKeys instance exists when a crash or
// DumpWithoutCrashing happens.
class ScopedCrashKeys {
explicit ScopedCrashKeys(NavigationRequest& navigation_request);
// No copy constructor and no copy assignment operator.
ScopedCrashKeys(const ScopedCrashKeys&) = delete;
ScopedCrashKeys& operator=(const ScopedCrashKeys&) = delete;
url::debug::ScopedOriginCrashKey initiator_origin_;
base::debug::ScopedCrashKeyString url_;
friend class NavigationRequestTest;
struct ConsoleMessage {
blink::mojom::ConsoleMessageLevel level;
std::string message;
FrameTreeNode* frame_tree_node,
blink::mojom::CommonNavigationParamsPtr common_params,
blink::mojom::BeginNavigationParamsPtr begin_params,
blink::mojom::CommitNavigationParamsPtr commit_params,
bool browser_initiated,
bool from_begin_navigation,
bool is_synchronous_renderer_commit,
const FrameNavigationEntry* frame_navigation_entry,
NavigationEntryImpl* navitation_entry,
std::unique_ptr<NavigationUIData> navigation_ui_data,
scoped_refptr<network::SharedURLLoaderFactory> blob_url_loader_factory,
mojo::PendingAssociatedRemote<mojom::NavigationClient> navigation_client,
std::unique_ptr<WebBundleHandleTracker> web_bundle_handle_tracker,
RenderFrameHostImpl* rfh_restored_from_back_forward_cache,
int initiator_process_id,
bool was_opener_suppressed);
// Checks if this navigation may activate a prerendered page. If it's
// possible, schedules to start running CommitDeferringConditions for
// prerendered page activation and returns true.
bool MaybeStartPrerenderingActivationChecks();
// Called from OnCommitDeferringConditionChecksComplete() if this request is
// activating a prerendered page.
void OnPrerenderingActivationChecksComplete(
CommitDeferringCondition::NavigationType navigation_type,
absl::optional<int> candidate_prerender_frame_tree_node_id);
// Called from BeginNavigation() or OnPrerenderingActivationChecksComplete().
void BeginNavigationImpl();
// Checks if the response requests an isolated origin via the
// Origin-Agent-Cluster header, and if so opts in the origin to be isolated.
void CheckForIsolationOptIn(const GURL& url);
// Use to manually opt an origin into Origin-keyed Agent Cluster (OAC) in the
// event that process-isolation isn't being used for OAC.
// TODO(wjmaclean): When we switch to using separate SiteInstances even for
// same-process OAC, then this function can be removed.
void AddSameProcessOriginAgentClusterOptInIfNecessary(
const IsolationContext& isolation_context,
const GURL& url);
// Returns whether this navigation request is requesting opt-in
// origin-isolation.
bool IsOptInIsolationRequested();
// The Origin-Agent-Cluster end result is determined early in the lifecycle of
// a NavigationRequest, but used late. In particular, we want to trigger use
// counters and console warnings once navigation has committed.
void DetermineOriginAgentClusterEndResult(bool is_requested);
void ProcessOriginAgentClusterEndResult();
// NavigationURLLoaderDelegate implementation.
void OnRequestRedirected(
const net::RedirectInfo& redirect_info,
const net::NetworkIsolationKey& network_isolation_key,
network::mojom::URLResponseHeadPtr response_head) override;
void OnResponseStarted(
network::mojom::URLLoaderClientEndpointsPtr url_loader_client_endpoints,
network::mojom::URLResponseHeadPtr response_head,
mojo::ScopedDataPipeConsumerHandle response_body,
GlobalRequestID request_id,
bool is_download,
blink::NavigationDownloadPolicy download_policy,
net::NetworkIsolationKey network_isolation_key,
absl::optional<SubresourceLoaderParams> subresource_loader_params,
EarlyHints early_hints) override;
void OnRequestFailed(
const network::URLLoaderCompletionStatus& status) override;
absl::optional<url::Origin> CreateURLLoaderFactoryForEarlyHintsPreload(
mojo::PendingReceiver<network::mojom::URLLoaderFactory> factory_receiver,
const network::mojom::EarlyHints& early_hints) override;
// To be called whenever a navigation request fails. If |skip_throttles| is
// true, the registered NavigationThrottle(s) won't get a chance to intercept
// NavigationThrottle::WillFailRequest. It should be used when a request
// failed due to a throttle result itself. |error_page_content| is only used
// when |skip_throttles| is true. If |collapse_frame| is true, the associated
// frame tree node is collapsed.
void OnRequestFailedInternal(
const network::URLLoaderCompletionStatus& status,
bool skip_throttles,
const absl::optional<std::string>& error_page_content,
bool collapse_frame);
// Helper to determine whether an error page for the provided error code
// should stay in the current process.
enum ErrorPageProcess {
ErrorPageProcess ComputeErrorPageProcess(int net_error);
// Called when the NavigationThrottles have been checked by the
// NavigationHandle.
void OnStartChecksComplete(NavigationThrottle::ThrottleCheckResult result);
void OnRedirectChecksComplete(NavigationThrottle::ThrottleCheckResult result);
void OnFailureChecksComplete(NavigationThrottle::ThrottleCheckResult result);
void OnWillProcessResponseChecksComplete(
NavigationThrottle::ThrottleCheckResult result);
// Runs CommitDeferringConditions.
// For prerendered page activation, this is called at the beginning of the
// navigation (i.e., in BeginNavigation()). This is because activating a
// prerendered page must be an atomic, synchronous operation so there is no
// chance for the prerender to be cancelled during the operation. The
// CommitDeferringConditions are asynchronous, so they run at the beginning
// of navigation. Once they finish, the atomic activation sequence runs.
void RunCommitDeferringConditions();
// Similar to the NavigationThrottle checks above but this is called from
// CommitDeferringConditionRunner rather than NavigationThrottles and is
// invoked after all throttle checks and commit checks have completed and the
// navigation can proceed to commit.
void OnCommitDeferringConditionChecksComplete(
CommitDeferringCondition::NavigationType navigation_type,
absl::optional<int> candidate_prerender_frame_tree_node_id) override;
// Called either by OnFailureChecksComplete() or OnRequestFailed() directly.
// |error_page_content| contains the content of the error page (i.e. flattened
// HTML, JS, CSS).
void CommitErrorPage(const absl::optional<std::string>& error_page_content);
// Have a RenderFrameHost commit the navigation. The NavigationRequest will
// be destroyed sometime after this call, typically after the renderer has
// informed the browser process that the commit has finished.
void CommitNavigation();
// Commits the navigation to an existing page (back-forward cache navigation
// or prerender activation). NavigationRequest will be destroyed after this
// call.
void CommitPageActivation();
// Checks if the specified CSP context's relevant CSP directive
// allows the navigation. This is called to perform the frame-src
// and navigate-to checks.
bool IsAllowedByCSPDirective(
const std::vector<network::mojom::ContentSecurityPolicyPtr>& policies,
network::CSPContext* context,
network::mojom::CSPDirectiveName directive,
bool has_followed_redirect,
bool url_upgraded_after_redirect,
bool is_response_check,
network::CSPContext::CheckCSPDisposition disposition);
// Checks if CSP allows the navigation. This will check the frame-src and
// navigate-to directives.
// Returns net::OK if the checks pass, and net::ERR_ABORTED or
// net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CSP depending on which checks fail.
net::Error CheckCSPDirectives(
RenderFrameHostCSPContext parent_context,
const PolicyContainerPolicies* parent_policies,
RenderFrameHostCSPContext initiator_context,
const PolicyContainerPolicies* initiator_policies,
bool has_followed_redirect,
bool url_upgraded_after_redirect,
bool is_response_check,
network::CSPContext::CheckCSPDisposition disposition);
// Check whether a request should be allowed to continue or should be blocked
// because it violates a CSP. This method can have two side effects:
// - If a CSP is configured to send reports and the request violates the CSP,
// a report will be sent.
// - The navigation request may be upgraded from HTTP to HTTPS if a CSP is
// configured to upgrade insecure requests.
net::Error CheckContentSecurityPolicy(bool has_followed_redirect,
bool url_upgraded_after_redirect,
bool is_response_check);
// Builds the parameters used to commit a navigation to a page that was
// restored from the back-forward cache.
// Builds the parameters used to commit a navigation to a prerendered page
// that was activated.
// Builds generic activation parameters used to commit a navigation to a page.
// This enum describes the result of the credentialed subresource check for
// the request.
enum class CredentialedSubresourceCheckResult {
// Chrome blocks subresource requests whose URLs contain embedded credentials
// (e.g. ``). Check whether the
// request should be allowed to continue or should be blocked.
CredentialedSubresourceCheckResult CheckCredentialedSubresource() const;
// This enum describes the result of the legacy protocol check for
// the request.
enum class LegacyProtocolInSubresourceCheckResult {
// Block subresources requests that target "legacy" protocol (like "ftp") when
// the main document is not served from a "legacy" protocol.
LegacyProtocolInSubresourceCheckResult CheckLegacyProtocolInSubresource()
// Block about:srcdoc navigation that aren't expected to happen. For instance,
// main frame navigations or about:srcdoc#foo.
enum class AboutSrcDocCheckResult {
AboutSrcDocCheckResult CheckAboutSrcDoc() const;
// When the embedder requires the use of Content Security Policy via Embedded
// Enforcement, framed documents must either:
// 1. Use the 'allow-csp-from' header to opt-into enforcement.
// 2. Enforce its own CSP that subsumes the required CSP.
// Framed documents that fail to do either of these will be blocked.
// See:
// -
// -
// SetupCSPEmbeddedEnforcement() retrieve the iframe 'csp' attribute applying.
// CheckCSPEmbeddedEnforcement() inspects the response headers. It decides if
// the 'csp' attribute should be installed into the child. This might also
// block it and display an error page instead.
void SetupCSPEmbeddedEnforcement();
enum class CSPEmbeddedEnforcementResult {
CSPEmbeddedEnforcementResult CheckCSPEmbeddedEnforcement();
// Called before a commit. Updates the history index and length held in
// CommitNavigationParams. This is used to update this shared state with the
// renderer process.
void UpdateCommitNavigationParamsHistory();
// Called when an ongoing renderer-initiated navigation is aborted.
void OnRendererAbortedNavigation();
// Binds the given error_handler to be called when an interface disconnection
// happens on the renderer side.
void HandleInterfaceDisconnection(
base::OnceClosure error_handler);
// When called, this NavigationRequest will no longer interpret the interface
// disconnection on the renderer side as an AbortNavigation.
// TODO(ahemery): remove this function when NavigationRequest properly handles
// interface disconnection in all cases.
void IgnoreInterfaceDisconnection();
// Sets ID of the RenderProcessHost we expect the navigation to commit in.
// This is used to inform the RenderProcessHost to expect a navigation to the
// url we're navigating to.
void SetExpectedProcess(RenderProcessHost* expected_process);
// Inform the RenderProcessHost to no longer expect a navigation.
void ResetExpectedProcess();
// If this is a same-site main-frame navigation where we did a proactive
// BrowsingInstance swap but we're reusing the old page's process, we need
// to send the routing ID and the updated lifecycle state of the old page so
// that we can run pagehide and visibilitychange handlers of the old page
// when we commit the new page.
void AddOldPageInfoToCommitParamsIfNeeded();
// Record download related UseCounters when navigation is a download before
// filtered by download_policy.
void RecordDownloadUseCountersPrePolicyCheck(
blink::NavigationDownloadPolicy download_policy);
// Record download related UseCounters when navigation is a download after
// filtered by download_policy.
void RecordDownloadUseCountersPostPolicyCheck();
// NavigationThrottleRunner::Delegate:
void OnNavigationEventProcessed(
NavigationThrottleRunner::Event event,
NavigationThrottle::ThrottleCheckResult result) override;
void OnWillStartRequestProcessed(
NavigationThrottle::ThrottleCheckResult result);
void OnWillRedirectRequestProcessed(
NavigationThrottle::ThrottleCheckResult result);
void OnWillFailRequestProcessed(
NavigationThrottle::ThrottleCheckResult result);
void OnWillProcessResponseProcessed(
NavigationThrottle::ThrottleCheckResult result);
void CancelDeferredNavigationInternal(
NavigationThrottle::ThrottleCheckResult result);
// TODO(zetamoo): Remove the Will* methods and fold them into their callers.
// Called when the URLRequest will start in the network stack.
void WillStartRequest();
// Called when the URLRequest will be redirected in the network stack.
// This will also inform the delegate that the request was redirected.
// |post_redirect_process| is the renderer process we expect to use to commit
// the navigation now that it has been redirected. It can be null if there is
// no live process that can be used. In that case, a suitable renderer process
// will be created at commit time.
// |web_exposed_isolation_info| is the new isolation info extracted from the
// redirect response.
void WillRedirectRequest(
const GURL& new_referrer_url,
const WebExposedIsolationInfo& web_exposed_isolation_info,
RenderProcessHost* post_redirect_process);
// Called when the URLRequest will fail.
void WillFailRequest();
// Called when the URLRequest has delivered response headers and metadata.
// |callback| will be called when all throttle checks have completed,
// allowing the caller to cancel the navigation or let it proceed.
// NavigationHandle will not call |callback| with a result of DEFER.
// If the result is PROCEED, then 'ReadyToCommitNavigation' will be called
// just before calling |callback|.
void WillProcessResponse();
// Checks for attempts to navigate to a page that is already referenced more
// than once in the frame's ancestors. This is a helper function used by
// WillStartRequest and WillRedirectRequest to prevent the navigation.
bool IsSelfReferentialURL();
// RenderProcessHostObserver implementation.
void RenderProcessExited(RenderProcessHost* host,
const ChildProcessTerminationInfo& info) override;
void RenderProcessHostDestroyed(RenderProcessHost* host) override;
// Updates navigation handle timings.
void UpdateNavigationHandleTimingsOnResponseReceived(bool is_first_response);
void UpdateNavigationHandleTimingsOnCommitSent();
// Helper function that computes the SiteInfo for |common_params_.url|.
// Note: |site_info_| should only be updated with the result of this function.
SiteInfo GetSiteInfoForCommonParamsURL(
const WebExposedIsolationInfo& cross_origin_isolated_origin_status);
// Updates the state of the navigation handle after encountering a server
// redirect.
void UpdateStateFollowingRedirect(const GURL& new_referrer_url);
// Updates |private_network_request_policy_| for ReadyToCommitNavigation().
// Must not be called for same-document navigation requests nor for requests
// served from the back-forward cache or from prerendered pages.
void UpdatePrivateNetworkRequestPolicy();
// Called when the navigation is ready to be committed. This will update the
// |state_| and inform the delegate.
void ReadyToCommitNavigation(bool is_error);
// Called if READY_TO_COMMIT -> COMMIT state transition takes an unusually
// long time.
void OnCommitTimeout();
// Called by the RenderProcessHost to handle the case when the process changed
// its state of being blocked.
void RenderProcessBlockedStateChanged(bool blocked);
void StopCommitTimeout();
void RestartCommitTimeout();
std::vector<std::string> TakeRemovedRequestHeaders() {
return std::move(removed_request_headers_);
net::HttpRequestHeaders TakeModifiedRequestHeaders() {
return std::move(modified_request_headers_);
// Returns true if the contents of |common_params_| requires
// |source_site_instance_| to be set. This is used to ensure that data: and
// about:blank URLs with valid initiator origins always have
// |source_site_instance_| set so that site isolation enforcements work
// properly.
bool RequiresInitiatorBasedSourceSiteInstance() const;
// Sets |source_site_instance_| to a SiteInstance that is derived from
// |common_params_->initiator_origin| and related to the |frame_tree_node_|'s
// current SiteInstance. |source_site_instance_| is only set if it doesn't
// already have a value and RequiresInitiatorBasedSourceSiteInstance() returns
// true.
void SetSourceSiteInstanceToInitiatorIfNeeded();
// See RestartBackForwardCachedNavigation.
void RestartBackForwardCachedNavigationImpl();
void ForceEnableOriginTrials(const std::vector<std::string>& trials) override;
void CreateCoepReporter(StoragePartition* storage_partition);
absl::optional<network::mojom::BlockedByResponseReason> EnforceCOEP();
// Check the COOP value of the page is compatible with the COEP value of each
// of its documents. COOP:kSameOriginPlusCoep is incompatible with COEP:kNone.
// If they aren't, this returns false and emits a crash report.
bool CoopCoepSanityCheck();
// Returns the user-agent override, or an empty string if one isn't set.
std::string GetUserAgentOverride();
// network::mojom::CookieAccessObserver:
void OnCookiesAccessed(
network::mojom::CookieAccessDetailsPtr details) override;
void Clone(mojo::PendingReceiver<network::mojom::CookieAccessObserver>
observer) override;
// Convenience function to return the NavigationControllerImpl this
// NavigationRequest is in.
NavigationControllerImpl* GetNavigationController();
// Convenience function to return the PrerenderHostRegistry this
// NavigationRequest can be associated with.
PrerenderHostRegistry& GetPrerenderHostRegistry();
// Returns the render frame host of the initiator document, iff there is such
// a document and its render frame host has not committed a different document
// since this navigation started. Otherwise returns nullptr.
RenderFrameHostImpl* GetInitiatorDocumentRenderFrameHost();
// Records the appropriate kAddressSpace* WebFeature for the response we just
// received on the initiator document, if possible.
void RecordAddressSpaceFeature();
// Computes the PolicyContainerPolicies and the sandbox flags to use for
// committing a regular document.
// Called when the response to commit is known.
void ComputePoliciesToCommit();
// Computes the PolicyContainerPolicies and the sandbox flags to use for
// committing an error document.
// Note:
// |ComputePoliciesToCommit()| can be followed by
// |ComputePoliciesToCommitForErrorPage()|. This happens when the decision to
// commit an error document happens after receiving the regular document's
// response.
void ComputePoliciesToCommitForError();
// Compute the sandbox policy of the document to be loaded. This is called
// once the final response is known. It is based on the current FramePolicy,
// the response's CSP and the embedder's HTMLIframeElement.csp.
void ComputeSandboxFlagsToCommit();
// DCHECK that tranistioning from the current state to |state| valid. This
// does nothing in non-debug builds.
void CheckStateTransition(NavigationState state) const;
// Set |state_| to |state| and also DCHECK that this state transition is
// valid.
void SetState(NavigationState state);
// When a navigation fails, one of two things can happen:
// 1) An error page commits and replaces the old document.
// 2) The navigation is canceled, and the previous document is kept.
// If appropriate, this applies (2), deletes |this|, and returns true.
// In that case, the caller must immediately return.
bool MaybeCancelFailedNavigation();
// Called just after a navigation commits (also in case of error): it
// sends all console messages to the final RenderFrameHost.
void SendDeferredConsoleMessages();
bool ShouldRenderFallbackContentForResponse(
const net::HttpResponseHeaders& response_head) const;
// Whether this is a same-URL navigation that should replace the current entry
// or not. Called when the navigation just started.
bool ShouldReplaceCurrentEntryForSameUrlNavigation() const;
// Whether a failed navigation should replace the current entry or not. Called
// when an error page is about to be committed.
bool ShouldReplaceCurrentEntryForFailedNavigation() const;
// Calculates the origin that this NavigationRequest may commit. See also the
// comment of GetOriginToCommit(). Performs calculation without information
// from RenderFrameHostImpl (e.g. CSPs are ignored). Should be used only in
// situations where the final frame host hasn't been determined but the origin
// is needed to create URLLoaderFactory.
url::Origin GetOriginForURLLoaderFactoryWithoutFinalFrameHost(
network::mojom::WebSandboxFlags sandbox_flags);
// Superset of GetOriginForURLLoaderFactoryWithoutFinalFrameHost(). Calculates
// the origin with information from the final frame host. Can be called only
// after the final response is received or ready.
url::Origin GetOriginForURLLoaderFactoryWithFinalFrameHost();
// Never null. The pointee node owns this navigation request instance.
FrameTreeNode* const frame_tree_node_;
// Used for short-lived NavigationRequest created at DidCommit time for the
// purpose of committing navigation that were not driven by the browser
// process. This is used in only two cases:
// - same-document navigation initiated by the renderer process.
// - the synchronous about:blank navigation.
const bool is_synchronous_renderer_commit_;
// Invariant: At least one of |loader_| or |render_frame_host_| is null.
RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host_ = nullptr;
// Initialized on creation of the NavigationRequest. Sent to the renderer when
// the navigation is ready to commit.
// Note: When the navigation is ready to commit, the url in |common_params|
// will be set to the final navigation url, obtained after following all
// redirects.
// Note: |common_params_| and |begin_params_| are not const as they can be
// modified during redirects.
// Note: |commit_params_| is not const because was_discarded will
// be set in CreatedNavigationRequest.
// Note: |commit_params_->is_browser_initiated| and |common_params_| may be
// mutated by ContentBrowserClient::OverrideNavigationParams at construction
// time (i.e. before we actually kick off the navigation).
// |commit_params_->is_browser_initiated| will always be true for history
// navigations, even if they began in the renderer using the history API.
blink::mojom::CommonNavigationParamsPtr common_params_;
blink::mojom::BeginNavigationParamsPtr begin_params_;
blink::mojom::CommitNavigationParamsPtr commit_params_;
bool same_origin_ = false;
// Stores the NavigationUIData for this navigation until the NavigationHandle
// is created. This can be null if the embedded did not provide a
// NavigationUIData at the beginning of the navigation.
std::unique_ptr<NavigationUIData> navigation_ui_data_;
// URLLoaderFactory to facilitate loading blob URLs.
const scoped_refptr<network::SharedURLLoaderFactory> blob_url_loader_factory_;
NavigationState state_ = NOT_STARTED;
bool is_navigation_started_ = false;
std::unique_ptr<NavigationURLLoader> loader_;
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// For each C++ NavigationHandle, there is a Java counterpart. It is the JNI
// bridge in between the two.
std::unique_ptr<NavigationHandleProxy> navigation_handle_proxy_;
// These next items are used in browser-initiated navigations to store
// information from the NavigationEntryImpl that is required after request
// creation time.
scoped_refptr<SiteInstanceImpl> source_site_instance_;
scoped_refptr<SiteInstanceImpl> dest_site_instance_;
const RestoreType restore_type_;
const ReloadType reload_type_;
const int nav_entry_id_;
int bindings_ = FrameNavigationEntry::kInvalidBindings;
scoped_refptr<SiteInstanceImpl> starting_site_instance_;
// Whether the navigation should be sent to a renderer a process. This is
// true, except for 204/205 responses and downloads.
bool response_should_be_rendered_ = false;
// The type of SiteInstance associated with this navigation.
AssociatedSiteInstanceType associated_site_instance_type_ =
// Stores the SiteInstance created on redirects to check if there is an
// existing RenderProcessHost that can commit the navigation so that the
// renderer process is not deleted while the navigation is ongoing. If the
// SiteInstance was a brand new SiteInstance, it is not stored.
scoped_refptr<SiteInstance> speculative_site_instance_;
// Whether the NavigationRequest was created after receiving a BeginNavigation
// IPC. When true, main frame navigations should not commit in a different
// process (unless asked by the content/ embedder). When true, the renderer
// process expects to be notified if the navigation is aborted.
const bool from_begin_navigation_;
// Holds objects received from OnResponseStarted while the WillProcessResponse
// checks are performed by the NavigationHandle. Once the checks have been
// completed, these objects will be used to continue the navigation.
network::mojom::URLResponseHeadPtr response_head_;
mojo::ScopedDataPipeConsumerHandle response_body_;
network::mojom::URLLoaderClientEndpointsPtr url_loader_client_endpoints_;
absl::optional<net::SSLInfo> ssl_info_;
absl::optional<net::AuthChallengeInfo> auth_challenge_info_;
bool is_download_ = false;
GlobalRequestID request_id_;
std::unique_ptr<NavigationEarlyHintsManager> early_hints_manager_;
// Holds information for the navigation while the WillFailRequest
// checks are performed by the NavigationHandle.
bool has_stale_copy_in_cache_ = false;
net::Error net_error_ = net::OK;
int extended_error_code_ = 0;
// Detailed host resolution error information. The error code in
// |resolve_error_info_.error| should be consistent with (but not necessarily
// the same as) |net_error_|. In the case of a host resolution error, for
// example, |net_error_| should be ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED while
// |resolve_error_info_.error| may give a more detailed error such as
net::ResolveErrorInfo resolve_error_info_;
// Identifies in which RenderProcessHost this navigation is expected to
// commit.
int expected_render_process_host_id_ = ChildProcessHost::kInvalidUniqueID;
// The SiteInfo of this navigation, as obtained from
// SiteInstanceImpl::ComputeSiteInfo().
SiteInfo site_info_;
base::OnceClosure on_start_checks_complete_closure_;
// Used in the network service world to pass the subressource loader params
// to the renderer. Used by AppCache and ServiceWorker, and
// SignedExchangeSubresourcePrefetch.
absl::optional<SubresourceLoaderParams> subresource_loader_params_;
// See comment on accessor.
const base::UnguessableToken devtools_navigation_token_ =
// The NavigationClient interface for that requested this navigation in the
// case of a renderer initiated navigation. It is expected to be bound until
// this navigation commits or is canceled.
mojo::AssociatedRemote<mojom::NavigationClient> request_navigation_client_;
// The NavigationClient interface used to commit the navigation. For now, this
// is only used for same-site renderer-initiated navigation.
// TODO(clamy, ahemery): Extend to all types of navigation.
mojo::AssociatedRemote<mojom::NavigationClient> commit_navigation_client_;
// If set, any redirects to HTTP for this navigation will be upgraded to
// HTTPS. This is used only on subframe navigations, when
// upgrade-insecure-requests is set as a CSP policy.
bool upgrade_if_insecure_ = false;
// The offset of the new document in the history.
const int navigation_entry_offset_ = 0;
// Owns the NavigationThrottles associated with this navigation, and is
// responsible for notifying them about the various navigation events.
std::unique_ptr<NavigationThrottleRunner> throttle_runner_;
// Once the navigation has passed all throttle checks the navigation will
// commit. However, we may need to defer the commit until certain conditions
// are met. CommitDeferringConditionRunner is responsible for deferring a
// commit if needed and resuming it, by calling
// OnCommitDeferringConditionChecksComplete, once all checks passed.
// For prerendered page activation, it doesn't run the NavigationThrottles and
// run the CommitDeferringConditionRunner at the beginning of
// BeginNavigation(). See the comment on RunCommitDeferringConditions() for
// details.
std::unique_ptr<CommitDeferringConditionRunner> commit_deferrer_;
// Indicates whether the navigation changed which NavigationEntry is current.
bool subframe_entry_committed_ = false;
// True if the committed entry has replaced the existing one.
// A non-user initiated redirect causes such replacement.
bool did_replace_entry_ = false;
// Set to false if we want to update the session history but not update the
// browser history. E.g., on unreachable urls.
bool should_update_history_ = false;
// The previous main frame URL that the user was on. This may be empty if
// there was no last committed entry.
GURL previous_main_frame_url_;
// The type of navigation that just occurred. Note that not all types of
// navigations in the enum are valid here, since some of them don't actually
// cause a "commit" and won't generate this notification.
NavigationType navigation_type_ = NAVIGATION_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
// The chain of redirects, including client-side redirect and the current URL.
// TODO(zetamoo): Try to improve redirect tracking during navigation.
std::vector<GURL> redirect_chain_;
// TODO(zetamoo): Try to remove this by always sanitizing the referrer in
// common_params_.
blink::mojom::ReferrerPtr sanitized_referrer_;
bool was_redirected_ = false;
// Whether this navigation was triggered by a x-origin redirect following a
// prior (most likely <a download>) download attempt.
bool from_download_cross_origin_redirect_ = false;
// Used when SignedExchangeSubresourcePrefetch is enabled to hold the
// prefetched signed exchanges. This is shared with the navigation initiator's
// RenderFrameHostImpl. This also means that only the navigations that were
// directly initiated by the frame that made the prefetches could use the
// prefetched resources, which is a different behavior from regular prefetches
// (where all prefetched resources are stored and shared in http cache).
// Tracks navigations within a Web Bundle file. Used when WebBundles feature
// is enabled or TrustableWebBundleFileUrl switch is set.
const std::unique_ptr<WebBundleHandleTracker> web_bundle_handle_tracker_;
// Timing information of loading for the navigation. Used for recording UMAs.
NavigationHandleTiming navigation_handle_timing_;
// The time this navigation was ready to commit.
base::TimeTicks ready_to_commit_time_;
// Manages the lifetime of a pre-created AppCacheHost until a browser side
// navigation is ready to be committed, i.e we have a renderer process ready
// to service the navigation request.
std::unique_ptr<AppCacheNavigationHandle> appcache_handle_;
// Set in ReadyToCommitNavigation.
bool is_same_process_ = true;
// If set, starting the navigation will immediately result in an error page
// with this html as content and |net_error| as the network error.
std::string post_commit_error_page_html_;
// This test-only callback will be run when all throttle checks have been
// performed. If the callback returns true, On*ChecksComplete functions are
// skipped, and only the test callback is being performed.
// TODO(clamy): Revisit the unit test architecture.
ThrottleChecksFinishedCallback complete_callback_for_testing_;
// Test-only callback. Called when we're ready to call CommitNavigation.
// Unlike above, this is informational only; it does not affect the request.
base::OnceClosure ready_to_commit_callback_for_testing_;
// The instance to process the Web Bundle that's bound to this request.
// Used to navigate to the main resource URL of the Web Bundle, and
// load it from the corresponding entry.
// This is created in OnStartChecksComplete() and passed to the
// RenderFrameHostImpl in CommitNavigation().
std::unique_ptr<WebBundleHandle> web_bundle_handle_;
// Keeps the Web Bundle related information when |this| is for a navigation
// within a Web Bundle file. Used when WebBundle feature is enabled or
// TrustableWebBundleFileUrl switch is set.
// For navigations to Web Bundle file, this is cloned from
// |web_bundle_handle_| in CommitNavigation(), and is passed to
// FrameNavigationEntry for the navigation. And for history (back / forward)
// navigations within the Web Bundle file, this is cloned from the
// FrameNavigationEntry and is used to create a WebBundleHandle.
std::unique_ptr<WebBundleNavigationInfo> web_bundle_navigation_info_;
// Which proxy server was used for this navigation, if any.
net::ProxyServer proxy_server_;
// Unique id that identifies the navigation for which this NavigationRequest
// is created.
const int64_t navigation_id_ = ++unique_id_counter_;
// static member for generating the unique id above.
static int64_t unique_id_counter_;
// Manages the lifetime of a pre-created ServiceWorkerContainerHost until a
// corresponding container is created in the renderer.
std::unique_ptr<ServiceWorkerMainResourceHandle> service_worker_handle_;
// Timer for detecting an unexpectedly long time to commit a navigation.
base::OneShotTimer commit_timeout_timer_;
// The headers used for the request. The value of this comes from
// |begin_params_->headers|. If not set, it needs to be calculated.
absl::optional<net::HttpRequestHeaders> request_headers_;
// Used to update the request's headers. When modified during the navigation
// start, the headers will be applied to the initial network request. When
// modified during a redirect, the headers will be applied to the redirected
// request.
net::HttpRequestHeaders modified_request_headers_;
net::HttpRequestHeaders cors_exempt_request_headers_;
// Set of headers to remove during the redirect phase. This can only be
// modified during the redirect phase.
std::vector<std::string> removed_request_headers_;
// The RenderFrameHost that was restored from the back-forward cache. This
// will be null except for navigations that are restoring a page from the
// back-forward cache.
RenderFrameHostImpl* const rfh_restored_from_back_forward_cache_;
// These are set to the values from the FrameNavigationEntry this
// NavigationRequest is associated with (if any).
int64_t frame_entry_item_sequence_number_ = -1;
int64_t frame_entry_document_sequence_number_ = -1;
// If non-empty, it represents the IsolationInfo explicitly asked to be used
// for this NavigationRequest.
absl::optional<net::IsolationInfo> isolation_info_;
// This is used to store the current_frame_host id at request creation time.
const GlobalRenderFrameHostId previous_render_frame_host_id_;
// Frame token of the frame host that initiated the navigation, derived from
// |begin_params().initiator_frame_token|. This is best effort: it is only
// defined for some renderer-initiated navigations (e.g., not drag and drop).
// The frame with the corresponding frame token may have been deleted before
// the navigation begins. This parameter is defined if and only if
// |initiator_process_id_| below is.
const absl::optional<blink::LocalFrameToken> initiator_frame_token_;
// ID of the renderer process of the frame host that initiated the navigation.
// This is defined if and only if |initiator_frame_token_| above is, and it is
// only valid in conjunction with it.
const int initiator_process_id_ = ChildProcessHost::kInvalidUniqueID;
// Whether a navigation in a new window had the opener suppressed. False if
// the navigation is not in a new window. Can only be true for renderer
// initiated navigations which use `CreateBrowserInitiated()`.
const bool was_opener_suppressed_ = false;
// This tracks a connection between the current pending entry and this
// request, such that the pending entry can be discarded if no requests are
// left referencing it.
std::unique_ptr<NavigationControllerImpl::PendingEntryRef> pending_entry_ref_;
// Used only by DCHECK.
// True if the NavigationThrottles are running an event, the request then can
// be cancelled for deferring.
bool processing_navigation_throttle_ = false;
// Used only by (D)CHECK.
// True if we are restarting this navigation request as RenderFrameHost was
// evicted.
bool restarting_back_forward_cached_navigation_ = false;
// Holds the required CSP for this navigation. This will be moved into
// the RenderFrameHost at DidCommitNavigation time.
network::mojom::ContentSecurityPolicyPtr required_csp_;
// Whether the document loaded by this navigation will be committed inside an
// anonymous iframe. Documents loaded inside anonymous iframes get partitioned
// storage and use a transient NetworkIsolationKey.
const bool anonymous_;
// Non-nullopt from construction until |TakePolicyContainerHost()| is called.
std::unique_ptr<CrossOriginEmbedderPolicyReporter> coep_reporter_;
std::unique_ptr<PeakGpuMemoryTracker> loading_mem_tracker_;
// Structure tracking the effects of the CrossOriginOpenerPolicy on this
// navigation.
CrossOriginOpenerPolicyStatus coop_status_{this};
bool is_safe_to_delete_ = true;
// UKM source associated with the page we are navigated away from.
const ukm::SourceId previous_page_ukm_source_id_;
// If true, changes to the user-agent override require a reload. If false, a
// reload is not necessary.
bool ua_change_requires_reload_ = true;
// Controls whether or not an error page is displayed on error. If set to
// true, an error will be treated as if the user simply cancelled the
// navigation.
bool silently_ignore_errors_ = false;
// Similar but only suppresses the error page when the error code is
bool silently_ignore_blocked_by_client_ = false;
// Whether the navigation loads an MHTML document or a subframe of an MHTML
// document. The navigation might or might not be fullfilled from the MHTML
// archive (see `is_mhtml_subframe_loaded_from_achive` in the NeedsUrlLoader
// method).
bool is_mhtml_or_subframe_ = false;
// True when at least one preload Link header was received via an Early Hints
// response. This is set only for a main frame navigation.
bool was_early_hints_preload_link_header_received_ = false;
// Observers listening to cookie access notifications for the network requests
// made by this navigation.
mojo::ReceiverSet<network::mojom::CookieAccessObserver> cookie_observers_;
// The sandbox flags of the document to be loaded.
absl::optional<network::mojom::WebSandboxFlags> sandbox_flags_to_commit_;
OriginAgentClusterEndResult origin_agent_cluster_end_result_ =
net::IsolationInfo isolation_info_for_subresources_;
// Set while CommitDeferringConditions are running for prerendered page
// activation. This is needed as PrerenderHost hasn't been reserved and
// prerender_frame_tree_node_id() is not available yet while they are
// running.
bool is_potentially_prerendered_page_activation_for_testing_ = false;
// The root frame tree node id of the prerendered page. This will be a valid
// FrameTreeNode id when this navigation will activate a prerendered page.
// For all other navigations this will be
// RenderFrameHost::kNoFrameTreeNodeId. We only know whether this is the case
// when BeginNavigation is called so the optional will be empty until then
// and callers must not query its value before it's been computed.
absl::optional<int> prerender_frame_tree_node_id_;
// Used to store a cloned NavigationEntry for activating a prerendered page.
// |prerender_navigation_entry_| is cloned and stored in NavigationRequest
// when the prerendered page is transferred to the target FrameTree and is
// consumed when NavigationController needs a new entry to commit.
std::unique_ptr<NavigationEntryImpl> prerender_navigation_entry_;
// The following fields that constitute the ClientSecurityState. This
// state is used to take security decisions about the request, and later on
// when passed to the RenderFrameHostImpl, about the fetching of subresources.
// They have some default values and get updated via inheritance or network
// responses/redirects. Finally they get passed down to the
// RenderFrameHostImpl at commit time.
// TODO(ahemery, titouan): Move some elements to the policy container or
// rework inheritance.
network::CrossOriginEmbedderPolicy cross_origin_embedder_policy_;
network::mojom::PrivateNetworkRequestPolicy private_network_request_policy_ =
// The list of web features that were used by the new document during
// navigation. These can only be logged once the document commits, so they are
// held in this vector until then.
std::vector<blink::mojom::WebFeature> web_features_to_log_;
// Messages to be printed on the console in the target RenderFrameHost of this
// NavigationRequest.
std::vector<ConsoleMessage> console_messages_;
// The `commit_navigation_sent_counter` of the initiator RenderFrameHost at
// the time when this NavigationRequest was created.
int initiator_commit_navigation_sent_counter_ = -1;
base::WeakPtrFactory<NavigationRequest> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace content