blob: 66910f8b3620816624e82d5c19a1b5c8743a0871 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "components/offline_pages/core/client_id.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace offline_pages {
class ClientPolicyController;
struct OfflinePageItem;
// Criteria for matching an offline page. The default |PageCriteria| matches
// all pages.
struct PageCriteria {
PageCriteria(const PageCriteria&);
// If non-empty, the page must match this URL. The provided URL
// is matched both against the original and the actual URL fields (they
// sometimes differ because of possible redirects).
GURL url;
// Whether to exclude pages that may only be opened in a specific tab.
bool exclude_tab_bound_pages = false;
// If specified, accepts pages that can be displayed in the specified tab.
// That is, tab-bound pages are filtered out unless the tab ID matches this
// field and non-tab-bound pages are always included.
base::Optional<int> pages_for_tab_id;
// Whether to restrict pages to those in namespaces supported by the
// downloads UI.
bool supported_by_downloads = false;
// Whether to restrict pages to those removed on cache reset.
bool removed_on_cache_reset = false;
// If set, the page's file_size must match.
base::Optional<int64_t> file_size;
// If non-empty, the page's digest must match.
std::string digest;
// If non-empty, the page's namespace must match.
std::vector<std::string> client_namespaces;
// If non-empty, the page's client_id must match one of these.
std::vector<ClientId> client_ids;
// If non-empty, the page's must match this.
std::string guid;
// If > 0, returns at most this many pages.
size_t maximum_matches = 0;
// If non-empty, the page's request_origin must match.
std::string request_origin;
// If set, the page's offline_id must match.
base::Optional<int64_t> offline_id;
// Returns true if an offline page with |client_id| could potentially match
// |criteria|.
bool MeetsCriteria(const ClientPolicyController& policy_controller,
const PageCriteria& criteria,
const ClientId& client_id);
// Returns whether |item| matches |criteria|.
bool MeetsCriteria(const ClientPolicyController& policy_controller,
const PageCriteria& criteria,
const OfflinePageItem& item);
// Returns the list of offline page namespaces that could potentially match
// Criteria. Returns an empty list if any namespace could match.
std::vector<std::string> PotentiallyMatchingNamespaces(
const ClientPolicyController& policy_controller,
const PageCriteria& criteria);
} // namespace offline_pages