blob: 321a9824d0c68cd314c3cb0d39cf184239269f1a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/ui/hung_plugin_tab_helper.h"
#include <memory>
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/process/process.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "chrome/browser/hang_monitor/hang_crash_dump.h"
#include "chrome/browser/plugins/hung_plugin_infobar_delegate.h"
#include "chrome/common/channel_info.h"
#include "components/infobars/content/content_infobar_manager.h"
#include "components/infobars/core/infobar.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_child_process_host_iterator.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_task_traits.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h"
#include "content/public/browser/child_process_data.h"
#include "content/public/browser/plugin_service.h"
#include "content/public/common/process_type.h"
#include "content/public/common/result_codes.h"
// HungPluginTabHelper::PluginState -------------------------------------------
// Per-plugin state (since there could be more than one plugin hung). The
// integer key is the child process ID of the plugin process. This maintains
// the state for all plugins on this page that are currently hung, whether or
// not we're currently showing the infobar.
struct HungPluginTabHelper::PluginState {
// Initializes the plugin state to be a hung plugin.
PluginState(const base::FilePath& path, const std::u16string& name);
// Since the scope of the timer manages our callback, this struct should
// not be copied.
PluginState(const PluginState&) = delete;
PluginState& operator=(const PluginState&) = delete;
~PluginState() = default;
base::FilePath path;
std::u16string name;
// Possibly-null if we're not showing an infobar right now.
raw_ptr<infobars::InfoBar> infobar = nullptr;
// Time to delay before re-showing the infobar for a hung plugin. This is
// increased each time the user cancels it.
base::TimeDelta next_reshow_delay = base::Seconds(10);
// Handles calling the helper when the infobar should be re-shown.
base::OneShotTimer timer;
HungPluginTabHelper::PluginState::PluginState(const base::FilePath& path,
const std::u16string& name)
: path(path), name(name) {}
// HungPluginTabHelper --------------------------------------------------------
HungPluginTabHelper::~HungPluginTabHelper() = default;
void HungPluginTabHelper::PluginCrashed(const base::FilePath& plugin_path,
base::ProcessId plugin_pid) {
// For now, just do a brute-force search to see if we have this plugin. Since
// we'll normally have 0 or 1, this is fast.
const auto i = std::find_if(hung_plugins_.begin(), hung_plugins_.end(),
[plugin_path](const auto& elem) {
return elem.second->path == plugin_path;
if (i != hung_plugins_.end()) {
if (i->second->infobar) {
infobars::ContentInfoBarManager* infobar_manager =
if (infobar_manager)
void HungPluginTabHelper::PluginHungStatusChanged(
int plugin_child_id,
const base::FilePath& plugin_path,
bool is_hung) {
infobars::ContentInfoBarManager* infobar_manager =
auto found = hung_plugins_.find(plugin_child_id);
if (found != hung_plugins_.end()) {
if (!is_hung) {
// Hung plugin became un-hung, close the infobar and delete our info.
if (found->second->infobar && infobar_manager)
if (!infobar_manager)
if (!infobar_observations_.IsObservingSource(infobar_manager))
std::u16string plugin_name =
hung_plugins_[plugin_child_id] =
std::make_unique<PluginState>(plugin_path, plugin_name);
ShowBar(plugin_child_id, hung_plugins_[plugin_child_id].get());
void HungPluginTabHelper::OnInfoBarRemoved(infobars::InfoBar* infobar,
bool animate) {
const auto i = std::find_if(
hung_plugins_.begin(), hung_plugins_.end(),
[infobar](const auto& elem) { return elem.second->infobar == infobar; });
if (i != hung_plugins_.end()) {
PluginState* state = i->second.get();
state->infobar = nullptr;
// Schedule the timer to re-show the infobar if the plugin continues to be
// hung.
state->timer.Start(FROM_HERE, state->next_reshow_delay,
base::Unretained(this), i->first));
// Next time we do this, delay it twice as long to avoid being annoying.
state->next_reshow_delay *= 2;
void HungPluginTabHelper::OnManagerShuttingDown(
infobars::InfoBarManager* manager) {
void HungPluginTabHelper::KillPlugin(int child_id) {
// Be careful with the child_id. It's supplied by the renderer which might be
// hacked.
content::BrowserChildProcessHostIterator iter(
while (!iter.Done()) {
const content::ChildProcessData& data = iter.GetData();
if ( == child_id) {
data.GetProcess().Terminate(content::RESULT_CODE_HUNG, false);
// Ignore the case where we didn't find the plugin, it may have terminated
// before this function could run.
HungPluginTabHelper::HungPluginTabHelper(content::WebContents* contents)
: content::WebContentsObserver(contents),
content::WebContentsUserData<HungPluginTabHelper>(*contents) {}
void HungPluginTabHelper::OnReshowTimer(int child_id) {
// The timer should have been cancelled if the record isn't in our map
// anymore.
auto found = hung_plugins_.find(child_id);
DCHECK(found != hung_plugins_.end());
ShowBar(child_id, found->second.get());
void HungPluginTabHelper::ShowBar(int child_id, PluginState* state) {
infobars::ContentInfoBarManager* infobar_manager =
if (!infobar_manager)
state->infobar = HungPluginInfoBarDelegate::Create(infobar_manager, this,
child_id, state->name);