blob: 0b6beba748b87736d06523d1ac44d8cb8f5f2bb8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/feature_list.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "build/buildflag.h"
#include "build/chromeos_buildflags.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/signin/enterprise_profile_welcome_ui.h"
#include "components/signin/public/base/signin_buildflags.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
class Browser;
class GURL;
class Profile;
namespace content {
class BrowserContext;
namespace views {
class View;
class WebView;
} // namespace views
class ProfilePicker {
using BrowserOpenedCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(Browser*)>;
enum class FirstRunExitStatus {
// The user completed the FRE and is continuing to launch the browser.
kCompleted = 0,
// The user finished the mandatory FRE steps but abandoned their task
// (closed the browser app).
kQuitAtEnd = 1,
// The user exited the FRE before going through the mandatory steps.
kQuitEarly = 2,
using FirstRunExitedCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(FirstRunExitStatus status,
base::OnceClosure callback)>;
// Only work when passed as the argument 'on_select_profile_target_url' to
// ProfilePicker::Show.
static const char kTaskManagerUrl[];
// An entry point that triggers the profile picker window to open.
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
enum class EntryPoint {
kOnStartup = 0,
kProfileMenuManageProfiles = 1,
kProfileMenuAddNewProfile = 2,
kOpenNewWindowAfterProfileDeletion = 3,
// A new session was sarted while Chrome was already running (e.g. by
// clicking on the tray icon on Windows).
kNewSessionOnExistingProcess = 4,
kProfileLocked = 5,
kUnableToCreateBrowser = 6,
kBackgroundModeManager = 7,
// May only be used on lacros, opens an account picker, listing all accounts
// that are not used in the provided profile, yet.
kLacrosSelectAvailableAccount = 8,
// May only be used on lacros, opens a first run experience (provided no
// policies prevent it) to let the user opt in to sync, etc. for the primary
// profile.
kLacrosPrimaryProfileFirstRun = 9,
kMaxValue = kLacrosPrimaryProfileFirstRun,
class Params final {
// Basic constructors and operators.
Params& operator=(Params&&);
Params(const Params&) = delete;
Params& operator=(const Params&) = delete;
// Basic constructor. Specifies only the entry point, and all other
// parameters have default values. Use specialized entry points when they
// are available (e.g. `ForBackgroundManager()`).
static Params FromEntryPoint(EntryPoint entry_point);
// Builds parameter with the `kBackgroundModeManager` entry point. Allows
// specifying extra parameters.
static Params ForBackgroundManager(
const GURL& on_select_profile_target_url);
EntryPoint entry_point() const { return entry_point_; }
// Returns the path to the profile to use to display the Web UI.
const base::FilePath& profile_path() const { return profile_path_; }
// May be non-empty only for the `kBackgroundModeManager` entry point.
const GURL& on_select_profile_target_url() const {
return on_select_profile_target_url_;
// Builds parameter with the `kLacrosSelectAvailableAccount` entry point.
// `profile_path` specifies the profile that should be used to render
// the profile picker. If `profile_path` matches the current value
// for an existing picker, then `Show()` reactivates the existing picker.
// Otherwise `Show()` hides the current window and shows a new one.
// `account_selected_callback` is called when the user picks an account on
// the account selection screen. If the user closes the window, it is called
// with the empty string. If the user clicks "Use another account" and
// starts an OS account addition, this callback is passed to
// `ShowAddAccountDialog()` and will be called with its result.
static Params ForLacrosSelectAvailableAccount(
const base::FilePath& profile_path,
base::OnceCallback<void(const std::string&)> account_selected_callback);
// Builds parameter with the `kLacrosPrimaryProfileFirstRun` entry point.
// `first_run_exited_callback` is called when the first run experience is
// exited, with a `FirstRunExitStatus` indicating how the user responded to
// it, and an optional callback that must be run if the user has proceeded
// to the browser after the FRE.
static Params ForLacrosPrimaryProfileFirstRun(
FirstRunExitedCallback first_run_exited_callback);
// Calls `account_selected_callback_`. See
// `ForLacrosSelectAvailableAccount()` for more details.
void NotifyAccountSelected(const std::string& gaia_id);
// Calls `first_run_exited_callback_`, forwarding `exit_status` and
// `maybe_callback`. See `ForLacrosPrimaryProfileFirstRun()` for more
// details.
// If this method is not called by the time this `Param` is destroyed, an
// intent to quit will be assumed and `first_run_exited_callback_` will be
// called by the destructor with quit-related arguments.
void NotifyFirstRunExited(FirstRunExitStatus exit_status,
base::OnceClosure maybe_callback);
// Returns the URL to load as initial content for the profile picker. If an
// empty URL is returned, the profile picker should not be shown until
// another explicit call with a non-empty URL given to the view
// (see `ProfilePickerView::ShowScreen()` for example)
GURL GetInitialURL() const;
// Returns whether the current profile picker window can be reused for
// different parameters. If this returns false, the picker cannot be reused
// and must be closed and repoen.
bool CanReusePickerWindow(const Params& other) const;
// Constructor is private, use static functions instead.
explicit Params(EntryPoint entry_point, const base::FilePath& profile_path);
EntryPoint entry_point_ = EntryPoint::kOnStartup;
GURL on_select_profile_target_url_;
base::FilePath profile_path_;
base::OnceCallback<void(const std::string&)> account_selected_callback_;
FirstRunExitedCallback first_run_exited_callback_;
// Values for the ProfilePickerOnStartupAvailability policy. Should not be
// re-numbered. See components/policy/resources/policy_templates.json for
// documentation.
enum class AvailabilityOnStartup {
kEnabled = 0,
kDisabled = 1,
kForced = 2,
kMax = kForced
ProfilePicker(const ProfilePicker&) = delete;
ProfilePicker& operator=(const ProfilePicker&) = delete;
// Shows the Profile picker for the given `Params` or re-activates an existing
// one (see `Params::ForAccountSelecAvailableAccount()` for details on
// re-activation). When reactivated, the displayed page is not updated.
static void Show(Params&& params);
// Starts the Dice sign-in flow. The layout of the window gets updated for the
// sign-in flow. At the same time, the new profile is created and the sign-in
// page is rendered using the new profile.
// The new profile uses a theme generated from `profile_color` if provided or
// the default theme.
// `switch_finished_callback` gets informed whether the creation of the new
// profile succeeded and the sign-in page gets displayed.
static void SwitchToDiceSignIn(
absl::optional<SkColor> profile_color,
base::OnceCallback<void(bool)> switch_finished_callback);
// Starts the flow to set-up a signed-in profile. `signed_in_profile` must
// have an unconsented primary account.
static void SwitchToSignedInFlow(absl::optional<SkColor> profile_color,
Profile* signed_in_profile);
// Cancel the signed-in flow and returns back to the main picker screen (if
// the original EntryPoint was to open the picker). Must only be called from
// within the signed-in flow. This will delete the profile previously created
// for the signed-in flow.
static void CancelSignedInFlow();
// Returns the path of the default profile used for rendering the picker.
static base::FilePath GetPickerProfilePath();
// Shows a dialog where the user can auth the profile or see the
// auth error message. If a dialog is already shown, this destroys the current
// dialog and creates a new one.
static void ShowDialog(content::BrowserContext* browser_context,
const GURL& url,
const base::FilePath& profile_path);
// Hides the dialog if it is showing.
static void HideDialog();
// Getter of the path of profile which is selected in profile picker for force
// signin.
static base::FilePath GetForceSigninProfilePath();
// Getter of the target page url. If not empty and is valid, it opens on
// profile selection instead of the new tab page.
static GURL GetOnSelectProfileTargetUrl();
// Getter of the path of profile which is displayed on the profile switch
// screen.
static base::FilePath GetSwitchProfilePath();
// Hides the profile picker.
static void Hide();
// Returns whether the profile picker is currently open.
static bool IsOpen();
// Returns whether the profile picker is currently open and showing the Lacros
// First Run Experience.
static bool IsLacrosFirstRunOpen();
// Returns whether the Profile picker is showing and active.
static bool IsActive();
// Returns the global profile picker view for testing.
static views::View* GetViewForTesting();
// Returns the web view (embedded in the picker) for testing.
static views::WebView* GetWebViewForTesting();
// Add a callback that will be called the next time the picker is opened.
static void AddOnProfilePickerOpenedCallbackForTesting(
base::OnceClosure callback);
// Overrides the timeout delay for waiting for extended account info.
static void SetExtendedAccountInfoTimeoutForTesting(base::TimeDelta timeout);
// Returns a pref value indicating whether the profile picker has ever been
// shown to the user.
static bool Shown();
// Returns whether to show profile picker at launch. This can be called on
// startup or when Chrome is re-opened, e.g. when clicking on the dock icon on
// MacOS when there are no windows, or from Windows tray icon.
// This returns true if the user has multiple profiles and has not opted-out.
static bool ShouldShowAtLaunch();
// Calls the callback passed to
// `ProfilePicker::Params::ForLacrosSelectAvailableAccount()`.
static void NotifyAccountSelected(const std::string& gaia_id);
// Dialog that will be displayed when a locked profile is selected in the
// ProfilePicker when force-signin is enabled.
class ProfilePickerForceSigninDialog {
// Dimensions of the reauth dialog displaying the password-separated signin
// flow.
static constexpr int kDialogHeight = 512;
static constexpr int kDialogWidth = 448;
// Shows a dialog where the user reauthenticates their primary account that
// has invalid credentials, when force signin is enabled.
static void ShowReauthDialog(content::BrowserContext* browser_context,
const std::string& email,
const base::FilePath& profile_path);
// Shows a dialog where the user logs into their profile for the first time
// via the profile picker, when force signin is enabled.
static void ShowForceSigninDialog(content::BrowserContext* browser_context,
const base::FilePath& profile_path);
// Show the dialog and display local sign in error message without browser.
static void ShowDialogAndDisplayErrorMessage(
content::BrowserContext* browser_context);
// Display local sign in error message without browser.
static void DisplayErrorMessage();
// Hides the dialog if it is showing.
static void HideDialog();