blob: 4d0d671ef5d836b65b3cc4ac46e37368bbedfa3a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <set>
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "content/common/ax_content_node_data.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/web/web_ax_object.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/web/web_document.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_mode.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_node_data.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_tree_source.h"
namespace content {
class AXImageAnnotator;
class BlinkAXTreeSource;
class RenderFrameImpl;
// Create this on the stack to freeze BlinkAXTreeSource and automatically
// un-freeze it when it goes out of scope.
class ScopedFreezeBlinkAXTreeSource {
explicit ScopedFreezeBlinkAXTreeSource(BlinkAXTreeSource* tree_source);
BlinkAXTreeSource* tree_source_;
class BlinkAXTreeSource
: public ui::AXTreeSource<blink::WebAXObject,
AXContentTreeData> {
BlinkAXTreeSource(RenderFrameImpl* render_frame, ui::AXMode mode);
~BlinkAXTreeSource() override;
// Freeze caches the document, accessibility root, and current focused
// object for fast retrieval during a batch of operations. Use
// ScopedFreezeBlinkAXTreeSource on the stack rather than calling
// these directly.
void Freeze();
void Thaw();
// It may be necessary to call SetRoot if you're using a WebScopedAXContext,
// because BlinkAXTreeSource can't get the root of the tree from the
// WebDocument if accessibility isn't enabled globally.
void SetRoot(blink::WebAXObject root);
// Walks up the ancestor chain to see if this is a descendant of the root.
bool IsInTree(blink::WebAXObject node) const;
ui::AXMode accessibility_mode() { return accessibility_mode_; }
void SetAccessibilityMode(ui::AXMode new_mode);
// Set the id of the node to fetch image data for. Normally the content
// of images is not part of the accessibility tree, but one node at a
// time can be designated as the image data node, which will send the
// contents of the image with each accessibility update until another
// node is designated.
int image_data_node_id() { return image_data_node_id_; }
void set_image_data_node_id(int id) { image_data_node_id_ = id; }
void set_max_image_data_size(const gfx::Size& size) {
max_image_data_size_ = size;
// The following methods add or remove an image annotator which is used to
// provide automatic labels for images.
void AddImageAnnotator(AXImageAnnotator* const annotator) {
DCHECK_EQ(image_annotator_, nullptr);
image_annotator_ = annotator;
void RemoveImageAnnotator() {
image_annotator_ = nullptr;
first_unlabeled_image_id_ = base::nullopt;
// Query or update a set of IDs for which we should load inline text boxes.
bool ShouldLoadInlineTextBoxes(const blink::WebAXObject& obj) const;
void SetLoadInlineTextBoxesForId(int32_t id);
// AXTreeSource implementation.
bool GetTreeData(AXContentTreeData* tree_data) const override;
blink::WebAXObject GetRoot() const override;
blink::WebAXObject GetFromId(int32_t id) const override;
int32_t GetId(blink::WebAXObject node) const override;
void GetChildren(
blink::WebAXObject node,
std::vector<blink::WebAXObject>* out_children) const override;
blink::WebAXObject GetParent(blink::WebAXObject node) const override;
void SerializeNode(blink::WebAXObject node,
AXContentNodeData* out_data) const override;
bool IsIgnored(blink::WebAXObject node) const override;
bool IsValid(blink::WebAXObject node) const override;
bool IsEqual(blink::WebAXObject node1,
blink::WebAXObject node2) const override;
blink::WebAXObject GetNull() const override;
blink::WebDocument GetMainDocument() const;
const blink::WebDocument& document() const {
return document_;
const blink::WebAXObject& root() const {
return root_;
const blink::WebAXObject& focus() const {
return focus_;
blink::WebAXObject ComputeRoot() const;
// Max length for attributes such as aria-label.
static const uint32_t kMaxStringAttributeLength = 10000;
// Max length for a static text name.
// Length of War and Peace (
static const uint32_t kMaxStaticTextLength = 3227574;
void TruncateAndAddStringAttribute(
AXContentNodeData* dst,
ax::mojom::StringAttribute attribute,
const std::string& value,
uint32_t max_len = kMaxStringAttributeLength) const;
void AddImageAnnotations(blink::WebAXObject& src,
AXContentNodeData* dst) const;
RenderFrameImpl* render_frame_;
ui::AXMode accessibility_mode_;
// An explicit root to use, otherwise it's taken from the WebDocument.
blink::WebAXObject explicit_root_;
// A set of IDs for which we should always load inline text boxes.
std::set<int32_t> load_inline_text_boxes_ids_;
// The ID of the object to fetch image data for.
int image_data_node_id_ = -1;
gfx::Size max_image_data_size_;
// The class instance that retrieves and manages automatic labels for images.
AXImageAnnotator* image_annotator_ = nullptr;
// Whether we should highlight annotation results visually on the page
// for debugging.
bool image_annotation_debugging_ = false;
// The AxID of the first unlabeled image we have encountered in this tree.
// Used to ensure that the tutor message that explains to screen reader users
// how to turn on automatic image labels is provided only once.
mutable base::Optional<int32_t> first_unlabeled_image_id_ = base::nullopt;
// These are updated when calling |Freeze|.
bool frozen_ = false;
blink::WebDocument document_;
blink::WebAXObject root_;
blink::WebAXObject focus_;
} // namespace content