blob: 86cb87319426d18f5ee1a1ddc3c6839d994ab289 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "cc/quads/draw_polygon.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
#include "cc/output/bsp_compare_result.h"
#include "cc/quads/draw_quad.h"
namespace {
// This threshold controls how "thick" a plane is. If a point's distance is
// <= |split_threshold|, then it is considered on the plane for the purpose of
// polygon splitting.
static const float split_threshold = 0.05f;
static const float normalized_threshold = 0.001f;
void PointInterpolate(const gfx::Point3F& from,
const gfx::Point3F& to,
double delta,
gfx::Point3F* out) {
out->SetPoint(from.x() + (to.x() - from.x()) * delta,
from.y() + (to.y() - from.y()) * delta,
from.z() + (to.z() - from.z()) * delta);
} // namespace
namespace cc {
DrawPolygon::DrawPolygon() {
DrawPolygon::DrawPolygon(const DrawQuad* original,
const std::vector<gfx::Point3F>& in_points,
const gfx::Vector3dF& normal,
int draw_order_index)
: order_index_(draw_order_index), original_ref_(original), is_split_(true) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < in_points.size(); i++) {
normal_ = normal;
DCHECK_LE((ConstructNormal(), (normal_ - normal).Length()),
// This takes the original DrawQuad that this polygon should be based on,
// a visible content rect to make the 4 corner points from, and a transformation
// to move it and its normal into screen space.
DrawPolygon::DrawPolygon(const DrawQuad* original_ref,
const gfx::RectF& visible_layer_rect,
const gfx::Transform& transform,
int draw_order_index)
: normal_(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f),
is_split_(false) {
gfx::Point3F points[8];
int num_vertices_in_clipped_quad;
gfx::QuadF send_quad(visible_layer_rect);
// Doing this mapping here is very important, since we can't just transform
// the points without clipping and not run into strange geometry issues when
// crossing w = 0. At this point, in the constructor, we know that we're
// working with a quad, so we can reuse the MathUtil::MapClippedQuad3d
// function instead of writing a generic polygon version of it.
transform, send_quad, points, &num_vertices_in_clipped_quad);
for (int i = 0; i < num_vertices_in_clipped_quad; i++) {
DrawPolygon::~DrawPolygon() {
std::unique_ptr<DrawPolygon> DrawPolygon::CreateCopy() {
std::unique_ptr<DrawPolygon> new_polygon(new DrawPolygon());
new_polygon->order_index_ = order_index_;
new_polygon->original_ref_ = original_ref_;
new_polygon->points_ = points_;
return new_polygon;
// If this were to be more generally used and expected to be applicable
// replacing this with Newell's algorithm (or an improvement thereof)
// would be preferable, but usually this is coming in from a rectangle
// that has been transformed to screen space and clipped.
// Averaging a few near diagonal cross products is pretty good in that case.
void DrawPolygon::ConstructNormal() {
gfx::Vector3dF new_normal(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
int delta = points_.size() / 2;
for (size_t i = 1; i + delta < points_.size(); i++) {
new_normal +=
CrossProduct(points_[i] - points_[0], points_[i + delta] - points_[0]);
float normal_magnitude = new_normal.Length();
// Here we constrain the new normal to point in the same sense as the old one.
// This allows us to handle winding-reversing transforms better.
if (gfx::DotProduct(normal_, new_normal) < 0.0) {
normal_magnitude *= -1.0;
if (normal_magnitude != 0 && normal_magnitude != 1) {
new_normal.Scale(1.0f / normal_magnitude);
normal_ = new_normal;
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// Allows the unittest to invoke this for the more general constructor.
void DrawPolygon::RecomputeNormalForTesting() {
float DrawPolygon::SignedPointDistance(const gfx::Point3F& point) const {
return gfx::DotProduct(point - points_[0], normal_);
// This function is separate from ApplyTransform because it is often unnecessary
// to transform the normal with the rest of the polygon.
// When drawing these polygons, it is necessary to move them back into layer
// space before sending them to OpenGL, which requires using ApplyTransform,
// but normal information is no longer needed after sorting.
void DrawPolygon::ApplyTransformToNormal(const gfx::Transform& transform) {
// Now we use the inverse transpose of |transform| to transform the normal.
gfx::Transform inverse_transform;
bool inverted = transform.GetInverse(&inverse_transform);
if (!inverted)
gfx::Point3F new_normal(normal_.x(), normal_.y(), normal_.z());
// Make sure our normal is still normalized.
normal_ = gfx::Vector3dF(new_normal.x(), new_normal.y(), new_normal.z());
float normal_magnitude = normal_.Length();
if (normal_magnitude != 0 && normal_magnitude != 1) {
normal_.Scale(1.0f / normal_magnitude);
void DrawPolygon::ApplyTransform(const gfx::Transform& transform) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < points_.size(); i++) {
// TransformToScreenSpace assumes we're moving a layer from its layer space
// into 3D screen space, which for sorting purposes requires the normal to
// be transformed along with the vertices.
void DrawPolygon::TransformToScreenSpace(const gfx::Transform& transform) {
// In the case of TransformToLayerSpace, we assume that we are giving the
// inverse transformation back to the polygon to move it back into layer space
// but we can ignore the costly process of applying the inverse to the normal
// since we know the normal will just reset to its original state.
void DrawPolygon::TransformToLayerSpace(
const gfx::Transform& inverse_transform) {
normal_ = gfx::Vector3dF(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f);
// Split |polygon| based upon |this|, leaving the results in |front| and |back|.
// If |polygon| is not split by |this|, then move it to either |front| or |back|
// depending on its orientation relative to |this|. Sets |is_coplanar| to true
// if |polygon| is actually coplanar with |this| (in which case whether it is
// front facing or back facing is determined by the dot products of normals, and
// document order).
void DrawPolygon::SplitPolygon(std::unique_ptr<DrawPolygon> polygon,
std::unique_ptr<DrawPolygon>* front,
std::unique_ptr<DrawPolygon>* back,
bool* is_coplanar) const {
DCHECK_GE(normalized_threshold, std::abs(normal_.LengthSquared() - 1.0f));
const size_t num_points = polygon->points_.size();
const auto next = [num_points](size_t i) { return (i + 1) % num_points; };
const auto prev = [num_points](size_t i) {
return (i + num_points - 1) % num_points;
std::vector<float> vertex_distance;
size_t pos_count = 0;
size_t neg_count = 0;
// Compute plane distances for each vertex of polygon.
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_points; i++) {
vertex_distance[i] = SignedPointDistance(polygon->points_[i]);
if (vertex_distance[i] < -split_threshold) {
} else if (vertex_distance[i] > split_threshold) {
} else {
vertex_distance[i] = 0.0;
// Handle non-splitting cases.
if (!pos_count && !neg_count) {
double dot = gfx::DotProduct(normal_, polygon->normal_);
if ((dot >= 0.0f && polygon->order_index_ >= order_index_) ||
(dot <= 0.0f && polygon->order_index_ <= order_index_)) {
*back = std::move(polygon);
} else {
*front = std::move(polygon);
*is_coplanar = true;
*is_coplanar = false;
if (!neg_count) {
*front = std::move(polygon);
} else if (!pos_count) {
*back = std::move(polygon);
// There should be at most two points that are considered to be on the thick
// plane. If this is not the case, then the polygon is not convex.
DCHECK_LE(num_points - pos_count - neg_count, 2u);
// Handle splitting case.
size_t front_begin;
size_t back_begin;
size_t pre_front_begin;
size_t pre_back_begin;
// Find the first vertex that is part of the front split polygon.
front_begin = std::find_if(vertex_distance.begin(), vertex_distance.end(),
[](float val) { return val > 0.0; }) -
while (vertex_distance[pre_front_begin = prev(front_begin)] > 0.0)
front_begin = pre_front_begin;
// Find the first vertex that is part of the back split polygon.
back_begin = std::find_if(vertex_distance.begin(), vertex_distance.end(),
[](float val) { return val < 0.0; }) -
while (vertex_distance[pre_back_begin = prev(back_begin)] < 0.0)
back_begin = pre_back_begin;
DCHECK(vertex_distance[front_begin] > 0.0);
DCHECK(vertex_distance[pre_front_begin] <= 0.0);
DCHECK(vertex_distance[back_begin] < 0.0);
DCHECK(vertex_distance[pre_back_begin] >= 0.0);
gfx::Point3F pre_pos_intersection;
gfx::Point3F pre_neg_intersection;
// Compute the intersection points. N.B.: If the "pre" vertex is on
// the thick plane, then the intersection will be at the same point, because
// we set vertex_distance to 0 in this case.
polygon->points_[pre_front_begin], polygon->points_[front_begin],
-vertex_distance[pre_front_begin] /
gfx::DotProduct(normal_, polygon->points_[front_begin] -
polygon->points_[pre_back_begin], polygon->points_[back_begin],
-vertex_distance[pre_back_begin] /
gfx::DotProduct(normal_, polygon->points_[back_begin] -
// Build the front and back polygons.
std::vector<gfx::Point3F> out_points;
do {
front_begin = next(front_begin);
} while (vertex_distance[front_begin] > 0.0);
*front =
base::MakeUnique<DrawPolygon>(polygon->original_ref_, out_points,
polygon->normal_, polygon->order_index_);
do {
back_begin = next(back_begin);
} while (vertex_distance[back_begin] < 0.0);
*back =
base::MakeUnique<DrawPolygon>(polygon->original_ref_, out_points,
polygon->normal_, polygon->order_index_);
DCHECK_GE((*front)->points().size(), 3u);
DCHECK_GE((*back)->points().size(), 3u);
// This algorithm takes the first vertex in the polygon and uses that as a
// pivot point to fan out and create quads from the rest of the vertices.
// |offset| starts off as the second vertex, and then |op1| and |op2| indicate
// offset+1 and offset+2 respectively.
// After the first quad is created, the first vertex in the next quad is the
// same as all the rest, the pivot point. The second vertex in the next quad is
// the old |op2|, the last vertex added to the previous quad. This continues
// until all points are exhausted.
// The special case here is where there are only 3 points remaining, in which
// case we use the same values for vertex 3 and 4 to make a degenerate quad
// that represents a triangle.
void DrawPolygon::ToQuads2D(std::vector<gfx::QuadF>* quads) const {
if (points_.size() <= 2)
gfx::PointF first(points_[0].x(), points_[0].y());
size_t offset = 1;
while (offset < points_.size() - 1) {
size_t op1 = offset + 1;
size_t op2 = offset + 2;
if (op2 >= points_.size()) {
// It's going to be a degenerate triangle.
op2 = op1;
gfx::PointF(points_[offset].x(), points_[offset].y()),
gfx::PointF(points_[op1].x(), points_[op1].y()),
gfx::PointF(points_[op2].x(), points_[op2].y())));
offset = op2;
} // namespace cc