blob: 2a3e18d779a661a8d6b5bb0de6b1f67af8840148 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/time/time.h"
namespace content {
class WebContents;
namespace resource_coordinator {
class SessionRestorePolicy;
class TabLoaderCallback {
// This function will get called to suppress and to allow tab loading. Tab
// loading is initially enabled.
virtual void SetTabLoadingEnabled(bool enable_tab_loading) = 0;
// TabLoaderDelegate is created once the SessionRestore process is complete and
// the loading of hidden tabs starts.
class TabLoaderDelegate {
virtual ~TabLoaderDelegate() {}
// Create a tab loader delegate. |TabLoaderCallback::SetTabLoadingEnabled| can
// get called to disable / enable tab loading.
// The callback object is valid as long as this object exists.
static std::unique_ptr<TabLoaderDelegate> Create(TabLoaderCallback* callback);
// Returns the default timeout time after which the first non-visible tab
// gets loaded if the first (visible) tab did not finish loading.
virtual base::TimeDelta GetFirstTabLoadingTimeout() const = 0;
// Returns the default timeout time after which the next tab gets loaded if
// the previous tab did not finish loading.
virtual base::TimeDelta GetTimeoutBeforeLoadingNextTab() const = 0;
// Returns the maximum number of tabs that should be loading simultaneously.
virtual size_t GetMaxSimultaneousTabLoads() const = 0;
// Determines whether or not the given tab should be loaded. If this returns
// false, then the TabLoader no longer attempts to load |contents| and removes
// it from TabLoaders internal state. This is called immediately prior to
// trying to load the tab and allows the TabLoader to respond to changing
// conditions.
virtual bool ShouldLoad(content::WebContents* contents) const = 0;
// Notifies the delegate that a tab load has been initiated.
virtual void NotifyTabLoadStarted() = 0;
// Testing seam to inject a custom SessionRestorePolicy.
static void SetSessionRestorePolicyForTesting(
resource_coordinator::SessionRestorePolicy* policy);
// The delegate should only be created via the factory function.
TabLoaderDelegate() {}