blob: 6fd751a2427d6396e3b0155a0a38d562b04146bd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/threading/thread.h"
#include "blimp/client/blimp_client_export.h"
#include "blimp/client/session/assignment_source.h"
#include "blimp/common/proto/blimp_message.pb.h"
#include "blimp/net/blimp_message_processor.h"
namespace net {
class IPEndPoint;
namespace blimp {
class BlimpMessageProcessor;
class BlimpMessageThreadPipe;
class BrowserConnectionHandler;
class ClientConnectionManager;
class ThreadPipeManager;
namespace client {
class ClientNetworkComponents;
class NavigationFeature;
class ImeFeature;
class RenderWidgetFeature;
class SettingsFeature;
class TabControlFeature;
class NetworkEventObserver {
NetworkEventObserver() {}
virtual ~NetworkEventObserver() {}
virtual void OnConnected() = 0;
virtual void OnDisconnected(int result) = 0;
// BlimpClientSession represents a single active session of Blimp on the client
// regardless of whether or not the client application is in the background or
// foreground. The only time this session is invalid is during initialization
// and shutdown of this particular client process (or Activity on Android).
// This session glues together the feature proxy components and the network
// layer. The network components must be interacted with on the IO thread. The
// feature proxies must be interacted with on the UI thread.
class BLIMP_CLIENT_EXPORT BlimpClientSession : public NetworkEventObserver {
explicit BlimpClientSession(const GURL& assigner_endpoint);
// Uses the AssignmentSource to get an Assignment and then uses the assignment
// configuration to connect to the Blimplet.
// |client_auth_token| is the OAuth2 access token to use when querying
// for an assignment. This token needs the OAuth2 scope of and
// only needs to be an access token, not a refresh token.
void Connect(const std::string& client_auth_token);
TabControlFeature* GetTabControlFeature() const;
NavigationFeature* GetNavigationFeature() const;
ImeFeature* GetImeFeature() const;
RenderWidgetFeature* GetRenderWidgetFeature() const;
// The AssignmentCallback for when an assignment is ready. This will trigger
// a connection to the engine.
virtual void ConnectWithAssignment(AssignmentSource::Result result,
const Assignment& assignment);
~BlimpClientSession() override;
// Notified every time the AssignmentSource returns the result of an attempted
// assignment request.
virtual void OnAssignmentConnectionAttempted(AssignmentSource::Result result);
void RegisterFeatures();
// NetworkEventObserver implementation.
void OnConnected() override;
void OnDisconnected(int result) override;
base::Thread io_thread_;
std::unique_ptr<TabControlFeature> tab_control_feature_;
std::unique_ptr<NavigationFeature> navigation_feature_;
std::unique_ptr<ImeFeature> ime_feature_;
std::unique_ptr<RenderWidgetFeature> render_widget_feature_;
std::unique_ptr<SettingsFeature> settings_feature_;
// The AssignmentSource is used when the user of BlimpClientSession calls
// Connect() to get a valid assignment and later connect to the engine.
std::unique_ptr<AssignmentSource> assignment_source_;
// Container struct for network components.
// Must be deleted on the IO thread.
std::unique_ptr<ClientNetworkComponents> net_components_;
std::unique_ptr<ThreadPipeManager> thread_pipe_manager_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<BlimpClientSession> weak_factory_;
} // namespace client
} // namespace blimp