blob: 92ba06252f8705b1f9d4463b381259bc16bc7f5f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/views/accessibility/ax_tree_source_views.h"
#include <vector>
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_action_data.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/platform/ax_unique_id.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/point_f.h"
#include "ui/gfx/transform.h"
#include "ui/views/accessibility/ax_aura_obj_cache.h"
#include "ui/views/accessibility/ax_aura_obj_wrapper.h"
namespace views {
void AXTreeSourceViews::HandleAccessibleAction(const ui::AXActionData& action) {
int id = action.target_node_id;
// In Views, we only support setting the selection within a single node,
// not across multiple nodes like on the web.
if (action.action == ax::mojom::Action::kSetSelection) {
if (action.anchor_node_id != action.focus_node_id) {
id = action.anchor_node_id;
AXAuraObjWrapper* obj = AXAuraObjCache::GetInstance()->Get(id);
if (obj)
bool AXTreeSourceViews::GetTreeData(ui::AXTreeData* tree_data) const {
tree_data->tree_id = 0;
tree_data->loaded = true;
tree_data->loading_progress = 1.0;
AXAuraObjWrapper* focus = AXAuraObjCache::GetInstance()->GetFocus();
if (focus)
tree_data->focus_id = focus->GetUniqueId().Get();
return true;
AXAuraObjWrapper* AXTreeSourceViews::GetFromId(int32_t id) const {
AXAuraObjWrapper* root = GetRoot();
// Root might not be in the cache.
if (id == root->GetUniqueId().Get())
return root;
return AXAuraObjCache::GetInstance()->Get(id);
int32_t AXTreeSourceViews::GetId(AXAuraObjWrapper* node) const {
return node->GetUniqueId().Get();
void AXTreeSourceViews::GetChildren(
AXAuraObjWrapper* node,
std::vector<AXAuraObjWrapper*>* out_children) const {
AXAuraObjWrapper* AXTreeSourceViews::GetParent(AXAuraObjWrapper* node) const {
AXAuraObjWrapper* root = GetRoot();
// The root has no parent by definition.
if (node->GetUniqueId() == root->GetUniqueId())
return nullptr;
AXAuraObjWrapper* parent = node->GetParent();
// A top-level widget doesn't have a parent, so return the root.
if (!parent)
return root;
return parent;
bool AXTreeSourceViews::IsValid(AXAuraObjWrapper* node) const {
return node != nullptr;
bool AXTreeSourceViews::IsEqual(AXAuraObjWrapper* node1,
AXAuraObjWrapper* node2) const {
return node1 && node2 && node1->GetUniqueId() == node2->GetUniqueId();
AXAuraObjWrapper* AXTreeSourceViews::GetNull() const {
return nullptr;
void AXTreeSourceViews::SerializeNode(AXAuraObjWrapper* node,
ui::AXNodeData* out_data) const {
// Converts the global coordinates reported by each AXAuraObjWrapper
// into parent-relative coordinates to be used in the accessibility
// tree. That way when any Window, Widget, or View moves (and fires
// a location changed event), its descendants all move relative to
// it by default.
AXAuraObjWrapper* parent = node->GetParent();
if (!parent)
ui::AXNodeData parent_data;
out_data->offset_container_id = parent->GetUniqueId().Get();
std::string AXTreeSourceViews::ToString(AXAuraObjWrapper* root,
std::string prefix) {
ui::AXNodeData data;
std::string output = prefix + data.ToString() + '\n';
std::vector<AXAuraObjWrapper*> children;
prefix += prefix[0];
for (AXAuraObjWrapper* child : children)
output += ToString(child, prefix);
return output;
AXTreeSourceViews::AXTreeSourceViews() = default;
AXTreeSourceViews::~AXTreeSourceViews() = default;
} // namespace views