blob: 017a7997bb210bf387d4d80cb56abdacea2be7fd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/feature_list.h"
namespace web {
namespace features {
// Returns true if pending item should be stored in NavigationContext after
// context is created. The item is still stored in NavigationManager if the
// navigated was requested, but context does not yet exist or when navigation
// was aborted.
bool StorePendingItemInContext();
// Used to always allow scaling of the web page, regardless of author intent.
extern const base::Feature kIgnoresViewportScaleLimits;
// Used to enable the WKBackForwardList based navigation manager.
extern const base::Feature kSlimNavigationManager;
// Enable to store pending navigation item in NavigationContext after context
// is created. Requires kSlimNavigationManager enabled. The item is still stored
// in NavigationManager if the navigated was requested, but context does not yet
// exist or when navigation was aborted.
extern const base::Feature kStorePendingItemInContext;
// Used to enable using WKHTTPSystemCookieStore in main context URL requests.
extern const base::Feature kWKHTTPSystemCookieStore;
// Used to crash the browser if unexpected URL change is detected.
extern const base::Feature kCrashOnUnexpectedURLChange;
// Used to disconnect the scroll proxy during slimnav restore. This is a
// speculative change to mitigate the crashes in
extern const base::Feature kDisconnectScrollProxyDuringRestore;
// Used to enable the workaround for WKWebView history clobber bug
// (
extern const base::Feature kHistoryClobberWorkaround;
// Used to prevent native apps from being opened when a universal link is tapped
// and the user is browsing in off the record mode.
extern const base::Feature kBlockUniversalLinksInOffTheRecordMode;
// Used to ensure that the render is not suspended.
extern const base::Feature kKeepsRenderProcessAlive;
} // namespace features
} // namespace web