blob: 4dd3bf9cbc1c6699d9a047a718c785ec5589fca8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file contains the GLES2Decoder class.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/common/capabilities.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/common/command_buffer_id.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/common/constants.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/service/common_decoder.h"
#include "gpu/gpu_export.h"
namespace gl {
class GLContext;
class GLSurface;
namespace gfx {
class Size;
namespace gpu {
struct Mailbox;
struct SyncToken;
namespace gles2 {
class ContextGroup;
class ErrorState;
class FeatureInfo;
class GLES2Util;
class ImageManager;
class Logger;
class QueryManager;
class ShaderTranslatorInterface;
class Texture;
class TransformFeedbackManager;
class VertexArrayManager;
struct ContextCreationAttribHelper;
struct ContextState;
struct DisallowedFeatures {
DisallowedFeatures() {}
void AllowExtensions() {
chromium_color_buffer_float_rgba = false;
chromium_color_buffer_float_rgb = false;
ext_color_buffer_float = false;
ext_color_buffer_half_float = false;
oes_texture_float_linear = false;
oes_texture_half_float_linear = false;
bool gpu_memory_manager = false;
bool npot_support = false;
bool chromium_color_buffer_float_rgba = false;
bool chromium_color_buffer_float_rgb = false;
bool ext_color_buffer_float = false;
bool ext_color_buffer_half_float = false;
bool oes_texture_float_linear = false;
bool oes_texture_half_float_linear = false;
typedef base::Callback<void(const std::string& key,
const std::string& shader)> ShaderCacheCallback;
// This class implements the AsyncAPIInterface interface, decoding GLES2
// commands and calling GL.
class GPU_EXPORT GLES2Decoder : public base::SupportsWeakPtr<GLES2Decoder>,
public CommonDecoder {
typedef error::Error Error;
typedef base::Callback<void(uint64_t release)> FenceSyncReleaseCallback;
typedef base::Callback<bool(const gpu::SyncToken&)> WaitSyncTokenCallback;
typedef base::Callback<void(void)> NoParamCallback;
// The default stencil mask, which has all bits set. This really should be a
// GLuint, but we can't #include gl_bindings.h in this file without causing
// macro redefinitions.
static const unsigned int kDefaultStencilMask;
// Creates a decoder.
static GLES2Decoder* Create(ContextGroup* group);
~GLES2Decoder() override;
bool initialized() const {
return initialized_;
void set_initialized() {
initialized_ = true;
bool debug() const {
return debug_;
// Set to true to call glGetError after every command.
void set_debug(bool debug) {
debug_ = debug;
bool log_commands() const {
return log_commands_;
// Set to true to LOG every command.
void set_log_commands(bool log_commands) {
log_commands_ = log_commands;
// Initializes the graphics context. Can create an offscreen
// decoder with a frame buffer that can be referenced from the parent.
// Takes ownership of GLContext.
// Parameters:
// surface: the GL surface to render to.
// context: the GL context to render to.
// offscreen: whether to make the context offscreen or not. When FBO 0 is
// bound, offscreen contexts render to an internal buffer, onscreen ones
// to the surface.
// offscreen_size: the size if the GL context is offscreen.
// Returns:
// true if successful.
virtual bool Initialize(const scoped_refptr<gl::GLSurface>& surface,
const scoped_refptr<gl::GLContext>& context,
bool offscreen,
const DisallowedFeatures& disallowed_features,
const ContextCreationAttribHelper& attrib_helper) = 0;
// Destroys the graphics context.
virtual void Destroy(bool have_context) = 0;
// Set the surface associated with the default FBO.
virtual void SetSurface(const scoped_refptr<gl::GLSurface>& surface) = 0;
// Releases the surface associated with the GL context.
// The decoder should not be used until a new surface is set.
virtual void ReleaseSurface() = 0;
virtual void TakeFrontBuffer(const Mailbox& mailbox) = 0;
virtual void ReturnFrontBuffer(const Mailbox& mailbox, bool is_lost) = 0;
// Resize an offscreen frame buffer.
virtual bool ResizeOffscreenFramebuffer(const gfx::Size& size) = 0;
// Make this decoder's GL context current.
virtual bool MakeCurrent() = 0;
// Gets the GLES2 Util which holds info.
virtual GLES2Util* GetGLES2Util() = 0;
// Gets the associated GLContext.
virtual gl::GLContext* GetGLContext() = 0;
// Gets the associated ContextGroup
virtual ContextGroup* GetContextGroup() = 0;
virtual const FeatureInfo* GetFeatureInfo() const = 0;
virtual Capabilities GetCapabilities() = 0;
// Restores all of the decoder GL state.
virtual void RestoreState(const ContextState* prev_state) = 0;
// Restore States.
virtual void RestoreActiveTexture() const = 0;
virtual void RestoreAllTextureUnitAndSamplerBindings(
const ContextState* prev_state) const = 0;
virtual void RestoreActiveTextureUnitBinding(unsigned int target) const = 0;
virtual void RestoreBufferBinding(unsigned int target) = 0;
virtual void RestoreBufferBindings() const = 0;
virtual void RestoreFramebufferBindings() const = 0;
virtual void RestoreRenderbufferBindings() = 0;
virtual void RestoreGlobalState() const = 0;
virtual void RestoreProgramBindings() const = 0;
virtual void RestoreTextureState(unsigned service_id) const = 0;
virtual void RestoreTextureUnitBindings(unsigned unit) const = 0;
virtual void RestoreVertexAttribArray(unsigned index) = 0;
virtual void RestoreAllExternalTextureBindingsIfNeeded() = 0;
virtual void ClearAllAttributes() const = 0;
virtual void RestoreAllAttributes() const = 0;
virtual void SetIgnoreCachedStateForTest(bool ignore) = 0;
virtual void SetForceShaderNameHashingForTest(bool force) = 0;
virtual uint32_t GetAndClearBackbufferClearBitsForTest();
virtual size_t GetSavedBackTextureCountForTest() = 0;
virtual size_t GetCreatedBackTextureCountForTest() = 0;
// Gets the QueryManager for this context.
virtual QueryManager* GetQueryManager() = 0;
// Gets the TransformFeedbackManager for this context.
virtual TransformFeedbackManager* GetTransformFeedbackManager() = 0;
// Gets the VertexArrayManager for this context.
virtual VertexArrayManager* GetVertexArrayManager() = 0;
// Gets the ImageManager for this context.
virtual ImageManager* GetImageManager() = 0;
// Returns false if there are no pending queries.
virtual bool HasPendingQueries() const = 0;
// Process any pending queries.
virtual void ProcessPendingQueries(bool did_finish) = 0;
// Returns false if there is no idle work to be made.
virtual bool HasMoreIdleWork() const = 0;
// Perform any idle work that needs to be made.
virtual void PerformIdleWork() = 0;
// Whether there is state that needs to be regularly polled.
virtual bool HasPollingWork() const = 0;
// Perform necessary polling.
virtual void PerformPollingWork() = 0;
// Get the service texture ID corresponding to a client texture ID.
// If no such record is found then return false.
virtual bool GetServiceTextureId(uint32_t client_texture_id,
uint32_t* service_texture_id);
// Provides detail about a lost context if one occurred.
virtual error::ContextLostReason GetContextLostReason() = 0;
// Clears a level sub area of a 2D texture.
// Returns false if a GL error should be generated.
virtual bool ClearLevel(Texture* texture,
unsigned target,
int level,
unsigned format,
unsigned type,
int xoffset,
int yoffset,
int width,
int height) = 0;
// Clears a level sub area of a compressed 2D texture.
// Returns false if a GL error should be generated.
virtual bool ClearCompressedTextureLevel(Texture* texture,
unsigned target,
int level,
unsigned format,
int width,
int height) = 0;
// Indicates whether a given internal format is one for a compressed
// texture.
virtual bool IsCompressedTextureFormat(unsigned format) = 0;
// Clears a level of a 3D texture.
// Returns false if a GL error should be generated.
virtual bool ClearLevel3D(Texture* texture,
unsigned target,
int level,
unsigned format,
unsigned type,
int width,
int height,
int depth) = 0;
virtual ErrorState* GetErrorState() = 0;
// A callback for messages from the decoder.
virtual void SetShaderCacheCallback(const ShaderCacheCallback& callback) = 0;
// Sets the callback for fence sync release and wait calls. The wait call
// returns false if the wait was a nop or invalid and the command buffer is
// still scheduled.
virtual void SetFenceSyncReleaseCallback(
const FenceSyncReleaseCallback& callback) = 0;
virtual void SetWaitSyncTokenCallback(
const WaitSyncTokenCallback& callback) = 0;
// Sets the callback for the DescheduleUntilFinished and
// RescheduleAfterFinished calls.
virtual void SetDescheduleUntilFinishedCallback(
const NoParamCallback& callback) = 0;
virtual void SetRescheduleAfterFinishedCallback(
const NoParamCallback& callback) = 0;
virtual void WaitForReadPixels(base::Closure callback) = 0;
virtual uint32_t GetTextureUploadCount() = 0;
virtual base::TimeDelta GetTotalTextureUploadTime() = 0;
virtual base::TimeDelta GetTotalProcessingCommandsTime() = 0;
virtual void AddProcessingCommandsTime(base::TimeDelta) = 0;
// Returns true if the context was lost either by GL_ARB_robustness, forced
// context loss or command buffer parse error.
virtual bool WasContextLost() const = 0;
// Returns true if the context was lost specifically by GL_ARB_robustness.
virtual bool WasContextLostByRobustnessExtension() const = 0;
// Lose this context.
virtual void MarkContextLost(error::ContextLostReason reason) = 0;
virtual Logger* GetLogger() = 0;
virtual void BeginDecoding();
virtual void EndDecoding();
virtual const ContextState* GetContextState() = 0;
virtual scoped_refptr<ShaderTranslatorInterface> GetTranslator(
unsigned int type) = 0;
// Decode a command, and call the corresponding GL functions.
// NOTE: DoCommand() is slower than calling DoCommands() on larger batches
// of commands at once, and is now only used for tests that need to track
// individual commands.
error::Error DoCommand(unsigned int command,
unsigned int arg_count,
const volatile void* cmd_data) override;
bool initialized_;
bool debug_;
bool log_commands_;
} // namespace gles2
} // namespace gpu