blob: e2ac3f6caed3684d65a596e3087b92fa8d6a6909 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
namespace remoting {
using HostSettingKey = char[];
// A class to read host settings, which are simple key-value pairs unrelated to
// the host's identity, like UID of an audio device to capture audio from, or
// whether a feature should be enabled.
class HostSettings {
// Initializes host settings. Must be called on a thread that allows blocking
// before calling GetValue().
static void Initialize();
static HostSettings* GetInstance();
// Gets the value associated with |key|. Returns |default_value| if the value
// is not found.
virtual std::string GetString(
const HostSettingKey key,
const std::string& default_value = std::string()) const = 0;
// Sets a string value for |key| and writes it into the settings file.
// NOTE that the current implementation requires the whole instance to be used
// on the same sequence once SetString() is called.
virtual void SetString(const HostSettingKey key,
const std::string& value) = 0;
HostSettings(const HostSettings&) = delete;
HostSettings& operator=(const HostSettings&) = delete;
virtual ~HostSettings();
virtual void InitializeInstance() = 0;
} // namespace remoting