blob: 238aac7f6a7234ba1882db54161faf9da236cae8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "extensions/test/test_extension_dir.h"
#include <tuple>
#include "base/files/file_util.h"
#include "base/numerics/checked_math.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_restrictions.h"
#include "extensions/browser/extension_creator.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace extensions {
TestExtensionDir::TestExtensionDir() {
base::ScopedAllowBlockingForTesting allow_blocking;
TestExtensionDir::~TestExtensionDir() {
base::ScopedAllowBlockingForTesting allow_blocking;
std::ignore = dir_.Delete();
std::ignore = crx_dir_.Delete();
void TestExtensionDir::WriteManifest(base::StringPiece manifest) {
WriteFile(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("manifest.json"), manifest);
void TestExtensionDir::WriteFile(const base::FilePath::StringType& filename,
base::StringPiece contents) {
base::ScopedAllowBlockingForTesting allow_blocking;
void TestExtensionDir::CopyFileTo(
const base::FilePath& from_path,
const base::FilePath::StringType& local_filename) {
base::ScopedAllowBlockingForTesting allow_blocking;
ASSERT_TRUE(base::PathExists(from_path)) << from_path;
EXPECT_TRUE(base::CopyFile(from_path, dir_.GetPath().Append(local_filename)))
<< "Failed to copy file from " << from_path << " to " << local_filename;
base::FilePath TestExtensionDir::Pack() {
base::ScopedAllowBlockingForTesting allow_blocking;
ExtensionCreator creator;
base::FilePath crx_path =
base::FilePath pem_path =
base::FilePath pem_in_path, pem_out_path;
if (base::PathExists(pem_path))
pem_in_path = pem_path;
pem_out_path = pem_path;
if (!creator.Run(dir_.GetPath(), crx_path, pem_in_path, pem_out_path,
ExtensionCreator::kOverwriteCRX)) {
ADD_FAILURE() << "ExtensionCreator::Run() failed: "
<< creator.error_message();
return base::FilePath();
if (!base::PathExists(crx_path)) {
ADD_FAILURE() << crx_path.value() << " was not created.";
return base::FilePath();
return crx_path;
base::FilePath TestExtensionDir::UnpackedPath() const {
base::ScopedAllowBlockingForTesting allow_blocking;
// We make this absolute because it's possible that dir_ contains a symlink as
// part of it's path. When UnpackedInstaller::GetAbsolutePath() runs as part
// of loading the extension, the extension's path is converted to an absolute
// path, which actually does something like `realpath` as part of its
// resolution. If the tests are comparing paths to UnpackedPath(), then
// they'll need to compare the same absolute'd path.
return base::MakeAbsoluteFilePath(dir_.GetPath());
} // namespace extensions