blob: 01679b975d537881d203197c57d39b4c109c51fd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
class PrefService;
namespace user_prefs {
class PrefRegistrySyncable;
} // namespace user_prefs
namespace autofill {
namespace prefs {
// Alphabetical list of preference names specific to the Autofill
// component. Keep alphabetized, and document each in the .cc file.
extern const char kAutofillAcceptSaveCreditCardPromptState[];
// Do not get/set the value of this pref directly. Use provided getter/setter.
extern const char kAutofillCreditCardEnabled[];
extern const char kAutofillCreditCardFidoAuthEnabled[];
extern const char kAutofillCreditCardFidoAuthOfferCheckboxState[];
extern const char kAutofillCreditCardSigninPromoImpressionCount[];
// Please use kAutofillCreditCardEnabled and kAutofillProfileEnabled instead.
extern const char kAutofillEnabledDeprecated[];
extern const char kAutofillJapanCityFieldMigrated[];
extern const char kAutofillLastVersionDeduped[];
extern const char kAutofillLastVersionValidated[];
extern const char kAutofillLastVersionDisusedAddressesDeleted[];
extern const char kAutofillLastVersionDisusedCreditCardsDeleted[];
extern const char kAutofillMigrateLocalCardsCancelledPrompt[];
extern const char kAutofillOrphanRowsRemoved[];
// Do not get/set the value of this pref directly. Use provided getter/setter.
extern const char kAutofillProfileEnabled[];
extern const char kAutofillProfileValidity[];
extern const char kAutofillSyncTransportOptIn[];
extern const char kAutofillUploadEncodingSeed[];
extern const char kAutofillUploadEvents[];
extern const char kAutofillUploadEventsLastResetTimestamp[];
extern const char kAutofillWalletImportEnabled[];
extern const char kAutofillWalletImportStorageCheckboxState[];
extern const char kAutocompleteLastVersionRetentionPolicy[];
namespace sync_transport_opt_in {
enum Flags {
kWallet = 1 << 0,
} // namespace sync_transport_opt_in
// Possible values for previous user decision when we displayed a save credit
// card prompt.
enum PreviousSaveCreditCardPromptUserDecision {
// Registers Autofill prefs.
void RegisterProfilePrefs(user_prefs::PrefRegistrySyncable* registry);
// Migrates deprecated Autofill prefs values.
void MigrateDeprecatedAutofillPrefs(PrefService* prefs);
bool IsAutocompleteEnabled(const PrefService* prefs);
bool IsAutofillEnabled(const PrefService* prefs);
void SetAutofillEnabled(PrefService* prefs, bool enabled);
bool IsCreditCardFIDOAuthEnabled(PrefService* prefs);
void SetCreditCardFIDOAuthEnabled(PrefService* prefs, bool enabled);
bool IsCreditCardAutofillEnabled(const PrefService* prefs);
void SetCreditCardAutofillEnabled(PrefService* prefs, bool enabled);
bool IsAutofillManaged(const PrefService* prefs);
bool IsProfileAutofillManaged(const PrefService* prefs);
bool IsCreditCardAutofillManaged(const PrefService* prefs);
bool IsProfileAutofillEnabled(const PrefService* prefs);
void SetProfileAutofillEnabled(PrefService* prefs, bool enabled);
bool IsLocalCardMigrationPromptPreviouslyCancelled(const PrefService* prefs);
void SetLocalCardMigrationPromptPreviouslyCancelled(PrefService* prefs,
bool enabled);
bool IsPaymentsIntegrationEnabled(const PrefService* prefs);
void SetPaymentsIntegrationEnabled(PrefService* prefs, bool enabled);
std::string GetAllProfilesValidityMapsEncodedString(const PrefService* prefs);
void SetUserOptedInWalletSyncTransport(PrefService* prefs,
const std::string& account_id,
bool opted_in);
bool IsUserOptedInWalletSyncTransport(const PrefService* prefs,
const std::string& account_id);
void ClearSyncTransportOptIns(PrefService* prefs);
} // namespace prefs
} // namespace autofill