blob: 63f3fdc7534213998f399b812bf26940a1af8154 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module device.mojom;
import "device/gamepad/public/mojom/gamepad.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom";
import "gpu/ipc/common/mailbox_holder.mojom";
import "gpu/ipc/common/sync_token.mojom";
import "ui/display/mojom/display.mojom";
import "ui/gfx/geometry/mojom/geometry.mojom";
import "ui/gfx/mojom/gpu_fence_handle.mojom";
import "ui/gfx/mojom/transform.mojom";
// WebXR interfaces
// TODO( Use EnableIf to only define values on
// platforms that have implementations.
// XRDeviceId is used in metrics, so don't reorder.
enum XRDeviceId {
WEB_TEST_DEVICE_ID = 0, // Fake device used by web_tests.
FAKE_DEVICE_ID = 1, // Fake device used in unit tests.
[EnableIf=enable_openvr] OPENVR_DEVICE_ID = 4,
[EnableIf=enable_oculus_vr] OCULUS_DEVICE_ID = 5,
[EnableIf=enable_windows_mr] WINDOWS_MIXED_REALITY_ID = 6,
[EnableIf=enable_openxr] OPENXR_DEVICE_ID = 8,
enum XRHandedness {
NONE = 0,
LEFT = 1,
enum XRTargetRayMode {
// These correspond with the features from the WebXR Spec:
enum XRSessionFeature {
struct XRSessionOptions {
bool immersive;
bool environment_integration;
// Represents the set of requested features that have been marked "required",
// if any of these features are missing, a session will not be created.
array<XRSessionFeature> required_features;
// Represents the set of requested features that have been marked "optional",
// if any of these features are missing, a session will still be created, but
// the feature will not be added to the enabled_features set on the XRSession
// struct that is returned.
array<XRSessionFeature> optional_features;
// This flag ensures that render paths that are only supported in WebXR are
// not used for WebVR 1.1. It is also used for metrics to distinguish between
// WebVR and WebXR APIs.
bool is_legacy_webvr;
// This structure contains all the mojo interfaces for different kinds of
// XRSession. The only interface required by all sessions is the
// XRFrameDataProvider. It must always be present. Other interfaces are set as
// apropriate based on the session creation options. (for example, an immersive
// session ought to have a XRPresentationConnection to submit the frames to the
// immersive environment).
// The XRSessionClient receiver must be fulfilled for the session to get
// information about the device it is connected to, such as focus and blur
// events, changes to view or stage parameters, or exit present calls initiated
// by the device.
struct XRSession {
pending_remote<XRFrameDataProvider> data_provider;
// TODO( Move where the client_receiver gets set to the
// device process then mark this as non-optional.
pending_receiver<XRSessionClient>? client_receiver;
// TODO( Move the information that is sent in display
// info to more sensible places so that this doesn't need to be sent here.
VRDisplayInfo display_info;
XRPresentationConnection? submit_frame_sink;
// Represents the set of requested features that are both supported by the
// runtime, and have been consented to by the user.
array<XRSessionFeature> enabled_features;
// Indicates whether the device backing this session sends input events solely
// via eventing (as opposed to polling).
bool uses_input_eventing;
// This structure contains the infomation and interfaces needed to create a two
// way connection between the renderer and a device to synchronize and submit
// frames to a sink outside of Chrome.
struct XRPresentationConnection {
pending_remote<XRPresentationProvider> provider;
pending_receiver<XRPresentationClient> client_receiver;
XRPresentationTransportOptions transport_options;
struct XRInputSourceDescription {
XRTargetRayMode target_ray_mode;
XRHandedness handedness;
// Transform from the grip matrix to the pointer's origin and orientation.
gfx.mojom.Transform? pointer_offset;
// List of 0 or more names describing both the preferred visual representation
// and behavior of the associated input source. Each name is lowercase with no
// spaces and has separate words concatenated with a "-". These names are
// sorted in descending order of specificity.
array<string> profiles;
struct XRInputSourceState {
uint32 source_id;
// Description of this input source's behavior. Should be mostly static, only
// need periodic updates.
XRInputSourceDescription? description;
// Transform to the controllers grip (users palm) from start space origin.
gfx.mojom.Transform? grip;
// True when position is estimated by something like a neck or arm model.
// False when position is based on sensors tracking a 6DoF pose.
bool emulated_position;
// Describes the current state of the primary input.
bool primary_input_pressed;
// Indicates if the input's primary input has been released (clicked) since
// the last report. May indicate that the button was pressed and released in
// the space of a single frame, so it may not have been preceeded by a
// primary_input_pressed = true;
bool primary_input_clicked;
// Contains information about advanced input state such as additional buttons,
// triggers, touch sensors, joysticks, touchpads, and vibration actuators. If
// the controller has none of these capabilities, then this field will be
// null. The information is a snapshot of the controller state that was taken
// at the time corresponding to the timestamp field's value.
Gamepad? gamepad;
// WebVR/WebXR shared interfaces
// A field of view, given by 4 degrees describing the view from a center point.
// For a typical field of view that contains the center point, all angles are
// positive.
struct VRFieldOfView {
float up_degrees;
float down_degrees;
float left_degrees;
float right_degrees;
// A display's position, orientation, velocity, and acceleration state at the
// given timestamp.
struct VRPose {
gfx.mojom.Quaternion? orientation;
gfx.mojom.Point3F? position;
// True when position is estimated by something like a neck or arm model.
// False when position is based on sensors tracking a 6DoF pose.
bool emulated_position;
// Velocity/Acceleration is in global coordinates, as rad/s.
gfx.mojom.Vector3dF? angular_velocity;
gfx.mojom.Vector3dF? linear_velocity;
gfx.mojom.Vector3dF? angular_acceleration;
gfx.mojom.Vector3dF? linear_acceleration;
// For WebXR sessions only, reports the state of all active input devices
// synced with the head pose.
array<XRInputSourceState>? input_state;
// Indicates that a reset pose event was triggered, either by device specific
// UI or by some other method, and handled on the browser side, and the
// renderer should now bubble up an event to the WebXR Device API.
bool pose_reset;
struct XRRay {
gfx.mojom.Point3F origin;
gfx.mojom.Vector3dF direction;
struct XRHitResult {
gfx.mojom.Transform hit_matrix;
struct VRDisplayCapabilities {
bool has_position;
bool has_external_display;
// Indicates whether the display can actively show imagery on a headset.
bool can_present;
// Whether the display gathers data about the environment (for AR like
// planes, point clouds, meshes, etc.). The backend will decide whether
// it needs to provide camera frames or not based on whether it is a
// see-through HMD or camera-based AR system.
bool can_provide_environment_integration;
// Information about the optical properties for an eye in a VRDisplay.
struct VREyeParameters {
VRFieldOfView field_of_view;
// Describes the relationship between the head and eye space for this device.
// It should always include translation that is based on IPD (interpupillary
// distance), and will sometimes include rotation if the device has angled
// screens.
gfx.mojom.Transform head_from_eye;
uint32 render_width;
uint32 render_height;
struct VRStageParameters {
gfx.mojom.Transform standing_transform;
float size_x;
float size_z;
// If present, indicates that the device supports a bounded reference space.
// The points are expected to be in the "standing" space (i.e. there should be
// no need to transform them by the accompanying standing transform) and
// in a clockwise winding order.
// This should supersede size_x/size_z if they are set.
array<gfx.mojom.Point3F>? bounds;
struct VRDisplayInfo {
XRDeviceId id;
string display_name;
VRDisplayCapabilities capabilities;
VRStageParameters? stage_parameters;
// Parameters required to distort a scene for viewing in a VR headset. Only
// required for devices which have the can_present capability.
VREyeParameters? left_eye;
VREyeParameters? right_eye;
float webvr_default_framebuffer_scale = 1.0;
float webxr_default_framebuffer_scale = 1.0;
// Frame transport method from the Renderer's point of view.
enum XRPresentationTransportMethod {
NONE = 0,
// Renderer should create a new texture handle (Windows) or
// texture mailbox (Android Surface path) containing the
// frame's image and supply that as a submitFrame argument.
// Renderer should draw directly into a texture mailbox
// provided for each frame in OnVSync.
struct XRPresentationTransportOptions {
XRPresentationTransportMethod transport_method;
// Booleans indicating which of the XRPresentationClient callbacks
// are in use. Default is false, the device implementation should set
// the ones to true that it needs and can ignore the rest.
bool wait_for_transfer_notification;
bool wait_for_render_notification;
bool wait_for_gpu_fence;
enum XRPlaneOrientation {
struct XRPlanePointData {
float x;
float z;
// Struct containing plane-related information. A plane describes a flat surface
// detected in the real world by the underlying system.
struct XRPlaneData {
// Unique (per session) identifier of the plane.
uint32 id;
// Plane orientation relative to gravity.
XRPlaneOrientation orientation;
// Pose of the plane's center. Defines new coordinate space.
// Y axis of the coordinate space describes plane's normal, the rotation of
// X and Z around the Y axis is arbitrary.
VRPose pose;
// Vertices of 2D convex polygon approximating the plane.
array<XRPlanePointData> polygon;
// Struct containing information about all tracked & updated planes in a given
// frame. If a plane tracked in frame N-1 is no longer being tracked in frame N,
// its ID will not be present in all_plane_ids and its XRPlaneData will not be
// present in updated_planes_data.
struct XRPlaneDetectionData {
// Array with ids of all tracked planes.
array<uint32> all_planes_ids;
// Array with plane data for all updated planes. Plane is considered updated
// if its position or polygon has changed. Updated planes are always a subset
// of all planes (i.e. for each plane found in updated_planes_data, its ID
// will be present in all_planes_ids).
array<XRPlaneData> updated_planes_data;
// Struct containing anchor-related information. An anchor represents a pose
// (position and orientation) in the real world. The anchor's pose will be
// adjusted by the underlying system as its understanding of the real world
// evolves.
struct XRAnchorData {
// Unique (per session) identifier of the anchor.
uint32 id;
// Pose of the anchor.
VRPose pose;
// Struct containing information about all tracked & updated anchors in a given
// frame. If an anchor tracked in frame N-1 is no longer being tracked in
// frame N, its ID will not be present in all_anchors_ids and its XRAnchorData
// will not be present in updated_anchors_data.
struct XRAnchorsData {
// Array with ids of all tracked anchors.
array<uint32> all_anchors_ids;
// Array with anchor data for all updated anchors. Updated anchors are always
// a subset of all anchors (i.e. for each anchor found in
// updated_anchors_data, its ID will be present in all_anchors_ids).
array<XRAnchorData> updated_anchors_data;
// The data needed for each animation frame of an XRSession.
struct XRFrameData {
// General XRSession value
// The pose may be null if the device lost tracking. The XRFrameData can still
// have other data, such as pass through camera image.
VRPose? pose;
// TODO( Is this delta since the last
// frame? OR an unspecified origin? Something else?
mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta time_delta;
// The buffer_holder is used for sending data imagery back and forth across
// the process boundary. For application with pass through camera, it holds
// the camera image to be passed to the renderer. For immersive sessions, it
// is the place for the renderer to draw into to pass imagery to the device
// for rendering.
gpu.mojom.MailboxHolder? buffer_holder;
// Exclusive session values
// The frame_id maps frame data to a frame arriving from the compositor. IDs
// will be reused after the frame arrives from the compositor. Negative IDs
// imply no mapping.
int16 frame_id;
// Eye parameters may be provided per-frame for some runtimes. If both of
// these are null, it indicates that there was no change since the previous
// frame. If either are non-null, it indicates that data has changed. If only
// one is null, it indicates that the data has changed and the display is
// mono. Some hardware have sliders to adjust the displays for the eyes, so
// Oculus, Vive, and Samsung headsets may have differen't eye offsets for each
// frame. These need to be synchronized with a frame because the runtimes
// distort textures assuming the view matrix they handed out was used for
// rendering.
VREyeParameters? left_eye;
VREyeParameters? right_eye;
// Stage parameters may be provided per-frame, or only re-computed
// periodically. However, setting the stage parameters to null is perfectly
// valid in some cases (e.g. we've lost tracking), so we can't just use
// whether they are present or not to indicate that they have been updated
// so we have an extra flag to indicate to us that they have been updated.
bool stage_parameters_updated;
VRStageParameters? stage_parameters;
// Detected plane information. Only present if plane detection is enabled.
XRPlaneDetectionData? detected_planes_data;
// Tracked anchors information.
XRAnchorsData? anchors_data;
enum VRDisplayEventReason {
NONE = 0,
enum RequestSessionError {
union RequestSessionResult {
XRSession session;
RequestSessionError failure_reason;
// Interface for requesting XRDevice interfaces and registering for
// notifications that the XRDevice has changed. Implemented in the browser
// process and consumed in the renderer process.
interface VRService {
// Optionally supply a VRServiceClient to listen for changes to the XRDevice.
// A bad message will be reported if this is called multiple times.
SetClient(pending_remote<VRServiceClient> client);
// WebVR 1.1 functionality compatibility method. To stop listening pass a null
// client.
SetListeningForActivate(pending_remote<VRDisplayClient>? client);
// Request to initialize a session in the browser process. If successful, the
// XRSession struct with the requisite interfaces will be returned.
RequestSession(XRSessionOptions options) => (RequestSessionResult result);
SupportsSession(XRSessionOptions options) => (bool supports_session);
// WebVR 1.1 functionality compatibility method. Returns VRDisplayInfo for an
// immersive session if immersive is supported. If (and only if) immersive is
// not supported, will return a nullptr. This call might cause device specific
// UI to appear.
GetImmersiveVRDisplayInfo() => (VRDisplayInfo? info);
// The interface for the renderer to listen to top level XR events, events that
// can be listened to and triggered without the renderer calling requestDevice.
interface VRServiceClient {
// Signals changes to the available physical device runtimes.
enum CreateAnchorResult {
// Provides functionality for integrating environment information into an
// XRSession. For example, some AR sessions would implement hit test to allow
// developers to get the information about the world that its sensors supply.
// On XRSession end, the message pipe will be destroyed - we need to clean up
// all outstanding JavaScript promises at that time. The XRsession might end for
// example due to a call to XRSession::end() method (exposed to JavaScript).
interface XREnvironmentIntegrationProvider {
// Performs a raycast into the scene and returns a list of XRHitResults sorted
// from closest to furthest hit from the ray. Each hit result contains a
// hit_matrix containing the transform of the hit where the rotation
// represents the normal of the surface hit.
// An empty result list means there were no hits. If a nullopt is returned,
// there was an error.
RequestHitTest(XRRay ray) => (array<XRHitResult>? results);
// Issues a request to create an anchor attached to a session.
// |result| will contain status code of the request. |anchor_id| will be valid
// only if the |result| is SUCCESS.
CreateAnchor(VRPose anchor_pose) => (CreateAnchorResult result,
uint32 anchor_id);
// TODO( Switch anchor_id to nullable integer once
// that's available. This will allow us to remove CreateAnchorResult if we're
// not interested in obtaining detailed error information from the device.
// Issues a request to create an anchor attached to a plane.
// |result| will contain status code of the request. |anchor_id| will be valid
// only if the |result| is SUCCESS.
CreatePlaneAnchor(VRPose anchor_pose, uint32 plane_id) =>
(CreateAnchorResult result, uint32 anchor_id);
// TODO( Ditto - make anchor_id a nullable integer..
// Detaches an existing anchor. The |anchor_id| must be a valid id of an
// anchor created by one of the CreateAnchor calls, otherwise the call will be
// ignored.
DetachAnchor(uint32 anchor_id);
// Provides a mechanism for a channel to plumb up any button click events
// separately from polling, to provide better latency/position tracking for
// those events.
interface XRInputSourceButtonListener {
OnButtonEvent(XRInputSourceState input_source);
struct XRFrameDataRequestOptions {
// Controls whether XRFrameData.detected_planes should be populated by the
// request to XRFrameDataProvider.GetFrameData().
bool include_plane_data;
// Provides the necessary functionality for a WebXR session to get data for
// drawing frames. The kind of data it gets depends on what kind of session was
// requested.
// This interface is hosted in the Browser process, but will move to a sandboxed
// utility process on Windows. The render process communicates with it.
interface XRFrameDataProvider {
// frame_data is optional and will not be set if and only if the call fails
// for some reason, such as device disconnection.
GetFrameData(XRFrameDataRequestOptions? options) => (XRFrameData? frame_data);
associated XREnvironmentIntegrationProvider& environment_provider);
associated XRInputSourceButtonListener? event_listener);
// Provides the necessary functionality for sending frames to a headset.
// This interface is hosted in the Browser process, but will move to a sandboxed
// utility process on Windows. The render process communicates with it.
interface XRPresentationProvider {
// This function tells the device which parts of the canvas should be rendered
// to which view.
UpdateLayerBounds(int16 frame_id, gfx.mojom.RectF left_bounds,
gfx.mojom.RectF right_bounds, gfx.mojom.Size source_size);
// Call this if the animation loop exited without submitting a frame to
// ensure that every GetFrameData has a matching Submit call. This happens for
// WebXR if there were no drawing operations to the opaque framebuffer, and
// for WebVR 1.1 if the application didn't call SubmitFrame. Usable with any
// XRPresentationTransportMethod. This path does *not* call the
// SubmitFrameClient methods such as OnSubmitFrameTransferred. This is
// intended to help separate frames while presenting, it may or may not
// be called for the last animating frame when presentation ends.
SubmitFrameMissing(int16 frame_id, gpu.mojom.SyncToken sync_token);
// XRPresentationTransportMethod SUBMIT_AS_MAILBOX_HOLDER
SubmitFrame(int16 frame_id, gpu.mojom.MailboxHolder mailbox_holder,
mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta time_waited);
// XRPresentationTransportMethod SUBMIT_AS_TEXTURE_HANDLE
// TODO( Support preprocessing of mojom files, since
// this is Windows only.
SubmitFrameWithTextureHandle(int16 frameId, handle texture);
// XRPresentationTransportMethod DRAW_INTO_TEXTURE_MAILBOX
SubmitFrameDrawnIntoTexture(int16 frameId, gpu.mojom.SyncToken sync_token,
mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta time_waited);
// After submitting a frame, the XRPresentationProvider will notify the client
// about several stages of the render pipeline. This allows pipelining
// efficiency. Following XRPresentationProvider::Submit*, the submitted frame
// will be transferred (read from, perhaps copied to another texture), and then
// rendered (submitted to the underlying VR API).
// The client lives in the render process.
// See XRPresentationTransportOptions which configures which of these
// callbacks are in use.
interface XRPresentationClient {
// The XRPresentationProvider calls this to indicate that the submitted frame
// has been transferred, so the backing data (mailbox or GpuMemoryBuffer) can
// be reused or discarded. Note that this is a convenience/optimization
// feature, not a security feature - if a site discards the data early we may
// drop a frame, but nothing will otherwise misbehave.
// When the frame wasn't successfully transferred, the client should create a
// new mailbox/GpuMemoryBuffer rather than reusing an existing one to recover
// for subsequent frames.
OnSubmitFrameTransferred(bool success);
// The XRPresentationProvider calls this after the frame was handed off to the
// underlying VR API. This allows some pipelining of CPU/GPU work, while
// delaying expensive tasks for a subsequent frame until the current frame has
// completed.
// This callback provides a GpuFence corresponding to the previous frame's
// rendering completion, intended for use with a server wait issued before
// the following wait to prevent its rendering work from competing with
// the previous frame.
OnSubmitFrameGpuFence(gfx.mojom.GpuFenceHandle gpu_fence_handle);
enum XRVisibilityState {
// Indicates the WebXR content is visible to the user and receiving input.
// Indicates the WebXR content is visible but not receiving input.
// Indicates the WebXR content is not visible.
// Functions for pushing device information to the sessions.
interface XRSessionClient {
OnChanged(VRDisplayInfo display);
// Indicates a change in the visibility of the WebXR content.
OnVisibilityStateChanged(XRVisibilityState visibility_state);
// Backwards compatibility events for WebVR 1.1. These are expected to not be
// used for WebXR.
interface VRDisplayClient {
// Inform the renderer that a headset has sent a signal indicating that the
// user has put it on. Returns an indicator of whether or not the page
// actually started a WebVR 1.1 presentation.
OnActivate(VRDisplayEventReason reason) => (bool will_not_present);
// Inform the renderer that a headset has sent a signal indicating that the
// user stopped using a headset.
OnDeactivate(VRDisplayEventReason reason);