blob: 6adb8df7e0bad8b9368ca9d80ea7f6d470ae3b46 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
all_devtools_files = [
lighthouse_locale_files = [
all_devtools_files += lighthouse_locale_files
all_devtools_modules = [
devtools_test_files = [
devtools_embedder_scripts = [
devtools_emulated_devices_images = [
devtools_image_files = [
resources_out_dir = "$root_out_dir/resources/inspector"
generated_scripts = [
generated_aria_properties =
[ "$resources_out_dir/accessibility/ARIAProperties.js" ]
application_templates = [
copied_devtools_modules = [
generated_applications = [
generated_non_autostart_non_remote_modules = [
generated_remote_modules = [
generated_test_modules = [
devtools_applications = [
visibility = [ "//third_party/blink/*" ]
group("devtools_all_files") {
data = all_devtools_files + all_devtools_modules
deps = [
devtools_frontend_resources_deps = [
if (debug_devtools) {
devtools_frontend_resources_deps += [
group("devtools_frontend_resources") {
public_deps = devtools_frontend_resources_deps
# Do not use this unless you need unpacked devtools at runtime.
group("devtools_frontend_resources_data") {
data_deps = devtools_frontend_resources_deps
copy("copy_embedder_scripts") {
sources = devtools_embedder_scripts
outputs = [
copy("copy_htaccess") {
sources = [
outputs = [
copy("copy_inspector_images") {
sources = devtools_image_files
outputs = [
copy("copy_emulated_devices_images") {
sources = devtools_emulated_devices_images
outputs = [
copy("copy_lighthouse_locale_files") {
sources = lighthouse_locale_files
outputs = [
action("generate_devtools_grd") {
script = "scripts/build/"
deps = [
grd_files =
copied_devtools_modules + generated_applications +
generated_non_autostart_non_remote_modules + devtools_embedder_scripts +
# Bundle remote modules in ChromeOS.
if (is_chromeos) {
grd_files += generated_remote_modules + devtools_emulated_devices_images +
inputs = grd_files + devtools_image_files
outfile = "$root_gen_dir/devtools/devtools_resources.grd"
outputs = [
relative_path_dirs = [
args = rebase_path(grd_files, root_build_dir) + [ "--relative_path_dirs" ] +
rebase_path(relative_path_dirs, root_build_dir) +
rebase_path("front_end/Images", root_build_dir),
rebase_path(outfile, root_build_dir),
action("devtools_extension_api") {
script = "scripts/build/"
devtools_extension_api_files = [ "front_end/extensions/ExtensionAPI.js" ]
inputs = devtools_extension_api_files
outputs = [
args = rebase_path(outputs, root_build_dir) +
rebase_path(devtools_extension_api_files, root_build_dir)
action("supported_css_properties") {
script = "scripts/build/"
inputs = [
outputs = [
args =
rebase_path(inputs, root_build_dir) + rebase_path(outputs, root_build_dir)
action("aria_properties") {
script = "scripts/build/"
inputs = [
outputs = [
args =
rebase_path(inputs, root_build_dir) + rebase_path(outputs, root_build_dir)
action("frontend_protocol_sources") {
script = "scripts/build/"
deps = [
inputs = [
outputs = [
args = rebase_path(inputs, root_build_dir) + [
rebase_path(resources_out_dir, root_build_dir),
action("build_release_devtools") {
script = "scripts/build/"
deps = [
helper_scripts = [
inputs = helper_scripts + all_devtools_files + devtools_test_files +
generated_scripts + generated_aria_properties + application_templates
outputs =
generated_applications + generated_non_autostart_non_remote_modules +
generated_remote_modules + generated_test_modules
args = devtools_applications + [
rebase_path("front_end", root_build_dir),
rebase_path(resources_out_dir, root_build_dir),
action("copy_devtools_modules") {
script = "scripts/build/"
deps = [
inputs = all_devtools_modules
outputs = copied_devtools_modules
args = all_devtools_modules + [
rebase_path(".", root_build_dir),
rebase_path(resources_out_dir, root_build_dir),
if (debug_devtools) {
resources_out_debug_dir = "$root_out_dir/resources/inspector/debug"
action("build_debug_devtools") {
script = "scripts/build/"
inputs = all_devtools_files + application_templates
outputs = [
args = [
rebase_path("front_end", root_build_dir),
rebase_path(resources_out_debug_dir, root_build_dir),
copy("copy_generated_scripts") {
deps = [
sources = generated_scripts
outputs = [
copy("copy_aria_properties") {
deps = [
sources = generated_aria_properties
outputs = [
group("devtools_closure_compile") {
data = [
# Needed for isolate script to execute.
if (is_linux && !is_chromeos) {
group("devtools_eslint") {
data = [
# Needed for isolate script to execute.