blob: a6509868c6960aef5c36a1033989a7c1e70106b9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "build/build_config.h"
namespace base {
class CommandLine;
class FilePath;
class Version;
} // namespace base
class GURL;
namespace updater {
namespace test {
// Prints the updater.log file to stdout.
void PrintLog();
// Removes traces of the updater from the system. It is best to run this at the
// start of each test in case a previous crash or timeout on the machine running
// the test left the updater in an installed or partially installed state.
void Clean();
// Expects that the system is in a clean state, i.e. no updater is installed and
// no traces of an updater exist. Should be run at the start and end of each
// test.
void ExpectClean();
// Places the updater into test mode (use `url` as the update server and disable
// CUP).
void EnterTestMode(const GURL& url);
// Copies the logs to a location where they can be retrieved by ResultDB.
void CopyLog(const base::FilePath& src_dir);
// Sleeps for the given number of seconds. This should be avoided, but in some
// cases surrounding uninstall it is necessary since the processes can exit
// prior to completing the actual uninstallation.
void SleepFor(int seconds);
// Returns the path to the updater data dir.
base::FilePath GetDataDirPath();
// Expects that the updater is installed on the system.
void ExpectInstalled();
// Installs the updater.
void Install();
// Expects that the updater is installed on the system and the launchd tasks
// are updated correctly.
void ExpectActive();
// Uninstalls the updater. If the updater was installed during the test, it
// should be uninstalled before the end of the test to avoid having an actual
// live updater on the machine that ran the test.
void Uninstall();
// Runs the wake client and wait for it to exit. Assert that it exits with
// `exit_code`. The server should exit a few seconds after.
void RunWake(int exit_code);
// Registers the test app. As a result, the bundled updater is installed,
// promoted and registered.
void RegisterTestApp();
// Runs the command and waits for it to exit or time out.
bool Run(base::CommandLine command_line, int* exit_code);
// Returns the path of the Updater executable.
base::FilePath GetInstalledExecutablePath();
// Returns the folder path under which the executable for the fake updater
// should reside.
base::FilePath GetFakeUpdaterInstallFolderPath(const base::Version& version);
// Creates Prefs with the fake updater version set as active.
void SetupFakeUpdaterPrefs(const base::Version& version);
// Creates an install folder on the system with the fake updater version.
void SetupFakeUpdaterInstallFolder(const base::Version& version);
// Sets up a fake updater on the system at a version lower than the test.
void SetupFakeUpdaterLowerVersion();
// Sets up a fake updater on the system at a version higher than the test.
void SetupFakeUpdaterHigherVersion();
// Expects that this version of updater is uninstalled from the system.
void ExpectCandidateUninstalled();
// Sets the active bit for `app_id`.
void SetActive(const std::string& app_id);
// Expects that the active bit for `app_id` is set.
void ExpectActive(const std::string& app_id);
// Expects that the active bit for `app_id` is unset.
void ExpectNotActive(const std::string& app_id);
#if defined(OS_WIN)
void ExpectInterfacesRegistered();
} // namespace test
} // namespace updater