blob: be396b4a09017e078bb1b373406d7a7b74cb4fa9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/public/cpp/shelf_types.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/strings/string_split.h"
namespace ash {
namespace {
// A delimiter used to serialize the ShelfID string pair as a single string.
constexpr char kDelimiter[] = "|";
} // namespace
bool IsValidShelfItemType(int64_t type) {
return type == TYPE_PINNED_APP || type == TYPE_APP_LIST ||
type == TYPE_BROWSER_SHORTCUT || type == TYPE_APP ||
type == TYPE_DIALOG || type == TYPE_BACK_BUTTON ||
ShelfID::ShelfID(const std::string& app_id, const std::string& launch_id)
: app_id(app_id), launch_id(launch_id) {
DCHECK(launch_id.empty() || !app_id.empty()) << "launch ids require app ids.";
ShelfID::~ShelfID() = default;
ShelfID::ShelfID(const ShelfID& other) = default;
ShelfID::ShelfID(ShelfID&& other) = default;
ShelfID& ShelfID::operator=(const ShelfID& other) = default;
bool ShelfID::operator==(const ShelfID& other) const {
return app_id == other.app_id && launch_id == other.launch_id;
bool ShelfID::operator!=(const ShelfID& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
bool ShelfID::operator<(const ShelfID& other) const {
return app_id < other.app_id ||
(app_id == other.app_id && launch_id < other.launch_id);
bool ShelfID::IsNull() const {
return app_id.empty() && launch_id.empty();
std::string ShelfID::Serialize() const {
DCHECK_EQ(std::string::npos, app_id.find(kDelimiter)) << "Invalid ShelfID";
DCHECK_EQ(std::string::npos, launch_id.find(kDelimiter)) << "Invalid ShelfID";
return app_id + kDelimiter + launch_id;
// static
ShelfID ShelfID::Deserialize(const std::string* string) {
if (!string)
return ShelfID();
std::vector<std::string> components = base::SplitString(
*string, kDelimiter, base::KEEP_WHITESPACE, base::SPLIT_WANT_ALL);
DCHECK_EQ(2u, components.size()) << "ShelfID serialized incorrectly.";
return ShelfID(components[0], components[1]);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const ShelfID& id) {
return o << "app_id:" << id.app_id << ", launch_id:" << id.launch_id;
} // namespace ash