blob: 04c22bed32d329d8d5f1a0a7b9c7191d06854fa3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Pair;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import org.chromium.base.ContextUtils;
import org.chromium.base.ObserverList;
import org.chromium.base.ThreadUtils;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.CalledByNative;
import org.chromium.base.annotations.NativeMethods;
import org.chromium.base.metrics.RecordHistogram;
import org.chromium.components.bookmarks.BookmarkId;
import org.chromium.components.bookmarks.BookmarkType;
import org.chromium.components.url_formatter.SchemeDisplay;
import org.chromium.components.url_formatter.UrlFormatter;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.WebContents;
import org.chromium.url.GURL;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* Provides the communication channel for Android to fetch and manipulate the
* bookmark model stored in native.
public class BookmarkBridge {
private final Profile mProfile;
private boolean mIsDoingExtensiveChanges;
private long mNativeBookmarkBridge;
private boolean mIsNativeBookmarkModelLoaded;
private final List<DelayedBookmarkCallback> mDelayedBookmarkCallbacks =
new ArrayList<DelayedBookmarkCallback>();
private final ObserverList<BookmarkModelObserver> mObservers =
new ObserverList<BookmarkModelObserver>();
* Interface for callback object for fetching bookmarks and folder hierarchy.
public interface BookmarksCallback {
* Callback method for fetching bookmarks for a folder and the folder hierarchy.
* @param folderId The folder id to which the bookmarks belong.
* @param bookmarksList List holding the fetched bookmarks and details.
void onBookmarksAvailable(BookmarkId folderId, List<BookmarkItem> bookmarksList);
* Callback method for fetching the folder hierarchy.
* @param folderId The folder id to which the bookmarks belong.
* @param bookmarksList List holding the fetched folder details.
void onBookmarksFolderHierarchyAvailable(BookmarkId folderId,
List<BookmarkItem> bookmarksList);
* Base empty implementation observer class that provides listeners to be notified of changes
* to the bookmark model. It's mandatory to implement one method, bookmarkModelChanged. Other
* methods are optional and if they aren't overridden, the default implementation of them will
* eventually call bookmarkModelChanged. Unless noted otherwise, all the functions won't be
* called during extensive change.
public abstract static class BookmarkModelObserver {
* Invoked when a node has moved.
* @param oldParent The parent before the move.
* @param oldIndex The index of the node in the old parent.
* @param newParent The parent after the move.
* @param newIndex The index of the node in the new parent.
public void bookmarkNodeMoved(
BookmarkItem oldParent, int oldIndex, BookmarkItem newParent, int newIndex) {
* Invoked when a node has been added.
* @param parent The parent of the node being added.
* @param index The index of the added node.
public void bookmarkNodeAdded(BookmarkItem parent, int index) {
* Invoked when a node has been removed, the item may still be starred though. This can
* be called during extensive change, and have the flag argument indicating it.
* @param parent The parent of the node that was removed.
* @param oldIndex The index of the removed node in the parent before it was removed.
* @param node The node that was removed.
* @param isDoingExtensiveChanges whether extensive changes are happening.
public void bookmarkNodeRemoved(BookmarkItem parent, int oldIndex, BookmarkItem node,
boolean isDoingExtensiveChanges) {
if (isDoingExtensiveChanges) return;
bookmarkNodeRemoved(parent, oldIndex, node);
* Invoked when a node has been removed, the item may still be starred though.
* @param parent The parent of the node that was removed.
* @param oldIndex The index of the removed node in the parent before it was removed.
* @param node The node that was removed.
public void bookmarkNodeRemoved(BookmarkItem parent, int oldIndex, BookmarkItem node) {
* Invoked when all user-editable nodes have been removed. The exception is partner and
* managed bookmarks, which are not affected by this operation.
public void bookmarkAllUserNodesRemoved() {
* Invoked when the title or url of a node changes.
* @param node The node being changed.
public void bookmarkNodeChanged(BookmarkItem node) {
* Invoked when the children (just direct children, not descendants) of a node have been
* reordered in some way, such as sorted.
* @param node The node whose children are being reordered.
public void bookmarkNodeChildrenReordered(BookmarkItem node) {
* Invoked when the native side of bookmark is loaded and now in usable state.
public void bookmarkModelLoaded() {
* Invoked when bookmarks became editable or non-editable.
public void editBookmarksEnabledChanged() {
* Invoked when there are changes to the bookmark model that don't trigger any of the other
* callback methods or it wasn't handled by other callback methods.
* Examples:
* - On partner bookmarks change.
* - On extensive change finished.
* - Falling back from other methods that are not overridden in this class.
public abstract void bookmarkModelChanged();
* Contains data about a bookmark or bookmark folder.
public static class BookmarkItem {
private final String mTitle;
private final String mUrl;
private final BookmarkId mId;
private final boolean mIsFolder;
private final BookmarkId mParentId;
private final boolean mIsEditable;
private final boolean mIsManaged;
private boolean mForceEditableForTesting;
private long mDateAdded;
private boolean mRead;
public BookmarkItem(BookmarkId id, String title, String url, boolean isFolder,
BookmarkId parentId, boolean isEditable, boolean isManaged, long dateAdded,
boolean read) {
mId = id;
mTitle = title;
mUrl = url;
mIsFolder = isFolder;
mParentId = parentId;
mIsEditable = isEditable;
mIsManaged = isManaged;
mDateAdded = dateAdded;
mRead = read;
/** @return Title of the bookmark item. */
public String getTitle() {
return mTitle;
/** @return Url of the bookmark item. */
public String getUrl() {
return mUrl;
/** @return The string to display for the item's url. */
public String getUrlForDisplay() {
return UrlFormatter.formatUrlForSecurityDisplay(
getUrl(), SchemeDisplay.OMIT_HTTP_AND_HTTPS);
/** @return Whether item is a folder or a bookmark. */
public boolean isFolder() {
return mIsFolder;
/** @return Parent id of the bookmark item. */
public BookmarkId getParentId() {
return mParentId;
/** @return Whether this bookmark can be edited. */
public boolean isEditable() {
return mForceEditableForTesting || mIsEditable;
/**@return Whether this bookmark's URL can be edited */
public boolean isUrlEditable() {
return isEditable() && mId.getType() == BookmarkType.NORMAL;
/**@return Whether this bookmark can be moved */
public boolean isMovable() {
return isEditable() && mId.getType() == BookmarkType.NORMAL;
/** @return Whether this is a managed bookmark. */
public boolean isManaged() {
return mIsManaged;
public BookmarkId getId() {
return mId;
* @return The timestamp in milliseconds since epoch that the bookmark is added.
public long getDateAdded() {
return mDateAdded;
* @return Whether the bookmark is read. Only valid for {@link BookmarkType#READING_LIST}.
* Defaults to "false" for other types.
public boolean isRead() {
return mRead;
// TODO( Remove when BookmarkModel is stubbed in tests instead.
void forceEditableForTesting() {
mForceEditableForTesting = true;
* Handler to fetch the bookmarks, titles, urls and folder hierarchy.
* @param profile Profile instance corresponding to the active profile.
public BookmarkBridge(Profile profile) {
mProfile = profile;
mNativeBookmarkBridge = BookmarkBridgeJni.get().init(BookmarkBridge.this, profile);
mIsDoingExtensiveChanges = BookmarkBridgeJni.get().isDoingExtensiveChanges(
mNativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge.this);
* Destroys this instance so no further calls can be executed.
public void destroy() {
if (mNativeBookmarkBridge != 0) {
BookmarkBridgeJni.get().destroy(mNativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge.this);
mNativeBookmarkBridge = 0;
mIsNativeBookmarkModelLoaded = false;
* @param tab Tab whose current URL is checked against.
* @return {@code true} if the current Tab URL has a bookmark associated with it. If the
* bookmark backend is not loaded, return {@code false}.
public boolean hasBookmarkIdForTab(Tab tab) {
if (tab.isFrozen() || mNativeBookmarkBridge == 0) return false;
return BookmarkBridgeJni.get().getBookmarkIdForWebContents(
mNativeBookmarkBridge, this, tab.getWebContents(), false)
!= BookmarkId.INVALID_ID;
* @param tab Tab whose current URL is checked against.
* @return User-editable bookmark ID or {@link BookmarkId#INVALID_ID} if bookmark backend is
* not loaded or the tab is frozen.
public long getUserBookmarkIdForTab(Tab tab) {
if (tab.isFrozen()) return BookmarkId.INVALID_ID;
return BookmarkBridgeJni.get().getBookmarkIdForWebContents(
mNativeBookmarkBridge, this, tab.getWebContents(), true);
* Load an empty partner bookmark shim for testing. The root node for bookmark will be an
* empty node.
public void loadEmptyPartnerBookmarkShimForTesting() {
mNativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge.this);
* Load a fake partner bookmark shim for testing. To see (or edit) the titles and URLs of the
* partner bookmarks, go to
public void loadFakePartnerBookmarkShimForTesting() {
mNativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge.this);
* Add an observer to bookmark model changes.
* @param observer The observer to be added.
public void addObserver(BookmarkModelObserver observer) {
* Remove an observer of bookmark model changes.
* @param observer The observer to be removed.
public void removeObserver(BookmarkModelObserver observer) {
* @return Whether or not the underlying bookmark model is loaded.
public boolean isBookmarkModelLoaded() {
return mIsNativeBookmarkModelLoaded;
* Schedules a runnable to run after the bookmark model is loaded. If the
* model is already loaded, executes the runnable immediately. If not, also
* kick off partner bookmark reading.
* @return Whether the given runnable is executed synchronously.
public boolean finishLoadingBookmarkModel(final Runnable runAfterModelLoaded) {
if (isBookmarkModelLoaded()) {;
return true;
long startTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
addObserver(new BookmarkModelObserver() {
public void bookmarkModelLoaded() {
"PartnerBookmark.LoadingTime", SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - startTime);;
public void bookmarkModelChanged() {
// Start reading as a fail-safe measure to avoid waiting forever if the caller forgets to
// call kickOffReading().
return false;
* @return A BookmarkItem instance for the given BookmarkId.
* <code>null</code> if it doesn't exist.
public BookmarkItem getBookmarkById(BookmarkId id) {
assert mIsNativeBookmarkModelLoaded;
return BookmarkBridgeJni.get().getBookmarkByID(
mNativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge.this, id.getId(), id.getType());
* @return The top level folder's parents.
public List<BookmarkId> getTopLevelFolderParentIDs() {
assert mIsNativeBookmarkModelLoaded;
List<BookmarkId> result = new ArrayList<BookmarkId>();
mNativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge.this, result);
return result;
* @param getSpecial Whether special top folders should be returned.
* @param getNormal Whether normal top folders should be returned.
* @return The top level folders. Note that special folders come first and normal top folders
* will be in the alphabetical order.
public List<BookmarkId> getTopLevelFolderIDs(boolean getSpecial, boolean getNormal) {
assert mIsNativeBookmarkModelLoaded;
List<BookmarkId> result = new ArrayList<BookmarkId>();
mNativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge.this, getSpecial, getNormal, result);
return result;
* Populates folderList with BookmarkIds of folders users can move bookmarks
* to and all folders have corresponding depth value in depthList. Folders
* having depths of 0 will be shown as top-layered folders. These include
* "Desktop Folder" itself as well as all children of "mobile" and "other".
* Children of 0-depth folders have depth of 1, and so on.
* The result list will be sorted alphabetically by title. "mobile", "other",
* root node, managed folder, partner folder are NOT included as results.
public void getAllFoldersWithDepths(List<BookmarkId> folderList,
List<Integer> depthList) {
assert mIsNativeBookmarkModelLoaded;
mNativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge.this, folderList, depthList);
* Calls {@link #getAllFoldersWithDepths(List, List)} and remove all folders and children
* in bookmarksToMove. This method is useful when finding a list of possible parent folers when
* moving some folders (a folder cannot be moved to its own children).
public void getMoveDestinations(List<BookmarkId> folderList,
List<Integer> depthList, List<BookmarkId> bookmarksToMove) {
assert mIsNativeBookmarkModelLoaded;
mNativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge.this, folderList, depthList);
if (bookmarksToMove == null || bookmarksToMove.size() == 0) return;
boolean shouldTrim = false;
int trimThreshold = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < folderList.size(); i++) {
int depth = depthList.get(i);
if (shouldTrim) {
if (depth <= trimThreshold) {
shouldTrim = false;
trimThreshold = -1;
} else {
// Do not use else here because shouldTrim could be set true after if (shouldTrim)
// statement.
if (!shouldTrim) {
BookmarkId folder = folderList.get(i);
if (bookmarksToMove.contains(folder)) {
shouldTrim = true;
trimThreshold = depth;
* @return The BookmarkId for root folder node
public BookmarkId getRootFolderId() {
assert mIsNativeBookmarkModelLoaded;
return BookmarkBridgeJni.get().getRootFolderId(mNativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge.this);
* @return The BookmarkId for Mobile folder node
public BookmarkId getMobileFolderId() {
assert mIsNativeBookmarkModelLoaded;
return BookmarkBridgeJni.get().getMobileFolderId(
mNativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge.this);
* @return Id representing the special "other" folder from bookmark model.
public BookmarkId getOtherFolderId() {
assert mIsNativeBookmarkModelLoaded;
return BookmarkBridgeJni.get().getOtherFolderId(mNativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge.this);
* @return BookmarkId representing special "desktop" folder, namely "bookmark bar".
public BookmarkId getDesktopFolderId() {
assert mIsNativeBookmarkModelLoaded;
return BookmarkBridgeJni.get().getDesktopFolderId(
mNativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge.this);
* @return The number of children that the given node has.
public int getChildCount(BookmarkId id) {
assert mIsNativeBookmarkModelLoaded;
return BookmarkBridgeJni.get().getChildCount(
mNativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge.this, id.getId(), id.getType());
* Reads sub-folder IDs, sub-bookmark IDs, or both of the given folder.
* @return Child IDs of the given folder, with the specified type.
public List<BookmarkId> getChildIDs(BookmarkId id) {
assert mIsNativeBookmarkModelLoaded;
List<BookmarkId> result = new ArrayList<BookmarkId>();
mNativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge.this, id.getId(), id.getType(), result);
return result;
* Gets the child of a folder at the specific position.
* @param folderId Id of the parent folder
* @param index Position of child among all children in folder
* @return BookmarkId of the child, which will be null if folderId does not point to a folder or
* index is invalid.
public BookmarkId getChildAt(BookmarkId folderId, int index) {
assert mIsNativeBookmarkModelLoaded;
return BookmarkBridgeJni.get().getChildAt(mNativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge.this,
folderId.getId(), folderId.getType(), index);
* Get the total number of bookmarks in the sub tree of the specified folder.
* @param id The {@link BookmarkId} of the folder to be queried.
* @return The total number of bookmarks in the folder.
public int getTotalBookmarkCount(BookmarkId id) {
assert mIsNativeBookmarkModelLoaded;
return BookmarkBridgeJni.get().getTotalBookmarkCount(
mNativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge.this, id.getId(), id.getType());
* Synchronously gets a list of bookmarks that match the specified search query.
* @param query Keyword used for searching bookmarks.
* @param maxNumberOfResult Maximum number of result to fetch.
* @return List of bookmark IDs that are related to the given query.
public List<BookmarkId> searchBookmarks(String query, int maxNumberOfResult) {
List<BookmarkId> bookmarkMatches = new ArrayList<BookmarkId>();
BookmarkBridgeJni.get().searchBookmarks(mNativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge.this,
bookmarkMatches, query, maxNumberOfResult);
return bookmarkMatches;
* Set title of the given bookmark.
public void setBookmarkTitle(BookmarkId id, String title) {
assert mIsNativeBookmarkModelLoaded;
mNativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge.this, id.getId(), id.getType(), title);
* Set URL of the given bookmark.
public void setBookmarkUrl(BookmarkId id, String url) {
assert mIsNativeBookmarkModelLoaded;
assert id.getType() == BookmarkType.NORMAL;
mNativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge.this, id.getId(), id.getType(), url);
* @return Whether the given bookmark exist in the current bookmark model, e.g., not deleted.
public boolean doesBookmarkExist(BookmarkId id) {
assert mIsNativeBookmarkModelLoaded;
return BookmarkBridgeJni.get().doesBookmarkExist(
mNativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge.this, id.getId(), id.getType());
* Fetches the bookmarks of the given folder. This is an always-synchronous version of another
* getBookmarksForFolder function.
* @param folderId The parent folder id.
* @return Bookmarks of the given folder.
public List<BookmarkItem> getBookmarksForFolder(BookmarkId folderId) {
assert mIsNativeBookmarkModelLoaded;
List<BookmarkItem> result = new ArrayList<BookmarkItem>();
mNativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge.this, folderId, null, result);
return result;
* Fetches the bookmarks of the current folder. Callback will be
* synchronous if the bookmark model is already loaded and async if it is loaded in the
* background.
* @param folderId The current folder id.
* @param callback Instance of a callback object.
public void getBookmarksForFolder(BookmarkId folderId, BookmarksCallback callback) {
if (mIsNativeBookmarkModelLoaded) {
BookmarkBridge.this, folderId, callback, new ArrayList<BookmarkItem>());
} else {
mDelayedBookmarkCallbacks.add(new DelayedBookmarkCallback(folderId, callback,
DelayedBookmarkCallback.GET_BOOKMARKS_FOR_FOLDER, this));
* Check whether the given folder should be visible. This is for top permanent folders that we
* want to hide when there is no child.
* @return Whether the given folder should be visible.
public boolean isFolderVisible(BookmarkId id) {
assert mIsNativeBookmarkModelLoaded;
return BookmarkBridgeJni.get().isFolderVisible(
mNativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge.this, id.getId(), id.getType());
* Fetches the folder hierarchy of the given folder. Callback will be
* synchronous if the bookmark model is already loaded and async if it is loaded in the
* background.
* @param folderId The current folder id.
* @param callback Instance of a callback object.
public void getCurrentFolderHierarchy(BookmarkId folderId, BookmarksCallback callback) {
if (mIsNativeBookmarkModelLoaded) {
BookmarkBridge.this, folderId, callback, new ArrayList<BookmarkItem>());
} else {
mDelayedBookmarkCallbacks.add(new DelayedBookmarkCallback(folderId, callback,
DelayedBookmarkCallback.GET_CURRENT_FOLDER_HIERARCHY, this));
* Deletes a specified bookmark node.
* @param bookmarkId The ID of the bookmark to be deleted.
public void deleteBookmark(BookmarkId bookmarkId) {
mNativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge.this, bookmarkId);
* Removes all the non-permanent bookmark nodes that are editable by the user. Observers are
* only notified when all nodes have been removed. There is no notification for individual node
* removals.
public void removeAllUserBookmarks() {
BookmarkBridgeJni.get().removeAllUserBookmarks(mNativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge.this);
* Move the bookmark to the new index within same folder or to a different folder.
* @param bookmarkId The id of the bookmark that is being moved.
* @param newParentId The parent folder id.
* @param index The new index for the bookmark.
public void moveBookmark(BookmarkId bookmarkId, BookmarkId newParentId, int index) {
mNativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge.this, bookmarkId, newParentId, index);
* Add a new folder to the given parent folder
* @param parent Folder where to add. Must be a normal editable folder, instead of a partner
* bookmark folder or a managed bookmark folder or root node of the entire
* bookmark model.
* @param index The position to locate the new folder
* @param title The title text of the new folder
* @return Id of the added node. If adding failed (index is invalid, string is null, parent is
* not editable), returns null.
public BookmarkId addFolder(BookmarkId parent, int index, String title) {
assert parent.getType() == BookmarkType.NORMAL;
assert index >= 0;
assert title != null;
return BookmarkBridgeJni.get().addFolder(
mNativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge.this, parent, index, title);
* Add a new bookmark to a specific position below parent
* @param parent Folder where to add. Must be a normal editable folder, instead of a partner
* bookmark folder or a managed bookmark folder or root node of the entire
* bookmark model.
* @param index The position where the bookmark will be placed in parent folder
* @param title Title of the new bookmark. If empty, the URL will be used as the title.
* @param url Url of the new bookmark
* @return Id of the added node. If adding failed (index is invalid, string is null, parent is
* not editable), returns null.
public BookmarkId addBookmark(BookmarkId parent, int index, String title, String url) {
assert parent.getType() == BookmarkType.NORMAL;
assert index >= 0;
assert title != null;
assert url != null;
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(title)) title = url;
return BookmarkBridgeJni.get().addBookmark(
mNativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge.this, parent, index, title, url);
* Undo the last undoable action on the top of the bookmark undo stack
public void undo() {
BookmarkBridgeJni.get().undo(mNativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge.this);
* Start grouping actions for a single undo operation
* Note: This only works with BookmarkModel, not partner bookmarks.
public void startGroupingUndos() {
BookmarkBridgeJni.get().startGroupingUndos(mNativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge.this);
* End grouping actions for a single undo operation
* Note: This only works with BookmarkModel, not partner bookmarks.
public void endGroupingUndos() {
BookmarkBridgeJni.get().endGroupingUndos(mNativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge.this);
public boolean isEditBookmarksEnabled() {
if (mNativeBookmarkBridge == 0) return false;
return BookmarkBridgeJni.get().isEditBookmarksEnabled(mNativeBookmarkBridge);
/** Gets the profile. */
protected Profile getProfile() {
return mProfile;
* Notifies the observer that bookmark model has been loaded.
public void notifyBookmarkModelLoaded() {
// Call isBookmarkModelLoaded() to do the check since it could be overridden by the child
// class to add the addition logic.
if (isBookmarkModelLoaded()) {
for (BookmarkModelObserver observer : mObservers) {
* Reorders the bookmarks of the folder "parent" to be as specified by newOrder.
* @param parent The parent folder for the reordered bookmarks.
* @param newOrder A list of bookmark IDs that represents the new order for these bookmarks.
public void reorderBookmarks(BookmarkId parent, long[] newOrder) {
mNativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge.this, parent, newOrder);
* Adds an article to the reading list. If the article was already bookmarked, the existing
* bookmark ID will be returned.
* @param title The title to be used for the reading list item.
* @param url The URL of the reading list item.
* @return The bookmark ID created after saving the article to the reading list, or null on
* error.
public @Nullable BookmarkId addToReadingList(String title, String url) {
assert title != null;
assert url != null;
assert mIsNativeBookmarkModelLoaded;
return BookmarkBridgeJni.get().addToReadingList(
mNativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge.this, title, url);
* @param url The URL of the reading list item.
* @return The reading list item with the URL, or null if no such reading list item.
public BookmarkItem getReadingListItem(String url) {
assert url != null;
assert mIsNativeBookmarkModelLoaded;
return BookmarkBridgeJni.get().getReadingListItem(
mNativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge.this, url);
* Helper method to mark an article as read.
* @param url The URL of the reading list item.
* @param read Whether the article should be marked as read.
public void setReadStatusForReadingList(String url, boolean read) {
mNativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge.this, url, read);
* Checks whether supplied URL has already been bookmarked.
* @param url The URL to check.
* @return Whether the URL has been bookmarked.
public boolean isBookmarked(GURL url) {
return BookmarkBridgeJni.get().isBookmarked(mNativeBookmarkBridge, url);
BookmarkId getPartnerFolderId() {
assert mIsNativeBookmarkModelLoaded;
return BookmarkBridgeJni.get().getPartnerFolderId(
mNativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge.this);
private void bookmarkModelLoaded() {
mIsNativeBookmarkModelLoaded = true;
if (!mDelayedBookmarkCallbacks.isEmpty()) {
for (int i = 0; i < mDelayedBookmarkCallbacks.size(); i++) {
private void destroyFromNative() {
private void bookmarkNodeMoved(
BookmarkItem oldParent, int oldIndex, BookmarkItem newParent, int newIndex) {
if (mIsDoingExtensiveChanges) return;
for (BookmarkModelObserver observer : mObservers) {
observer.bookmarkNodeMoved(oldParent, oldIndex, newParent, newIndex);
private void bookmarkNodeAdded(BookmarkItem parent, int index) {
if (mIsDoingExtensiveChanges) return;
for (BookmarkModelObserver observer : mObservers) {
observer.bookmarkNodeAdded(parent, index);
private void bookmarkNodeRemoved(BookmarkItem parent, int oldIndex, BookmarkItem node) {
for (BookmarkModelObserver observer : mObservers) {
observer.bookmarkNodeRemoved(parent, oldIndex, node,
private void bookmarkAllUserNodesRemoved() {
for (BookmarkModelObserver observer : mObservers) {
private void bookmarkNodeChanged(BookmarkItem node) {
if (mIsDoingExtensiveChanges) return;
for (BookmarkModelObserver observer : mObservers) {
private void bookmarkNodeChildrenReordered(BookmarkItem node) {
if (mIsDoingExtensiveChanges) return;
for (BookmarkModelObserver observer : mObservers) {
private void extensiveBookmarkChangesBeginning() {
mIsDoingExtensiveChanges = true;
private void extensiveBookmarkChangesEnded() {
mIsDoingExtensiveChanges = false;
private void bookmarkModelChanged() {
if (mIsDoingExtensiveChanges) return;
for (BookmarkModelObserver observer : mObservers) {
private void editBookmarksEnabledChanged() {
for (BookmarkModelObserver observer : mObservers) {
private static BookmarkItem createBookmarkItem(long id, int type, String title, String url,
boolean isFolder, long parentId, int parentIdType, boolean isEditable,
boolean isManaged, long dateAdded, boolean read) {
return new BookmarkItem(new BookmarkId(id, type), title, url, isFolder,
new BookmarkId(parentId, parentIdType), isEditable, isManaged, dateAdded, read);
private static void addToList(List<BookmarkItem> bookmarksList, BookmarkItem bookmark) {
private static void addToBookmarkIdList(List<BookmarkId> bookmarkIdList, long id, int type) {
bookmarkIdList.add(new BookmarkId(id, type));
private static void addToBookmarkIdListWithDepth(List<BookmarkId> folderList, long id,
int type, List<Integer> depthList, int depth) {
folderList.add(new BookmarkId(id, type));
private static List<Pair<Integer, Integer>> createPairsList(int[] left, int[] right) {
List<Pair<Integer, Integer>> pairList = new ArrayList<Pair<Integer, Integer>>();
for (int i = 0; i < left.length; i++) {
pairList.add(new Pair<Integer, Integer>(left[i], right[i]));
return pairList;
* Details about callbacks that need to be called once the bookmark model has loaded.
private static class DelayedBookmarkCallback {
private static final int GET_BOOKMARKS_FOR_FOLDER = 0;
private static final int GET_CURRENT_FOLDER_HIERARCHY = 1;
private final BookmarksCallback mCallback;
private final BookmarkId mFolderId;
private final int mCallbackMethod;
private final BookmarkBridge mHandler;
private DelayedBookmarkCallback(BookmarkId folderId, BookmarksCallback callback,
int method, BookmarkBridge handler) {
mFolderId = folderId;
mCallback = callback;
mCallbackMethod = method;
mHandler = handler;
* Invoke the callback method.
private void callCallbackMethod() {
switch (mCallbackMethod) {
mHandler.getBookmarksForFolder(mFolderId, mCallback);
mHandler.getCurrentFolderHierarchy(mFolderId, mCallback);
assert false;
interface Natives {
long getBookmarkIdForWebContents(long nativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge caller,
WebContents webContents, boolean onlyEditable);
BookmarkItem getBookmarkByID(
long nativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge caller, long id, int type);
void getTopLevelFolderParentIDs(
long nativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge caller, List<BookmarkId> bookmarksList);
void getTopLevelFolderIDs(long nativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge caller,
boolean getSpecial, boolean getNormal, List<BookmarkId> bookmarksList);
void getAllFoldersWithDepths(long nativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge caller,
List<BookmarkId> folderList, List<Integer> depthList);
BookmarkId getRootFolderId(long nativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge caller);
BookmarkId getMobileFolderId(long nativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge caller);
BookmarkId getOtherFolderId(long nativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge caller);
BookmarkId getDesktopFolderId(long nativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge caller);
BookmarkId getPartnerFolderId(long nativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge caller);
int getChildCount(long nativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge caller, long id, int type);
void getChildIDs(long nativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge caller, long id, int type,
List<BookmarkId> bookmarksList);
BookmarkId getChildAt(
long nativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge caller, long id, int type, int index);
int getTotalBookmarkCount(
long nativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge caller, long id, int type);
void setBookmarkTitle(
long nativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge caller, long id, int type, String title);
void setBookmarkUrl(
long nativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge caller, long id, int type, String url);
boolean doesBookmarkExist(
long nativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge caller, long id, int type);
void getBookmarksForFolder(long nativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge caller,
BookmarkId folderId, BookmarksCallback callback, List<BookmarkItem> bookmarksList);
boolean isFolderVisible(
long nativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge caller, long id, int type);
void getCurrentFolderHierarchy(long nativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge caller,
BookmarkId folderId, BookmarksCallback callback, List<BookmarkItem> bookmarksList);
BookmarkId addFolder(long nativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge caller, BookmarkId parent,
int index, String title);
void deleteBookmark(
long nativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge caller, BookmarkId bookmarkId);
void removeAllUserBookmarks(long nativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge caller);
void moveBookmark(long nativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge caller, BookmarkId bookmarkId,
BookmarkId newParentId, int index);
BookmarkId addBookmark(long nativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge caller, BookmarkId parent,
int index, String title, String url);
BookmarkId addToReadingList(
long nativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge caller, String title, String url);
BookmarkItem getReadingListItem(
long nativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge caller, String url);
void setReadStatus(
long nativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge caller, String url, boolean read);
void undo(long nativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge caller);
void startGroupingUndos(long nativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge caller);
void endGroupingUndos(long nativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge caller);
void loadEmptyPartnerBookmarkShimForTesting(
long nativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge caller);
void loadFakePartnerBookmarkShimForTesting(
long nativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge caller);
void searchBookmarks(long nativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge caller,
List<BookmarkId> bookmarkMatches, String query, int maxNumber);
long init(BookmarkBridge caller, Profile profile);
boolean isDoingExtensiveChanges(long nativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge caller);
void destroy(long nativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge caller);
boolean isEditBookmarksEnabled(long nativeBookmarkBridge);
void reorderChildren(long nativeBookmarkBridge, BookmarkBridge caller, BookmarkId parent,
long[] orderedNodes);
boolean isBookmarked(long nativeBookmarkBridge, GURL url);