blob: 874eef6991bf6595e9a3fdbe5a7afc6b8245b492 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import android.content.Context;
import androidx.test.filters.SmallTest;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.chromium.base.ContextUtils;
import org.chromium.base.StreamUtil;
import org.chromium.base.test.UiThreadTest;
import org.chromium.base.test.util.AdvancedMockContext;
import org.chromium.base.test.util.Feature;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.test.util.TestThreadUtils;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
* Test that migrating the old tab state folder structure to the new one works.
public class RestoreMigrateTest {
private Context mAppContext;
private void writeStateFile(final TabModelSelector selector, int index) throws IOException {
byte[] data =
TestThreadUtils.runOnUiThreadBlockingNoException(new Callable<byte[]>() {
public byte[] call() throws Exception {
return TabPersistentStore.serializeTabModelSelector(selector, null)
File f = TabStateDirectory.getOrCreateTabbedModeStateDirectory();
FileOutputStream fos = null;
try {
fos = new FileOutputStream(new File(
f, TabbedModeTabPersistencePolicy.getStateFileName(index)));
} finally {
private int getMaxId(TabModelSelector selector) {
int maxId = 0;
for (TabList list : selector.getModels()) {
for (int i = 0; i < list.getCount(); i++) {
maxId = Math.max(maxId, list.getTabAt(i).getId());
return maxId;
public void setUp() {
mAppContext = new AdvancedMockContext(InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation()
private TabPersistentStore buildTabPersistentStore(
final TabModelSelector selector, final int selectorIndex) {
return TestThreadUtils.runOnUiThreadBlockingNoException(new Callable<TabPersistentStore>() {
public TabPersistentStore call() {
TabPersistencePolicy persistencePolicy = new TabbedModeTabPersistencePolicy(
selectorIndex, false);
TabPersistentStore store =
new TabPersistentStore(persistencePolicy, selector, null);
return store;
* Test that normal migration of state files works.
* @throws IOException
public void testMigrateData() throws IOException {
// Write old state files.
File filesDir = mAppContext.getFilesDir();
File stateFile = new File(filesDir, TabbedModeTabPersistencePolicy.LEGACY_SAVED_STATE_FILE);
File tab0 = new File(filesDir, TabStateFileManager.SAVED_TAB_STATE_FILE_PREFIX + "0");
File tab1 = new File(filesDir, TabStateFileManager.SAVED_TAB_STATE_FILE_PREFIX + "1");
File tab2 =
new File(filesDir, TabStateFileManager.SAVED_TAB_STATE_FILE_PREFIX_INCOGNITO + "2");
File tab3 =
new File(filesDir, TabStateFileManager.SAVED_TAB_STATE_FILE_PREFIX_INCOGNITO + "3");
Assert.assertTrue("Could not create state file", stateFile.createNewFile());
Assert.assertTrue("Could not create tab 0 file", tab0.createNewFile());
Assert.assertTrue("Could not create tab 1 file", tab1.createNewFile());
Assert.assertTrue("Could not create tab 2 file", tab2.createNewFile());
Assert.assertTrue("Could not create tab 3 file", tab3.createNewFile());
// Build the TabPersistentStore which will try to move the files.
MockTabModelSelector selector = new MockTabModelSelector(0, 0, null);
TabPersistentStore store = buildTabPersistentStore(selector, 0);
// Make sure we don't hit the migration path again.
ChromePreferenceKeys.TABMODEL_HAS_RUN_FILE_MIGRATION, false));
// Check that the files were moved.
File newDir = TabStateDirectory.getOrCreateTabbedModeStateDirectory();
File newStateFile = new File(newDir, TabbedModeTabPersistencePolicy.getStateFileName(0));
File newTab0 = new File(newDir, TabStateFileManager.SAVED_TAB_STATE_FILE_PREFIX + "0");
File newTab1 = new File(newDir, TabStateFileManager.SAVED_TAB_STATE_FILE_PREFIX + "1");
File newTab2 =
new File(newDir, TabStateFileManager.SAVED_TAB_STATE_FILE_PREFIX_INCOGNITO + "2");
File newTab3 =
new File(newDir, TabStateFileManager.SAVED_TAB_STATE_FILE_PREFIX_INCOGNITO + "3");
Assert.assertTrue("Could not find new state file", newStateFile.exists());
Assert.assertTrue("Could not find new tab 0 file", newTab0.exists());
Assert.assertTrue("Could not find new tab 1 file", newTab1.exists());
Assert.assertTrue("Could not find new tab 2 file", newTab2.exists());
Assert.assertTrue("Could not find new tab 3 file", newTab3.exists());
Assert.assertFalse("Could still find old state file", stateFile.exists());
Assert.assertFalse("Could still find old tab 0 file", tab0.exists());
Assert.assertFalse("Could still find old tab 1 file", tab1.exists());
Assert.assertFalse("Could still find old tab 2 file", tab2.exists());
Assert.assertFalse("Could still find old tab 3 file", tab3.exists());
* Test that migration skips if it already has files in the new folder.
* @throws IOException
public void testSkipMigrateData() throws IOException {
// Write old state files.
File filesDir = mAppContext.getFilesDir();
File stateFile = new File(filesDir, TabbedModeTabPersistencePolicy.LEGACY_SAVED_STATE_FILE);
File tab0 = new File(filesDir, TabStateFileManager.SAVED_TAB_STATE_FILE_PREFIX + "0");
File tab1 = new File(filesDir, TabStateFileManager.SAVED_TAB_STATE_FILE_PREFIX + "1");
File tab2 =
new File(filesDir, TabStateFileManager.SAVED_TAB_STATE_FILE_PREFIX_INCOGNITO + "2");
File tab3 =
new File(filesDir, TabStateFileManager.SAVED_TAB_STATE_FILE_PREFIX_INCOGNITO + "3");
Assert.assertTrue("Could not create state file", stateFile.createNewFile());
Assert.assertTrue("Could not create tab 0 file", tab0.createNewFile());
Assert.assertTrue("Could not create tab 1 file", tab1.createNewFile());
Assert.assertTrue("Could not create tab 2 file", tab2.createNewFile());
Assert.assertTrue("Could not create tab 3 file", tab3.createNewFile());
// Write new state files
File newDir = TabStateDirectory.getOrCreateTabbedModeStateDirectory();
File newStateFile = new File(newDir, TabbedModeTabPersistencePolicy.getStateFileName(0));
File newTab4 = new File(newDir, TabStateFileManager.SAVED_TAB_STATE_FILE_PREFIX + "4");
Assert.assertTrue("Could not create new tab 4 file", newTab4.createNewFile());
Assert.assertTrue("Could not create new state file", newStateFile.createNewFile());
// Build the TabPersistentStore which will try to move the files.
MockTabModelSelector selector = new MockTabModelSelector(0, 0, null);
TabPersistentStore store = buildTabPersistentStore(selector, 0);
Assert.assertTrue("Could not find new state file", newStateFile.exists());
Assert.assertTrue("Could not find new tab 4 file", newTab4.exists());
// Make sure the old files did not move
File newTab0 = new File(newDir, TabStateFileManager.SAVED_TAB_STATE_FILE_PREFIX + "0");
File newTab1 = new File(newDir, TabStateFileManager.SAVED_TAB_STATE_FILE_PREFIX + "1");
File newTab2 =
new File(newDir, TabStateFileManager.SAVED_TAB_STATE_FILE_PREFIX_INCOGNITO + "2");
File newTab3 =
new File(newDir, TabStateFileManager.SAVED_TAB_STATE_FILE_PREFIX_INCOGNITO + "3");
Assert.assertFalse("Could find new tab 0 file", newTab0.exists());
Assert.assertFalse("Could find new tab 1 file", newTab1.exists());
Assert.assertFalse("Could find new tab 2 file", newTab2.exists());
Assert.assertFalse("Could find new tab 3 file", newTab3.exists());
* Test that the state file migration skips unrelated files.
* @throws IOException
public void testMigrationLeavesOtherFilesAlone() throws IOException {
// Write old state files.
File filesDir = mAppContext.getFilesDir();
File stateFile = new File(filesDir, TabbedModeTabPersistencePolicy.LEGACY_SAVED_STATE_FILE);
File tab0 = new File(filesDir, TabStateFileManager.SAVED_TAB_STATE_FILE_PREFIX + "0");
File otherFile = new File(filesDir, "other.file");
Assert.assertTrue("Could not create state file", stateFile.createNewFile());
Assert.assertTrue("Could not create tab 0 file", tab0.createNewFile());
Assert.assertTrue("Could not create other file", otherFile.createNewFile());
// Build the TabPersistentStore which will try to move the files.
MockTabModelSelector selector = new MockTabModelSelector(0, 0, null);
TabPersistentStore store = buildTabPersistentStore(selector, 0);
Assert.assertFalse("Could still find old state file", stateFile.exists());
Assert.assertFalse("Could still find old tab 0 file", tab0.exists());
Assert.assertTrue("Could not find other file", otherFile.exists());
// Check that the files were moved.
File newDir = TabStateDirectory.getOrCreateTabbedModeStateDirectory();
File newStateFile = new File(newDir, TabbedModeTabPersistencePolicy.getStateFileName(0));
File newTab0 = new File(newDir, TabStateFileManager.SAVED_TAB_STATE_FILE_PREFIX + "0");
File newOtherFile = new File(newDir, "other.file");
Assert.assertTrue("Could not find new state file", newStateFile.exists());
Assert.assertTrue("Could not find new tab 0 file", newTab0.exists());
Assert.assertFalse("Could find new other file", newOtherFile.exists());
* Tests that the max id returned is the max of all of the tab models.
* @throws IOException
public void testFindsMaxIdProperly() throws IOException {
TabModelSelector selector0 = new MockTabModelSelector(1, 1, null);
TabModelSelector selector1 = new MockTabModelSelector(1, 1, null);
writeStateFile(selector0, 0);
writeStateFile(selector1, 1);
TabModelSelector selectorIn = new MockTabModelSelector(0, 0, null);
TabPersistentStore storeIn = buildTabPersistentStore(selectorIn, 0);
int maxId = Math.max(getMaxId(selector0), getMaxId(selector1));
storeIn.loadState(false /* ignoreIncognitoFiles */);
Assert.assertEquals("Invalid next id", maxId + 1,
* Tests that each model loads the subset of tabs it is responsible for. In this case, just
* check that the model has the expected number of tabs to load. Since each model is loading
* a different number of tabs we can tell if they are each attempting to load their specific
* set.
* @throws IOException
public void testOnlyLoadsSingleModel() throws IOException {
TabModelSelector selector0 = new MockTabModelSelector(3, 3, null);
TabModelSelector selector1 = new MockTabModelSelector(2, 1, null);
writeStateFile(selector0, 0);
writeStateFile(selector1, 1);
TabModelSelector selectorIn0 = new MockTabModelSelector(0, 0, null);
TabModelSelector selectorIn1 = new MockTabModelSelector(0, 0, null);
TabPersistentStore storeIn0 = buildTabPersistentStore(selectorIn0, 0);
TabPersistentStore storeIn1 = buildTabPersistentStore(selectorIn1, 1);
storeIn0.loadState(false /* ignoreIncognitoFiles */);
storeIn1.loadState(false /* ignoreIncognitoFiles */);
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected number of tabs to load", 6, storeIn0.getRestoredTabCount());
Assert.assertEquals("Unexpected number of tabs to load", 3, storeIn1.getRestoredTabCount());