blob: 985a55dec950fc7de212dd6b5d7b235c5fd2a5be [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "content/browser/conversions/conversion_storage_sql.h"
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
#include "base/files/file_util.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_functions.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/time/default_clock.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "sql/recovery.h"
#include "sql/statement.h"
#include "sql/transaction.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
#include "url/origin.h"
#include "url/url_constants.h"
namespace content {
namespace {
std::string SerializeOrigin(const url::Origin& origin) {
// Conversion API is only designed to be used for secure
// contexts (targets and reporting endpoints). We should have filtered out bad
// origins at a higher layer.
return origin.Serialize();
url::Origin DeserializeOrigin(const std::string& origin) {
return url::Origin::Create(GURL(origin));
int64_t SerializeTime(base::Time time) {
return time.ToDeltaSinceWindowsEpoch().InMicroseconds();
base::Time DeserializeTime(int64_t microseconds) {
return base::Time::FromDeltaSinceWindowsEpoch(
const base::FilePath::CharType kInMemoryPath[] = FILE_PATH_LITERAL(":memory");
const base::FilePath::CharType kDatabasePath[] =
} // namespace
// static
void ConversionStorageSql::RunInMemoryForTesting() {
g_run_in_memory_ = true;
// static
bool ConversionStorageSql::g_run_in_memory_ = false;
const base::FilePath& path_to_database,
std::unique_ptr<Delegate> delegate,
const base::Clock* clock)
: path_to_database_(g_run_in_memory_
? base::FilePath(kInMemoryPath)
: path_to_database.Append(kDatabasePath)),
weak_factory_(this) {
ConversionStorageSql::~ConversionStorageSql() {
void ConversionStorageSql::StoreImpression(
const StorableImpression& impression) {
// Force the creation of the database if it doesn't exist, as we need to
// persist the impression.
if (!LazyInit(DbCreationPolicy::kCreateIfAbsent))
// Cleanup any impression that may be expired by this point. This is done when
// an impression is added to prevent additional logic for cleaning the table
// while providing a guarantee that the size of the table is proportional to
// the number of active impression.
// TODO(csharrison): Thread this failure to the caller and report a console
// error.
const std::string serialized_impression_origin =
if (!HasCapacityForStoringImpression(serialized_impression_origin))
// Wrap the deactivation and insertion in the same transaction. If the
// deactivation fails, we do not want to store the new impression as we may
// return the wrong set of impressions for a conversion.
sql::Transaction transaction(db_.get());
if (!transaction.Begin())
const std::string serialized_conversion_origin =
const std::string serialized_reporting_origin =
// In the case where we get a new impression for a given <reporting_origin,
// conversion_origin> we should mark all active, converted impressions with
// the matching <reporting_origin, conversion_origin> as not active.
const char kDeactivateMatchingConvertedImpressionsSql[] =
"UPDATE impressions SET active = 0 "
"WHERE conversion_origin = ? AND reporting_origin = ? AND "
"active = 1 AND num_conversions > 0";
sql::Statement deactivate_statement(db_->GetCachedStatement(
SQL_FROM_HERE, kDeactivateMatchingConvertedImpressionsSql));
deactivate_statement.BindString(0, serialized_conversion_origin);
deactivate_statement.BindString(1, serialized_reporting_origin);
const char kInsertImpressionSql[] =
"INSERT INTO impressions"
"(impression_data, impression_origin, conversion_origin, "
"reporting_origin, impression_time, expiry_time) "
"VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)";
sql::Statement statement(
db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, kInsertImpressionSql));
statement.BindString(0, impression.impression_data());
statement.BindString(1, serialized_impression_origin);
statement.BindString(2, serialized_conversion_origin);
statement.BindString(3, serialized_reporting_origin);
statement.BindInt64(4, SerializeTime(impression.impression_time()));
statement.BindInt64(5, SerializeTime(impression.expiry_time()));
int ConversionStorageSql::MaybeCreateAndStoreConversionReports(
const StorableConversion& conversion) {
if (!LazyInit(DbCreationPolicy::kIgnoreIfAbsent))
return 0;
const url::Origin& conversion_origin = conversion.conversion_origin();
const std::string serialized_conversion_origin =
if (!HasCapacityForStoringConversion(serialized_conversion_origin))
return 0;
const url::Origin& reporting_origin = conversion.reporting_origin();
base::Time current_time = clock_->Now();
int64_t serialized_current_time = SerializeTime(current_time);
// Get all impressions that match this <reporting_origin, conversion_origin>
// pair. Only get impressions that are active and not past their expiry time.
const char kGetMatchingImpressionsSql[] =
"SELECT impression_id, impression_data, impression_origin, "
"impression_time, expiry_time "
"FROM impressions WHERE conversion_origin = ? AND reporting_origin = ? "
"AND active = 1 AND expiry_time > ? "
"ORDER BY impression_time DESC";
sql::Statement statement(
db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, kGetMatchingImpressionsSql));
statement.BindString(0, serialized_conversion_origin);
statement.BindString(1, SerializeOrigin(reporting_origin));
statement.BindInt64(2, serialized_current_time);
// Create a set of default reports to add to storage.
std::vector<ConversionReport> new_reports;
while (statement.Step()) {
int64_t impression_id = statement.ColumnInt64(0);
std::string impression_data = statement.ColumnString(1);
url::Origin impression_origin =
// Skip the report if the impression origin is opaque. This should only
// happen if there is some sort of database corruption.
if (impression_origin.opaque())
base::Time impression_time = DeserializeTime(statement.ColumnInt64(3));
base::Time expiry_time = DeserializeTime(statement.ColumnInt64(4));
StorableImpression impression(impression_data, impression_origin,
conversion_origin, reporting_origin,
impression_time, expiry_time, impression_id);
ConversionReport report(std::move(impression), conversion.conversion_data(),
// Exit early if the last statement wasn't valid or if we have no new reports.
if (!statement.Succeeded() || new_reports.empty())
return 0;
// Allow the delegate to make arbitrary changes to the new conversion reports
// before we add them storage.
// |delegate_| may have removed all reports at this point.
if (new_reports.empty())
return 0;
sql::Transaction transaction(db_.get());
if (!transaction.Begin())
return 0;
const char kStoreConversionSql[] =
"INSERT INTO conversions "
"(impression_id, conversion_data, conversion_time, report_time, "
"attribution_credit) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)";
sql::Statement store_conversion_statement(
db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, kStoreConversionSql));
// Mark impressions inactive if they hit the max conversions allowed limit
// supplied by the delegate. Because only active impressions log conversions,
// we do not need to handle cases where active = 0 in this query. Update
// statements atomically update all values at once. Therefore, for the check
// |num_conversions < ?|, we used the max number of conversions - 1 as the
// param. This is not done inside the query to generate better opcodes.
const char kUpdateImpressionForConversionSql[] =
"UPDATE impressions SET num_conversions = num_conversions + 1, "
"active = num_conversions < ? "
"WHERE impression_id = ?";
sql::Statement impression_update_statement(db_->GetCachedStatement(
SQL_FROM_HERE, kUpdateImpressionForConversionSql));
// Subtract one from the max number of conversions per the query comment
// above. We need to account for the new conversion in this comparison so we
// provide the max number of conversions prior to this new conversion being
// logged.
int max_prior_conversions_before_inactive =
delegate_->GetMaxConversionsPerImpression() - 1;
for (const ConversionReport& report : new_reports) {
// Insert each report into the conversions table.
store_conversion_statement.BindInt64(0, *report.impression.impression_id());
store_conversion_statement.BindString(1, report.conversion_data);
store_conversion_statement.BindInt64(2, serialized_current_time);
store_conversion_statement.BindInt64(3, SerializeTime(report.report_time));
store_conversion_statement.BindInt(4, report.attribution_credit);
// Update each associated impression.
if (!transaction.Commit())
return 0;
return new_reports.size();
std::vector<ConversionReport> ConversionStorageSql::GetConversionsToReport(
base::Time max_report_time) {
if (!LazyInit(DbCreationPolicy::kIgnoreIfAbsent))
return {};
// Get all entries in the conversions table with a |report_time| less than
// |expired_at| and their matching information from the impression table.
const char kGetExpiredConversionsSql[] =
"SELECT C.conversion_data, C.attribution_credit, C.conversion_time, "
"C.report_time, C.conversion_id, I.impression_origin, "
"I.conversion_origin, I.reporting_origin, I.impression_data, "
"I.impression_time, I.expiry_time, I.impression_id "
"FROM conversions C JOIN impressions I ON "
"C.impression_id = I.impression_id WHERE C.report_time <= ?";
sql::Statement statement(
db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, kGetExpiredConversionsSql));
statement.BindInt64(0, SerializeTime(max_report_time));
std::vector<ConversionReport> conversions;
while (statement.Step()) {
std::string conversion_data = statement.ColumnString(0);
int attribution_credit = statement.ColumnInt(1);
base::Time conversion_time = DeserializeTime(statement.ColumnInt64(2));
base::Time report_time = DeserializeTime(statement.ColumnInt64(3));
int64_t conversion_id = statement.ColumnInt64(4);
url::Origin impression_origin =
url::Origin conversion_origin =
url::Origin reporting_origin = DeserializeOrigin(statement.ColumnString(7));
std::string impression_data = statement.ColumnString(8);
base::Time impression_time = DeserializeTime(statement.ColumnInt64(9));
base::Time expiry_time = DeserializeTime(statement.ColumnInt64(10));
int64_t impression_id = statement.ColumnInt64(11);
// Ensure origins are valid before continuing. This could happen if there is
// database corruption.
// TODO(csharrison): This should be an extremely rare occurrence but it
// would entail that some records will remain in the DB as vestigial if a
// conversion is never sent. We should delete these entries from the DB.
if (impression_origin.opaque() || conversion_origin.opaque() ||
// Create the impression and ConversionReport objects from the retrieved
// columns.
StorableImpression impression(impression_data, impression_origin,
conversion_origin, reporting_origin,
impression_time, expiry_time, impression_id);
ConversionReport report(std::move(impression), conversion_data,
conversion_time, report_time, conversion_id);
report.attribution_credit = attribution_credit;
if (!statement.Succeeded())
return {};
return conversions;
std::vector<StorableImpression> ConversionStorageSql::GetActiveImpressions() {
if (!LazyInit(DbCreationPolicy::kIgnoreIfAbsent))
return {};
const char kGetImpressionsSql[] =
"SELECT impression_data, impression_origin, conversion_origin, "
"reporting_origin, impression_time, expiry_time, impression_id "
"FROM impressions WHERE active = 1 AND expiry_time > ?";
sql::Statement statement(
db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, kGetImpressionsSql));
statement.BindInt64(0, SerializeTime(clock_->Now()));
std::vector<StorableImpression> impressions;
while (statement.Step()) {
std::string impression_data = statement.ColumnString(0);
url::Origin impression_origin =
url::Origin conversion_origin =
url::Origin reporting_origin = DeserializeOrigin(statement.ColumnString(3));
base::Time impression_time = DeserializeTime(statement.ColumnInt64(4));
base::Time expiry_time = DeserializeTime(statement.ColumnInt64(5));
int64_t impression_id = statement.ColumnInt64(6);
StorableImpression impression(impression_data, impression_origin,
conversion_origin, reporting_origin,
impression_time, expiry_time, impression_id);
if (!statement.Succeeded())
return {};
return impressions;
int ConversionStorageSql::DeleteExpiredImpressions() {
if (!LazyInit(DbCreationPolicy::kIgnoreIfAbsent))
return 0;
// Delete all impressions that have no associated conversions and are past
// their expiry time. Optimized by |kImpressionExpiryIndexSql|.
const char kDeleteExpiredImpressionsSql[] =
"DELETE FROM impressions WHERE expiry_time <= ? AND "
"impression_id NOT IN (SELECT impression_id FROM conversions)";
sql::Statement delete_expired_statement(
db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, kDeleteExpiredImpressionsSql));
delete_expired_statement.BindInt64(0, SerializeTime(clock_->Now()));
if (!delete_expired_statement.Run())
return 0;
int change_count = db_->GetLastChangeCount();
// Delete all impressions that have no associated conversions and are
// inactive. This is done in a separate statement from
// |kDeleteExpiredImpressionsSql| so that each query is optimized by an index.
// Optimized by |kConversionUrlIndexSql|.
const char kDeleteInactiveImpressionsSql[] =
"DELETE FROM impressions WHERE active = 0 AND "
"impression_id NOT IN (SELECT impression_id FROM conversions)";
sql::Statement delete_inactive_statement(
db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, kDeleteInactiveImpressionsSql));
if (!delete_inactive_statement.Run())
return change_count;
return change_count + db_->GetLastChangeCount();
bool ConversionStorageSql::DeleteConversion(int64_t conversion_id) {
if (!LazyInit(DbCreationPolicy::kIgnoreIfAbsent))
return false;
// Delete the row identified by |conversion_id|.
const char kDeleteSentConversionSql[] =
"DELETE FROM conversions WHERE conversion_id = ?";
sql::Statement statement(
db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, kDeleteSentConversionSql));
statement.BindInt64(0, conversion_id);
if (!statement.Run())
return false;
return db_->GetLastChangeCount() > 0;
void ConversionStorageSql::ClearData(
base::Time delete_begin,
base::Time delete_end,
base::RepeatingCallback<bool(const url::Origin&)> filter) {
if (!LazyInit(DbCreationPolicy::kIgnoreIfAbsent))
if (filter.is_null()) {
ClearAllDataInRange(delete_begin, delete_end);
// Measure the time it takes to perform a clear with a filter separately from
// the above histogram.
// TODO(csharrison, johnidel): This query can be split up and optimized by
// adding indexes on the impression_time and conversion_time columns.
// See this comment for more information:
const char kScanCandidateData[] =
"SELECT C.conversion_id, I.impression_id,"
"I.impression_origin, I.conversion_origin, I.reporting_origin "
"FROM impressions I LEFT JOIN conversions C ON "
"C.impression_id = I.impression_id WHERE"
"(I.impression_time BETWEEN ?1 AND ?2) OR"
"(C.conversion_time BETWEEN ?1 AND ?2)";
sql::Statement statement(
db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, kScanCandidateData));
statement.BindInt64(0, SerializeTime(delete_begin));
statement.BindInt64(1, SerializeTime(delete_end));
std::vector<int64_t> impression_ids_to_delete;
std::vector<int64_t> conversion_ids_to_delete;
while (statement.Step()) {
int64_t conversion_id = statement.ColumnInt64(0);
int64_t impression_id = statement.ColumnInt64(1);
if (filter.Run(DeserializeOrigin(statement.ColumnString(2))) ||
filter.Run(DeserializeOrigin(statement.ColumnString(3))) ||
filter.Run(DeserializeOrigin(statement.ColumnString(4)))) {
if (conversion_id != 0)
// Since multiple conversions can be associated with a single impression,
// |impression_ids_to_delete| may contain duplicates. Remove duplicates by
// converting the vector into a flat_set. Internally, this sorts the vector
// and then removes duplicates.
const base::flat_set<int64_t> unique_impression_ids_to_delete(
// TODO(csharrison, johnidel): Should we consider poisoning the DB if some of
// the delete operations fail?
if (!statement.Succeeded())
// Delete the data in a transaction to avoid cases where the impression part
// of a conversion is deleted without deleting the associated conversion, or
// vice versa.
sql::Transaction transaction(db_.get());
if (!transaction.Begin())
for (int64_t impression_id : unique_impression_ids_to_delete) {
const char kDeleteImpressionSql[] =
"DELETE FROM impressions WHERE impression_id = ?";
sql::Statement impression_statement(
db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, kDeleteImpressionSql));
impression_statement.BindInt64(0, impression_id);
if (!impression_statement.Run())
for (int64_t conversion_id : conversion_ids_to_delete) {
const char kDeleteConversionSql[] =
"DELETE FROM conversions WHERE conversion_id = ?";
sql::Statement conversion_statement(
db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, kDeleteConversionSql));
conversion_statement.BindInt64(0, conversion_id);
if (!conversion_statement.Run())
// Careful! At this point we can still have some vestigial entries in the DB.
// For example, if an impression has two conversions, and one conversion is
// deleted, the above logic will delete the impression as well, leaving the
// second conversion in limbo (it was not in the deletion time range).
// Delete all unattributed conversions here to ensure everything is cleaned
// up.
for (int64_t impression_id : unique_impression_ids_to_delete) {
const char kDeleteVestigialConversionSql[] =
"DELETE FROM conversions WHERE impression_id = ?";
sql::Statement delete_vestigial_statement(
db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, kDeleteVestigialConversionSql));
delete_vestigial_statement.BindInt64(0, impression_id);
if (!delete_vestigial_statement.Run())
void ConversionStorageSql::ClearAllDataInRange(base::Time delete_begin,
base::Time delete_end) {
// Browsing data remover will call this with null |delete_begin|, but also
// perform the ClearAllDataAllTime optimization if |delete_begin| is
// base::Time::Min().
if ((delete_begin.is_null() || delete_begin.is_min()) &&
delete_end.is_max()) {
sql::Transaction transaction(db_.get());
if (!transaction.Begin())
// Delete all impressions and conversion reports in the given time range.
// Note: This should follow the same basic logic in ClearData, with the
// assumption that all origins match the filter. This means we can omit a
// SELECT statement, and all of the in-memory id management.
// Optimizing these queries are also tough, see this comment for an idea:
const char kDeleteImpressionRangeSql[] =
"DELETE FROM impressions WHERE (impression_time BETWEEN ?1 AND ?2) OR "
"impression_id in (SELECT impression_id FROM conversions "
"WHERE conversion_time BETWEEN ?1 AND ?2)";
sql::Statement delete_impressions_statement(
db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, kDeleteImpressionRangeSql));
delete_impressions_statement.BindInt64(0, SerializeTime(delete_begin));
delete_impressions_statement.BindInt64(1, SerializeTime(delete_end));
if (!delete_impressions_statement.Run())
const char kDeleteConversionRangeSql[] =
"DELETE FROM conversions WHERE (conversion_time BETWEEN ? AND ?) "
"OR impression_id NOT IN (SELECT impression_id FROM impressions)";
sql::Statement delete_conversions_statement(
db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, kDeleteConversionRangeSql));
delete_conversions_statement.BindInt64(0, SerializeTime(delete_begin));
delete_conversions_statement.BindInt64(1, SerializeTime(delete_end));
if (!delete_conversions_statement.Run())
void ConversionStorageSql::ClearAllDataAllTime() {
sql::Transaction transaction(db_.get());
if (!transaction.Begin())
const char kDeleteAllConversionsSql[] = "DELETE FROM conversions";
const char kDeleteAllImpressionsSql[] = "DELETE FROM impressions";
sql::Statement delete_all_conversions_statement(
db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, kDeleteAllConversionsSql));
sql::Statement delete_all_impressions_statement(
db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, kDeleteAllImpressionsSql));
if (!delete_all_conversions_statement.Run())
if (!delete_all_impressions_statement.Run())
bool ConversionStorageSql::HasCapacityForStoringImpression(
const std::string& serialized_origin) {
// Optimized by impression_origin_idx.
const char kCountImpressionsSql[] =
"SELECT COUNT(impression_origin) FROM impressions WHERE "
"impression_origin = ?";
sql::Statement statement(
db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, kCountImpressionsSql));
statement.BindString(0, serialized_origin);
if (!statement.Step())
return false;
int64_t count = statement.ColumnInt64(0);
return count < delegate_->GetMaxImpressionsPerOrigin();
bool ConversionStorageSql::HasCapacityForStoringConversion(
const std::string& serialized_origin) {
// This query should be reasonably optimized via conversion_origin_idx. The
// conversion origin is the second column in a multi-column index where the
// first column is just a boolean. Therefore the second column in the index
// should be very well-sorted.
// Note: to take advantage of this, we need to hint to the query planner that
// |active| is a boolean, so include it in the conditional.
const char kCountConversionsSql[] =
"SELECT COUNT(conversion_id) FROM conversions C JOIN impressions I ON"
" I.impression_id = C.impression_id"
" WHERE I.conversion_origin = ? AND (active BETWEEN 0 AND 1)";
sql::Statement statement(
db_->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, kCountConversionsSql));
statement.BindString(0, serialized_origin);
if (!statement.Step())
return false;
int64_t count = statement.ColumnInt64(0);
return count < delegate_->GetMaxConversionsPerOrigin();
bool ConversionStorageSql::LazyInit(DbCreationPolicy creation_policy) {
if (!db_init_status_) {
if (g_run_in_memory_) {
db_init_status_ = DbStatus::kDeferringCreation;
} else {
db_init_status_ = base::PathExists(path_to_database_)
? DbStatus::kDeferringOpen
: DbStatus::kDeferringCreation;
switch (*db_init_status_) {
// If the database file has not been created, we defer creation until
// storage needs to be used for an operation which needs to operate even on
// an empty database.
case DbStatus::kDeferringCreation:
if (creation_policy == DbCreationPolicy::kIgnoreIfAbsent)
return false;
case DbStatus::kDeferringOpen:
case DbStatus::kClosed:
return false;
case DbStatus::kOpen:
return true;
db_ = std::make_unique<sql::Database>(sql::DatabaseOptions{
.exclusive_locking = true, .page_size = 4096, .cache_size = 32});
// Supply this callback with a weak_ptr to avoid calling the error callback
// after |this| has been deleted.
const base::FilePath& dir = path_to_database_.DirName();
bool opened = false;
if (path_to_database_.value() == kInMemoryPath) {
opened = db_->OpenInMemory();
} else if (base::DirectoryExists(dir) || base::CreateDirectory(dir)) {
opened = db_->Open(path_to_database_);
} else {
DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create directory for Conversion database";
if (!opened || !InitializeSchema()) {
db_init_status_ = DbStatus::kClosed;
return false;
db_init_status_ = DbStatus::kOpen;
return true;
bool ConversionStorageSql::InitializeSchema() {
// TODO( Convert impression data and conversion
// data fields to integers.
// TODO(johnidel, csharrison): Many impressions will share a target origin and
// a reporting origin, so it makes sense to make a "shared string" table for
// these to save disk / memory. However, this complicates the schema a lot, so
// probably best to only do it if there's performance problems here.
// Origins usually aren't _that_ big compared to a 64 bit integer(8 bytes).
// All of the columns in this table are designed to be "const" except for
// |num_conversions| and |active| which are updated when a new conversion is
// received. |num_conversions| is the number of times a conversion report has
// been created for a given impression. |delegate_| can choose to enforce a
// maximum limit on this. |active| indicates whether an impression is able to
// create new associated conversion reports. |active| can be unset on a number
// of conditions:
// - An impression converted too many times.
// - A new impression was stored after an impression converted, making it
// ineligible for new impressions due to the attribution model documented
// in StoreImpression().
// - An impression has expired but still has unsent conversions in the
// conversions table meaning it cannot be deleted yet.
const char kImpressionTableSql[] =
"(impression_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,"
" impression_data TEXT NOT NULL,"
" impression_origin TEXT NOT NULL,"
" conversion_origin TEXT NOT NULL,"
" reporting_origin TEXT NOT NULL,"
" impression_time INTEGER NOT NULL,"
" expiry_time INTEGER NOT NULL,"
" num_conversions INTEGER DEFAULT 0,"
" active INTEGER DEFAULT 1)";
if (!db_->Execute(kImpressionTableSql))
return false;
// Optimizes impression lookup by conversion/reporting origin during calls to
// MaybeCreateAndStoreConversionReports(), StoreImpression(),
// DeleteExpiredImpressions(). Impressions and conversions are considered
// matching if they share this pair. These calls only look at active
// conversions, so include |active| in the index.
const char kConversionUrlIndexSql[] =
"CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS conversion_origin_idx "
"ON impressions(active, conversion_origin, reporting_origin)";
if (!db_->Execute(kConversionUrlIndexSql))
return false;
// Optimizes calls to DeleteExpiredImpressions() and
// MaybeCreateAndStoreConversionReports() by indexing impressions by expiry
// time. Both calls require only returning impressions that expire after a
// given time.
const char kImpressionExpiryIndexSql[] =
"CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS impression_expiry_idx "
"ON impressions(expiry_time)";
if (!db_->Execute(kImpressionExpiryIndexSql))
return false;
// Optimizes counting impressions by impression origin.
const char kImpressionOriginIndexSql[] =
"CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS impression_origin_idx "
"ON impressions(impression_origin)";
if (!db_->Execute(kImpressionOriginIndexSql))
return false;
// All columns in this table are const. |impression_id| is the primary key of
// a row in the [impressions] table, [impressions.impression_id].
// |conversion_time| is the time at which the conversion was registered, and
// should be used for clearing site data. |report_time| is the time a
// <conversion, impression> pair should be reported, and is specified by
// |delegate_|. |attribution_credit| is assigned by |delegate_| based on the
// set of impressions returned from |kGetMatchingImpressionsSql|.
const char kConversionTableSql[] =
"(conversion_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,"
" impression_id INTEGER,"
" conversion_data TEXT NOT NULL,"
" conversion_time INTEGER NOT NULL,"
" report_time INTEGER NOT NULL,"
" attribution_credit INTEGER NOT NULL)";
if (!db_->Execute(kConversionTableSql))
return false;
// Optimize sorting conversions by report time for calls to
// GetConversionsToReport(). The reports with the earliest report times are
// periodically fetched from storage to be sent.
const char kConversionReportTimeIndexSql[] =
"CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS conversion_report_idx "
"ON conversions(report_time)";
if (!db_->Execute(kConversionReportTimeIndexSql))
return false;
// Want to optimize conversion look up by click id. This allows us to
// quickly know if an expired impression can be deleted safely if it has no
// corresponding pending conversions during calls to
// DeleteExpiredImpressions().
const char kConversionClickIdIndexSql[] =
"CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS conversion_impression_id_idx "
"ON conversions(impression_id)";
return db_->Execute(kConversionClickIdIndexSql);
void ConversionStorageSql::DatabaseErrorCallback(int extended_error,
sql::Statement* stmt) {
// Attempt to recover a corrupt database, unless it is setup in memory.
if (sql::Recovery::ShouldRecover(extended_error) &&
(path_to_database_.value() != kInMemoryPath)) {
// Prevent reentrant calls.
// After this call, the |db_| handle is poisoned so that future calls will
// return errors until the handle is re-opened.
sql::Recovery::RecoverDatabase(db_.get(), path_to_database_);
// The DLOG(FATAL) below is intended to draw immediate attention to errors
// in newly-written code. Database corruption is generally a result of OS
// or hardware issues, not coding errors at the client level, so displaying
// the error would probably lead to confusion. The ignored call signals the
// test-expectation framework that the error was handled.
// The default handling is to assert on debug and to ignore on release.
if (!sql::Database::IsExpectedSqliteError(extended_error) &&
DLOG(FATAL) << db_->GetErrorMessage();
// Consider the database closed if we did not attempt to recover so we did
// not produce further errors.
db_init_status_ = DbStatus::kClosed;
} // namespace content