blob: c2c88ee751ab9c4b46a34a1b3e52fe74a781d0a9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece_forward.h"
#include "build/chromeos_buildflags.h"
#include "components/services/app_service/public/mojom/types.mojom.h"
#include "components/version_info/channel.h"
#include "ui/base/layout.h"
namespace extensions {
// Scheme we serve extension content from.
extern const char kExtensionScheme[];
// The name of the manifest inside an extension.
extern const base::FilePath::CharType kManifestFilename[];
// The name of the differential fingerprint file inside an extension.
extern const base::FilePath::CharType kDifferentialFingerprintFilename[];
// The name of locale folder inside an extension.
extern const base::FilePath::CharType kLocaleFolder[];
// The name of the messages file inside an extension.
extern const base::FilePath::CharType kMessagesFilename[];
// The name of the gzipped messages file inside an extension.
extern const base::FilePath::CharType kGzippedMessagesFilename[];
// The base directory for subdirectories with platform-specific code.
extern const base::FilePath::CharType kPlatformSpecificFolder[];
// A directory reserved for metadata, generated either by the webstore
// or chrome.
extern const base::FilePath::CharType kMetadataFolder[];
// Name of the verified contents file within the metadata folder.
extern const base::FilePath::CharType kVerifiedContentsFilename[];
// Name of the computed hashes file within the metadata folder.
extern const base::FilePath::CharType kComputedHashesFilename[];
// Name of the indexed ruleset directory for the Declarative Net Request API.
extern const base::FilePath::CharType kIndexedRulesetDirectory[];
// The name of the directory inside the profile where extensions are
// installed to.
extern const char kInstallDirectoryName[];
// The name of a temporary directory to install an extension into for
// validation before finalizing install.
extern const char kTempExtensionName[];
// The file to write our decoded message catalogs to, relative to the
// extension_path.
extern const char kDecodedMessageCatalogsFilename[];
// The filename to use for a background page generated from
// background.scripts.
extern const char kGeneratedBackgroundPageFilename[];
// Path to imported modules.
extern const char kModulesDir[];
// The file extension (.crx) for extensions.
extern const base::FilePath::CharType kExtensionFileExtension[];
// The file extension (.pem) for private key files.
extern const base::FilePath::CharType kExtensionKeyFileExtension[];
// Default frequency for auto updates, if turned on.
extern const int kDefaultUpdateFrequencySeconds;
// The name of the directory inside the profile where per-app local settings
// are stored.
extern const char kLocalAppSettingsDirectoryName[];
// The name of the directory inside the profile where per-extension local
// settings are stored.
extern const char kLocalExtensionSettingsDirectoryName[];
// The name of the directory inside the profile where per-app synced settings
// are stored.
extern const char kSyncAppSettingsDirectoryName[];
// The name of the directory inside the profile where per-extension synced
// settings are stored.
extern const char kSyncExtensionSettingsDirectoryName[];
// The name of the directory inside the profile where per-extension persistent
// managed settings are stored.
extern const char kManagedSettingsDirectoryName[];
// The name of the database inside the profile where chrome-internal
// extension state resides.
extern const char kStateStoreName[];
// The name of the database inside the profile where declarative extension
// rules are stored.
extern const char kRulesStoreName[];
// The URL query parameter key corresponding to multi-login user index.
extern const char kAuthUserQueryKey[];
// Mime type strings
extern const char kMimeTypeJpeg[];
extern const char kMimeTypePng[];
// The extension id of the Web Store component application.
extern const char kWebStoreAppId[];
// The key used for signing some pieces of data from the webstore.
extern const uint8_t kWebstoreSignaturesPublicKey[];
extern const size_t kWebstoreSignaturesPublicKeySize;
// Thread identifier for the main renderer thread (as opposed to a service
// worker thread).
// This is the default thread id used for extension event listeners registered
// from a non-service worker context
extern const int kMainThreadId;
using apps::mojom::AppLaunchSource;
using apps::mojom::LaunchContainer;
// This enum is used for the launch type the user wants to use for an
// application.
// Do not remove items or re-order this enum as it is used in preferences
// and histograms.
enum LaunchType {
// Launch an app in the in the way a click on the NTP would,
// if no user pref were set. Update this constant to change
// the default for the NTP and
// The origin of injected CSS.
} // namespace extensions
namespace extension_misc {
// Matches chrome.tabs.TAB_ID_NONE.
const int kUnknownTabId = -1;
// Matches
const int kUnknownWindowId = -1;
// Matches
const int kCurrentWindowId = -2;
enum ExtensionIcons {
// The extension id of the ChromeVox extension.
extern const char kChromeVoxExtensionId[];
// The extension id of the feedback component extension.
extern const char kFeedbackExtensionId[];
// The extension id of the PDF extension.
extern const char kPdfExtensionId[];
// The extension id of the Office Viewer component extension.
extern const char kQuickOfficeComponentExtensionId[];
// The extension id of the Office Viewer extension on the internal webstore.
extern const char kQuickOfficeInternalExtensionId[];
// The extension id of the Office Viewer extension.
extern const char kQuickOfficeExtensionId[];
// The extension id used for testing mimeHandlerPrivate.
extern const char kMimeHandlerPrivateTestExtensionId[];
// The extension id of the Camera application.
extern const char kCameraAppId[];
// The extension id of the devoloper version of Camera application.
extern const char kCameraAppDevId[];
// The extension id of the Chrome component application.
extern const char kChromeAppId[];
// Fake extension ID for the Lacros chrome browser application.
extern const char kLacrosAppId[];
// The extension id of the Files Manager application.
extern const char kFilesManagerAppId[];
// The extension id of the Calculator application.
extern const char kCalculatorAppId[];
// The extension id of the demo Calendar application.
extern const char kCalendarDemoAppId[];
// The extension id of the GMail application.
extern const char kGMailAppId[];
// The extension id of the demo Google Docs application.
extern const char kGoogleDocsDemoAppId[];
// The extension id of the Google Drive application.
extern const char kGoogleDriveAppId[];
// The extension id of the demo Google Sheets application.
extern const char kGoogleSheetsDemoAppId[];
// The extension id of the demo Google Slides application.
extern const char kGoogleSlidesDemoAppId[];
// The extension id of the Google Keep application.
extern const char kGoogleKeepAppId[];
// The extension id of the Youtube application.
extern const char kYoutubeAppId[];
// The extension id of the default Demo Mode Highlights app.
extern const char kHighlightsAppId[];
// The extension id of the eve Demo Mode Highlights app.
extern const char kHighlightsEveAppId[];
// The extension id of the nocturne Demo Mode Highlights app.
extern const char kHighlightsNocturneAppId[];
// The extension id of the atlas Demo Mode Highlights app.
extern const char kHighlightsAtlasAppId[];
// The extension id of the default Demo Mode screensaver app.
extern const char kScreensaverAppId[];
// The extension id of the eve Demo Mode screensaver app.
extern const char kScreensaverEveAppId[];
// The extension id of the nocturne Demo Mode screensaver app.
extern const char kScreensaverNocturneAppId[];
// The extension id of the atlas Demo Mode screensaver app.
extern const char kScreensaverAtlasAppId[];
// The extension id of the kukui Demo Mode screensaver app.
extern const char kScreensaverKukuiAppId[];
// The id of the testing extension allowed in the signin profile.
extern const char kSigninProfileTestExtensionId[];
// Returns true if this app is part of the "system UI". Generally this is UI
// that that on other operating systems would be considered part of the OS,
// for example the file manager.
bool IsSystemUIApp(base::StringPiece extension_id);
// The extension id for the production version of Hangouts.
extern const char kProdHangoutsExtensionId[];
// Extension ids used by Hangouts.
extern const char* const kHangoutsExtensionIds[6];
// Error message when enterprise policy blocks scripting of webpage.
extern const char kPolicyBlockedScripting[];
// The default block size for hashing used in content verification.
extern const int kContentVerificationDefaultBlockSize;
// The minimum severity of a log or error in order to report it to the browser.
extern const logging::LogSeverity kMinimumSeverityToReportError;
// The minimum channel where Service Worker based extensions can run.
constexpr version_info::Channel kMinChannelForServiceWorkerBasedExtension =
// IDs for the Media Router Component Extension.
extern const char kCastExtensionIdRelease[];
extern const char kCastExtensionIdDev[];
} // namespace extension_misc