blob: 7e0f4d0835f55c7d54f6b47cf32d5bf67da4fb51 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
This file is used to generate a comprehensive list of Accessibility histograms
along with a detailed description for each histogram.
For best practices on writing histogram descriptions, see
Please send CLs to rather than to specific
individuals. These CLs will be automatically reassigned to a reviewer within
about 5 minutes. This approach helps the metrics team to load-balance incoming
reviews. Googlers can read more about this at go/gwsq-gerrit.
<histogram name="Accessibility.Android.AnimationsEnabled2"
enum="AccessibilityAndroidAnimationsEnabled" expires_after="M85">
Removed 10/2020, having expired in M85.
Tracks whether animations are enabled on Android (e.g. if the animator
duration scale is non-zero.) The purpose is to inform the design of the
prefers-reduced-motion media feature; see This is
logged once, 45 seconds after startup.
This replaced Accessibility.Android.AnimationsEnabled because the older
histogram did not capture the default (e.g. no flag) case.
<histogram name="Accessibility.Android.ScreenReader" enum="BooleanEnabled"
<!-- expires-never: usage drives a11y prioritization in browser and content. -->
Tracks whether a screen reader is enabled on Android (e.g. Talkback). This
is checked once, 45 seconds after startup. Note: prefer
Accessibility.Android.ScreenReader.EveryReport when querying for unique
users, as it is logged more frequently.
<histogram name="Accessibility.Android.TabSwitcherPreferenceEnabled"
enum="BooleanEnabled" expires_after="M81">
Tracks whether the accessibility tab switcher is enabled when an
accessibility service (e.g. TalkBack or Switch Access) is enabled that would
typically cause the accessibility tab switcher to be used. Recorded when the
activity is resumed or accessibility services are turned on.
<histogram name="Accessibility.Android.UserFontSizePref.Change" units="%"
Records the current user font size pref when exiting accessibility settings
if the preference was changed. The font size ranges from 50% to 200% and can
be set in increments of 5%; the default is 100%.
<histogram name="Accessibility.Android.UserFontSizePref.OnStartup" units="%"
Records the current user font size pref during deferred startup for
ChromeActivity. The font size ranges from 50% to 200% and can be set in
increments of 5%; the default is 100%.
<histogram name="Accessibility.AndroidServiceInfo"
enum="AccessibilityAndroidServiceInfoEnum" expires_after="M93">
Tracks flags and capabilities of enabled accessibility services. Recorded
every time an Android web content view first creates a virtual view
hierarchy, indicating that some accessibility service is running. The number
of emits of this histogram won't be as useful as the unique user counts. The
primary purpose of this is to guide optimization by determining what
capabilities of accessibility services are widespread and which ones are
relatively rare.
<histogram name="Accessibility.ATK-APIs" enum="AccessibilityATKAPIEnum"
Tracks usage of ATK APIs on Linux Desktop. Recorded when ATK APIs that were
supposed to trigger AX mode enabled is called. The feature to turn on AX
mode through ATK APIs is disabled for now; see
<histogram name="Accessibility.CaptionSettingsLoadedFromPrefs"
enum="BooleanEnabled" expires_after="2021-12-01">
Whether custom caption settings were loaded from the user preferences.
Recorded when WebKit preferences are overridden.
<histogram name="Accessibility.CaptionSettingsLoadedFromSystemSettings"
enum="BooleanEnabled" expires_after="2021-12-01">
Whether custom caption settings were loaded from the system preferences.
Recorded when WebKit preferences are overridden.
<histogram name="Accessibility.ChromeVox.PerformGestureType"
enum="ChromeVoxGestureType" expires_after="M93">
A user can control ChromeVox via a variety of gestures on the touch screen.
For example, swiping right with one finger causes ChromeVox to navigate to
the next object. Track all possible gestures here.
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosAlwaysShowA11yMenu" enum="BooleanEnabled"
Whether the Chrome OS Accessibility Menu is set to be shown regardless of
the state of a11y features.(logged once 45 secs after startup).
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosAutoclick" enum="BooleanEnabled"
Whether the Chrome OS Autoclick feature is on (logged once 45 secs after
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosAutoclick.TrayMenu.ChangeAction"
enum="AutoclickActionType" expires_after="2020-10-04">
Recorded when a user has picked a new autoclick action type from the bubble
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosCaretHighlight" enum="BooleanEnabled"
Whether the Chrome OS caret highlighting is on (logged once 45 secs after
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosChromeVoxNext" enum="BooleanEnabled"
Set when a Chrome OS user has spoken feedback enabled, recorded once each
time ChromeVox starts up. True if the user has enabled &quot;ChromeVox
Next&quot;, a new ChromeVox experience that became the default in Chrome 56
(but can be toggled on or off by the user), false otherwise.
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosCursorColor" enum="BooleanEnabled"
Whether the Chrome OS feature to colorize the cursor is enabled (logged once
45 secs after startup).
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosCursorHighlight" enum="BooleanEnabled"
Whether the Chrome OS cursor highlighting is on (logged once 45 secs after
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosDictation" enum="BooleanEnabled"
Whether the ChromeOS dictation feature is enabled (logged once 45 secs after
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosDictation.ToggleDictationMethod"
enum="CrosDictationToggleDictationMethod" expires_after="M93">
<summary>Records how users invoke Dictation.</summary>
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosDockedMagnifier" enum="BooleanEnabled"
Whether the Chrome OS Docked Magnifier feature is on (logged once 45 secs
after startup).
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosFocusHighlight" enum="BooleanEnabled"
Whether the Chrome OS focus highlighting is on (logged once 45 secs after
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosHighContrast" enum="BooleanEnabled"
Whether the Chrome OS High Contrast mode feature is on (logged once 45 secs
after startup).
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosLargeCursor" enum="BooleanEnabled"
Whether the Chrome OS Large Cursor feature is on (logged once 45 secs after
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosLargeCursorSize" units="dip"
Cursor size of the Chrome OS Large Cursor (logged once 45 secs after
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosScreenMagnifier" enum="BooleanEnabled"
Whether the Chrome OS Screen Magnifier feature is on (logged once 45 secs
after startup).
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosSelectToSpeak" enum="BooleanEnabled"
Whether the Chrome OS select-to-speak is on (logged once 45 secs after
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosSelectToSpeak.BackgroundShading"
enum="BooleanEnabled" expires_after="2021-05-28">
Whether Select-to-Speak had background shading enabled when activated.
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosSelectToSpeak.NavigationControls"
enum="BooleanEnabled" expires_after="2021-11-30">
Whether Select-to-Speak's navigation controls were on when activated.
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosSelectToSpeak.StartSpeechMethod"
enum="CrosSelectToSpeakStartSpeechMethod" expires_after="2021-06-20">
A user may activate Select-to-Speak by holding down 'search' and clicking or
dragging a region with the mouse, or by highlighting an area and using
search + s to read just the highlighted area. Track the methods here.
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosSelectToSpeak.StateChangeEvent"
enum="CrosSelectToSpeakStateChangeEvent" expires_after="2021-06-20">
A user has tapped a button in the tray to change Select-to-Speak's state.
The tap was interpreted by Select-to-Speak as a request to start selection,
to cancel speech, or to cancel selection, depending on Select-to-Speak's
internal state when the tap occured. This tracks when the button was tapped
and the event that it generated.
enum="BooleanEnabled" expires_after="M91">
The value for shelf navigation buttons setting set by the user during OOBE.
The metric will be reported after the setting has been stable for 10
seconds, or the OOBE screen in which the value can be set is closed (if the
setting changes multiple times in quick succession, only the final value
will be reported).
enum="BooleanEnabled" expires_after="2021-06-20">
The value for shelf navigation buttons setting set by the user in Chrome OS
Settings page. The metric will be reported after the setting change has been
stable for 10 seconds, or the settings window in which the value is set gets
closed (if the setting changes multiple times in quick succession, only the
final value will be reported).
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosSpokenFeedback" enum="BooleanEnabled"
Whether the Chrome OS Spoken Feedback feature is on (logged once 45 secs
after startup). Note: prefer Accessibility.CrosSpokenFeedback.EveryReport
when querying for unique users, as it is logged more frequently.
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosStickyKeys" enum="BooleanEnabled"
Whether the Chrome OS Sticky Keys feature is on (logged once 45 secs after
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess" enum="BooleanEnabled"
Whether the Chrome OS switch access is on (logged once 45 secs after
<histogram name="Accessibility.CrosVirtualKeyboard" enum="BooleanEnabled"
Whether the Chrome OS Virtual Keyboard feature is on (logged once 45 secs
after startup).
<histogram name="Accessibility.FocusHighlight.ToggleEnabled"
enum="BooleanEnabled" expires_after="2021-03-31">
The value of the &quot;show a quick focus highlight&quot; setting, logged
immediately after toggling. This will show us how often users are turning
the feature on, and how often they are turning it back off again.
<histogram name="Accessibility.ImageLabels" enum="BooleanEnabled"
Whether the Chrome accessibility image label setting is on (logged once 45
secs after startup).
<histogram name="Accessibility.ImageLabels.ModalDialogAccepted"
enum="BooleanAccepted" expires_after="2021-06-06">
Whether a user accepts or does not accept a modal dialog enabling the image
labels option. If the user does not accept it this does not track whether
they closed it with the negative button, the close button, or keyboard
<histogram name="Accessibility.ImageLabels.PageLanguage" enum="LanguageCode"
The language of a web page where image labels were requested, as detected by
Chrome (not necessarily what language the page claims to be in).
<histogram name="Accessibility.ImageLabels.RequestLanguage" enum="LanguageCode"
The language that was requested for image descriptions, based on the page
language, the user's accept languages and top languages, and the server
<histogram name="Accessibility.iOS.NewLargerTextCategory" enum="BooleanHit"
This metric is related to the Preferred Content Size chosen by the user. It
is only recorded once per session. This is hit if the chosen category is not
listed in the map defined in
/ios/chrome/browser/ui/util/ In that case, we should
update the code by adding an entry for the new category in that map. This is
logged when the helper to returning the multiplier associated with the
current preferred content size is called.
<histogram name="Accessibility.LanguageDetection.CountDetectionAttempted"
units="count" expires_after="2021-05-23">
The number of nodes on this page for which language detection was attempted.
<histogram name="Accessibility.LanguageDetection.CountLabelled" units="count"
The number of nodes on this page for which a detected language was
successfully assigned.
<histogram name="Accessibility.LanguageDetection.LangsPerPage" units="count"
The number of unique languages which were detected to be the most probable
language for at least one node on the page, regardless of whether a detected
language was assigned for that node.
<histogram name="Accessibility.LanguageDetection.PercentageLabelledWithTop"
units="%" expires_after="2021-05-23">
Of the nodes which had a detected language assigned, the percentage for
which the assigned language was the language detected as having the highest
<histogram name="Accessibility.LanguageDetection.PercentageLanguageDetected"
units="%" expires_after="2021-05-23">
Of the nodes for which language detection was attempted, the percentage for
which a language was successfully assigned.
<histogram name="Accessibility.LanguageDetection.PercentageOverridden"
units="%" expires_after="2021-05-23">
Of the nodes for which a detected language was successfully assigned, the
percentage where the assigned language differs from the author-provided
<histogram name="Accessibility.LiveCaption" enum="BooleanEnabled"
Whether the Live Caption feature is enabled. This is logged once, 45 seconds
after startup.
<histogram name="Accessibility.LiveCaption.AudioPropertyChanged"
enum="BooleanEnabled" expires_after="2021-04-30">
Whether the sample rate or channel count of a Live Caption audio stream
changed midstream. This is logged once per audio stream on the destruction
of the Cloud speech recognition client.
<histogram name="Accessibility.LiveCaption.Duration.CaptionBubbleHidden"
units="ms" expires_after="2021-04-30">
Measures the duration of an audio stream with the caption bubble hidden.
Logged once on the destruction of the SpeechRecognitionRecognizerImpl.
<histogram name="Accessibility.LiveCaption.Duration.CaptionBubbleVisible"
units="ms" expires_after="2021-07-04">
Measures the duration of an audio stream with the caption bubble visible.
Logged once on the destruction of the SpeechRecognitionRecognizerImpl.
<histogram name="Accessibility.LiveCaption.EnableFrom{Entrypoint}"
enum="BooleanEnabled" expires_after="2021-04-30">
Records when a user enables or disables the Live Caption feature from
<token key="Entrypoint">
<variant name="GlobalMediaControls"
summary="global media controls (Zenith)"/>
<variant name="Settings" summary="chrome://settings"/>
<histogram name="Accessibility.LiveCaption.ExpandBubble"
enum="LiveCaptionExpandBubbleEvent" expires_after="2021-04-30">
Records when a user expands or collapses the Live Caption bubble.
<histogram name="Accessibility.LiveCaption.FeatureEnabled"
enum="BooleanEnabled" expires_after="2021-07-04">
Whether the Live Caption feature flag is enabled. This is logged once at the
time of component registration.
<histogram name="Accessibility.LiveCaption.Session"
enum="LiveCaptionSessionEvent" expires_after="2021-04-30">
Logged when there's a change in the lifetime of a Live Caption audio stream:
When a session started and captions began arriving from the service, when a
session ended because the audio stream finished, or when the session ended
because a user clicked the close button on the caption bubble.
<histogram name="Accessibility.LiveCaption.UseSodaForLiveCaption"
enum="BooleanEnabled" expires_after="2021-04-30">
Whether the Live Caption feature is powered by the Speech On-Device API
(SODA). This is logged once during the initialization of the caption
controller at browser start up.
<histogram name="Accessibility.LiveCaption.WebsiteBlocked"
enum="BooleanEnabled" expires_after="2021-07-04">
Whether the Live Caption feature is blocked because the website is on the
captioning blocklist. This is logged once per stream when the speech
recognition client is created.
<histogram name="Accessibility.Mac.ReduceMotion" enum="BooleanEnabled"
Tracks whether the accessibilityDisplayShouldReduceMotion system property is
enabled. The purpose is to inform the design of the prefers-reduced-motion
media feature; see This is logged once, 45 seconds
after startup.
<histogram name="Accessibility.Mac.ReduceTransparency" enum="BooleanEnabled"
Whether the &quot;reduce transparency&quot; Mac system setting is enabled.
This is logged once, 45 seconds after startup.
<histogram name="Accessibility.Mac.ScreenReader" enum="BooleanEnabled"
<!-- expires-never: usage drives a11y prioritization in browser and content. -->
Tracks whether a screen reader is enabled on Mac (e.g. VoiceOver). This is
logged once, 45 seconds after startup. Note: prefer
Accessibility.Mac.ScreenReader.EveryReport when querying for unique users,
as it is logged more frequently.
<histogram name="Accessibility.ManuallyEnabled" enum="BooleanEnabled"
Whether Chrome has enabled accessibility support because the user passed the
--force-renderer-accessibility flag on the command-line (logged once 45 secs
after startup).
<histogram name="Accessibility.ModeFlag" enum="AccessibilityModeFlagEnum"
Whether individual accessibility mode flags are set. Tracked when each mode
flag is flipped from false to true. These flags are flipped automatically
when software communicates with Chrome via accessibility APIs. Flags can
only be flipped off by advanced users or for debugging using
chrome://accessibility/ - and that isn't tracked in this histogram.
<histogram name="Accessibility.OOBEStartupSoundDelay" units="ms"
<!-- expires-never: Core metric for monitoring OOBE accessibility status. -->
Delay between login_prompt_visible and Chrome OS OOBE startup sound
playback. Depends on sound subsystem initialization time.
<histogram name="Accessibility.Performance.WinAPIs.{API}" units="microseconds"
Tracks time taken to execute the public Windows API that {API}. This is
recorded for all Windows users that call into our public APIs.
<token key="API">
summary="finds a node given a point."/>
summary="gets the bounding rectangle of a node."/>
summary="retrieves an object that provides support for the given
control pattern."/>
summary="gets the value of the specified property."/>
<variant name="UMA_API_NAVIGATE"
summary="navigates by one node in the given direction."/>
summary="gets the text range under the given point."/>
summary="compares two text ranges"/>
summary="compares two endpoints"/>
summary="expands or contracts the text range to given unit."/>
summary="searches for an attribute within text range."/>
summary="searches for given text within the text range."/>
summary="gets the value of the given attribute."/>
summary="gets the bounding rectanges of a text range."/>
summary="gets all children within a text range."/>
summary="gets the element that encloses the text range."/>
summary="gets the text within a text range."/>
<variant name="UMA_API_TEXTRANGE_MOVE"
summary="moves the text range by the given amount."/>
summary="moves endpoint by the given unit."/>
summary="moves endpoint by the given range."/>
<histogram name="Accessibility.Shortcuts.CrosDockedMagnifier"
enum="BooleanEnabled" expires_after="2021-05-23">
Whether the Chrome OS Docked Magnifier shortcut is enabled. It's being
emitted when the Docked Magnifier shortcut is triggered.
<histogram name="Accessibility.Shortcuts.CrosHighContrast"
enum="BooleanEnabled" expires_after="2021-05-23">
Whether the Chrome OS High Contrast mode shortcut is enabled. It's being
emitted when the High Contrast shortcut is triggered.
<histogram name="Accessibility.Shortcuts.CrosScreenMagnifier"
enum="BooleanEnabled" expires_after="2021-05-23">
Whether the Chrome OS Full-screen Magnifier mode shortcut is enabled. It's
being emitted when the Full-screen Magnifier shortcut is triggered.
<histogram name="Accessibility.Shortcuts.CrosSpokenFeedback"
enum="BooleanEnabled" expires_after="2021-05-23">
Whether the Chrome OS Spoken Feedback shortcut is enabled. It's being
emitted when the Spoken Feedback shortcut is triggered.
<histogram name="Accessibility.VTTContainsStyleBlock" enum="BooleanEnabled"
Whether a VTT file contains an embedded style block. Recorded when a VTT
file is parsed.
<histogram name="Accessibility.Win.AnimationsEnabled" enum="BooleanEnabled"
Tracks whether the SPI_GETCLIENTAREAANIMATION system property is enabled.
The purpose is to inform the design of the prefers-reduced-motion media
feature; see This is logged once, 45 seconds after
<histogram name="Accessibility.WinAPIs" enum="AccessibilityWinAPIEnum"
<summary>Tracks usage of all public Windows accessibility APIs.</summary>
<histogram name="Accessibility.WinAPIs.GetPropertyValue"
enum="AccessibilityWinAPIGetPropertyValueEnum" expires_after="M93">
Tracks properties requested via UI Automation GetPropertyValue().
<histogram name="Accessibility.WinAudioDescription" enum="BooleanEnabled"
Whether Windows system settings show that audio descriptions are enabled
(logged once 45 secs after startup).
<histogram name="Accessibility.WinHighContrastTheme"
enum="AccessibilityHighContrastColorScheme" expires_after="M93">
Tracks which Windows high contrast theme is set in system settings (logged
once 45 secs after startup). AccessibilityHighContrastColorScheme::None
indicates that high contrast mode is not enabled.
<histogram name="Accessibility.WinJAWS" enum="BooleanEnabled"
<!-- expires-never: usage drives a11y prioritization in browser and content. -->
Whether the third-party JAWS screen reader is running (logged once 45 secs
after startup). Note: prefer Accessibility.WinJAWS.EveryReport when querying
for unique users, as it is logged more frequently.
<histogram name="Accessibility.WinNVDA" enum="BooleanEnabled"
<!-- expires-never: usage drives a11y prioritization in browser and content. -->
Whether the third-party NVDA screen reader is running (logged once 45 secs
after startup). Note: prefer Accessibility.WinNVDA.EveryReport when querying
for unique users, as it is logged more frequently.
<histogram name="Accessibility.WinScreenReader" enum="BooleanEnabled"
Whether Windows system settings show that a screen reader is running (logged
once 45 secs after startup). Note that this does not necessarily mean that
Chrome has detected a supported screen reader and has enabled its
accessibility mode.
<histogram name="Accessibility.WinScreenReader2" enum="BooleanEnabled"
<!-- expires-never: usage drives a11y prioritization in browser and content. -->
Whether the accessibility mode flag shows that a screen reader is running
(logged once 45 secs after startup). In this case, Chrome has detected
accessibility calls that would normally only occur from a screen reader. See
also the more specific metrics such as Accessibility.WinJAWS/WinNVDA. Note:
prefer Accessibility.WinScreenReader2.EveryReport when querying for unique
users, as it is logged more frequently.
<histogram name="Accessibility.WinStickyKeys" enum="BooleanEnabled"
<!-- expires-never: usage drives a11y prioritization in browser and content. -->
Whether Windows system settings show that Sticky Keys are enabled.
<histogram name="Accessibility.WinSupernova" enum="BooleanEnabled"
<!-- expires-never: usage drives a11y prioritization in browser and content. -->
Whether the third-party Supernova screen reader is running (logged once 45
secs after startup). Note: prefer Accessibility.Supernova.EveryReport when
querying for unique users, as it is logged more frequently.
<histogram name="Accessibility.WinZoomText" enum="BooleanEnabled"
<!-- expires-never: usage drives a11y prioritization in browser and content. -->
Whether the third-party ZoomText screen magnifier is running. Note: prefer
Accessibility.WinZoomText.EveryReport when querying for unique users, as it
is logged more frequently.
<histogram name="TextToSpeech.Event" enum="TextToSpeechEvent"
Events fired by the text-to-speech engine when speaking an utterance.
<histogram name="TextToSpeech.Utterance.FromExtensionAPI"
enum="TextToSpeechFromExtensionAPI" expires_after="M93">
Indicates if an utterance spoken via synthesized text-to-speech was
triggered by the Chrome TTS extension API or the web speech API.
<histogram name="TextToSpeech.Utterance.HasGender" enum="TextToSpeechHasGender"
Obsolete as of M73 because we decided to remove gender from the API.
True if an utterance spoken via synthesized text-to-speech requested a
specific gender.
<histogram name="TextToSpeech.Utterance.HasLang" enum="TextToSpeechHasLang"
True if an utterance spoken via synthesized text-to-speech specified a
language code.
<histogram name="TextToSpeech.Utterance.HasPitch" enum="TextToSpeechHasPitch"
True if an utterance spoken via synthesized text-to-speech requested a
specific pitch other than the default.
<histogram name="TextToSpeech.Utterance.HasRate" enum="TextToSpeechHasRate"
True if an utterance spoken via synthesized text-to-speech requested a
specific speech rate other than the default.
<histogram name="TextToSpeech.Utterance.HasVoiceName"
enum="TextToSpeechHasVoiceName" expires_after="M93">
True if an utterance spoken via synthesized text-to-speech requested a
specific voice by name.
<histogram name="TextToSpeech.Utterance.HasVolume" enum="TextToSpeechHasVolume"
True if an utterance spoken via synthesized text-to-speech requested a
specific volume other than the default.
<histogram name="TextToSpeech.Utterance.Native" enum="TextToSpeechNative"
True if an utterance is spoken with native speech provided by the operating
system, otherwise it's spoken via a Chrome extension that implements
text-to-speech support.
<histogram name="TextToSpeech.Utterance.TextLength" units="bytes"
The length of an utterance to be spoken via synthesized text-to-speech.