blob: cb4e7accb32386209c5040ceea60c92f44a35122 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
This file is used to generate a comprehensive list of SafeBrowsing histograms
along with a detailed description for each histogram.
For best practices on writing histogram descriptions, see
Please send CLs to rather than to specific
individuals. These CLs will be automatically reassigned to a reviewer within
about 5 minutes. This approach helps the metrics team to load-balance incoming
reviews. Googlers can read more about this at go/gwsq-gerrit.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.AdvancedProtection.APTokenFetchStatus"
enum="GoogleServiceAuthError" expires_after="M90">
For users known to be already enrolled in Advanced Proection, records the
service error of refreshing OAuth2 access token during fetching the user's
advanced protection status. Logged once a day and will retry on transient
failures. This is a subset of
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.AdvancedProtection.TokenFetchStatus"
enum="GoogleServiceAuthError" expires_after="M90">
Records the service error of refreshing OAuth2 access token during fetching
the user's advanced protection status. Logged at startup for all users, once
a day for AP users, and will retry on transient failures.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.AndroidTelemetry.ApkDownload.IncompleteReason"
enum="ApkDownloadTelemetryIncompleteReason" expires_after="2021-07-01">
Records if the telemetry ping sent for APK download contained a full
referrer chain, or if there was an error collecting the referrer chain.
Logged each time a user opted into extended reporting downloads an APK file
from a normal window on Android.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.AndroidTelemetry.ApkDownload.Outcome"
enum="ApkDownloadTelemetryOutcome" expires_after="2021-07-01">
Records whether a telemetry ping for APK download was sent, or if not, then
why not. Logged each time a user downloads an APK file on Android.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.BlockingPage.ResourceType"
enum="ContentResourceType2" expires_after="2021-05-30">
Logs the resource type that triggers the safe browsing blocking page. Logged
each time a safe browsing blocking page is created. This metric is useful to
show the priority of checking each resource type in real time. Note that
this metric may be bias towards mainframe, because the default resource type
is set to mainframe.
enum="BooleanCompleted" expires_after="2021-10-30">
Logs whether the Safe Browsing check is completed when the URL loader starts
to process a response. If not, the URL loader will be deferred until the
Safe Browsing check is completed. Logs each time the URL loader dispatches
WillProcessResponse() and the Safe Browsing check doesn't block the URL.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.BrowserThrottle.TotalDelay" units="ms"
Logs the latency between when the URL loader was deferred by Safe Browsing
check and when the check is completed. Logs each time the URL loader was
deferred by Safe Browsing check and the Safe Browsing check doesn't block
the URL.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.CheckBrowseUrl.HasLocalMatch"
enum="BooleanMatched" expires_after="2021-08-05">
Logs whether the Safe Browsing check via CheckBrowseUrl method matched any
local hash prefixes. Logged each time the Safe Browsing reputation of a URL
is checked using local blocklists.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.CheckUrl.Timeout" enum="BooleanTimedOut"
Counts the number of times the Safe Browsing reputation lookup timeout
happens. Logged each time the Safe Browsing reputation of a URL is checked.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.DeepScan.Download.BypassedByUser.Duration"
units="ms" expires_after="2022-02-01">
This records the duration from the time the binary is uploaded for deep
scanning of a download request until the time the user decides to bypass the
verdict. It is logged once for each binary upload when the user bypasses the
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.DeepScan.Download.BytesPerSeconds" units="bytes"
This records the bytes/sec from the size of a download request divided by
the duration of a successful deep scanning upload request. It is logged once
for each successful binary upload.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.DeepScan.Download.Duration" units="ms"
This records the deep scanning duration of a user download request. It is
logged once for each binary upload.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.DeepScan.Download.FailedToGetToken.Duration"
units="ms" expires_after="2022-02-01">
This records the deep scanning duration of a user download request with a
FailedToGetToken result. It is logged once for each binary upload with that
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.DeepScan.Download.FailedToGetVerdict.Duration"
units="ms" expires_after="2022-02-01">
This records the deep scanning duration of a user download request with a
non-successful scan verdict. It is logged once for each binary upload with
that result.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.DeepScan.Download.FileEncrypted.Duration"
units="ms" expires_after="2022-02-01">
This records the deep scanning duration of a user download request with a
FileEncrypted result. It is logged once for each binary upload with that
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.DeepScan.Download.FileTooLarge.Duration"
units="ms" expires_after="2022-02-01">
This records the deep scanning duration of a user download request with a
FileTooLarge result. It is logged once for each binary upload with that
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.DeepScan.Download.Success.Duration" units="ms"
This records the deep scanning duration of a user download request with a
Success result. It is logged once for each binary upload with that result.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.DeepScan.Download.Timeout.Duration" units="ms"
SB.This records the deep scanning duration of a user download request with a
Timeout result. It is logged once for each binary upload with that result.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.DeepScan.Download.Unknown.Duration" units="ms"
This records the deep scanning duration of a user download request with an
Unknown result. It is logged once for each binary upload with that result.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.DeepScan.Download.UnsupportedFileType.Duration"
units="ms" expires_after="2022-02-01">
This records the deep scanning duration of a user download request with a
UnsupportedFileType result. It is logged once for each binary upload with
that result.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.DeepScan.DragAndDrop.BytesPerSeconds"
units="bytes" expires_after="2022-02-01">
This records the bytes/sec from the size of an upload request caused by a
&quot;drag and drop&quot; from the user divided by the duration of a
successful deep scanning upload request. It is logged once for each
successful binary upload.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.DeepScan.DragAndDrop.CancelledByUser.Duration"
units="ms" expires_after="2022-02-01">
This records the duration from the time the binary is uploaded for deep
scanning of a &quot;drag and drop&quot; until the time the user decides to
cancel the upload. It is logged once for each binary upload when the user
bypasses the verdict.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.DeepScan.DragAndDrop.Duration" units="ms"
This records the deep scanning duration of a user &quot;drag and drop&quot;
request. It is logged once for each binary upload.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.DeepScan.DragAndDrop.FailedToGetToken.Duration"
units="ms" expires_after="2022-02-01">
This records the deep scanning duration of a user &quot;drag and drop&quot;
request with a FailedToGetToken result. It is logged once for each binary
upload with that result.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.DeepScan.DragAndDrop.FailedToGetVerdict.Duration"
units="ms" expires_after="2022-02-01">
This records the deep scanning duration of a user &quot;drag and drop&quot;
request with a non-successful scan verdict. It is logged once for each
binary upload with that result.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.DeepScan.DragAndDrop.FileEncrypted.Duration"
units="ms" expires_after="2022-02-01">
This records the deep scanning duration of a user &quot;drag and drop&quot;
request with a FileEncrypted result. It is logged once for each binary
upload with that result.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.DeepScan.DragAndDrop.FileTooLarge.Duration"
units="ms" expires_after="2022-02-01">
This records the deep scanning duration of a user &quot;drag and drop&quot;
request with a FileTooLarge result. It is logged once for each binary upload
with that result.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.DeepScan.DragAndDrop.Success.Duration" units="ms"
This records the deep scanning duration of a user &quot;drag and drop&quot;
request with a Success result. It is logged once for each binary upload with
that result.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.DeepScan.DragAndDrop.Timeout.Duration" units="ms"
SB.This records the deep scanning duration of a user &quot;drag and
drop&quot; request with a Timeout result. It is logged once for each binary
upload with that result.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.DeepScan.DragAndDrop.Unknown.Duration" units="ms"
This records the deep scanning duration of a user &quot;drag and drop&quot;
request with an Unknown result. It is logged once for each binary upload
with that result.
units="ms" expires_after="2022-02-01">
This records the deep scanning duration of a user &quot;drag and drop&quot;
request with a UnsupportedFileType result. It is logged once for each binary
upload with that result.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.DeepScan.Paste.BytesPerSeconds" units="bytes"
This records the bytes/sec from the size of a user paste request divided by
the duration of a successful deep scanning upload request. It is logged once
for each successful binary upload.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.DeepScan.Paste.CancelledByUser.Duration"
units="ms" expires_after="2022-02-01">
This records the duration from the time the binary is uploaded for deep
scanning of a paste until the time the user decides to cancel the upload. It
is logged once for each binary upload when the user bypasses the verdict.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.DeepScan.Paste.Duration" units="ms"
This records the deep scanning duration of a user paste request. It is
logged once for each binary upload.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.DeepScan.Paste.FailedToGetToken.Duration"
units="ms" expires_after="2022-02-01">
This records the deep scanning duration of a user paste request with a
FailedToGetToken result. It is logged once for each binary upload with that
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.DeepScan.Paste.FailedToGetVerdict.Duration"
units="ms" expires_after="2022-02-01">
This records the deep scanning duration of a user paste request with a
non-successful scan verdict. It is logged once for each binary upload with
that result.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.DeepScan.Paste.FileTooLarge.Duration" units="ms"
This records the deep scanning duration of a user paste request with a
FileTooLarge result. It is logged once for each binary upload with that
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.DeepScan.Paste.Success.Duration" units="ms"
This records the deep scanning duration of a user paste request with a
Success result. It is logged once for each binary upload with that result.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.DeepScan.Paste.Timeout.Duration" units="ms"
This records the deep scanning duration of a user paste request with a
Timeout result. It is logged once for each binary upload with that result.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.DeepScan.Paste.Unknown.Duration" units="ms"
This records the deep scanning duration of a user paste request with an
Unknown result. It is logged once for each binary upload with that result.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.DeepScan.Paste.UnsupportedFileType.Duration"
units="ms" expires_after="2022-02-01">
This records the deep scanning duration of a user paste request with a
UnsupportedFileType result. It is logged once for each binary upload with
that result.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.DeepScan.Upload.BytesPerSeconds" units="bytes"
This records the bytes/sec from the size of an upload request divided by the
duration of a successful deep scanning upload request. It is logged once for
each successful binary upload.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.DeepScan.Upload.CancelledByUser.Duration"
units="ms" expires_after="2022-02-01">
This records the duration from the time the binary is uploaded for deep
scanning of an upload until the time the user decides to cancel the upload.
It is logged once for each binary upload when the user bypasses the verdict.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.DeepScan.Upload.Duration" units="ms"
This records the deep scanning duration of a user upload request. It is
logged once for each binary upload.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.DeepScan.Upload.FailedToGetToken.Duration"
units="ms" expires_after="2022-02-01">
This records the deep scanning duration of a user upload request with a
FailedToGetToken result. It is logged once for each binary upload with that
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.DeepScan.Upload.FailedToGetVerdict.Duration"
units="ms" expires_after="2022-02-01">
This records the deep scanning duration of a user upload request with a
non-successful scan verdict. It is logged once for each binary upload with
that result.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.DeepScan.Upload.FileEncrypted.Duration"
units="ms" expires_after="2022-02-01">
This records the deep scanning duration of a user upload request with a
FileEncrypted result. It is logged once for each binary upload with that
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.DeepScan.Upload.FileTooLarge.Duration" units="ms"
This records the deep scanning duration of a user upload request with a
FileTooLarge result. It is logged once for each binary upload with that
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.DeepScan.Upload.Success.Duration" units="ms"
This records the deep scanning duration of a user upload request with a
Success result. It is logged once for each binary upload with that result.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.DeepScan.Upload.Timeout.Duration" units="ms"
SB.This records the deep scanning duration of a user upload request with a
Timeout result. It is logged once for each binary upload with that result.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.DeepScan.Upload.Unknown.Duration" units="ms"
This records the deep scanning duration of a user upload request with an
Unknown result. It is logged once for each binary upload with that result.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.DeepScan.Upload.UnsupportedFileType.Duration"
units="ms" expires_after="2022-02-01">
This records the deep scanning duration of a user upload request with a
UnsupportedFileType result. It is logged once for each binary upload with
that result.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.DelayedWarnings.Event"
enum="SafeBrowsingDelayedWarningEvent" expires_after="2021-06-20">
Records when a user in the Delayed Warnings experiment group visits a page
with a delayed SafeBrowsing phishing warning, triggers the delayed warning
(via keypress), or leaves the page without interacting. Only recorded when
user has not disabled URL elision via &quot;Always Show Full URLs&quot;
context menu item, or by installing the Suspicious Site Reporter extension.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.DelayedWarnings.Event_UrlElisionDisabled"
enum="SafeBrowsingDelayedWarningEvent" expires_after="M91">
Same as SafeBrowsing.DelayedWarnings.Event but only recorded when user has
disabled URL elision via &quot;Always Show Full URLs&quot; context menu
item, or by installing the Suspicious Site Reporter extension.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.DelayedWarnings.TimeOnPage" units="ms"
Records how long a user in the Delayed Warnings experiment group spends on a
page with a delayed SafeBrowsing phishing warning. The time is recorded from
when the page loads to when the warning is shown or the user leaves the
page, whichever comes first. Only recorded when user has not disabled URL
elision via &quot;Always Show Full URLs&quot; context menu item, or by
installing the Suspicious Site Reporter extension.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.DelayedWarnings.TimeOnPage_UrlElisionDisabled"
units="ms" expires_after="M89">
Same as SafeBrowsing.DelayedWarnings.TimeOnPage but only recorded when user
has disabled URL elision via &quot;Always Show Full URLs&quot; context menu
item, or by installing the Suspicious Site Reporter extension.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.FileTypeUpdate.DynamicUpdateResult"
enum="SBFileTypeUpdateResult" expires_after="2021-06-13">
The result of reading/parsing/accepting a new proto for the FileTypePolices
repo of file extensions and their meta data.
This is for the file types loaded from the component-update system. This
includes both those loaded from disk shortly after startup, and those
received over the network when the component version changes
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.FileTypeUpdate.DynamicUpdateVersion"
units="FileTypePolicies Version" expires_after="2021-04-13">
Integer version number citing which version of the proto data chrome just
loaded. Latest version is in download_file_types.asciipb.
This is for the file types loaded from the component-update system. This
includes both those loaded from disk shortly after startup, and those
received over the network when the component version changes
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.FileTypeUpdate.ResourceBundleResult"
enum="SBFileTypeUpdateResult" expires_after="2021-06-13">
The result of reading/parsing/accepting a new proto for the FileTypePolices
repo of file extensions and their meta data.
This is for the file types loaded from the resource bundle packaged with
Chrome, which is always loaded at startup.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.FileTypeUpdate.ResourceBundleVersion"
units="FileTypePolicies Version" expires_after="2021-06-13">
Integer version number citing which version of the proto data chrome just
loaded. Latest version is in download_file_types.asciipb.
This is for the file types loaded from the resource bundle packaged with
Chrome, which is always loaded at startup.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.Interstitial.Type" enum="InterstitialTypeEnum"
Which interstitial type is being displayed to the user? This currently
applies only to WebView (where we show Loud vs. Quiet interstitials).
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.NavigationObserver.AppendRecentNavigationsTime"
units="ms" expires_after="2021-04-05">
Logs the time it takes to append recent navigations. Logged each time the
function is called.
units="ms" expires_after="2021-04-05">
Logs the time it takes to identify referrer chain by event URL. Logged each
time the function is called.
units="ms" expires_after="2021-04-05">
Logs the time it takes to identify referrer chain by web contents. Logged
each time the function is called.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.NavigationObserver.NavigationEventCleanUpCount"
units="NavigationEvents" expires_after="2021-01-27">
Count of how many NavigationEvents get removed in each periodic clean up.
This is a rough estimation of the number of navigations every two minutes.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.Pref.Daily.Extended" enum="BooleanEnabled"
Whether the Safe Browsing extended reporting service is currently enabled.
Recorded for all non-Incognito profiles every 24 hours and at startup, if
the last recording was more than 24 hours ago.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.Pref.Daily.SafeBrowsingState"
enum="SafeBrowsingState" expires_after="2021-11-04">
The current Safe Browsing state of the profile. Recorded for all
non-Incognito profiles every 24 hours and at startup, if the last recording
was more than 24 hours ago.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.Pref.Enhanced" enum="BooleanEnabled"
Whether the Safe Browsing enhanced protection service is currently enabled.
Recorded for all non-Incognito profiles on profile startup.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.Pref.Extended" enum="BooleanEnabled"
Whether the Safe Browsing extended reporting service is currently enabled.
Recorded for all non-Incognito profiles on profile startup.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.Pref.General" enum="BooleanEnabled"
Whether the Safe Browsing service is currently enabled. Recorded for all
non-Incognito profiles on profile startup.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.Pref.SawInterstitial" enum="Boolean"
Whether the current user has ever seen a security interstitial. Recorded for
all non-Incognito profiles on profile startup.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.ReferrerAttributionResult"
enum="SafeBrowsingAttributionResultTypes" expires_after="2021-06-27">
The result of referrer attribution, including different types of success or
failure. This is incremented each time a safe browsing ping or download ping
is generated.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.ReferrerHasInvalidTabID" enum="BooleanInvalid"
Number of times referrer attribution encounters an invalid tab ID. This is
incremented a safe browsing ping or download ping is generated and an
invalid tab ID is encountered during attribution.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.ReferrerURLChainSize" units="units"
The length of referrer URL chain we get from referrer attribution. This is
logged each time a safe browsing ping or download ping is generated.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.RT.AllStoresAvailable" enum="BooleanAvailable"
Logs whether the local Safe Browsing stores are available. If not, all URLs
are marked as safe during real time URL lookup. Logged each time a top frame
URL navigation happens for users who have the real time URL lookups enabled.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.RT.Backoff.State" enum="BooleanEnabled"
Logs if the real time URL lookup service is currently in backoff state due
to previous errors. Logged each time a top frame URL navigation happens in
non-incognito mode for users who have real time URL lookups enabled.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.RT.CacheManager.CleanUpTime" units="ms"
Logs the time it takes to run a cleanup task in cache manager. Logged each
time a cleanup task is run.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.RT.CacheManager.RealTimeVerdictCount"
units="entries" expires_after="2021-06-19">
Records the number of real time URL verdicts stored for this profile. Logged
each time a new real time url verdict is cached.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.RT.CanCheckDatabase" enum="BooleanEnabled"
Logs whether Safe Browsing database can be checked in Safe Browsing URL
checker. Logged each time a URL is checked by Safe Browsing URL checker.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.RT.GetCache.FallbackThreatType"
enum="SBThreatType" expires_after="2021-12-16">
Logs the threat type of cached verdicts. If the threat type is not safe, it
means the cache is a false positive. False positive verdicts are safe
verdicts in cache manager but turns out to be dangerous in the Safe Browsing
database. Logged each time a URL is checked by real time lookup and the
response is safe from the cache manager.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.RT.GetCache.Time" units="ms"
Logs the latency between the start of getting a result from the cache and
when the cache is actually obtained. The time includes bouncing between IO
and UI threads. This is an indicator of the efficiency of loading the cache.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.RT.GetCacheResult"
enum="SafeBrowsingRTLookupResponseVerdictType" expires_after="2021-06-27">
Logs the result of real time URL cache lookup. If the result is
VERDICT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED, that means cache miss and a ping will be sent
afterwards. Otherwise, ping won't be sent. This is an indicator of cache hit
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.RT.GetToken.Time" units="ms"
Logs the latency between the start of a token request and when the token is
actually obtained. Logged each time a user performs a real-time Safe
Browsing check with token.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.RT.HasTokenFromFetcher" enum="BooleanHasToken"
Logs whether a token received from the token fetcher is nonempty. Logged
each time a response is received from the token fetcher. It shows the
validity of the tokens received from the token fetcher.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.RT.HasTokenInRequest" enum="BooleanHasToken"
Logs whether a token is attached when a URL lookup request is sent. Logged
each time a URL lookup request is sent. It shows the percentage of URL
lookup requests that are attached with tokens.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.RT.HasValidCacheManager" enum="BooleanValid"
Logs if cache manager is valid when real time URL check is enabled. Logged
each time if the URL doesn't match the high confidence allowlist. Ideally,
cache manager should be valid whenever real time URL check is enabled.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.RT.IsLookupServiceAvailable"
enum="BooleanAvailable" expires_after="2021-07-11">
Logs whether the real time lookup service is available when a real time URL
check is needed. The real time lookup service is available if it is not
nullptr and it is not in backoff mode. Logged when real time URL check is
enabled and the URL doesn't match the allowlist.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.RT.IsLookupSuccessful" enum="BooleanSuccess"
Logs whether the response of the real time URL lookup is successful. Logged
on each resource check for which a lookup request is sent to the server. A
failure can be either a network error or a parsing error.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.RT.LocalMatch.Result"
enum="SafeBrowsingAllowlistAsyncMatch" expires_after="2021-08-05">
Logs the result of checking the URL against the local Safe Browsing high
confidence allowlist. Logged each time a top frame URL navigation happens
for users who have the real time URL lookups enabled.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.RT.Network.Result"
enum="CombinedHttpResponseAndNetErrorCode" expires_after="2021-08-05">
Response or error codes from SafeBrowsing real time URL lookups. Logged on
each resource check for which a lookup request is sent to the server.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.RT.Network.Time" units="ms"
Logs the roundtrip time it took to perform a Safe Browsing real time URL
lookup. Logged on each resource check for which a lookup request is sent to
the server.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.RT.Request.Size" units="bytes"
The size of a real time URL check request in bytes. Logged on each resource
check for which a lookup request is sent to the server.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.RT.Request.UserPopulation"
enum="SafeBrowsingUserPopulation" expires_after="2021-05-11">
Logs the user population that was checked by Safe Browsing real time URL
lookup. Logged on each resource check for which a lookup request is sent to
the server.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.RT.ResourceTypes.Checked"
enum="ContentResourceType2" expires_after="2021-08-05">
Logs the resource type that was checked by Safe Browsing real time URL
lookup. Logged on each resource check that is eligible for real time checks.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.RT.ResourceTypes.Requested"
enum="ContentResourceType2" expires_after="2021-08-05">
Logs the resource type that was requested to be checked by Safe Browsing
real time URL lookup. Logged on each resource check.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.RT.ThreatInfoSize" units="verdicts"
Logs the number of verdicts received in the real time URL check response.
Logged on each resource check for which a lookup request is sent to the
<histogram base="true" name="SafeBrowsing.Settings.UserAction"
enum="SafeBrowsingSettingsUserAction" expires_after="2021-08-14">
Logs the user action performed on the Safe Browsing settings page. Depending
on the enum value, logged when the page is showned to the user or when the
user performs an action on the page.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.TokenFetcher.ErrorType"
enum="GoogleServiceAuthError" expires_after="2021-06-06">
Logs the error type from the token fetcher. Logs each time safe browsing
gets a response from the token fetcher. When the error type is none, it
means the token is obtained successfully.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.Triggers.AdPopup.Action"
enum="AdPopupTriggerAction" expires_after="2021-07-01">
Tracks the actions taken by the Ad Popup trigger whenever it is executed.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.Triggers.AdRedirect.Action"
enum="AdPopupTriggerAction" expires_after="2021-07-01">
Tracks the actions taken by the Ad Redirect trigger whenever it is executed.
It is logged when we detect a blocked redirect attempt caused by an ad.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.Triggers.AdSampler.Action"
enum="AdSamplerTriggerAction" expires_after="2021-07-01">
Tracks the actions taken by the Ad Sampling trigger whenever it is executed.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.Triggers.SuspiciousSite.DelayTimerState"
enum="SuspiciousSiteTriggerState" expires_after="2021-07-01">
Tracks the state of the Suspicious Site trigger when its report delay timer
fires. Used to investigate variance in event order.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.Triggers.SuspiciousSite.Event"
enum="SuspiciousSiteTriggerEvent" expires_after="2021-07-01">
Tracks the events occurring in the Suspicious Site trigger whenever it is
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.Triggers.SuspiciousSite.ReportRejectionReason"
enum="TriggerManagerReason" expires_after="2021-07-01">
Tracks the reasons that a report requested by the Suspicious Site trigger is
rejected by the Trigger Manager.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.V4Database.Size" units="KB"
The size of the SafeBrowsing database or file on disk in kilobytes, after
reading it from disk on startup and after a database update has occurred.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.V4DatabaseOpen.Time" units="ms"
The time it takes to parse and load the SafeBrowsing database from disk, in
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.V4GetHash.CacheHit.Result"
enum="SafeBrowsingV4FullHashCacheResult" expires_after="2021-07-31">
<summary>Track cache hits for V4 full hashes.</summary>
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.V4GetHash.Check.Result"
enum="SafeBrowsingV4GetHashCheckResult" expires_after="never">
<!-- expires-never: This is critical to track the health of Safe Browsing full hash requests. -->
<summary>Track get hash response hits for V4 full hash requests.</summary>
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.V4GetHash.CountOfPrefixes" units="prefixes"
The number of prefixes included in a full hash request sent to the Google
Safe Browsing servers.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.V4GetHash.Network.Result"
enum="CombinedHttpResponseAndNetErrorCode" expires_after="M85">
Response or error codes from the SafeBrowsing Pver4 service. Logged after a
GetHash or request finishes to capture the response code or error code for
that call.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.V4GetHash.Network.Time" units="ms"
The time that it took to receive a response from the Google SafeBrowsing
servers for a full hash request.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.V4GetHash.Parse.Result"
enum="SafeBrowsingParseV4HashResult" expires_after="never">
<!-- expires-never: This reports the reason for the failure to parse the response
from Safe Browsing. Keeping track of these errors is critical to ensure that
Safe Browsing lookup mechanism is working as expected -->
Track the parsing results of a status 200 GetV4Hash request.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.V4GetHash.Result"
enum="SafeBrowsingV4OperationResult" expires_after="2021-07-31">
Track return status from V4 GetHash attempts. The buckets of this histogram
overlap, so the counts cannot be used as percentages.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.V4LocalDatabaseManager.AreAllStoresAvailableNow"
enum="SafeBrowsingStoreAvailabilityResult" expires_after="2021-09-04">
Records the outcome of a check to AreAllStoresAvailableNow. This will be
logged whenever the database is queried (several times in the process of a
download, and once when a potentially dangerous subresource is loaded).
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.V4LocalDatabaseManager.HasReceivedUpdateResponse"
enum="BooleanUpdateReceived" expires_after="2021-03-04">
Records whether a network response has been received for a request to update
the Safe Browsing local database, since the browser was launched. This will
be logged whenever the database is queried.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.V4LocalDatabaseManager.ThreatInfoSize"
units="verdicts" expires_after="2021-05-23">
Records the number of verdicts received in the full hash check. Logged each
time a full hash check response is received.
units="ms" expires_after="2021-05-09">
Records the time since the last network response was received for a request
to udpate the Safe Browsing local database. This will be logged whenever the
database is queried, but only if at least one such network response has been
received since the browser was launched.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.V4ProcessFullUpdate.AdditionsHashesCount"
units="entries" expires_after="2021-04-29">
Records the number of additions hashes in a SafeBrowsing list full update.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.V4ProcessFullUpdate.ApplyUpdate.Result"
enum="SafeBrowsingV4ApplyUpdateResult" expires_after="2021-07-01">
Track the result of applying a full update for a store received from PVer4
SafeBrowsing service.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.V4ProcessFullUpdate.DecodeAdditions.Result"
enum="SafeBrowsingV4DecodeResult" expires_after="never">
<!-- expires-never: This reports the outcome of decoding the latest update
received from reason Safe Browsing to apply to the local Safe Browsing
database. It is crucial to know that the Safe Browsing updates are being parsed
and applied correctly. -->
Track the result of decoding the Rice-encoded list of additions of 4-byte
hash prefixes. This is logged once per store, per update containing
Rice-encoded additions. This histogram is specific to processing full
updates received from the server.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.V4ProcessFullUpdate.RemovalsHashesCount"
units="entries" expires_after="2021-04-29">
Records the number of removals hashes in a SafeBrowsing list full update.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.V4ProcessPartialUpdate.AdditionsHashesCount"
units="entries" expires_after="2021-07-04">
Records the number of additions hashes in a SafeBrowsing list partial
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.V4ProcessPartialUpdate.ApplyUpdate.Result"
enum="SafeBrowsingV4ApplyUpdateResult" expires_after="2021-07-01">
Track the result of applying a partial update for a store received from
PVer4 SafeBrowsing service.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.V4ProcessPartialUpdate.DecodeAdditions.Result"
enum="SafeBrowsingV4DecodeResult" expires_after="never">
<!-- expires-never: This reports the outcome of decoding the latest update
received from reason Safe Browsing to apply to the local Safe Browsing
database. It is crucial to know that the Safe Browsing updates are being parsed
and applied correctly. -->
Track the result of decoding the Rice-encoded list of additions of 4-byte
hash prefixes. This is logged once per store, per update containing
Rice-encoded additions. This histogram is specific to processing partial
updates received from the server.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.V4ProcessPartialUpdate.DecodeRemovals.Result"
enum="SafeBrowsingV4DecodeResult" expires_after="never">
<!-- expires-never: This reports the outcome of decoding the latest update
received from reason Safe Browsing to apply to the local Safe Browsing
database. It is crucial to know that the Safe Browsing updates are being parsed
and applied correctly. -->
Track the result of decoding the Rice-encoded list of indexes of hash
prefixes to remove since the last update. This is logged once per store, per
update containing Rice-encoded removals.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.V4ProcessPartialUpdate.RemovalsHashesCount"
units="entries" expires_after="2021-07-04">
Records the number of removals hashes in a SafeBrowsing list partial update.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.V4ReadFromDisk.ApplyUpdate.Result"
enum="SafeBrowsingV4ApplyUpdateResult" expires_after="never">
<!-- expires-never: This reports the reason for the failure to use the Safe
Browsing database present on user's disk upon launch. Having this information
is crucial to know that the Safe Browsing updates are being read, applied, and
parsed correctly. -->
Track the result of applying an ListUpdateResponse read from disk after
parsing it successfully as a protobuf.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.V4ReadFromDisk.DecodeAdditions.Result"
enum="SafeBrowsingV4DecodeResult" expires_after="never">
<!-- expires-never: This reports the outcome of decoding the latest update
received from reason Safe Browsing to apply to the local Safe Browsing
database. It is crucial to know that the Safe Browsing updates are being parsed
and applied correctly. -->
Track the result of decoding the Rice-encoded list of additions of 4-byte
hash prefixes. This is logged once per store, per Chrome launch. It is
specific to processing V4StoreFileFormat proto read from disk.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.V4Store.IsStoreValid" enum="BooleanValid"
Records whether a store has valid data, when it is queried. This is logged
each time a store is checked (a few times for each download, and once when a
potentially dangerous subresource is loaded).
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.V4StoreRead.Result"
enum="SafeBrowsingV4StoreReadResult" expires_after="2021-07-30">
Track the parsing results of reading the SafeBrowsing V4 store file from
disk. Recorded every time a store is read from disk.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.V4StoreWrite.Result"
enum="SafeBrowsingV4StoreWriteResult" expires_after="2021-07-30">
Track the results of writing the SafeBrowsing V4 store file to disk.
Recorded every time a store is written to disk.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.V4Update.Network.Result"
enum="CombinedHttpResponseAndNetErrorCode" expires_after="2021-07-28">
Response or error codes when fetching updates from the SafeBrowsing PVer4
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.V4Update.Parse.Result"
enum="SafeBrowsingParseV4UpdateResult" expires_after="never">
<!-- expires-never: This reports the reason for the failure to parse the Safe
Browsing database update received from the API backend. It is crucial to detect
if we ever start failing to parse the updates which puts users' security at
risk. -->
Track the parsing results of a status 200 GetV4Update request.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.V4Update.ResponseSizeKB" units="KB"
The size of the response sent by the SafeBrowsing PVer4 service, in KB.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.V4Update.Result"
enum="SafeBrowsingV4OperationResult" expires_after="never">
<!-- expires-never: This reports the outcome of fetching the Safe Browsing
database update from the API backend. It is crucial to detect if we ever start
failing to fetch the updates which puts users' security at risk. -->
Track return status from V4 update attempts. The buckets of this histogram
overlap, so the counts cannot be used as percentages.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.WebView.AppOptIn" enum="SafeBrowsingAppOptIn"
Records whether the application has explicitly opted in or out of Safe
Browsing by manifest tag, or if they're relying on the default behavior.
This is recorded once during startup.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.WebView.UserOptIn" enum="SafeBrowsingUserOptIn"
Records whether the user has explicitly opted in or out of Safe Browsing
(determined by the Google Play Protect Verify Apps setting in GMS). This
also captures when WebView cannot determine user preference due to a GMS API
failure. This is recorded once during startup.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsing.WebView.Viewable" enum="BooleanVisible"
When encountering an unsafe resource, this indicates whether the WebView is
considered to be viewable or not. Currently, we define &quot;viewable&quot;
as getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE and attached to the Android View
<histogram name="SafeBrowsingBinaryUploadRequest.AdvancedProtectionScanVerdict"
enum="SafeBrowsingMalwareDeepScanningVerdict" expires_after="2021-01-14">
Marked obsolete 12-2020. Replaced by
This records the verdict of deep scanning for Advanced Protection users. It
can be used to determine how often we warn the user about malware after they
upload a file for deep scanning. It is recorded after every Advanced
Protection deep scan.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsingBinaryUploadRequest.DlpResult"
enum="BooleanSuccess" expires_after="M90">
This records whether DLP scanning succeeded or not. It is logged once for
each binary upload with DLP scanning enabled (file download or upload with
the appropriate enterprise policies enabled).
<histogram name="SafeBrowsingBinaryUploadRequest.Duration" units="ms"
This records the duration of each binary upload request. It is logged once
for each binary upload (file download or upload with the appropriate
enterprise policies enabled).
<histogram name="SafeBrowsingBinaryUploadRequest.MalwareResult"
enum="BooleanSuccess" expires_after="M90">
This records whether the malware deep scanning succeeded or not. It is
logged once for each binary upload with malware scanning enabled (file
download or upload with the appropriate enterprise policies enabled).
<histogram name="SafeBrowsingBinaryUploadRequest.MalwareScanVerdict"
enum="SafeBrowsingMalwareDeepScanningVerdict" expires_after="2021-01-14">
Removed 12-2020. Replaced by SafeBrowsingBinaryUploadRequest.MalwareResult.
This records the verdict of deep scanning for enterprise users. It can be
used to determine how often we warn the user about malware after they upload
a file for deep scanning. It is recorded after every enterprise malware deep
<histogram name="SafeBrowsingBinaryUploadRequest.Result"
enum="SafeBrowsingBinaryUploadResult" expires_after="M90">
This records the outcome of each binary upload request. It is logged once
for each binary upload (file download or upload with the appropriate
enterprise policies enabled).
<histogram name="SafeBrowsingBinaryUploadRequest.TimeToGetFCMToken" units="ms"
This record how long it took for the request to get the FCM token. It is
logged every time a deep scanning request successfully gets a token.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsingFCMService.IncomingMessageHasKey" enum="Boolean"
Whether the incoming message has the expected key. Recorded on every FCM
message received by the Safe Browsing FCM handler.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsingFCMService.IncomingMessageHasValidToken"
enum="Boolean" expires_after="M90">
Whether the incoming message has a token that was previously registered with
the FCM handler. Recorded on every FCM message received by the Safe Browsing
FCM handler.
<histogram name="SafeBrowsingFCMService.IncomingMessageParsedBase64"
enum="BooleanSuccess" expires_after="M90">
Whether the incoming message was successfully parsed as valid base64-encoded
data. Recorded on every FCM message received by the Safe Browsing FCM
<histogram name="SafeBrowsingFCMService.IncomingMessageParsedProto"
enum="BooleanSuccess" expires_after="M90">
Whether the incoming message was successfully parsed as a valid
base64-encoded serialized proto. Recorded on every FCM message received by
the Safe Browsing FCM handler.