blob: e5028bee418ae44315aa050cd800f9feee8758fd [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
This file is used to generate a comprehensive list of Settings histograms
along with a detailed description for each histogram.
For best practices on writing histogram descriptions, see
Please send CLs to rather than to specific
individuals. These CLs will be automatically reassigned to a reviewer within
about 5 minutes. This approach helps the metrics team to load-balance incoming
reviews. Googlers can read more about this at go/gwsq-gerrit.
<histogram name="Settings.FilterOnLoadTime" units="ms"
The amount of time it took to run PrefHashFilter::FilterOnLoad on startup.
<histogram name="Settings.FilterSerializeDataTime" units="ms"
The amount of time it took to run PrefHashFilter::FilterSerializeData on the
UI thread prior to writing the Preferences file to disk. Only logged when
PrefHashFilter::FilterSerializeData actually had work to do.
<histogram name="Settings.GivenShowHomeButton_HomePageIsNewTabPage"
enum="Boolean" expires_after="2021-07-04">
Whether or not the home page user preference is set to the default NTP value
when a profile is loaded. This is only logged if the home button is shown.
<histogram name="Settings.HashesDictionaryTrusted" enum="BooleanValid"
Logged on profile load. Indicates whether the hashes dictionary for this
profile is trusted.
<histogram name="Settings.Homepage.LocationType" enum="HomepageLocationType"
The location type for the homepage if the homepage is enabled. Recorded on
deferred startup iff the homepage is enabled. Android only.
<histogram name="Settings.HomePageEngineType" enum="OmniboxSearchEngineType"
Tries to pretend the home page URL is a search URL, and records the search
engine type of that URL by comparing the TLD+1 of the home page URL with
those of the different known search engines. Recorded when a profile is
opened, if a home page URL has been set. Note that at least one profile is
opened on startup.
<histogram name="Settings.HomePageIsCustomized" enum="Boolean"
Expired and removed from code as of 10/2020.
Whether or not the user has customized their homepage. This is recorded for
all users with a configurable homepage, regardless of whether they have
explicitly disabled the home button in settings. Recorded for Android only
on deferred startup and when the user changes their homepage URL.
<histogram name="Settings.JsonDataReadSizeKilobytes" units="KB"
The size (in kilobytes) of the JSON settings read from disk on startup.
Suffixed with the name of the corresponding JSON file.
<histogram name="Settings.LoadCompletedTime.MD" units="ms"
The amount of time between the render frame host StartProvisionalLoad event
and the render frame DocumentOnLoadCompleted event for the MD Settings page.
<histogram name="Settings.LoadDocumentTime.MD" units="ms"
The amount of time between the render frame host StartProvisionalLoad and
DidFinishDocumentLoad events for the MD Settings page.
<histogram name="Settings.PinnedTabEngineTypes" enum="OmniboxSearchEngineType"
Tries to pretend pinned tab URLs are search URLs, and records the search
engine types of those URLs by comparing the TLD+1s of the URLs with those of
the different known search engines. Recorded when a profile is opened, if
there are pinned tabs. Note that at least one profile is opened on startup.
<histogram name="Settings.PinUnlockSetup" enum="LockScreenProgress"
The users progress through the pin unlock setup wizard. Each type
corresponds to the user completeing a different stage of the setup wizard.
<histogram name="Settings.PrivacyElementInteractions"
enum="SettingsPrivacyElementInteractions" expires_after="2021-06-20">
Which privacy related settings elements a user interacted with. Recorded
every time a user interacts with an element of interest.
<histogram name="Settings.SafetyCheck.ChromeCleanerResult"
enum="SafetyCheckChromeCleanerStatus" expires_after="M92">
Resulting state of the safety check Chrome cleaner check. Recorded when a
safety check is run by the user. Value 4-9 got added with M88.
<histogram name="Settings.SafetyCheck.ExtensionsResult"
enum="SafetyCheckExtensionsStatus" expires_after="M90">
<summary>Resulting state of the safety check extensions check.</summary>
<histogram name="Settings.SafetyCheck.Interactions"
enum="SettingsSafetyCheckInteractions" expires_after="2021-06-20">
Which user actions were taken in safety check. Recorded every time a user
does an interaction in safety check. Value 5 and 6 got added with M86, 7-9
with M87, 10 with M88, and 11 with M89.
<histogram name="Settings.SafetyCheck.PasswordsResult"
enum="SafetyCheckPasswordsStatus" expires_after="2021-06-20">
<summary>Resulting state of the safety check password check.</summary>
<histogram name="Settings.SafetyCheck.SafeBrowsingResult"
enum="SafetyCheckSafeBrowsingStatus" expires_after="2021-06-20">
<summary>Resulting state of the safety check Safe Browsing check.</summary>
<histogram name="Settings.SafetyCheck.UpdatesResult"
enum="SafetyCheckUpdateStatus" expires_after="2021-06-20">
<summary>Resulting state of the safety check updates check.</summary>
<histogram name="Settings.SearchLength" units="units" expires_after="M85">
The number of characters typed in the chrome://settings page search box.
Intended to determine if we are making the user type too much to find what
they are looking for (the search is incremental).
<histogram name="Settings.SearchLengthNoMatch" units="units"
If no matches are found when searching within the chrome://settings page,
record the length of the search text.
<histogram name="Settings.SearchPageMatchCount" units="units"
The number of search page hits within the chrome://settings page. This is
especially important when the count is zero (i.e. we returned no hits for a
given search in settings). A search is considered complete via timeout since
there is no concrete way to define the end of a search (the search is
<histogram name="Settings.SearchSections" enum="SettingsSections"
If there is no further activity in the search box for 1 second, this records
one tick each time a settings section is shown as a result of searching
withing the chrome://settings page. If multiple matches are found within the
same section, the section match is only recorded once.
<histogram name="Settings.SearchSubpageMatchCount" units="units"
The number of search subpage hits within the chrome://settings page. This is
different from Settings.SearchPageMatchCount in that it is tracking hits in
subpages rather than top level pages. See also
<histogram name="Settings.ShowHomeButton" enum="BooleanEnabled"
Whether or not the home button is enabled in user preferences when a profile
is loaded.
<histogram name="Settings.ShowHomeButtonPreferenceState" enum="BooleanEnabled"
Expired and removed from code as of 10/2020.
If the home button is enabled or disabled. This is only recorded if the
force homepage feature flag is enabled or the home button is partner
provided. Recorded for Android only on deferred startup and when the user
changes their home button enabled setting.
This histogram is currently being updated to
ShowHomeButtonPreferenceStateManaged and will eventually be removed.
<histogram name="Settings.ShowHomeButtonPreferenceStateChanged"
enum="BooleanEnabled" expires_after="M88">
Removed from code as of 10/2020.
The new state of the show home button preference after it is changed by the
user. Recorded for Android only.
<histogram name="Settings.ShowHomeButtonPreferenceStateManaged"
enum="HomeButtonPreferenceStateType" expires_after="M88">
Removed from code as of 10/2020.
If the home button is enabled or disabled, either by user or by policy.
Recorded for Android only on deferred startup and when the user changes
their home button enabled setting.
Note: HomeButtonPreferenceStateType#ManagedDisabled is currently not used.
<histogram name="Settings.StartSetAsDefault" enum="BooleanHit"
The user clicked &quot;Make Google Chrome the default browser&quot; on the
settings page.
<histogram name="Settings.StartupPageEngineTypes"
enum="OmniboxSearchEngineType" expires_after="2021-06-30">
Tries to pretend the startup page URLs are search URLs, and records the
search engine types of those URLs by comparing the TLD+1s of the URLs with
those of the different known search engines. Recorded when a profile is
opened, if startup page URLs have been set. Note that at least one profile
is opened on startup.
<histogram name="Settings.StartupPageLoadSettings" enum="SessionStartupPref"
<summary>The startup page settings when a profile is loaded.</summary>
<histogram name="Settings.TimeToFirstSearch" units="ms" expires_after="M85">
The time between when the chrome://settings page is opened to the first time
a search is done within that page. This is intended to evaluate how long a
user looks for a setting before giving up and searching for it.
<histogram name="Settings.TimeUntilInteractive" units="ms"
The time until the settings Web UI is loaded, rendered, and interactive for
users (as in they can change a setting). Automatically logged each time the
settings page is opened (if not closed before interactive).
<histogram name="Settings.TrackedPreferenceChanged" enum="TrackedPreference"
The id of a tracked preference whose value has been changed since the last
time Chrome set it. Without a suffix, this histogram stands for preference
validation using MACs in the JSON pref files.
<histogram name="Settings.TrackedPreferenceCleared" enum="TrackedPreference"
The id of a tracked preference whose value has been cleared since the last
time Chrome set it. Without a suffix, this histogram stands for preference
validation using MACs in the JSON pref files.
<histogram name="Settings.TrackedPreferenceInitialized"
enum="TrackedPreference" expires_after="M90">
The id of a tracked preference whose last value isn't known. We may be just
starting to track the preference, or local state may have been changed
outside of Chrome. This should only happen once per pref per profile.
Without a suffix, this histogram stands for preference validation using MACs
in the JSON pref files.
<histogram name="Settings.TrackedPreferenceMigratedLegacyDeviceId"
enum="TrackedPreference" expires_after="M90">
The id of a tracked preference whose value has not changed since the last
time Chrome set it, but which was last set using a legacy device ID. Each
user should report this at most once per preference id and immediately be
migrated to the latest hashing model. Without a suffix, this histogram
stands for preference validation using MACs in the JSON pref files.
<histogram name="Settings.TrackedPreferenceNullInitialized"
enum="TrackedPreference" expires_after="M90">
The id of a tracked preference which was initialized despite the absence of
a MAC as its value was NULL. Without a suffix, this histogram stands for
preference validation using MACs in the JSON pref files.
<histogram name="Settings.TrackedPreferenceReset" enum="TrackedPreference"
<summary>The id of a tracked preference which was reset by Chrome.</summary>
<histogram name="Settings.TrackedPreferencesNoEnforcementOnDomain"
enum="BooleanEnabled" expires_after="2018-08-30">
Whether settings enforcement was cancelled for a machine joined to a domain.
Reported once per session on browser startup (note: this histogram was
disabled for part of M40).
<histogram name="Settings.TrackedPreferenceTrustedInitialized"
enum="TrackedPreference" expires_after="M90">
The id of a tracked preference which was initialized despite the absence of
a MAC as the current MACs are trusted, inferring that this is a newly
tracked pref. Without a suffix, this histogram stands for preference
validation using MACs in the JSON pref files.
<histogram name="Settings.TrackedPreferenceUnchanged" enum="TrackedPreference"
The id of a tracked preference whose value has not changed since the last
time Chrome set it. Without a suffix, this histogram stands for preference
validation using MACs in the JSON pref files.
<histogram name="Settings.TrackedPreferenceWantedReset"
enum="TrackedPreference" expires_after="M90">
The id of a tracked preference which Chrome would have reset had the config
allowed it.
<histogram name="SettingsResetBubble.NumNoThanksPerReset" units="units"
Counts the number of times the user clicked on the No Thanks button of the
settings reset bubble before clicking on the Reset button in the same Chrome
<histogram name="SettingsResetPrompt.ConfigError"
enum="SettingsResetPromptConfigError" expires_after="M82">
Indicates if an error was detected in the settings reset prompt config data
while initializing the reset prompt configuration.
<histogram name="SettingsResetPrompt.DialogShown" enum="BooleanShown"
Indicates whether the settings reset prompt dialog was shown to the user.
<histogram name="SettingsResetPrompt.PromptAccepted" enum="BooleanAccepted"
Indicates whether the user accepted the settings reset prompt.
<histogram name="SettingsResetPrompt.PromptRequired" enum="BooleanRequired"
Indicates whether the settings reset prompt should be shown to the user
based on the state of the user's settings.
<histogram name="SettingsResetPrompt.ResetState"
enum="SettingsResetPromptResetState" expires_after="M82">
Indicates whether the settings reset prompt is enabled for the user's
setting, or the reason for it being disabled. Logged once after startup.
<histogram name="SettingsResetPrompt.SettingsReset"
enum="SettingsResetPromptSettingsReset" expires_after="M85">
Indicates which settings were reset after the user accepted the settings
reset prompt.
<histogram name="SettingsResetPrompt.TimeUntilAccepted" units="ms"
The time between the settings reset prompt dialog being shown and the user
accepting the prompt.
<histogram name="SettingsResetPrompt.TimeUntilCanceled" units="ms"
The time between the settings reset prompt dialog being shown and the user
declining the prompt by clicking the cancel button.
<histogram name="SettingsResetPrompt.TimeUntilDismissed" units="ms"
The time between the settings reset prompt dialog being shown and the user
dismissing the prompt, for example by clicking on the 'x' in the dialog or
pressing the Escape key.