blob: 5702aef874c44a23c8eb9ca8b6bdd9a13a19b027 [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
This file is used to generate a comprehensive list of Tab histograms
along with a detailed description for each histogram.
For best practices on writing histogram descriptions, see
Please send CLs to rather than to specific
individuals. These CLs will be automatically reassigned to a reviewer within
about 5 minutes. This approach helps the metrics team to load-balance incoming
reviews. Googlers can read more about this at go/gwsq-gerrit.
<variants name="TabCreatedReason">
<variant name=".FromExternalApp"
summary="This bucket is for any tabs that are created because of custom
tabs or intends from other apps. This includes tab creation
via intent from other app, creation via homescreen link,
creation via custom tab."/>
<variant name=".FromManuallyCreated"
summary="This bucket is for any tabs that are created manually. This
includes new tab creation from toolbar menu, creation from
long press open, creation at tab switcher, creation from
launcher shortcut menu by long press the Chrome icon."/>
<variant name=".FromOthers" summary="This is the default bucket."/>
<variant name=".FromTargetBlank"
summary="This bucket is for any tabs that were created from a target
blank link. e.g. will create tabs this way."/>
<variants name="Tabs_SwitchLatency">
<variant name="_Actual"
summary="The time it takes to show a real live frame from the renderer
on the screen after the user selects a tab. This doesn not
include fake snapshots or other tricks, but the actual time to
get real interactable content displayed."/>
<variant name="_Perceived"
summary="The time it takes to show something on the screen after the
user selects a tab. This might be a fake snapshot or it might
just be the time it takes to show the real content if no
snapshot was available."/>
<variants name="Tabs_TabUsageIntervalLength">
<variant name="_30" summary="30 seconds"/>
<variant name="_60" summary="1 minute"/>
<variant name="_600" summary="10 minutes"/>
<variant name="_3600" summary="1 hour"/>
<variant name="_18000" summary="5 hours"/>
<variant name="_43200" summary="12 hours"/>
<histogram name="Tab.AgeUponRestoreFromColdStart" units="minutes"
[Android] Age (time since the last display in previous sessions) of a tab
being restored due to the first tab switch after the browser cold start,
recorded upon such restore. When the browser is started from cold, this
metric is not recorded for the foreground, automatically restored tab, so
that the metric tracks only the restores triggered by direct user decision
to switch tabs.
<histogram name="Tab.AndroidCrashUpload{AndroidCrashUploadTypes}"
enum="BooleanSuccess" expires_after="M85">
[Android] Count of upload success/failures by crash type.
<token key="AndroidCrashUploadTypes">
<variant name="">
Base histogram. Use suffixes of this histogram instead.
<variant name="_Browser" summary="Measures browser crash uploads."/>
<variant name="_GPU" summary="Measures GPU crash uploads."/>
<variant name="_Other" summary="Measures other crash uploads."/>
<variant name="_Renderer" summary="Measures renderer crash uploads."/>
<histogram name="Tab.BackgroundLoadStatus" enum="TabBackgroundLoadStatus"
Mobile-specific metric: when a tab that was opened in background (via
&quot;Open link in new tab&quot;) is switched to, we record whether the
eagerly loaded tab was still memory resident, or we lost the loaded page due
to memory pressure.
<histogram name="Tab.Count.Guest" units="units" expires_after="2021-06-01">
Number of open tabs in each guest window. Recorded once a new tab in a guest
window is opened and adds one to the bucket of number of tabs in that
particular window (it does not count the total number of tabs in all open
guest windows). Please note that this metric double counts the lower
numbers, meaning that if user opens three tabs (without closing any in
between), then buckets 1, 2, and 3 will all be incremented in turn.
<histogram name="Tab.Count.Incognito" units="units" expires_after="2021-06-01">
Number of open tabs in each incognito window. Recorded once a new tab is
opened in an incognito window and adds one to the bucket of number of tabs
in that particular window (it does not count the total number of tabs in all
open incognito windows). Please note that this metric double counts the
lower numbers, meaning that if user opens three tabs (without closing any in
between), then buckets 1, 2, and 3 will all be incremented in turn.
<histogram name="Tab.ExternalApplicationOpened" enum="ExternalLauncherOption"
[iOS] Used on External App launcher Prompt to determine if the user clicked
open or cancel.
<histogram name="Tab.HorizontalSizeClassUsed" enum="iOSSizeClassForReporting"
[iOS] Used on iOS 9+ iPad to report the usage of Compact or Regular
horizontal size class. This is logged at startup and on each size class
<histogram name="Tab.NewTab" enum="NewTabType" expires_after="2021-07-04">
Recorded when a new tab is opened. Tracks the method in which the tab was
opened. Does not apply to opening existing links or searches in a new tab,
only to brand new empty tabs. Note: Currently the &quot;Regular menu
option&quot; includes some programmatic actions in addition to user actions.
<histogram name="Tab.NewTabOnload{TabNewTabOnload}" units="ms"
The time for the new tab page to load. Only recorded on Android. Recorded
only once per tab, i.e. excluding back/forward navigations.
<token key="TabNewTabOnload">
<variant name=""/>
<variant name=".Google" summary="New Tab page for Google.">
Removed 07/2020, base histogram no longer recorded on dektop.
<variant name=".Local" summary="Local New Tab page.">
Removed 07/2020, base histogram no longer recorded on dektop.
<variant name=".LocalGoogle" summary="Local New Tab page for Google.">
Removed 06/2017, never worked correctly.
<variant name=".LocalOther"
summary="Local New Tab page for a non-Google provider.">
Removed 06/2017, never worked correctly.
<variant name=".Other" summary="New Tab page for a non-Google provider.">
Removed 07/2020, base histogram no longer recorded on dektop.
<histogram name="Tab.PageLoadInHorizontalSizeClass"
enum="iOSSizeClassForReporting" expires_after="M77">
[iOS] Used on iOS 9+ iPad to report the usage of Compact or Regular
horizontal size class. Recorded on page load.
<histogram name="Tab.PageLoadInPortrait" enum="DeviceOrientation"
<summary>[iOS] The orientation of the device. Recorded on page load.</summary>
<histogram name="Tab.PageLoadsSinceLastSwitchToEvictedTab" units="units"
[Android] The number of page loads since the last switch to an evicted tab
on Android. This was sampled each time an evicted tab was reloaded.
<histogram name="Tab.PerceivedRestoreTime" units="ms" expires_after="M88">
[Android] User-perceived load time for a successful tab restore, measured
from the first time the user sees the tab being restored until the load
<histogram name="Tab.Preview.CaptureType" enum="TabPreviewCaptureType"
<summary>Records how a tab preview image was generated.</summary>
<histogram name="Tab.Preview.MemoryUsage.CompressedData.PerThumbnailKiB"
units="KB" expires_after="M92">
Memory used by compressed thumbnails. Recorded once per thumbnail every 5
<histogram name="Tab.Preview.MemoryUsage.CompressedData.TotalKiB" units="KB"
Memory used by compressed thumbnails. Recorded once every 5 minutes at the
same time as Tab.Preview.MemoryUsage.CompressedData.PerThumbnailKiB. Each
sample is the sum of the corresponding samples in PerThumbnailKiB.
<histogram name="Tab.Preview.TimeToFirstUsableFrameAfterStartCapture"
units="ms" expires_after="M92">
When generating a preview for a background tab, this measures the time
between requesting a video capture and receiving the first usable frame.
<histogram name="Tab.Preview.TimeToNotifyObserversAfterCaptureReceived"
units="microseconds" expires_after="M92">
When generating a preview, a tab's contents are captured as an uncompressed
image, compressed in the background, then sent to subscribers on the main
thread. This roughly measures the time between the capture completing and
the compressed image being available on the main thread.
This histogram only records metrics on machines with high-resolution clocks.
<histogram name="Tab.Preview.TimeToStoreAfterFrameReceived"
units="microseconds" expires_after="M92">
When generating a preview for a background tab, this measures the time
between receiving a frame and storing it as the current thumbnail.
This histogram only records metrics on machines with high-resolution clocks.
<histogram name="Tab.Preview.TimeToStoreAfterTabSwitch" units="ms"
On tab switch, the visible content area is captured and stored as a
thumbnail. This measures the time between requesting the capture and storing
it as the current thumbnail.
<histogram name="Tab.Preview.VideoCaptureDuration" units="ms"
Measures the total time spent in video capture mode when generating a
preview for a background tab. This is emitted at the end of each capture
<histogram name="Tab.PullDownGesture" enum="PullDownGestureAction"
Record the action executed when the user performs a pull down gesture. This
feature is currently iOS only.
A pull down gesture is an action completed when the user scrolls past the
edge of the web page and continues scrolling in the same direction revealing
a specific UI on the header with multiple actions icons. The user can then
choose an action by scrolling left or right and lift the finger or cancel by
scrolling back up. This is currently an iOS specific feature.
<histogram name="Tab.RendererCrashStatus" enum="TabRendererCrashStatus"
[Android] The status of a tab and an application when a renderer crashes.
This is recorded only for Android when a renderer crashes.
<histogram name="Tab.RendererDetailedExitStatus"
enum="ProcessDetailedExitStatus" expires_after="M85">
[Android] Breakdown of renderer exit status for renderers that have strong
bindings. An extension of the counts in Tab.RendererExitStatus. Only
recorded on Android.
<histogram name="Tab.RendererDetailedExitStatusUnbound"
enum="ProcessDetailedExitStatus" expires_after="M85">
[Android] Breakdown of renderer exit status for renderers that do not have
strong bindings. An extension of the counts in Tab.RendererExitStatus. Only
recorded on Android.
<histogram name="Tab.RendererExitStatus" enum="TabRendererExitStatus"
[Android] The status of a renderer when the browser notices that the process
has exited. Only recorded on Android.
<histogram name="Tab.RendererTermination.AliveRenderersCount" units="renderers"
[iOS] A count of the number of alive renderers when a renderer termination
<histogram name="Tab.RendererTermination.RecentlyAliveRenderersCount"
units="renderers" expires_after="M77">
[iOS] The number of renderers which are either currently alive or recently
terminated at the time of a renderer termination.
<histogram name="Tab.RendererTermination.RecentlyReceivedMemoryWarning"
enum="BooleanWarningReceived" expires_after="M77">
[iOS] Records whether a memory warning had recently been received before a
renderer termination.
<histogram name="Tab.RestoreResult" enum="TabRestoreResult" expires_after="M88">
[Android and iOS] When the browser restores a tab, whether the load was
successful. Loads can fail for instance when there is no connectivity.
<histogram name="Tab.RestoreTime" units="ms" expires_after="M88">
<summary>[Android and iOS] Load time for a successful tab restore.</summary>
<histogram name="Tab.RestoreUserPersistence" enum="TabRestoreUserAction"
[Android] When the browser restores a tab, whether the user waits for
completion of the load or if the user gives up by switching to another tab
or leaving Chrome.
<histogram name="Tab.Screenshot.Action" enum="TabScreenshotAction"
Records actions taken after one or more screenshots of a page were taken.
This will not be recorded if Chromium is killed before leaving the page. If
several types of action (IPH and Sharing) occur, only the last is recorded.
We think that both IPH and Sharing happening at the same time is rare, so we
do not expect to lose much data this way.
<histogram name="Tab.Screenshot.ScreenshotsPerPage" units="screenshots"
Records the number of screenshots taken of a specific page. It is recorded
when the user navigates away from this page or the tab is destroyed. This
will not be recorded if Chromium is killed before leaving the page.
<histogram name="Tab.StateAtRendererTermination" enum="TabForegroundState"
The state (foreground/background) of a tab when its renderer is terminated.
<histogram name="Tab.StatusWhenSwitchedBackToForeground" enum="TabStatus"
[Android and iOS] The status of a tab collected each time the user switches
to it on mobile. That does not include tabs being created at the time the
user switches to them, such as NTP or tabs opened to handle intents.
<histogram name="Tab.SwitchedToForegroundAge" units="ms" expires_after="M85">
[Android] Age (in ms) when the tab was switched to foreground.
<histogram name="Tab.TabUnder.ClickThroughPosition" enum="ListItemPosition"
The position of the URL in the framebust UI list (desktop only) when it is
clicked. Note that this UI surface is shared with the framebusting
intervention, so elements in the list could come from either features. This
metric will only be logged when a URL from the tab under intervention is
<histogram name="Tab.TabUnder.PopupToTabUnderTime" units="ms"
Measures the time from when a tab opens a popup to when it performs a
tab-under (i.e. navigates cross origin, in the background without a user
<histogram name="Tab.TabUnder.VisibleTime" units="ms" expires_after="M77">
Measures the total time a tab is visible after it navigates itself
cross-origin in the background, without a user gesture. The tab must have
opened a popup since the last user gesture in the tab. Measured at
WebContents destruction. The total visible time for the tab is the sum of
this metric and Tab.TabUnder.VisibleTimeBefore.
<histogram name="Tab.TabUnder.VisibleTimeBefore" units="ms" expires_after="M85">
Measures the total time a tab is visible before it navigates itself
cross-origin in the background, without a user gesture. The tab must have
opened a popup since the last user gesture in the tab. Measured at
WebContents destruction. The total visible time for the tab is the sum of
this metric and Tab.TabUnder.VisibleTime.
<histogram name="Tab.TabUnderAction{OffTheRecordType}" enum="TabUnderAction"
Various actions related to the tab under intervention, logged during main
frame navigation. {OffTheRecordType}
<token key="OffTheRecordType">
<variant name=""/>
<variant name=".NonOTR" summary="Non off-the-record profile">
Removed March 2019
<variant name=".OTR" summary="Off-the-record profile">
Removed March 2019
<histogram name="Tab.TotalTabCount.BeforeLeavingApp" units="tabs"
[Android] The total count of tabs which were kept while Chrome process is in
the foreground. This is recorded only for Android right before Chrome
process goes into the background.
<histogram name="Tab.Visibility{Visibility}" units="ms" expires_after="M85">
Removed 11/2020. Not actively used now that occlusion tracking is shipped to
stable on Windows, Mac and ChromeOS.
Time spent by a tab in a given visibility state. Recorded when the
visibility changes and when the tab is closed. {Visibility}
<token key="Visibility">
<variant name=""/>
<variant name=".Hidden"
summary="The tab is not visible because it is in a minimized window
(desktop) or background app (mobile), or because it isn't
active in its tab strip."/>
<variant name=".Occluded"
summary="The tab is fully covered by other windows. ChromeOS and Mac
OS X only."/>
<variant name=".Visible"
summary="The tab is visible. Except on ChromeOS and Mac OS X, a tab
fully covered by other windows is considered visible."/>
<histogram name="Tab.VisibleTime" units="ms" expires_after="M77">
Measures the total time a tab is visible. Measured at the WebContents layer
so this metric does not attempt to account for things like session restore.
Logged at WebContents destruction.
<histogram name="TabGroups.CollapsedGroupCountPerLoad" units="groups"
The number of tabs groups that are collapsed in all browsers (counting
app-mode windows) when a load completes.
<histogram name="TabGroups.SessionsPerGroup" units="sessions"
This histogram records the number of sessions of a selected tab group
whenever Chrome comes to the foreground, or switch tab in the tab switcher.
This number is accumulated until that group id is outdated, meaning all the
tabs with that group id has been closed.
<histogram name="TabGroups.TimeSpentCollapsed" units="ms"
The time a tab group spends in the collapsed state before the group is
either expanded or closed.
<histogram name="TabGroups.TimeSpentExpanded" units="ms"
The time a tab group spends in the expanded state before the group is either
collapsed or closed.
<histogram name="TabGroups.UserCustomizedGroupCountPerLoad" units="groups"
The number of tabs groups with a user-set name or color open in all browsers
(counting app-mode windows) when a load completes.
<histogram name="TabGroups.UserGroupCount" units="groups"
This histogram records the number of tab groups whenever Chrome comes to the
<histogram name="TabGroups.UserGroupCountPerLoad" units="groups"
The number of tabs groups open in all browsers (counting app-mode windows)
when a load completes.
<histogram name="TabGroups.UserNamedGroupCount" units="groups"
This histogram records the number of tab groups that have customized group
name whenever Chrome comes to the foreground.
units="units" expires_after="2020-10-01">
This histogram records the number of tab hover cards seen between the last
active tab change and a tab change by mouse click. {TabCountMetrics}
<token key="TabCountMetrics">
<variant name=""/>
<variant name=".ByTabCount.0Tabs"
summary="Recorded with 0 tabs open in the browser."/>
<variant name=".ByTabCount.1Tab"
summary="Recorded with 1 tab open in the browser."/>
<variant name=".ByTabCount.2Tabs"
summary="Recorded with 2 tabs open in the browser."/>
<variant name=".ByTabCount.3To4Tabs"
summary="Recorded with between 3 and 4 tabs open in the browser."/>
<variant name=".ByTabCount.5To7Tabs"
summary="Recorded with between 5 and 7 tabs open in the browser."/>
<variant name=".ByTabCount.8To19Tabs"
summary="Recorded with between 8 and 19 tabs open in the browser."/>
<variant name=".ByTabCount.20To39Tabs"
summary="Recorded with between 20 and 39 tabs open in the browser."/>
<variant name=".ByTabCount.40OrMoreTabs"
summary="Recorded with 40 or more tabs open in the browser."/>
<histogram name="TabHoverCards.TimeSinceLastVisible" units="ms"
This histogram records the time between when a hover card was last hidden to
when it is shown again. Since users can easily hover out of the tab strip we
want to reshow the tab hover card with no delay if we think they
unintentionally exited the tab strip. If the user reenters the tab strip
within X ms we want to reshow the hover card immediately. This histogram
will help to better refine that number.
<histogram name="TabManager.BackgroundTabOpening.SwitchToTab"
enum="TabLoadingState" expires_after="M79">
The loading state of a tab at the time the user switches to it during a
background tab opening session (the duration of time from when the browser
starts to open background tabs until the time the browser has finished
loading those tabs or otherwise decided to stop loading them). The metric is
only recorded when a tab is switched to from another tab within the same
tabstrip. As a result, the case when switching between different windows is
not included, either between two tabs in different browser windows, or when
switching to a different application and switching back to the browser. The
metric is not recorded when the session overlaps with session restore.
<histogram name="TabManager.BackgroundTabOpening.TabCount" units="tabs"
The max number of background tabs pending or loading when opening background
tabs. This is recorded at the end of the background tab opening session (the
duration of time from when the browser starts to open background tabs until
the time the browser has finished loading those tabs or otherwise decided to
stop loading them). The metric is not recorded when the session overlaps
with session restore.
<histogram name="TabManager.BackgroundTabOpening.TabLoadAutoStartedCount"
units="tabs" expires_after="M79">
The number of background tabs whose loading was triggered by TabManager
automatically when opening background tabs. This is recorded at the end of
the background tab opening session (the duration of time from when the
browser starts to open background tabs until the time the browser has
finished loading those tabs or otherwise decided to stop loading them). The
metric is not recorded when the session overlaps with session restore.
<histogram name="TabManager.BackgroundTabOpening.TabLoadTimeout"
enum="BooleanTimedOut" expires_after="M79">
Whether the tab load is timed out during background tab opening session (the
duration of time from when the browser starts to open background tabs until
the time the browser has finished loading those tabs or otherwise decided to
stop loading them). The metric is not recorded when the session overlaps
with session restore.
<histogram name="TabManager.BackgroundTabOpening.TabLoadUserInitiatedCount"
units="tabs" expires_after="M79">
The number of background tabs whose loading was triggered by user action
when opening background tabs. For example, when the user selects a
background tab and brings it to foreground, that tab will start to load
immediately if not already loading. This is recorded at the end of the
background tab opening session (the duration of time from when the browser
starts to open background tabs until the time the browser has finished
loading those tabs or otherwise decided to stop loading them). The metric is
not recorded when the session overlaps with session restore.
<histogram name="TabManager.BackgroundTabOpening.TabPausedCount" units="tabs"
The max number of background tabs paused to load due to memory pressure when
opening background tabs. This is recorded at the end of the background tab
opening session during a background tab opening session (the duration of
time from when the browser starts to open background tabs until the time the
browser has finished loading those tabs or otherwise decided to stop loading
them). The metric is not recorded when the session overlaps with session
<histogram name="TabManager.Discarding.DiscardCount" units="Discards"
Cumulative number of tabs discarded due to low memory conditions, recorded
once per tab discard event. For example, a user who had 3 tabs discarded
records a count in the 1 bin, 2 bin and 3 bin. Thus each bin N is the number
of sessions where users experienced N or more tab discard events.
<histogram name="TabManager.Discarding.DiscardedTabCouldFastShutdown"
enum="BooleanTabDiscardFastShutdown" expires_after="M77">
Recorded for each discarding, indicates whether the discarded tab succeeded
in doing a render process fast shutdown or not.
<histogram name="TabManager.Discarding.DiscardedTabCouldUnsafeFastShutdown"
enum="BooleanTabDiscardFastShutdown" expires_after="M77">
Recorded for each discarding, allowing us to know whether the discarded tab
succeeded an unsafe process shutdown (not invoking unload handlers).
<histogram name="TabManager.Discarding.DiscardedTabHasBeforeUnloadHandler"
enum="Boolean" expires_after="M77">
Recorded for each discarding, allowing us to know whether the discarded tab
had a before unload handler or not.
<histogram name="TabManager.Discarding.DiscardToReloadTime" units="ms"
Elapsed time between a tab getting discarded to eventually being reloaded by
the user.
<histogram name="TabManager.Discarding.InactiveToReloadTime" units="ms"
Elapsed time between the time a tab switched from being active to inactive
(that eventually gets discarded) until it gets reloaded.
<histogram name="TabManager.Discarding.ReloadCount" units="Reloads"
Cumulative number of discarded tabs that have been reloaded by the user,
recorded once per tab discard event. For example, a user who had 3 tabs
reloaded records a count in the 1 bin, 2 bin and 3 bin. Thus each bin N is
the number of sessions where users experienced N or more tab reload events.
<histogram name="TabManager.Discarding.ReloadToCloseTime" units="ms"
Elapsed time between the last time a discarded tab was reloaded and the time
it gets closed.
units="pages/s" expires_after="M79">
The number of pages compressed per second when opening background tabs. This
is recorded at the end of the background tab opening session as an average
over the entire period (the duration of time from when the browser starts to
open background tabs until the time the browser has finished loading those
tabs or otherwise decided to stop loading them). The metric is not recorded
when the session overlaps with session restore. Only recorded on macOS.
Warning: This metric is a ratio and the session interval differs for each
session. It is hard to tell if it is average rate for each second in the
interval or it has a huge spike.
units="pages/s" expires_after="M79">
The number of pages decompressed per second when opening background tabs.
This is recorded at the end of the background tab opening session as an
average over the entire period (the duration of time from when the browser
starts to open background tabs until the time the browser has finished
loading those tabs or otherwise decided to stop loading them). The metric is
not recorded when the session overlaps with session restore. Only recorded
on macOS. Warning: This metric is a ratio and the session interval differs
for each session. It is hard to tell if it is average rate for each second
in the interval or it has a huge spike.
<histogram name="TabManager.Experimental.BackgroundTabOpening.SwapInPerSecond"
units="swaps/s" expires_after="M79">
The number of swap-ins per second when opening background tabs. This is
recorded at the end of the background tab opening session as an average over
the entire period (the duration of time from when the browser starts to open
background tabs until the time the browser has finished loading those tabs
or otherwise decided to stop loading them). The metric is not recorded when
the session overlaps with session restore. Warning: This metric is a ratio
and the session interval differs for each session. It is hard to tell if it
is average rate for each second in the interval or it has a huge spike.
<histogram name="TabManager.Experimental.BackgroundTabOpening.SwapOutPerSecond"
units="swaps/s" expires_after="M79">
The number of swap-outs per second when opening background tabs. This is
recorded at the end of the background tab opening session as an average over
the entire period (the duration of time from when the browser starts to open
background tabs until the time the browser has finished loading those tabs
or otherwise decided to stop loading them). The metric is not recorded when
the session overlaps with session restore. Warning: This metric is a ratio
and the session interval differs for each session. It is hard to tell if it
is average rate for each second in the interval or it has a huge spike.
units="ms" expires_after="M79">
The tab load time of a tab that is switched to during a background tab
opening session (the duration of time from when the browser starts to open
background tabs until the time the browser has finished loading those tabs
or otherwise decided to stop loading them). Tab load time is defined as the
time between when the user switches to a backround tab, and the time when
that tab finishes loading in the foreground. If the user switches away
before the tab finishes loading, a metric will not be recorded unless the
user switches back, in which case the tab load time is measured from that
point in time. The metric is only recorded when a tab is switched to from
another tab within the same tabstrip. As a result, the initial forground tab
is not included in this metric since it was not switched to from another
tab. The metric is not recorded when the session overlaps with session
units="pages/s" expires_after="M79">
The number of pages compressed per second during session restore. Recorded
at the end of session restore as an average over the entire period, defined
as the period of time when session restore is actively loading tabs, which
ends when either all tabs have been loaded and their pages rendered, or tab
loading needs to be deferred in cases where the system is under memory
pressure. The metric is not recorded when the session overlaps with
background tab opening session. Only recorded on macOS. Warning: This metric
is a ratio and the session interval differs for each session. It is hard to
tell if it is average rate for each second in the interval or it has a huge
units="pages/s" expires_after="M79">
The number of pages decompressed per second during session restore. Recorded
at the end of session restore as an average over the entire period, defined
as the period of time when session restore is actively loading tabs, which
ends when either all tabs have been loaded and their pages rendered, or tab
loading needs to be deferred in cases where the system is under memory
pressure. The metric is not recorded when the session overlaps with
background tab opening session. Only recorded on macOS. Warning: This metric
is a ratio and the session interval differs for each session. It is hard to
tell if it is average rate for each second in the interval or it has a huge
units="ms" expires_after="M79">
Elapsed time between the start of the loading and the first contentful paint
of foreground tabs when the browser loads tabs in session restore.
units="ms" expires_after="M79">
Elapsed time between the start of the loading and the first meaningful paint
of foreground tabs when the browser loads tabs in session restore.
units="ms" expires_after="M79">
Elapsed time between the start of the loading and the first paint of
foreground tabs when the browser loads tabs in session restore.
<histogram name="TabManager.Experimental.SessionRestore.SwapInPerSecond"
units="swaps/s" expires_after="M79">
The number of swap-ins per second during session restore. Recorded at the
end of session restore as an average over the entire period, defined as the
period of time when session restore is actively loading tabs, which ends
when either all tabs have been loaded and their pages rendered, or tab
loading needs to be deferred in cases where the system is under memory
pressure. The metric is not recorded when the session overlaps with
background tab opening session. Warning: This metric is a ratio and the
session interval differs for each session. It is hard to tell if it is
average rate for each second in the interval or it has a huge spike.
<histogram name="TabManager.Experimental.SessionRestore.SwapOutPerSecond"
units="swaps/s" expires_after="M79">
The number of swap-outs per second during session restore. Recorded at the
end of session restore as an average over the entire period, defined as the
period of time when session restore is actively loading tabs, which ends
when either all tabs have been loaded and their pages rendered, or tab
loading needs to be deferred in cases where the system is under memory
pressure. The metric is not recorded when the session overlaps with
background tab opening session. Warning: This metric is a ratio and the
session interval differs for each session. It is hard to tell if it is
average rate for each second in the interval or it has a huge spike.
units="ms" expires_after="M79">
The tab load time of a tab that is switched to during a session restore. Tab
load time is defined as the time between when the user switches to a
backround tab, and the time when that tab finishes loading in the
foreground. If the user switches away before the tab finishes loading, a
metric will not be recorded unless the user switches back, in which case the
tab load time is measured from that point in time. The metric is only
recorded when a tab is switched to from another tab within the same
tabstrip. As a result, the initial forground tab is not included in this
metric since it was not switched to from another tab. The metric is only
recorded when session restore is actively loading tabs, which ends when
either all tabs have been loaded and their pages rendered, or tab loading
needs to be deferred in cases where the system is under memory pressure. The
metric is not recorded when the session overlaps with background tab opening
<histogram name="TabManager.Heuristics.FromBackgroundedToFirstFaviconUpdated"
units="ms" expires_after="M85">
Measures the time duration from when the tab is backgrounded to when its
favicon is updated. The first-time set of favicon will be ignored; this
metric will only be recorded after 5 minutes from main frame navigation
committed and when the tab is in the background.
units="ms" expires_after="M78">
Measures the time duration from when the tab is backgrounded to when a
non-persistent notification is created. Only recorded when the tab is in the
<histogram name="TabManager.Heuristics.FromBackgroundedToFirstTitleUpdated"
units="ms" expires_after="M77">
Measures the time duration from when the tab is backgrounded to when its
title is updated. The first-time set of title will be ignored; this metric
will only be recorded after 5 minutes from main frame navigation committed
and when the tab is in the background.
<histogram name="TabManager.SessionOverlap.BackgroundTabOpening"
units="BooleanOverlap" expires_after="M79">
Whether background tab opening session is overlapped with other types of
session, e.g., session restore. Background tab opening session is the
duration of time from when the browser starts to open background tabs until
the time the browser has finished loading those tabs or otherwise decided to
stop loading them. This metric helps to understand how often background tab
opening has overlap with other sessions.
<histogram name="TabManager.SessionOverlap.SessionRestore"
units="BooleanOverlap" expires_after="M77">
Whether session restore is overlapped with other types of session, e.g.,
background tab opening. Session restore is the duration from the time when
the browser starts to restore tabs until the time when the browser has
finished loading those tabs or when the browser stops loading tabs due to
memory pressure. This metric helps to understand how often session restore
has overlap with other sessions.
<histogram name="TabManager.SessionRestore.SwitchToTab" enum="TabLoadingState"
The loading state of a tab at the time the user switched to it during a
session restore. The metric is only recorded when a tab is switched to from
another tab within the same tabstrip. As a result, there are two cases where
tabs are not included. The first case is when the initial forground tab is
shown, since it was not switched to from another tab. The second case is
when switching between different windows, either between two tabs in
different browser windows, or when switching to a different application and
switching back to the browser. The metric is only recorded when session
restore is actively loading tabs, which ends when either all tabs have been
loaded and their pages rendered, or tab loading needs to be deferred in
cases where the system is under memory pressure. The metric is not recorded
when the session overlaps with background tab opening session.
<histogram name="TabManager.TabRanker.Result" enum="TabManagerTabRankerResult"
Logged when calculating a tab reactivation score for a background tab. Any
value other than &quot;none&quot; may indicate a bug in the inference code,
a problem with the preprocessor configuration shipped with the model, or a
bug in the code that populates the RankerExample for a tab.
<histogram name="TabManager.TimeSinceTabClosedUntilRestored" units="ms"
Duration between restoring a tab when &quot;Reopen Closed Tab&quot; button
was clicked or any of Ctrl+Shift+T (on Linux/Windows/Chrome OS) and
Command+Shift+T (on Mac) were pressed and the closing of the same tab.
Recorded when the user manually restores a tab.
<histogram name="TabManager.TimeSinceWindowClosedUntilRestored" units="ms"
Duration between restoring a whole window (multiple tabs) when &quot;Reopen
Closed Window&quot; button was clicked or any of Ctrl+Shift+T (on
Linux/Windows/Chrome OS) and Command+Shift+T (on Mac) were pressed and the
closing of the same window. Recorded when the user manually restores a
<histogram name="TabRestore.error_move_session_at_path_to_backup"
enum="FoundationFileSystemError" expires_after="M77">
Error code returned by [moveItemAtPath:toPath:error:] when moving previous
session file to backup file before restoring. 0 in case of success.
<histogram name="TabRestore.error_remove_backup_at_path"
enum="FoundationFileSystemError" expires_after="M77">
Error code returned by [removeItemAtPath:error:] when removing previous
session backup file. 0 in case of success.
<histogram name="TabRestore.error_remove_session_at_path"
enum="FoundationFileSystemError" expires_after="M77">
Error code returned by [removeItemAtPath:error:] when removing previous
session file. 0 in case of success.
<histogram name="Tabs.CountAtResume" units="tabs" expires_after="M92">
[iOS] The number of tabs open when the app comes out of the background.
<histogram name="Tabs.CountAtStartup" units="tabs" expires_after="M92">
<summary>[Android and iOS] The number of tabs open at cold launch.</summary>
<histogram name="Tabs.DesktopTabOffsetFromLeftOfSwitch" units="units"
The tab index from the beginning of the tab strip when switching into a tab.
<histogram name="Tabs.DesktopTabOffsetFromRightOfSwitch" units="units"
The tab index from the end of the tab strip when switching into a tab.
<histogram name="Tabs.DesktopTabOffsetOfSwitch" units="units"
The offset between the tab currently selected tab and the newly selected
If the user switches to a tab to the left of their currently selected tab,
we log a positive offset value indicating how many tabs to the left they
moved. If the user switches to a tab to the right of their currently
selected tab, we log a negative offset value.
<histogram name="Tabs.FirstSwitchedToForegroundCreationRank" units="units"
Records the &quot;Tab Creation Rank&quot; for the first background tab which
was switched to the foreground. The &quot;Tab Creation Rank&quot; is
relative to other background tabs which were opened from the same URL via
the context menu. The oldest background tab has a rank of zero.
<histogram name="Tabs.FirstSwitchedToForegroundCreationReverseRank"
units="units" expires_after="M77">
Records the &quot;Reverse Tab Creation Rank&quot; for the first background
background tab which was switched to the foreground. The &quot;Reverse Tab
Creation Rank&quot; is relative to other background tabs which were opened
from the same URL via the context menu. The newest background tab has a
&quot;Reverse Tab Creation Rank&quot; of zero.
<histogram name="Tabs.ForegroundTabAgeAtStartup" units="minutes"
[Android] Age (time since the last display in previous sessions) of the
foreground tab being restored on the browser cold start.
<histogram name="Tabs.IndependentTabCountInSwitcher" units="tabs"
<summary>The number of entries/cards shown in the grid tab switcher.</summary>
When the user is shown the grid tab switcher, logs the number of entries
(tabs or tab groups) open in the grid tab switcher.
<histogram name="Tabs.MaxTabsInADay" units="tabs" expires_after="never">
<!-- expires-never: -->
The maximum number of tabs that Chrome displays at the same time over the
course of a day. Desktop only.
NOTE: This metric is asynchronous, the value reported on a given day
represents the previous day's observations (which can be from a different
<histogram name="Tabs.MaxTabsPerWindowInADay" units="tabs"
<!-- expires-never: -->
The maximum number of tabs per window that Chrome displays over the course
of a day. Desktop Only.
NOTE: This metric is asynchronous, the value reported on a given day
represents the previous day's observations (which can be from a different
<histogram name="Tabs.MaxWindowsInADay" units="tabs" expires_after="never">
<!-- expires-never: -->
The maximum number of windows existing at the same time over the course of a
day. Desktop only.
NOTE: This metric is asynchronous, the value reported on a given day
represents the previous day's observations (which can be from a different
<histogram name="Tabs.NTPCountAtResume" units="tabs" expires_after="M95">
[iOS] The number of NTP tabs open when the app comes out of the background.
<histogram name="Tabs.NTPCountAtStartup" units="tabs" expires_after="M95">
<summary>[iOS] The number of NTP tabs open at cold launch.</summary>
<histogram name="Tabs.NumberOfTabsOnResume" units="tabs" expires_after="never">
<!-- expires-never: -->
The number of tabs total at resume from sleep/hibernate. This is being
logged on all desktop platforms.
<histogram name="Tabs.PersistedTabData.Deserialize.Critical"
enum="BooleanSuccess" expires_after="2021-03-25">
CriticalPersistedTabData stores data pertinent to the running of the app
such as tab id, parent id, web contents. This data is serialized and stored
across restarts. This records if the deserialization succeeds or fails.
<histogram name="Tabs.PersistedTabData.Serialize.Critical"
enum="BooleanSuccess" expires_after="2021-03-25">
CriticalPersistedTabData stores data pertinent to the running of the app
such as tab id, parent id, web contents. This data is serialized and stored
across restarts. This records if the serialization succeeds or fails.
<histogram name="Tabs.PersistedTabData.Storage.Delete.File"
enum="BooleanSuccess" expires_after="2021-03-25">
FilePersistedTabData storage stores serialized PersistedTabData (metadata
persisted across restarts) in a file. This metric records if a delete was
successful or unsuccessful.
<histogram name="Tabs.PersistedTabData.Storage.Exists.File"
enum="BooleanSuccess" expires_after="2021-03-25">
FilePersistedTabData storage stores serialized PersistedTabData (metadata
persisted across restarts) in a file. This metric records if a delete
operation was found to have the file not existing.
<histogram name="Tabs.PersistedTabData.Storage.Restore.File"
enum="BooleanSuccess" expires_after="2021-03-25">
FilePersistedTabData storage stores serialized PersistedTabData (metadata
persisted across restarts) in a file. This metric records if a restore was
successful or unsuccessful.
<histogram name="Tabs.PersistedTabData.Storage.Save.File" enum="BooleanSuccess"
FilePersistedTabData storage stores serialized PersistedTabData (metadata
persisted across restarts) in a file. This metric records if a save was
successful or unsuccessful.
<histogram name="Tabs.SadTab.CrashCreated" units="tabs"
Cumulative number of times a tab crashed with &quot;Aw, Snap!&quot;,
recorded once per tab crash event. For example, a user who crashed 3 tabs
will record a count in the 1 bin, 2 bin, and 3 bin. Thus each bin N is the
number of sessions where users experienced N or more crash events. The user
may not have actually seen the sad tab page, as it might have been an
inactive tab. Compare to Tabs.SadTab.CrashDisplayed.
<histogram name="Tabs.SadTab.CrashDisplayed" units="tabs"
Cumulative number of times a tab crashed with &quot;Aw, Snap!&quot; and the
user saw the page, recorded once per tab crash event. For example, a user
who crashed 3 tabs will record a count in the 1 bin, 2 bin, and 3 bin. Thus
each bin N is the number of sessions where users experienced N or more crash
events. Compare to Tabs.SadTab.CrashCreated.
<histogram name="Tabs.SadTab.Feedback.Event" enum="SadTabEvent"
Counts of events from the style of sad tab which has a feedback button as
its primary action. Currently, events include being displayed (actually
visible in a window), and the actions a user can take on the page.
<histogram name="Tabs.SadTab.KillCreated" units="tabs"
Cumulative number of times a tab was killed with a &quot;He's dead,
Jim!&quot; page, which is usually due to the renderer being killed, recorded
once per tab kill event. For example, a user who loses 3 tabs will record a
count in the 1 bin, 2 bin, and 3 bin. Thus each bin N is the number of
sessions where users experienced N or more kill events. The user may not
have actually seen the sad tab page, as it might have been an inactive tab.
Compare to Tabs.SadTab.KillDisplayed. This can happen due to out of memory,
malformed IPC messages, or a SIGINT/TERM/KILL signal sent by a user.
<histogram name="Tabs.SadTab.KillCreated.OOM" units="tabs"
Cumulative number of times a tab was killed with a &quot;He's dead,
Jim!&quot; page due to the kernel out-of-memory killer, recorded once per
tab kill event. For example, a user who loses 3 tabs will record a count in
the 1 bin, 2 bin, and 3 bin. Thus each bin N is the number of sessions where
users experienced N or more kill events. The user may not have actually seen
the sad tab page, as it might have been an inactive tab. Compare to
<histogram name="Tabs.SadTab.KillDisplayed" units="tabs"
Cumulative number of times a tab was killed with a &quot;He's dead,
Jim!&quot; page and the user saw the page, recorded once per tab kill event.
For example, a user who loses 3 tabs will record a count in the 1 bin, 2
bin, and 3 bin. Thus each bin N is the number of sessions where users
experienced N or more kill events. Compare to Tabs.SadTab.CrashCreated.
<histogram name="Tabs.SadTab.KillDisplayed.OOM" units="tabs"
Cumulative number of times a tab was killed with a &quot;He's dead,
Jim!&quot; page due to the kernel out-of-memory killer and the user saw the
page, recorded once per tab kill event. For example, a user who loses 3 tabs
will record a count in the 1 bin, 2 bin, and 3 bin. Thus each bin N is the
number of sessions where users experienced N or more kill events. Compare to
<histogram name="Tabs.SadTab.OomCreated" units="tabs"
Cumulative number of times a tab crashed with &quot;Aw, Snap!&quot;,
recorded once per tab oom event. For example, a user who ran out of memory
in 3 tabs will record a count in the 1 bin, 2 bin, and 3 bin. Thus each bin
N is the number of sessions where users experienced N or more oom events.
The user may not have actually seen the sad tab page, as it might have been
an inactive tab. Compare to Tabs.SadTab.OomDisplayed.
<histogram name="Tabs.SadTab.OomDisplayed" units="tabs"
Cumulative number of times a tab ran out of memory with &quot;Aw,
Snap!&quot; and the user saw the page, recorded once per tab oom event. For
example, a user who ran out of memory in 3 tabs will record a count in the 1
bin, 2 bin, and 3 bin. Thus each bin N is the number of sessions where users
experienced N or more oom events. Compare to Tabs.SadTab.OomCreated.
<histogram name="Tabs.SadTab.Reload.Event" enum="SadTabEvent"
Counts of events from the style of sad tab which has a reload button as its
primary action. Compare to Tabs.SadTab.Feedback.Event.
<histogram name="Tabs.SadTab.ReloadCount" units="tabs"
The number of times a tab was reloaded because it was killed (usually by the
kernel OOM killer) and the user clicked on it later, recorded once per
reload event. For example, a user who clicks on 3 discarded tabs will record
a count in the 1 bin, 2 bin, and 3 bin. Thus each bin N is the number of
sessions where users experienced N or more reload events. Compare to
<histogram name="Tabs.SavedTabLoadTime.{SavedTabMethod}.{SavedTabLoadResult}"
units="ms" expires_after="2021-08-26">
Records load time of a Tab using {SavedTabMethod} storage and whether the
<token key="SavedTabMethod">
<variant name="CriticalPersistedTabData"
<variant name="TabState" summary="TabState"/>
<token key="SavedTabLoadResult">
<variant name="Exists" summary="Tab storage file was found."/>
<variant name="Null" summary="Tab storage file was not found."/>
<histogram name="Tabs.ScrubbedInInterval.KeyPress" units="tabs"
This histogram records the number of tabs that are 'scrubbed' by key press
during a given interval of time (i.e. ctrl+tab navigation). For this metric,
a tab is considered 'scrubbed' if it was active for less than or equal to a
given amount of time.
<histogram name="Tabs.ScrubbedInInterval.MousePress" units="tabs"
This histogram records the number of tabs that are 'scrubbed' by mouse press
during a given interval of time. For this metric, a tab is considered
'scrubbed' if it was active for less than or equal to a given amount of
<histogram name="Tabs.ScrubDistance" units="tabs" expires_after="2021-06-20">
The distance a user multi-finger scrubbed to change tabs. Always positive
(ignores left / right).
<histogram name="Tabs.ScrubDuration" units="ms" expires_after="M90">
The duration a user spent doing multi-finger scrubbing to change tabs before
a different tab than the currently active one was actually activated.
<histogram name="Tabs.ShoppingPersistedTabData.FoundBuyableProductAnnotation"
enum="FoundBuyableProductAnnotation" expires_after="2021-12-05">
Records if we find a BuyableProductAnnotation in the response from our
endpoint which provides page annotations to enrich the user experience. The
endpoint is called for every Tab when we enter the Tab grid switcher and is
cached with a time to live of 1 hour.
<histogram name="Tabs.StateTransfer.NumberOfOtherTabsActivatedBeforeMadeActive"
units="tabs" expires_after="M77">
Recorded once per tab activation. The number of tabs that were activated
while the tab was inactive.
This metric is to be removed after M46 hits stable. We don't expect this
metric to change over release, so we will remove this once we have the
numbers from stable.
<histogram name="Tabs.StateTransfer.TabDistanceInactiveToActive" units="tabs"
Number of tabs between the previously active tab and the new active tab.
This metric is to be removed after M46 hits stable. We don't expect this
metric to change over release, so we will remove this once we have the
numbers from stable.
<histogram name="Tabs.StateTransfer.Target" enum="TabStripState"
The state to which a tab transitioned. Recorded when a tab transitions from
the state in the histogram name to a new state.
kouhei@ and tzik@ will remove some variation of these once M46 hits stable.
<histogram name="Tabs.Suggestions.NumSuggestionsChanged{TabSuggestionType}"
units="count" expires_after="2021-10-19">
The user is presented with recommendations on which Tabs they could take the
suggested action. The user has the option to: 1) Remove a Tab from the
recommendation 2) Add a Tab which wasn't in the recommendation to the
This metric records the sum of the number of times the user does 1) or 2)
and is a measure of how useful the recommendation is. This metric is
recorded after the user accepts a recommendation - potentially with edits by
performing 1) or 2).
Note: Adding and removing the same Tab, or vice versa, would be counted as
0. {TabSuggestionType}
<token key="TabSuggestionType">
<variant name="">
Base histogram. Use suffixes of this histogram instead.
<variant name=".ClosingSuggestion"
summary="This bukect is for the closing suggestion. It suggests users
to close the recommended tabs."/>
<variant name=".GroupingSuggestion"
summary="This bukect is for the grouping suggestion. It suggests
users to group the recommended tabs."/>
<histogram name="Tabs.SwitchFromCloseLatency{Tabs_SwitchLatency}" units="ms"
[Android] Time between the event that closes a tab and the start of
rendering. {Tabs_SwitchLatency}
<token key="Tabs_SwitchLatency" variants="Tabs_SwitchLatency">
<variant name=""/>
<histogram name="Tabs.SwitchFromExitLatency{Tabs_SwitchLatency}" units="ms"
[Android] Time between the event that exits an app and the start of
rendering. {Tabs_SwitchLatency}
<token key="Tabs_SwitchLatency" variants="Tabs_SwitchLatency">
<variant name=""/>
<histogram name="Tabs.SwitchFromNewLatency{Tabs_SwitchLatency}" units="ms"
[Android] Time between the event that creates a tab and the start of
rendering. {Tabs_SwitchLatency}
<token key="Tabs_SwitchLatency" variants="Tabs_SwitchLatency">
<variant name=""/>
<histogram name="Tabs.SwitchFromUserLatency{Tabs_SwitchLatency}" units="ms"
[Android] Time between the event that selects a tab and the start of
rendering. {Tabs_SwitchLatency}
<token key="Tabs_SwitchLatency" variants="Tabs_SwitchLatency">
<variant name=""/>
<histogram name="Tabs.TabCount" units="tabs" expires_after="never">
<!-- expires-never: -->
Counts the number of tabs across all windows, reported every 5 minutes.
Desktop only.
<histogram name="Tabs.TabCountActiveWindow" units="tabs" expires_after="never">
<!-- expires-never: usage drives tab optimization and analysis. -->
The number of tabs open in the active window when a load completes.
<histogram name="Tabs.TabCountInGroupPerLoad" units="groups"
The number of tabs in the current active group when a load completes.
Records 0 if the active tab is not in a group.
<histogram name="Tabs.TabCountInSwitcher" units="tabs"
The number of tabs open when the grid tab switcher is shown.
When the user is shown the tab switcher, logs the total number of individual
open tabs. Android only.
<histogram name="Tabs.TabCountOnStartScreenShown" units="tabs"
The number of tabs open when the user is returned to the tab switcher on
When the user is returned to the tab switcher on starting Chrome due to
inactivity, logs the overall number of tabs open. Android only.
<histogram name="Tabs.TabCountPerDomainPerLoad.{TotalTabCountBucket}"
units="tabs" expires_after="2021-03-07">
The number of tabs across all browsers (counting app-mode windows) with the
same host piece when a load completes. {TotalTabCountBucket} is inclusive
and describes the total number of tabs when logging.
<token key="TotalTabCountBucket">
<variant name="0to5" summary=""/>
<variant name="6to10" summary=""/>
<variant name="10to15" summary=""/>
<variant name="16to20" summary=""/>
<variant name="21to30" summary=""/>
<variant name="31to40" summary=""/>
<variant name="41to60" summary=""/>
<variant name="61to80" summary=""/>
<variant name="81to100" summary=""/>
<variant name="101to150" summary=""/>
<variant name="151to200" summary=""/>
<variant name="201to300" summary=""/>
<variant name="301to400" summary=""/>
<variant name="401to500" summary=""/>
<variant name="500+" summary=""/>
<histogram name="Tabs.TabCountPerLoad" units="tabs" expires_after="2021-07-31">
The number of tabs open in all browsers (counting app-mode windows) when a
load completes.
This is basically the average number of tabs over time.
See also MPArch.RPHCountPerLoad for the number of processes used by these
<histogram name="Tabs.TabCountPerWindow" units="tabs"
The number of tabs open per window (counting app-mode windows) when a load
This value will be recorded multiple times per load if more than one window
is open.
<histogram name="Tabs.TabOffsetOfSwitch{TabOffsetOfSwitchComponentList}"
units="units" expires_after="M85">
How many tabs a user moved forward or backward in the Android tab switcher.
Logged by the Android tab switcher when a user switches tabs (other than by
opening a new tab). If the user switches to an earlier tab in the stack, we
log a positive offset value indicating how many tabs back they moved. If the
user switches to a later tab, we log a negative offset value. If the user
stays on the same tab, we log 0. If the user switches to a tab in a
different stack (i.e. they switch from normal to incognito or vice-versa),
we don't log a value.
<token key="TabOffsetOfSwitchComponentList">
<variant name="">
Base histogram. Use suffixes of this histogram instead.
<variant name=".GridTabSwitcher" summary="Tab switcher in grid layout"/>
<variant name=".TabGridSheet"
summary="The bottom sheet that show a list of Tabs in a grid">
Unused as of 11/2019, sheet UI is no longer used.
<variant name=".TabStrip" summary="The TabStrip componets"/>
<histogram name="Tabs.TabSearch.CloseAction" enum="TabSearchCloseActions"
Tab Search is a feature that allows users to better search for and switch to
their desired tabs. The Tab Search UI is shown in a bubble anchored to an
element of the UI in the browser window.
The bubble is dismissed when it loses focus or the escape key is pressed.
This metric tracks if the UI bubble was dismissed as a result of an action
taken from within the UI (such as switching to an open tab) or dismissed
without direct interaction with the Tab Search UI.
<histogram name="Tabs.TabSearch.NumTabsClosedPerInstance" units="tabs"
Tab Search is a feature that allows users to better search their browsers
for their desired tabs and close any currently open tabs. This records the
number of tabs closed from a single instance of the UI (the number of tabs
closed from within Tab Search in the time between when the UI is open and
when it is closed).
<histogram name="Tabs.TabSearch.NumTabsOnOpen" units="tabs"
Tab Search is a feature that allows users to better search their browsers
for their desired tabs. It can be opened and closed. This records the number
of tabs there are in the payload Tab Search is sent when it is first opened.
<histogram name="Tabs.TabSearch.NumWindowsOnOpen" units="windows"
Tab Search is a feature that allows users to better search their browsers
for their desired tabs. It can be opened and closed. This records the number
of windows there are in the payload Tab Search is sent when it is first
<histogram name="Tabs.TabSearch.OpenAction" enum="TabSearchOpenActions"
Tab Search is a feature that allows users to better search for and switch to
their desired tabs. The Tab Search UI is shown in a bubble anchored to an
element of the UI in the browser window.
The bubble can be invoked via a number of different means including mouse
click, keyboard navigation, keyboard shortcut or touch gesture. This metric
tracks the kind of action the user took to invoke the Tab Search bubble UI.
<histogram name="Tabs.TabSearch.PageHandlerConstructionDelay" units="ms"
Tab Search is a feature that allows users to better search for and switch to
their desired tabs. The Tab Search UI is shown in a bubble anchored to an
element of the UI in the browser window.
When the WebUIController is first created it waits for the WebUI code in the
renderer process to request the creation of the TabSearchPageHandler. This
metric tracks the time between when the WebUIController was constructed to
when the TabSearchPageHandler begins construction. This metric is emitted
right before the TabSearchPageHandler's constructor is called.
<histogram name="Tabs.TabSearch.WebUI.IndexOf{Action}TabIn{State}List"
units="tabs" expires_after="M90">
Tab Search is a feature that allows users to better search their browsers
for their desired tabs and close any currently open tabs.
This records the index at which a {Action} has been performed on a tab in
Tab Search's tab list in a {State} state.
<token key="Action">
<variant name="Close"/>
<variant name="Switch"/>
<token key="State">
<variant name="Filtered" summary="Filtered by user search query."/>
<variant name="Unfiltered" summary="Unfiltered by user search query."/>
<histogram name="Tabs.TabSearch.WebUI.InitialTabsRenderTime" units="ms"
Records the time taken to load the Tab Search WebUI and render (at least)
the initial list of tabs. This is roughly equivalent to 'time to first
meaningful paint' for the Tab Search UI.
<histogram name="Tabs.TabSearch.WebUI.LoadCompletedTime" units="ms"
The amount of time between the render frame host StartProvisionalLoad event
and the render frame DocumentOnLoadCompleted event for the Tab Search WebUI
<histogram name="Tabs.TabSearch.WebUI.LoadDocumentTime" units="ms"
The amount of time between the render frame host StartProvisionalLoad and
DidFinishDocumentLoad events for the Tab Search WebUI page.
<histogram name="Tabs.TabSearch.WebUI.TabListDataReceived" units="ms"
The time taken for the WebUI in the renderer to receive the full list of
tabs for the current user profile. This is measured as the time from when
the data was first requested by the WebUI to when the data was received by
the WebUI.
<histogram name="Tabs.TabSearch.WebUI.TabSwitchAction"
enum="TabSearchTabSwitchAction" expires_after="M90">
Tab Search is a feature that allows users to better search their browsers
for and switch to their desired tabs. This records whether the user used Tab
Search to switch to a tab from a filtered search results list or the default
unfiltered list.
<histogram name="Tabs.TabSearch.WindowDisplayedDuration2" units="ms"
Deprecated as of 2020/11. The way the metric is emitted has changed.
Tab Search is a feature that allows users to better search their browsers
for their desired tabs. It can be opened and closed. This records the amount
of time between when a Tab Search bubble is opened and when it is closed. It
does so by recording the difference in time between when the Tab Search's
bubble is first shown and when the bubble's destructor is called.
The Tab Search UI is a bubble anchored to an element within a browser window
and is closed if the user switches to a tab, presses the escape key or
performs an action to return focus to the hosting window. The Tab Search UI
bubble will also close if the hosting browser window is closed or crashes.
Users may leave the bubble open for long periods of time without directly
interacting with the UI which could result in a long tail of displayed
<histogram name="Tabs.TabSearch.WindowDisplayedDuration3" units="ms"
Tab Search is a feature that allows users to better search their browsers
for their desired tabs. It can be opened and closed. This records the amount
of time between when a Tab Search bubble is opened and when it is closed. It
does so by recording the difference in time between when the the hosting
WebUIBubbleDialogView's Widget is first created and when the widget is
The Tab Search UI is a bubble anchored to an element within a browser window
and is closed if the user switches to a tab, presses the escape key or
performs an action to return focus to the hosting window. The Tab Search UI
bubble will also close if the hosting browser window is closed or crashes.
Users may leave the bubble open for long periods of time without directly
interacting with the UI which could result in a long tail of displayed
<histogram name="Tabs.TabSearch.WindowTimeToShowCachedWebView" units="ms"
Tab Search is a feature that allows users to better search for and switch to
their desired tabs. The Tab Search UI is shown in a bubble anchored to an
element of the UI in the browser window.
This tracks the time between when the Tab Search WebUI bubble widget is
first created and when it is first shown to users. This metric is only
logged if a previously cached WebView is used for the construction of the
bubble widget. This metric is emitted when the bubble window is first
<histogram name="Tabs.TabSearch.WindowTimeToShowUncachedWebView" units="ms"
Tab Search is a feature that allows users to better search for and switch to
their desired tabs. The Tab Search UI is shown in a bubble anchored to an
element of the UI in the browser window.
This tracks the time between when the Tab Search WebUI bubble widget is
first created and when it is first shown to users. This metric is only
logged if a new WebView was created for the construction of the bubble
widget. This metric is emitted when the bubble window is first revealed.
<histogram name="Tabs.TabsStatsDailyEventInterval"
enum="DailyEventIntervalType" expires_after="M77">
Counts how often tab stats daily interval events were fired.
<histogram name="Tabs.Tasks.AverageTabGroupSize" units="tabs"
The average tab group size, average number of tabs in a group, on a cold
start after all tabs are restored.
<histogram name="Tabs.Tasks.DuplicatedTab.DuplicatedTabCount" units="tabs"
During tab restoration, a tab is considered as a duplicated tab when it has
an identical url with another restored tab.
This histogram records the number of duplicated tabs on a cold start after
all tabs are restored. The possible range for this number is from 0 to total
number of restored tabs minus 1. In other words, this number is equals to
total number of restored tabs minus the number of unique URLs.
<histogram name="Tabs.Tasks.DuplicatedTab.DuplicatedTabRatio" units="%"
During tab restoration, a tab is considered as a duplicated tab when it has
an identical url with another restored tab.
This histogram records the ratio of duplicated tabs to the total number of
tabs on a cold start after all tabs are restored. This ratio will never
reach 100%, since the highest possible number of duplicated tabs is total
number of restored tabs minus 1.
units="spokes" expires_after="2020-06-01">
The cumulative number of &quot;spokes&quot; from any &quot;hub&quot; page in
every tab. A &quot;hub&quot; is any page that the user navigates away from,
and a &quot;spoke&quot; is a page that's navigated to. The
&quot;spokes&quot; count is incremented and recorded each time the user
navigates back to a &quot;hub&quot; page via navigation back button and then
navigates to a new &quot;spoke&quot;. {HubAndSpokeNavigationUsageType}
<token key="HubAndSpokeNavigationUsageType">
<variant name=""/>
<variant name=".FromDefaultSearchEngine"
summary="User navigates to a new page from default search engine
result page"/>
<variant name=".FromFormSubmit"
summary="User navigates to a new page from a form submit page"/>
<variant name=".FromOther"
summary="User navigates to a new page from a page other than a
default search engine result page or a form submit page"/>
<histogram name="Tabs.Tasks.TabCreated.Count{TabCreatedReason}" units="tabs"
This recorded value is the number of currently open tabs that were created
from a given source. This is recorded when entering the tab switcher mode.
<token key="TabCreatedReason" variants="TabCreatedReason">
<variant name="">
Base histogram. Use suffixes of this histogram instead.
<histogram name="Tabs.Tasks.TabCreated.Percent{TabCreatedReason}" units="%"
The recorded value is the percentage of the number of currently open tabs
that are created from a given source, relative to the total number of
currently open tabs. This is recorded when entering the tab switcher mode.
<token key="TabCreatedReason" variants="TabCreatedReason">
<variant name="">
Base histogram. Use suffixes of this histogram instead.
<histogram name="Tabs.Tasks.TabGroupCount" units="groups" expires_after="M85">
The number of tab groups on a cold start after all tabs are restored.
<histogram name="Tabs.Tasks.TabGroupDensity" units="%" expires_after="M85">
The tab group density, the ratio of the number of tab groups to the total
number of tabs, on a cold start after all tabs are restored.
<histogram name="Tabs.Tasks.TabsInGroupCount" units="tabs" expires_after="M85">
The number of tabs is belonging to a tab group on a cold start after all
tabs are restored.
<histogram name="Tabs.Tasks.TabsInGroupRatio" units="%" expires_after="M85">
The ratio of all tabs in tab groups to the total number of tabs on a cold
start after all tabs are restored.
<histogram name="Tabs.TimeSinceLastView.OnTabClobber" units="seconds"
When a tab is revisited and subsequently the omnibox is focused within a
certain threshold of time, this reports the amount of time in seconds that
has passed since the last user engagement with the tab. Currently
<histogram name="Tabs.TimeSinceLastView.OnTabClose" units="seconds"
When a tab is closed, this reports the amount of time in seconds that has
passed since the last user engagement with the tab. Currently Android-only.
<histogram name="Tabs.TimeSinceLastView.OnTabView" units="seconds"
When a tab is revisited, this reports the amount of time in seconds that has
passed since the last user engagement with the tab. Currently Android-only.
units="tabs" expires_after="M95">
The number of tabs that haven't been interacted with, visible or audible
over a given interval time, but which no longer exist at all at the end of
this interval. {Tabs_TabUsageIntervalLength}
<token key="Tabs_TabUsageIntervalLength"
<variant name="">
Base histogram. Use suffixes of this histogram instead.
<histogram name="Tabs.UnusedInInterval.Count{Tabs_TabUsageIntervalLength}"
units="tabs" expires_after="M95">
The number of tabs that haven't been interacted with, visible or audible or
visible during a given interval of time and still exist at the end of this
interval. {Tabs_TabUsageIntervalLength}
<token key="Tabs_TabUsageIntervalLength"
<variant name="">
Base histogram. Use suffixes of this histogram instead.
units="tabs" expires_after="M95">
The number of tabs that have been interacted with, visible or audible over a
given interval of time, but which no longer exist at all at the end of this
interval. {Tabs_TabUsageIntervalLength}
<token key="Tabs_TabUsageIntervalLength"
<variant name="">
Base histogram. Use suffixes of this histogram instead.
<histogram name="Tabs.UsedInInterval.Count{Tabs_TabUsageIntervalLength}"
units="tabs" expires_after="M95">
The number of tabs that have been interacted with, visible or audible during
a given interval of time, includes tabs that don't exist at the end of this
interval. {Tabs_TabUsageIntervalLength}
<token key="Tabs_TabUsageIntervalLength"
<variant name="">
Base histogram. Use suffixes of this histogram instead.
<histogram name="Tabs.WindowCount" units="tabs" expires_after="never">
<!-- expires-never: -->
Counts the number of Chrome windows, reported every 5 minutes. Desktop only.
<histogram name="Tabs.WindowWidth" units="DIPs" expires_after="2021-06-20">
The width of each open browser window, in DIPs, reported every 5 minutes.
Desktop only.
<histogram name="TabStrip.PaintChildrenDuration" units="microseconds"
Total time spent in each call of TabStrip::PaintChildren(). This comprises
the paint time for all parts of the TabStrip that do not paint to their own
layers. This is recorded at the end of TabStrip::PaintChildren(), when all
child views are finished painting.
As of writing (May 17, 2019), this always includes the tab backgrounds,
strokes, labels, close buttons. The tab icons and new tab button sometimes
paint to their own layer; in frames where this is so, their times won't be
included here.
<histogram name="TabStrip.ReasonToShow" enum="TabStripReasonToShow"
When conditional tab strip shows, records which kind of intentional
tab-related action triggered it.
<histogram name="TabStrip.Tab.Icon.PaintDuration" units="microseconds"
Time spent painting a tab icon. This includes a page's favicon and loading
animation (when loading). This is recorded at the end of TabIcon::OnPaint().
<histogram name="TabStrip.TabCountOnPageLoad" units="tabs"
This histogram records the number of tabs within the group during page load.
If the loading happens in a tab that does not belong to a group, we log 0.
Else, we log a positive number &gt;= 2.
<histogram name="TabStrip.TimeToSwitch" units="ms" expires_after="2021-05-09">
The amount of time from cursor entering the tabstrip to first click on a tab
to switch.
This will exclude some kinds of switching (hotkeys, between windows) where
it would be difficult to define a start time. Entering the tabstrip is an
approximation which will vary between users, but should still be useful for
A/B comparison.
<histogram name="TabStrip.UserStatus" enum="TabStripUserStatus"
A tab strip session starts when the last time Chrome comes to the foreground
was more than an hour ago. At the beginning of a tab strip session, records
the user status of conditional tab strip feature in the last tab strip