blob: 997a86bfbcd9520c266068d0692a609eb59f29e2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "chrome/test/base/in_process_browser_test.h"
#include "net/test/embedded_test_server/embedded_test_server.h"
#include "ui/events/keycodes/keyboard_codes.h"
namespace content {
class WebContents;
class Browser;
class FullscreenKeyboardBrowserTestBase : public InProcessBrowserTest {
FullscreenKeyboardBrowserTestBase(const FullscreenKeyboardBrowserTestBase&) =
FullscreenKeyboardBrowserTestBase& operator=(
const FullscreenKeyboardBrowserTestBase&) = delete;
~FullscreenKeyboardBrowserTestBase() override;
// InProcessBrowserTest override;
void SetUpOnMainThread() override;
// BrowserTestBase override
void SetUpCommandLine(base::CommandLine* command_line) override;
// Overridable to allow for custom test servers.
virtual net::EmbeddedTestServer* GetEmbeddedTestServer();
// Starts |kFullscreenKeyboardLockHTML| in a new tab and waits for load.
void StartFullscreenLockPage();
// Sends a control or command + |key| shortcut to the focused window. Shift
// modifier will be added if |shift| is true.
void SendShortcut(ui::KeyboardCode key, bool shift = false);
// Sends a control or command + shift + |key| shortcut to the focused window.
void SendShiftShortcut(ui::KeyboardCode key);
// Sends a fullscreen shortcut to the focused window and wait for the
// operation to take effect.
void SendFullscreenShortcutAndWait();
// Sends a KeyS to the focused window to trigger JavaScript fullscreen and
// wait for the operation to take effect.
void SendJsFullscreenShortcutAndWait();
// Sends an ESC to the focused window.
void SendEscape();
// Sends an ESC to the focused window to exit JavaScript fullscreen and wait
// for the operation to take effect.
void SendEscapeAndWaitForExitingFullscreen();
// Sends a set of preventable shortcuts to the web page and expects them to be
// prevented.
void SendShortcutsAndExpectPrevented();
// Sends a set of preventable shortcuts to the web page and expects them to
// not be prevented. If |js_fullscreen| is true, the test will use
// SendJsFullscreenShortcutAndWait() to trigger the fullscreen mode. Otherwise
// SendFullscreenShortcutAndWait() will be used.
void SendShortcutsAndExpectNotPrevented(bool js_fullscreen);
// Sends multiple shortcuts using the current window mode (i.e. fullscreen)
// and verifies they have no effect on the current browser instance.
void VerifyShortcutsAreNotPrevented();
// Sends a magic KeyX to the focused window to stop the test case, receives
// the result and verifies if it is equal to |expected_result_|.
void FinishTestAndVerifyResult();
// Returns whether the active tab is in html fullscreen mode.
bool IsActiveTabFullscreen() const;
// Returns whether the GetActiveBrowser() is in browser fullscreen mode.
bool IsInBrowserFullscreen() const;
content::WebContents* GetActiveWebContents() const;
// Gets the current active tab index.
int GetActiveTabIndex() const;
// Gets the count of tabs in current browser.
int GetTabCount() const;
// Gets the count of browser instances.
size_t GetBrowserCount() const;
// Gets the last active Browser instance.
Browser* GetActiveBrowser() const;
// Creates a new browser instance. Returns a pointer to the new instance.
Browser* CreateNewBrowserInstance();
// Ensures GetActiveBrowser() is focused.
void FocusOnLastActiveBrowser();
// Waits until the count of Browser instances becomes |expected|.
void WaitForBrowserCount(size_t expected);
// Waits until the count of the tabs in active Browser instance becomes
// |expected|.
void WaitForTabCount(int expected);
// Waits until the index of active tab in active Browser instance becomes
// |expected|.
void WaitForActiveTabIndex(int expected);
// Waits until the index of active tab in active Browser instance is not
// |expected|.
void WaitForInactiveTabIndex(int expected);
// Returns the path for the fullscreen webpage used for testing.
std::string GetFullscreenFramePath();
// The expected output from the web page. This string is generated by
// appending key presses from Send* functions above.
std::string expected_result_;