blob: 462753393760dc4bf00449b5a29a0f115160b943 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <list>
#include <string>
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/hash_tables.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/stl_util.h"
namespace base {
class Value;
} // namespace base
namespace extensions {
// Factory class that stores a cache of the last |N| created objects of each
// kind. These objects need to be immutable, refcounted objects that are derived
// from BaseClassT. The objects do not need to be RefCountedThreadSafe. If a new
// instance of an object is created that is identical to a pre-existing object,
// it is discarded and the pre-existing object is recycled.
// BaseClassT needs to provide a comparison operations. Like the following:
// class BaseClassT {
// virtual bool Equals(const BaseClassT* other) const;
// };
// The unit test shows an example.
template<typename BaseClassT>
class DedupingFactory {
// Factory methods for BaseClass instances. |value| contains e.g. the json
// dictionary that describes the object to be instantiated. |error| is used
// to return error messages in case the extension passed an action that was
// syntactically correct but semantically incorrect. |bad_message| is set to
// true in case |dict| does not confirm to the validated JSON specification.
typedef scoped_refptr<const BaseClassT>
(* FactoryMethod)(const std::string& instance_type,
const base::Value* /* value */ ,
std::string* /* error */,
bool* /* bad_message */);
enum Parameterized {
// Two instantiated objects may be different and we need to check for
// equality to see whether we can recycle one.
// The objects are not parameterized, i.e. all created instances are the
// same and it is sufficient to create a single one.
// Creates a DedupingFactory with a MRU cache of size |max_number_prototypes|
// per instance_type. If we find a match within the cache, the factory reuses
// that instance instead of creating a new one. The cache size should not be
// too large because we probe linearly whether an element is in the cache.
explicit DedupingFactory(size_t max_number_prototypes);
void RegisterFactoryMethod(const std::string& instance_type,
Parameterized parameterized,
FactoryMethod factory_method);
scoped_refptr<const BaseClassT> Instantiate(const std::string& instance_type,
const base::Value* value,
std::string* error,
bool* bad_message);
void ClearPrototypes();
typedef std::string InstanceType;
// Cache of previous prototypes in most-recently-used order. Most recently
// used objects are at the end.
typedef std::list<scoped_refptr<const BaseClassT> > PrototypeList;
typedef base::hash_map<InstanceType, PrototypeList> ExistingPrototypes;
typedef base::hash_map<InstanceType, FactoryMethod> FactoryMethods;
typedef base::hash_set<InstanceType> ParameterizedTypes;
const size_t max_number_prototypes_;
ExistingPrototypes prototypes_;
FactoryMethods factory_methods_;
ParameterizedTypes parameterized_types_;
template<typename BaseClassT>
DedupingFactory<BaseClassT>::DedupingFactory(size_t max_number_prototypes)
: max_number_prototypes_(max_number_prototypes) {}
template<typename BaseClassT>
DedupingFactory<BaseClassT>::~DedupingFactory() {}
template<typename BaseClassT>
void DedupingFactory<BaseClassT>::RegisterFactoryMethod(
const std::string& instance_type,
typename DedupingFactory<BaseClassT>::Parameterized parameterized,
FactoryMethod factory_method) {
DCHECK(!ContainsKey(factory_methods_, instance_type));
factory_methods_[instance_type] = factory_method;
if (parameterized == IS_PARAMETERIZED)
template<typename BaseClassT>
scoped_refptr<const BaseClassT> DedupingFactory<BaseClassT>::Instantiate(
const std::string& instance_type,
const base::Value* value,
std::string* error,
bool* bad_message) {
typename FactoryMethods::const_iterator factory_method_iter =
if (factory_method_iter == factory_methods_.end()) {
*error = "Invalid instance type " + instance_type;
*bad_message = true;
return scoped_refptr<const BaseClassT>();
FactoryMethod factory_method = factory_method_iter->second;
PrototypeList& prototypes = prototypes_[instance_type];
// We can take a shortcut for objects that are not parameterized. For those
// only a single instance may ever exist so we can simplify the creation
// logic.
if (!ContainsKey(parameterized_types_, instance_type)) {
if (prototypes.empty()) {
scoped_refptr<const BaseClassT> new_object =
(*factory_method)(instance_type, value, error, bad_message);
if (!new_object || !error->empty() || *bad_message)
return scoped_refptr<const BaseClassT>();
return prototypes.front();
// Handle parameterized objects.
scoped_refptr<const BaseClassT> new_object =
(*factory_method)(instance_type, value, error, bad_message);
if (!new_object || !error->empty() || *bad_message)
return scoped_refptr<const BaseClassT>();
size_t length = 0;
for (typename PrototypeList::iterator i = prototypes.begin();
i != prototypes.end();
++i) {
if ((*i)->Equals(new_object.get())) {
// Move the old object to the end of the queue so that it gets
// discarded later.
scoped_refptr<const BaseClassT> old_object = *i;
return old_object;
if (length >= max_number_prototypes_)
return new_object;
template<typename BaseClassT>
void DedupingFactory<BaseClassT>::ClearPrototypes() {
} // namespace extensions