blob: 1229f08888d17a766d641a0b7c47a9ade48e90a9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "components/autofill_assistant/browser/actions/action.h"
#include "components/autofill_assistant/browser/batch_element_checker.h"
namespace autofill {
class AutofillProfile;
class CreditCard;
} // namespace autofill
namespace autofill_assistant {
// An action to autofill a form using a local address or credit card.
class AutofillAction : public Action {
explicit AutofillAction(const ActionProto& proto);
~AutofillAction() override;
enum FieldValueStatus { UNKNOWN, EMPTY, NOT_EMPTY };
// Overrides Action:
void InternalProcessAction(ActionDelegate* delegate,
ProcessActionCallback callback) override;
void EndAction(ProcessedActionStatusProto status);
// Fill the form using data in client memory. Return whether filling succeeded
// or not through OnAddressFormFilled or OnCardFormFilled.
void FillFormWithData(ActionDelegate* delegate);
void OnWaitForElement(ActionDelegate* delegate, bool element_found);
// Called after getting full credit card with its cvc.
void OnGetFullCard(ActionDelegate* delegate,
std::unique_ptr<autofill::CreditCard> card,
const base::string16& cvc);
// Called when the credit card form has been filled.
void OnCardFormFilled(bool successful);
// Called when the address form has been filled.
void OnAddressFormFilled(ActionDelegate* delegate, bool successful);
// Check whether all required fields have a non-empty value. If it is the
// case, finish the action successfully. If it's not and |allow_fallback|
// false, fail the action. If |allow_fallback| is true, try again by filling
// the failed fields without Autofill.
void CheckRequiredFields(ActionDelegate* delegate, bool allow_fallback);
// Triggers the check for a specific field.
void CheckRequiredFieldsSequentially(ActionDelegate* delegate,
bool allow_fallback,
int required_fields_index);
// Updates |required_fields_value_status_|.
void OnGetRequiredFieldValue(int required_fields_index,
bool exists,
const std::string& value);
// Called when all required fields have been checked.
void OnCheckRequiredFieldsDone(ActionDelegate* delegate, bool allow_fallback);
// Get the value of |address_field| associated to profile |profile|. Return
// empty string if there is no data available.
base::string16 GetAddressFieldValue(
const autofill::AutofillProfile* profile,
const UseAddressProto::RequiredField::AddressField& address_field);
// Sets fallback field values for empty fields from
// |required_fields_value_status_|.
void SetFallbackFieldValuesSequentially(ActionDelegate* delegate,
int required_fields_index);
// Called after trying to set form values without Autofill in case of fallback
// after failed validation.
void OnSetFallbackFieldValue(ActionDelegate* delegate,
int required_fields_index,
bool successful);
// Usage of the autofilled address. Ignored if autofilling a card.
std::string name_;
std::string prompt_;
Selector selector_;
std::string fill_form_message_;
std::string check_form_message_;
// True if autofilling a card, otherwise we are autofilling an address.
bool is_autofill_card_;
std::vector<FieldValueStatus> required_fields_value_status_;
std::unique_ptr<BatchElementChecker> batch_element_checker_;
ProcessActionCallback process_action_callback_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<AutofillAction> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace autofill_assistant