| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> |
| <grit-part> |
| |
| <!-- History UI --> |
| <message name="IDS_HISTORY_ACTION_MENU_DESCRIPTION" desc="Text used to identify the history entry drop-down menu for screen readers"> |
| Actions |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_HISTORY_BLOCKED_VISIT_TEXT" desc="Text that describes an attempted visit."> |
| Blocked attempt <ph name="BEGIN_LINK"><a target="_top" href="$1" id="$2"></ph> to visit a page on <ph name="DOMAIN">$3<ex>google.com</ex></ph><ph name="END_LINK"></a><ex></a></ex></ph>. |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_HISTORY_BROWSERESULTS" desc="Title of browsing results page"> |
| History |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_HISTORY_CONTINUED" desc="Shown after the date if the data is continued from the previous page"> |
| (Cont.) |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_HISTORY_DATE_WITH_RELATIVE_TIME" desc="In the history view, some dates are formatted as 'Today - Wednesday, Nov 7, 2007"> |
| <ph name="RELATIVE_DATE">$1<ex>Today</ex></ph> - <ph name="FULL_DATE">$2<ex>Wednesday, Nov 7, 2007</ex></ph> |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_HISTORY_DELETE_PRIOR_VISITS_CONFIRM_BUTTON" desc="Text for the button used to confirm the dialog asking if they would like to proceed with deletion."> |
| Remove |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_HISTORY_DELETE_PRIOR_VISITS_WARNING" desc="Warning shown before deleting visits from the history page (reminding the user they can also use incognito mode, which doesn't store history)"> |
| Are you sure you want to delete these pages from your history? |
| |
| Psst! Incognito mode <ph name="SHORTCUT_KEY">$1<ex>(Ctrl+Shift+N)</ex></ph> may come in handy next time. |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_HISTORY_DELETE_PRIOR_VISITS_WARNING_NO_INCOGNITO" desc="Warning shown before deleting from the history page"> |
| Are you sure you want to delete these pages from your history? |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_HISTORY_ENTRY_BOOKMARKED" desc="Whether a history entry is bookmarked."> |
| Bookmarked |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_HISTORY_ENTRY_SUMMARY" desc="Summary of all the fields in a history entry (time, whether the entry is bookmarked, title, and domain)."> |
| <ph name="TIME"><ex>3:14</ex>$1</ph> <ph name="BOOKMARKED"><ex>bookmarked</ex>$2</ph> <ph name="TITLE"><ex>PI: The Magical Number</ex>$3</ph> <ph name="DOMAIN"><ex>pi.com</ex>$4</ph> |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_HISTORY_FILTER_ALLOW_ITEMS" desc="Title of the button that allows the user to allow the selected history items"> |
| Allow items |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_HISTORY_FILTER_ALLOWED" desc="Text that shows that an entry is allowed."> |
| Allowed |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_HISTORY_FILTER_BLOCK_ITEMS" desc="Title of the button that allows the user to block the selected history items"> |
| Block items |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_HISTORY_FILTER_BLOCKED" desc="Text that shows that an entry is blocked."> |
| Blocked |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_HISTORY_FOUND_SEARCH_RESULTS" desc="Message shown when zero or multiple search results are found."> |
| Found <ph name="NUMBER_OF_RESULTS">$1</ph> <ph name="SEARCH_RESULTS"><ex>search results</ex>$2</ph> for '<ph name="SEARCH_STRING">$3</ph>'. |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_HISTORY_GROUP_BY_DOMAIN_LABEL" desc="Label for the checkbox that toggles the mode to group history visits by domain."> |
| Group domains |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_HISTORY_HAS_SYNCED_RESULTS" desc="The notification at the top of the history page indicating that it is showing visits synced from other devices."> |
| Showing history from your signed-in devices. <ph name="BEGIN_LINK"><a href="https://support.google.com/chrome/?p=sync_history&hl=[GRITLANGCODE]"></ph>Learn more<ph name="END_LINK"></a><ex></a></ex></ph> |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_HISTORY_IN_CONTENT_PACK" desc="Text that shows that an entry is in a content pack."> |
| In content pack |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_HISTORY_INTERVAL" desc="A history interval shown in the title. The dates are already localized strings."> |
| <ph name="START_DATE">$1<ex>Wednesday, Aug. 1, 2012</ex></ph> to <ph name="END_DATE">$2<ex>Thursday, Aug. 30, 2012</ex></ph> |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_HISTORY_LOADING" desc="Text shown when we're loading the user's history"> |
| Loading... |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_HISTORY_MORE_FROM_SITE" desc="Command in the history entry drop-down menu. Shows more history entries from the same site."> |
| More from this site |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_HISTORY_NEWER" desc="HTML text shown as page navigation tool to take the user back to the more recent page"> |
| Newer |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_HISTORY_NEWEST" desc="HTML text shown as page navigation tool to take the user to the top of their history"> |
| Newest |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_HISTORY_NO_RESULTS" desc="Text shown when no history entries are found."> |
| No history entries found. |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_HISTORY_NO_SEARCH_RESULTS" desc="Text shown when no history search results have been found"> |
| No search results found. |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_HISTORY_NO_SYNCED_RESULTS" desc="The notification at the top of the history page indicating that it does not include visits from other devices."> |
| Showing history from this device. <ph name="BEGIN_LINK"><a href="https://support.google.com/chrome/?p=sync_history&hl=[GRITLANGCODE]"></ph>Learn more<ph name="END_LINK"></a><ex></a></ex></ph> |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_HISTORY_NUMBER_VISITS" desc="Format string for the number of visits of a site."> |
| (<ph name="NUMBER_VISITS">$1<ex>3</ex></ph>) |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_HISTORY_OLDER" desc="HTML text shown as page navigation tool to take the user forward to their older history"> |
| Older |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_HISTORY_OPEN_CLEAR_BROWSING_DATA_DIALOG" desc="Title of the button that will open the clear browsing data dialog."> |
| Clear browsing data... |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_HISTORY_OTHER_DEVICES_X_MORE" desc="In the 'Other Sessions' section of the history page, the label for showing that X more tabs are available for a session."> |
| <ph name="NUM_TABS_MORE">$1<ex>42</ex></ph> more... |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_HISTORY_OTHER_SESSIONS_COLLAPSE_SESSION" desc="In the 'Other Sessions' menu on the history page, the label for the command to collapse (hide) the list of windows and tabs in a session."> |
| Collapse list |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_HISTORY_OTHER_SESSIONS_EXPAND_SESSION" desc="In the 'Other Sessions' menu on the history page, the label for the command to expand (uncollapse) the list of windows and tabs in a session."> |
| Expand list |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_HISTORY_OTHER_SESSIONS_OPEN_ALL" desc="In the 'Other Sessions' menu on the history page, the label for the command to open all tabs and windows from a session."> |
| Open all |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_HISTORY_RANGE_ALL_TIME" desc="Option in the history range button group. Shows results a page at a time, without grouping them by domain."> |
| All |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_HISTORY_RANGE_LABEL" desc="Label for the combo box that selects the time range."> |
| Show |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_HISTORY_RANGE_MONTH" desc="Option in the history range button group. Shows results grouped by month."> |
| Month |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_HISTORY_RANGE_NEXT" desc="The alt text on the button that moves the current time range forward."> |
| Next |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_HISTORY_RANGE_PREVIOUS" desc="The alt text on the button that moves the current time range backwards."> |
| Previous |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_HISTORY_RANGE_TODAY" desc="The text on the button that sets the current time range back to today."> |
| Today |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_HISTORY_RANGE_WEEK" desc="Option in the history range button group. Shows results grouped by week."> |
| Week |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_HISTORY_REMOVE_BOOKMARK" desc="Tooltip shown when hovered over a history entry's bookmark star. When clicked, removes the bookmark."> |
| Remove bookmark |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_HISTORY_REMOVE_PAGE" desc="Command in the history entry drop-down menu. Removes a page from the history."> |
| Remove from history |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_HISTORY_REMOVE_SELECTED_ITEMS" desc="Title of the button that allows the user to remove the selected history items"> |
| Remove selected items |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_HISTORY_SEARCH_BUTTON" desc="Title of the button in the history page that triggers a search"> |
| Search history |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_HISTORY_SEARCH_RESULT" desc="Used when a single result is found."> |
| search result |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_HISTORY_SEARCH_RESULTS" desc="Used when plural/multiple results are found."> |
| search results |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_HISTORY_SEARCHRESULTSFOR" desc="Format string for search results"> |
| Search results for '<ph name="SEARCH_STRING">$1</ph>' |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_HISTORY_TITLE" desc="Title for the history tab."> |
| History |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_HISTORY_UNKNOWN_DEVICE" desc="On the dropdown menu for a history entry, the text that is shown instead of a device name, when the device name is not known."> |
| Unknown device |
| </message> |
| |
| </grit-part> |