blob: f8a840d6d62f015f373596a8649a180e4a9dce7f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module mus.mojom;
import "components/mus/public/interfaces/compositor_frame.mojom";
import "components/mus/public/interfaces/input_events.mojom";
import "components/mus/public/interfaces/mus_constants.mojom";
import "components/mus/public/interfaces/surface_id.mojom";
import "components/mus/public/interfaces/window_manager_constants.mojom";
import "ui/mojo/geometry/geometry.mojom";
import "ui/mojo/ime/text_input_state.mojom";
struct ViewportMetrics {
mojo.Size size_in_pixels;
// A value of 0 indicates the real value is not yet available.
float device_pixel_ratio = 0.0;
struct WindowData {
uint32 parent_id;
uint32 window_id;
mojo.Rect bounds;
map<string, array<uint8>> properties;
// True if this window is visible. The window may not be drawn on screen (see
// drawn for specifics).
bool visible;
// True if this window is drawn on screen. A window is drawn if attached to
// the root and all ancestors (including this window) are visible.
bool drawn;
ViewportMetrics viewport_metrics;
enum ErrorCode {
// Each Window has support for two surfaces. Generally the |DEFAULT| surface
// is used. The |UNDERLAY| surface is useful if the owner of a window wants to
// to Embed() another client and at the same time draw something under the
// embedded apps representation.
enum SurfaceType {
// Only the owner of a window may obtain this surface.
// Only the embedded app may obtain this surface. If an app is not embedded
// in the Window than the owner may also render to this surface as well.
// Windows are identified by a uint32. The upper 16 bits are the connection id,
// and the lower 16 the id assigned by the client.
// The root window is identified with a connection id of 0, and value of 1.
// Most functions to the WindowTree take a change_id parameter. When
// WindowTree completes processing of a function WindowTree calls
// WindowTreeClient::OnChangeCompleted() with the change_id supplied by the
// client and the result of the function. This allows the client to track
// whether the call succeeded or not. Calls are done via the client interface
// rather than a callback to ensure ordering. The server does not interpret the
// change id in anyway, it is up to the client to assign a value and use it.
// Generally the change id is an ever increasing integer.
interface WindowTree {
enum AccessPolicy {
// An embed root has the following abilities:
// . The app sees all the descendants of the window the app is ebmedded at,
// even those from separate connections.
// . The app is able to Embed() in all the descendants of the window the app
// is embedded at, even those from separate connections.
// Only connections originating from the WindowTreeHostFactory can grant
// this policy.
// Creates a new window with the specified id. It is up to the client to
// ensure the id is unique to the connection (the id need not be globally
// unique). Additionally the connection id (embedded in |window_id|) must
// match that of the connection.
// Errors:
// ERROR_CODE_VALUE_IN_USE: a window already exists with the specified id.
// ERROR_CODE_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT: The connection part of |window_id| does not
// match the connection id of the client.
// TODO(erg): Once we have default values in mojo, make this take a map of
// properties.
NewWindow(uint32 change_id, uint32 window_id);
// Deletes a window. This does not recurse. No hierarchy change notifications
// are sent as a result of this. Only the connection that created the window
// can delete it.
DeleteWindow(uint32 window_id) => (bool success);
// Sets the specified bounds of the specified window.
SetWindowBounds(uint32 change_id, uint32 window_id, mojo.Rect bounds);
// Sets the insets of the client area of the specified window.
SetClientArea(uint32 window_id, mojo.Insets insets);
// Sets the visibility of the specified window to |visible|. Connections are
// allowed to change the visibility of any window they have created, as well
// as any of their roots.
SetWindowVisibility(uint32 window_id, bool visible) => (bool success);
// Sets an individual named property. Setting an individual property to null
// deletes the property.
SetWindowProperty(uint32 window_id,
string name,
array<uint8>? value) => (bool success);
// Requests a Surface for a particular window.
RequestSurface(uint32 window_id,
SurfaceType type,
Surface& surface,
SurfaceClient client);
// Reparents a window.
// This fails for any of the following reasons:
// . |parent| or |child| does not identify a valid window.
// . |child| is an ancestor of |parent|.
// . |child| is already a child of |parent|.
// This may result in a connection getting OnWindowDeleted(). See
// RemoveWindowFromParent for details.
AddWindow(uint32 parent, uint32 child) => (bool success);
// Removes a window from its current parent. This fails if the window is not
// valid or the window already has no parent.
// Removing a window from a parent may result in OnWindowDeleted() being sent
// to other connections. For example, connection A has windows 1 and 2, with 2
// a child of 1. Connection B has a root 1. If 2 is removed from 1 then B gets
// OnWindowDeleted(). This is done as window 2 is effectively no longer
// visible to connection B.
RemoveWindowFromParent(uint32 window_id) => (bool success);
// Ties the lifetime of |child| to the lifetime of |parent|. This also
// places |child| always on top of |parent|.
// This fails for any of the following reasons:
// . |window_id| or |transient_window_id| does not identify a valid window.
// . |transient_window_id| is an ancestor of |window_id|.
AddTransientWindow(uint32 change_id,
uint32 window_id,
uint32 transient_window_id);
// Decouples the lifetime of |transient_window_id| from its transient parent.
// This does not change transient window's position in the window hierarchy.
RemoveTransientWindowFromParent(uint32 change_id, uint32 transient_window_id);
// Reorders a window in its parent, relative to |relative_window_id| according
// to |direction|. Only the connection that created the window's parent can
// reorder its children.
ReorderWindow(uint32 window_id,
uint32 relative_window_id,
OrderDirection direction) => (bool success);
// Returns the windows comprising the tree starting at |window_id|.
// |window_id| is the first result in the return value, unless |window_id| is
// invalid, in which case an empty vector is returned. The windows are visited
// using a depth first search (pre-order).
GetWindowTree(uint32 window_id) => (array<WindowData> windows);
// A connection may grant access to another connection by way of Embed().
// Embed() results in the supplied WindowTreeClient being configured with a
// root window of |window_id|. The supplied WindowTreeClient may create child
// windows and do other various tree operations (including Embed()), but does
// not see nor have access to any of the windows above the embed point.
// The caller must have created |window_id|. If not the request fails and the
// response is false.
// When a connection embeds a WindowTreeClient the originating connection no
// longer has privileges to access or see any of the children of the window.
// If the window had existing children the children are removed. The one
// exception is the root connection and any connections with the policy
// A window may only have one embedding in it at a time. Subsequent calls to
// Embed() for the same window result in the currently embedded
// WindowTreeClient being removed. The embedded app is told this by way of
// OnUnembed(), which is followed by OnWindowDeleted() (as the connection no
// longer has access to the window).
// The embedder can detect when the embedded app disconnects by way of
// OnEmbeddedAppDisconnected().
// The callback returns whether the embedding was successful, and if the
// embedding was successful and the originating connection is an embed root
// the resulting id of the new connection.
// policy_bitmask is a bitmask of the kAccessPolicy constants. See them for
// details.
Embed(uint32 window_id,
WindowTreeClient client,
uint32 policy_bitmask) => (bool success, uint16 connection_id);
SetFocus(uint32 window_id);
// Set text input state for the given window.
SetWindowTextInputState(uint32 window_id, mojo.TextInputState state);
// Set the input method editor UI (software keyboard, etc) visibility.
// If state is non-null, the specified window's text input state is updated.
// Otherwise the existing state is used.
SetImeVisibility(uint32 window_id, bool visible, mojo.TextInputState? state);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This section is for functions that call through directly to the
// WindowManager. It is expected this will move into an associated interface.
// See window_manager.mojom for details of these functions.
// OpenWindow(WindowTreeClient client);
SetPreferredSize(uint32 window_id, mojo.Size size) =>
(WindowManagerErrorCode result);
SetShowState(uint32 window_id, ShowState show_state) =>
(WindowManagerErrorCode result);
SetResizeBehavior(uint32 window_id, ResizeBehavior resize_behavior);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This section is for functions called from the window manager. It is
// expected these will be pulled into an associated interface.
// The window manager has completed a request with the specific change id.
WmResponse(uint32 change_id, bool response);
// Changes to windows are not sent to the connection that originated the
// change. For example, if connection 1 changes the bounds of a window by
// calling SetWindowBounds(), connection 1 does not receive
// OnWindowBoundsChanged().
interface WindowTreeClient {
// Invoked when the client application has been embedded at |root|.
// See Embed() on WindowTree for more details. |tree| will be a handle back to
// the window manager service, unless the connection is to the root connection
// in which case it will be null.
OnEmbed(uint16 connection_id,
WindowData root,
WindowTree? tree,
uint32 focused_window,
uint32 access_policy);
// Invoked when the application embedded at |window| is disconnected. In other
// words the embedded app closes the connection to the server. This is called
// on the connection that created |window| as well as any ancestors that have
// the embed root policy.
OnEmbeddedAppDisconnected(uint32 window);
// Sent when another connection is embedded in the Window this connection was
// previously embedded in. See Embed() for more information.
// Invoked when a window's bounds have changed.
OnWindowBoundsChanged(uint32 window,
mojo.Rect old_bounds,
mojo.Rect new_bounds);
OnClientAreaChanged(uint32 window_id,
mojo.Insets old_client_area,
mojo.Insets new_client_area);
OnTransientWindowAdded(uint32 window_id,
uint32 transient_window_id);
OnTransientWindowRemoved(uint32 window_id,
uint32 transient_window_id);
// Invoked when the viewport metrics for the window have changed.
// Clients are expected to propagate this to the window tree.
OnWindowViewportMetricsChanged(ViewportMetrics old_metrics,
ViewportMetrics new_metrics);
// Invoked when a change is done to the hierarchy. A value of 0 is used to
// identify a null window. For example, if the old_parent is NULL, 0 is
// supplied.
// |windows| contains any windows that are that the client has not been told
// about. This is not sent for hierarchy changes of windows not known to this
// client or not attached to the tree.
OnWindowHierarchyChanged(uint32 window,
uint32 new_parent,
uint32 old_parent,
array<WindowData> windows);
// Invoked when the order of windows within a parent changes.
OnWindowReordered(uint32 window_id,
uint32 relative_window_id,
OrderDirection direction);
// Invoked when a window is deleted.
OnWindowDeleted(uint32 window);
// Invoked when the visibility of the specified window changes.
OnWindowVisibilityChanged(uint32 window, bool visible);
// Invoked when a change to the visibility of |window| or one if it's
// ancestors is done such that the drawn state changes. This is only invoked
// for the top most window of a particular connection. For example, if you
// have the hierarchy: A -> B1 -> B2 (B2 is a child of B1 and B1 a child of
// A), B1/B2 are from connection 2 and A from connection 1 with all windows
// visible and drawn and the visiblity of A changes to false, then connection
// 2 is told the drawn state of B1 has changed (to false), but is not told
// anything about B2 as it's drawn state can be calculated from that of B1.
// NOTE: This is not invoked if OnWindowVisibilityChanged() is invoked.
OnWindowDrawnStateChanged(uint32 window, bool drawn);
// Invoked when a window property is changed. If this change is a removal,
// |new_data| is null.
OnWindowSharedPropertyChanged(uint32 window,
string name,
array<uint8>? new_data);
// Invoked when an event is targeted at the specified window.
OnWindowInputEvent(uint32 window, Event event) => ();
OnWindowFocused(uint32 focused_window_id);
// A change initiated from the client has completed. See description of
// change ids for details.
OnChangeCompleted(uint32 change_id, bool success);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This section is for functions that are expected to be pulled into the
// WindowManager interface once we get associated interfaces.
// Calls to SetWindowBounds() for windows owned by the window manager end up
// here. The window manager should reply with WmResponse() as appropriate.
WmSetBounds(uint32 change_id, uint32 window_id, mojo.Rect bounds);