blob: 9d3362ae5f3947e38a07e6991f7e2f2dba49972d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/task/sequenced_task_runner.h"
#include "base/time/default_clock.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "components/download/public/common/download_item.h"
#include "components/offline_items_collection/core/offline_item.h"
#include "components/safe_browsing/buildflags.h"
#include "components/safe_browsing/content/common/proto/download_file_types.pb.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
#include "ui/base/models/image_model.h"
#include "ui/color/color_id.h"
#include "ui/gfx/vector_icon_types.h"
#include "chrome/browser/download/download_commands.h"
using offline_items_collection::ContentId;
class Profile;
namespace content {
class WebContents;
} // namespace content
namespace gfx {
class FontList;
} // namespace gfx
// This class is an abstraction for common UI tasks and properties associated
// with a download.
class DownloadUIModel {
// Abstract base class for building StatusText
class StatusTextBuilderBase {
virtual ~StatusTextBuilderBase() = default;
void SetModel(DownloadUIModel* model);
// Returns a short one-line status string for the download.
std::u16string GetStatusText(
download::DownloadItem::DownloadState state) const;
std::u16string GetCompletedRemovedOrSavedStatusText() const;
// Returns a string indicating the status of an in-progress download.
virtual std::u16string GetInProgressStatusText() const = 0;
// Returns a string indicating the status of a completed download.
virtual std::u16string GetCompletedStatusText() const = 0;
// Returns a string representation of the current download progress sizes.
// If the total size of the download is known, this string looks like:
// "100/200 MB" where the numerator is the transferred size and the
// denominator is the total size. If the total isn't known, returns the
// transferred size as a string (e.g.: "100 MB").
virtual std::u16string GetProgressSizesString() const = 0;
// Returns a string indicating the status of an interrupted download.
virtual std::u16string GetInterruptedStatusText(
offline_items_collection::FailState fail_state) const;
// Returns a short string indicating why the download failed.
virtual std::u16string GetFailStateMessage(
offline_items_collection::FailState fail_state) const;
// Unknowned model to create statuses.
raw_ptr<DownloadUIModel> model_ = nullptr;
// Used in Download shelf and page, default option.
class StatusTextBuilder : public StatusTextBuilderBase {
std::u16string GetInProgressStatusText() const override;
std::u16string GetCompletedStatusText() const override;
std::u16string GetProgressSizesString() const override;
// Used in Download bubble.
class BubbleStatusTextBuilder : public StatusTextBuilderBase {
std::u16string GetInProgressStatusText() const override;
std::u16string GetCompletedStatusText() const override;
std::u16string GetInterruptedStatusText(
offline_items_collection::FailState fail_state) const override;
std::u16string GetProgressSizesString() const override;
static std::u16string GetBubbleStatusMessageWithBytes(
const std::u16string& bytes_substring,
const std::u16string& detail_message,
bool is_active);
std::u16string GetBubbleWarningStatusText() const;
struct BubbleUIInfo {
struct SubpageButton {
DownloadCommands::Command command;
std::u16string label;
bool is_prominent = false;
SubpageButton(DownloadCommands::Command command,
std::u16string label,
bool is_prominent);
struct QuickAction {
DownloadCommands::Command command;
std::u16string hover_text;
raw_ptr<const gfx::VectorIcon> icon = nullptr;
QuickAction(DownloadCommands::Command command,
const std::u16string& hover_text,
const gfx::VectorIcon* icon);
// has a progress bar and a cancel button.
bool has_progress_bar = false;
bool is_progress_bar_looping = false;
// kColorAlertHighSeverity, kColorAlertMediumSeverityIcon, or
// kColorSecondaryForeground
ui::ColorId secondary_color = ui::kColorSecondaryForeground;
// Color used for alert text, which may be different from |secondary_color|,
// used for icons. If this is nullopt, |secondary_color| will be used for
// text.
absl::optional<ui::ColorId> secondary_text_color = absl::nullopt;
// Override icon
raw_ptr<const gfx::VectorIcon> icon_model_override = nullptr;
// Subpage summary of the download warning
bool has_subpage = false;
std::u16string warning_summary;
// Label for the checkbox, empty if no checkbox is needed
bool has_checkbox = false;
std::u16string checkbox_label;
// The command for the primary button
absl::optional<DownloadCommands::Command> primary_button_command;
// List of quick actions
std::vector<QuickAction> quick_actions;
// Subpage buttons
std::vector<SubpageButton> subpage_buttons;
// The subpage exists if the summary exists.
explicit BubbleUIInfo(const std::u16string& summary);
// If no subpage, the progress bar may exist.
explicit BubbleUIInfo(bool has_progress_bar);
BubbleUIInfo(const BubbleUIInfo&);
BubbleUIInfo& AddIconAndColor(const gfx::VectorIcon& vector_icon,
ui::ColorId color_id);
BubbleUIInfo& AddSecondaryTextColor(ui::ColorId color_id);
BubbleUIInfo& AddPrimaryButton(DownloadCommands::Command command);
BubbleUIInfo& AddCheckbox(const std::u16string& label);
// Add button to the subpage. Only two buttons are supported.
// The first one added is the primary, and the second one the secondary.
// The checkbox, if present, controls the secondary.
BubbleUIInfo& AddSubpageButton(const std::u16string& label,
DownloadCommands::Command command,
bool is_prominent);
BubbleUIInfo& SetProgressBarLooping();
BubbleUIInfo& AddQuickAction(DownloadCommands::Command command,
const std::u16string& label,
const gfx::VectorIcon* icon);
ui::ColorId GetColorForSecondaryText() const;
using DownloadUIModelPtr = std::unique_ptr<DownloadUIModel>;
explicit DownloadUIModel(
std::unique_ptr<StatusTextBuilderBase> status_text_builder);
DownloadUIModel(const DownloadUIModel&) = delete;
DownloadUIModel& operator=(const DownloadUIModel&) = delete;
virtual ~DownloadUIModel();
// Delegate for a single DownloadUIModel.
class Delegate {
virtual void OnDownloadUpdated() {}
virtual void OnDownloadOpened() {}
virtual void OnDownloadDestroyed(const ContentId& id) {}
virtual ~Delegate() = default;
void SetDelegate(Delegate* delegate);
base::WeakPtr<DownloadUIModel> GetWeakPtr();
// Does this download have a MIME type (either explicit or inferred from its
// extension) suggesting that it is a supported image type?
bool HasSupportedImageMimeType() const;
// Returns a string representation of the current download progress sizes.
// If the total size of the download is known, this string looks like:
// "100/200 MB" where the numerator is the transferred size and the
// denominator is the total size. If the total isn't known, returns the
// transferred size as a string (e.g.: "100 MB").
std::u16string GetProgressSizesString() const;
// Returns a long descriptive string for a download that's in the INTERRUPTED
// state. For other downloads, the returned string will be empty.
std::u16string GetInterruptDescription() const;
// Returns a status string for the download history page.
std::u16string GetHistoryPageStatusText() const;
// Returns a short one-line status string for the download.
std::u16string GetStatusText() const;
std::u16string GetStatusTextForLabel(const gfx::FontList& font_list,
float available_pixel_width) const;
// Returns a string suitable for use as a tooltip. For a regular download, the
// tooltip is the filename. For an interrupted download, the string states the
// filename and a short description of the reason for interruption. For
// example:
// Report.pdf
// Network disconnected
std::u16string GetTooltipText() const;
// Get the warning text to display for a dangerous download. |filename| is the
// (possibly-elided) filename; if it is present in the resulting string,
// |offset| will be set to the starting position of the filename.
std::u16string GetWarningText(const std::u16string& filename,
size_t* offset) const;
// Get the caption text for a button for confirming a dangerous download
// warning.
std::u16string GetWarningConfirmButtonText() const;
// Get the text to display for the button to show item in folder on download
// history page.
std::u16string GetShowInFolderText() const;
// Returns the profile associated with this download.
virtual Profile* profile() const;
// Returns the content id associated with this download.
virtual ContentId GetContentId() const;
// Returns the localized status text for an in-progress download. This
// is the progress status used in the WebUI interface.
virtual std::u16string GetTabProgressStatusText() const;
// Get the number of bytes that has completed so far.
virtual int64_t GetCompletedBytes() const;
// Get the total number of bytes for this download. Should return 0 if the
// total size of the download is not known. Virtual for testing.
virtual int64_t GetTotalBytes() const;
// Rough percent complete. Returns -1 if the progress is unknown.
virtual int PercentComplete() const;
// Is this considered a dangerous download?
virtual bool IsDangerous() const;
// Is this considered a malicious download? Implies IsDangerous().
virtual bool MightBeMalicious() const;
// Is this considered a malicious download with very high confidence?
// Implies IsDangerous() and MightBeMalicious().
virtual bool IsMalicious() const;
// Is this download an insecure download, but not something more severe?
// Implies IsDangerous() and !IsMalicious().
virtual bool IsInsecure() const;
// Returns |true| if this download is expected to complete successfully and
// thereafter be removed from the shelf. Downloads that are opened
// automatically or are temporary will be removed from the shelf on successful
// completion.
// Returns |false| if the download is not expected to complete (interrupted,
// cancelled, dangerous, malicious), or won't be removed on completion.
// Since the expectation of successful completion may change, the return value
// of this function will change over the course of a download.
virtual bool ShouldRemoveFromShelfWhenComplete() const;
// Returns |true| if the download started animation (big download arrow
// animates down towards the shelf) should be displayed for this download.
// Downloads that were initiated via "Save As" or are extension installs don't
// show the animation.
virtual bool ShouldShowDownloadStartedAnimation() const;
// Returns |true| if this download should be displayed in the downloads shelf.
virtual bool ShouldShowInShelf() const;
// Change whether the download should be displayed on the downloads
// shelf. Setting this is only effective if the download hasn't already been
// displayed in the shelf.
virtual void SetShouldShowInShelf(bool should_show);
// Returns |true| if the UI should be notified when the download is ready to
// be presented in the UI. Note that this is independent of
// ShouldShowInShelf() since there might be actions other than showing in the
// shelf that the UI must perform.
virtual bool ShouldNotifyUI() const;
// Returns |true| if the UI has been notified about this download. By default,
// this value is |false| and should be changed explicitly using
// SetWasUINotified().
virtual bool WasUINotified() const;
// Change what's returned by WasUINotified().
virtual void SetWasUINotified(bool should_notify);
// Returns |true| if the download was actioned on. This governs if the
// download should be shown in the Download Bubble's partial view.
virtual bool WasActionedOn() const;
// Change what's returned by WasActionedOn().
virtual void SetActionedOn(bool actioned_on);
// Returns |true| if the Download Bubble UI has shown this download warning.
// By default, this value is |false| and should be changed explicitly using
// SetWasUIWarningShown().
virtual bool WasUIWarningShown() const;
// Change what's returned by WasUIWarningShown().
virtual void SetWasUIWarningShown(bool was_ui_warning_shown);
// If this is an ephemeral warning, returns when the bubble first displayed
// the warning. If the warning has not yet shown (or this isn't an ephemeral
// warning), it returns no value. This does not persist across restarts.
virtual absl::optional<base::Time> GetEphemeralWarningUiShownTime() const;
virtual void SetEphemeralWarningUiShownTime(absl::optional<base::Time> time);
// Returns |true| if opening in the browser is preferred for this download. If
// |false|, the download should be opened with the system default application.
virtual bool ShouldPreferOpeningInBrowser();
// Change what's returned by ShouldPreferOpeningInBrowser to |preference|.
virtual void SetShouldPreferOpeningInBrowser(bool preference);
// Return the danger level determined during download target determination.
// The value returned here is independent of the danger level as determined by
// the Safe Browsing.
virtual safe_browsing::DownloadFileType::DangerLevel GetDangerLevel() const;
// Change what's returned by GetDangerLevel().
virtual void SetDangerLevel(
safe_browsing::DownloadFileType::DangerLevel danger_level);
// Return the mixed content status determined during download target
// determination.
virtual download::DownloadItem::InsecureDownloadStatus
GetInsecureDownloadStatus() const;
// Open the download using the platform handler for the download. The behavior
// of this method will be different from DownloadItem::OpenDownload() if
// ShouldPreferOpeningInBrowser().
virtual void OpenUsingPlatformHandler();
// Whether the download was removed and this is currently being undone.
virtual bool IsBeingRevived() const;
// Set whether the download is being revived.
virtual void SetIsBeingRevived(bool is_being_revived);
// Returns the DownloadItem if this is a regular download, or nullptr
// otherwise.
virtual const download::DownloadItem* GetDownloadItem() const;
download::DownloadItem* GetDownloadItem();
// Returns the file-name that should be reported to the user.
virtual base::FilePath GetFileNameToReportUser() const;
// Target path of an in-progress download.
// May be empty if the target path hasn't yet been determined.
virtual base::FilePath GetTargetFilePath() const;
// Opens the file associated with this download. If the download is
// still in progress, marks the download to be opened when it is complete.
virtual void OpenDownload();
// Returns the current state of the download.
virtual download::DownloadItem::DownloadState GetState() const;
// Returns whether the download is currently paused.
virtual bool IsPaused() const;
// Returns the danger type associated with this download.
virtual download::DownloadDangerType GetDangerType() const;
// Returns true if the download will be auto-opened when complete.
virtual bool GetOpenWhenComplete() const;
// Returns true if the download will be auto-opened when complete by policy.
virtual bool IsOpenWhenCompleteByPolicy() const;
// Simple calculation of the amount of time remaining to completion. Fills
// |*remaining| with the amount of time remaining if successful. Fails and
// returns false if we do not have the number of bytes or the download speed,
// and so can't give an estimate.
virtual bool TimeRemaining(base::TimeDelta* remaining) const;
// Returns the creation time for a download.
virtual base::Time GetStartTime() const;
// Returns the end/completion time for a completed download. base::Time()
// if the download has not completed yet.
virtual base::Time GetEndTime() const;
// Returns true if the download has been opened.
virtual bool GetOpened() const;
// Marks the download as having been opened (without actually opening it).
virtual void SetOpened(bool opened);
// Returns true if the download is in a terminal state. This includes
// completed downloads, cancelled downloads, and interrupted downloads that
// can't be resumed.
virtual bool IsDone() const;
// Pauses a download. Will have no effect if the download is already
// paused.
virtual void Pause();
// Resumes a download that has been paused or interrupted. Will have no effect
// if the download is neither. Only does something if CanResume() returns
// true.
virtual void Resume();
// Cancels the download operation. Set |user_cancel| to true if the
// cancellation was triggered by an explicit user action.
virtual void Cancel(bool user_cancel);
// Removes the download from the views and history. If the download was
// in-progress or interrupted, then the intermediate file will also be
// deleted.
virtual void Remove();
// Marks the download to be auto-opened when completed.
virtual void SetOpenWhenComplete(bool open);
// Returns the full path to the downloaded or downloading file. This is the
// path to the physical file, if one exists.
virtual base::FilePath GetFullPath() const;
// Returns whether the download can be resumed.
virtual bool CanResume() const;
// Returns whether this download has saved all of its data.
virtual bool AllDataSaved() const;
// Returns whether the file associated with the download has been removed by
// external action.
virtual bool GetFileExternallyRemoved() const;
// Returns the URL represented by this download.
virtual GURL GetURL() const;
// Returns whether the download request was initiated in response to a user
// gesture.
virtual bool HasUserGesture() const;
// Returns the most recent failure reason for this download. Returns
// |FailState::NO_FAILURE| if there is no previous failure reason.
virtual offline_items_collection::FailState GetLastFailState() const;
// Returns the URL of the orginiating request.
virtual GURL GetOriginalURL() const;
// Whether the Origin should be clearly displayed in the notification for
// security reasons.
virtual bool ShouldPromoteOrigin() const;
// Methods related to DownloadCommands.
// Returns whether the given download command is enabled for this download.
virtual bool IsCommandEnabled(const DownloadCommands* download_commands,
DownloadCommands::Command command) const;
// Returns whether the given download command is checked for this download.
virtual bool IsCommandChecked(const DownloadCommands* download_commands,
DownloadCommands::Command command) const;
// Executes the given download command on this download.
virtual void ExecuteCommand(DownloadCommands* download_commands,
DownloadCommands::Command command);
// Gets the information about the download bubbles subpage.
BubbleUIInfo GetBubbleUIInfo(bool is_download_bubble_v2) const;
BubbleUIInfo GetBubbleUIInfoForInterrupted(
offline_items_collection::FailState fail_state) const;
BubbleUIInfo GetBubbleUIInfoForInProgressOrComplete(
bool is_download_bubble_v2) const;
virtual BubbleUIInfo GetBubbleUIInfoForTailoredWarning() const;
// Returns |true| if this download should be displayed in the download bubble.
virtual bool ShouldShowInBubble() const;
// Should this download trigger a tailored warning?
virtual bool ShouldShowTailoredWarning() const;
// Ephemeral warnings are ones that are quickly removed from the bubble if the
// user has not acted on them, and later deleted altogether. Is this that kind
// of warning?
virtual bool IsEphemeralWarning() const;
// Complete the Safe Browsing scan early.
virtual void CompleteSafeBrowsingScan();
// Open a dialog to review a scan verdict.
virtual void ReviewScanningVerdict(content::WebContents* web_contents);
// Whether the dropdown menu button should be shown or not.
virtual bool ShouldShowDropdown() const;
// Determines if a download should be preferably opened in the browser instead
// of the platform. Use |is_filetype_handled_safely| indicating if opening a
// file of this type is safe in the current BrowserContext, |target_path| to
// see if files of this type should be opened in the browser, and set whether
// the download should be preferred opening in the browser.
virtual void DetermineAndSetShouldPreferOpeningInBrowser(
const base::FilePath& target_path,
bool is_filetype_handled_safely);
// Returns the accessible alert text that should be announced when the
// download is in progress.
virtual std::u16string GetInProgressAccessibleAlertText() const;
// Returns the MIME type of the download.
virtual std::string GetMimeType() const;
// Returns whether the download is triggered by an extension.
virtual bool IsExtensionDownload() const;
raw_ptr<Delegate> delegate_ = nullptr;
// Returns whether the DownloadBubbleV2 functionality is enabled.
bool IsBubbleV2Enabled() const;
friend class DownloadItemModelTest;
void set_clock_for_testing(base::Clock* clock);
void set_status_text_builder_for_testing(bool for_bubble);
// The following two methods exist for simpler unit testing.
// Setting an override for whether the DownloadBubbleV2 functionality is
// enabled.
void set_is_bubble_v2_enabled_for_testing(bool is_enabled);
// Unowned Clock to override the time of "Now".
raw_ptr<base::Clock> clock_ = base::DefaultClock::GetInstance();
absl::optional<bool> is_bubble_V2_enabled_for_testing_;
std::unique_ptr<StatusTextBuilderBase> status_text_builder_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<DownloadUIModel> weak_ptr_factory_{this};