blob: 548ff40951e4e39bb6a2815018ba4174d7e550f4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "build/chromeos_buildflags.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/startup/startup_tab.h"
#include "components/signin/public/base/signin_buildflags.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/startup/startup_types.h"
class Profile;
class StartupBrowserCreator;
struct SessionStartupPref;
namespace base {
class CommandLine;
} // namespace base
namespace extensions {
class ExtensionRegistry;
} // namespace extensions
// Provides the sets of tabs to be shown at startup for given sets of policy.
// For instance, this class answers the question, "which tabs, if any, need to
// be shown for first run/onboarding?" Provided as a virtual interface to allow
// faking in unit tests.
class StartupTabProvider {
// Gathers relevant system state and returns any tabs which should be
// shown according to onboarding/first run policy.
virtual StartupTabs GetOnboardingTabs(Profile* profile) const = 0;
// Gathers URLs from a initial preferences file indicating first run logic
// specific to this distribution. Transforms any such URLs per policy and
// returns them. Also clears the value of first_run_urls_ in the provided
// BrowserCreator.
virtual StartupTabs GetDistributionFirstRunTabs(
StartupBrowserCreator* browser_creator) const = 0;
// Returns a "welcome back" tab to be shown if requested for a specific
// launch.
virtual StartupTabs GetWelcomeBackTabs(
Profile* profile,
StartupBrowserCreator* browser_creator,
chrome::startup::IsProcessStartup process_startup) const = 0;
// Checks for the presence of a trigger indicating the need to offer a Profile
// Reset on this profile. Returns any tabs which should be shown accordingly.
virtual StartupTabs GetResetTriggerTabs(Profile* profile) const = 0;
// Returns the user's pinned tabs, if they should be shown.
virtual StartupTabs GetPinnedTabs(const base::CommandLine& command_line,
Profile* profile) const = 0;
// Returns tabs, if any, specified in the user's preferences as the default
// content for a new window.
virtual StartupTabs GetPreferencesTabs(const base::CommandLine& command_line,
Profile* profile) const = 0;
// Returns the New Tab Page, if the user's preferences indicate a
// configuration where it must be passed explicitly.
virtual StartupTabs GetNewTabPageTabs(const base::CommandLine& command_line,
Profile* profile) const = 0;
// Returns the Incompatible Applications settings subpage if any incompatible
// applications exist.
virtual StartupTabs GetPostCrashTabs(
bool has_incompatible_applications) const = 0;
// Returns the URLs given via the command line arguments to be opened at
// launching.
virtual StartupTabs GetCommandLineTabs(const base::CommandLine& command_line,
const base::FilePath& cur_dir,
Profile* profile) const = 0;
// Indicates whether the command line arguments includes tabs to be opened on
// startup.
// A `CommandLineTabsPresent::kUnknown` value means that we are not able to
// fully parse some arguments, the definitive result can be obtained by
// calling `GetCommandLineTabs()` and passing a `Profile`.
virtual CommandLineTabsPresent HasCommandLineTabs(
const base::CommandLine& command_line,
const base::FilePath& cur_dir) const = 0;
// Returns tabs related to the What's New UI (if applicable).
virtual StartupTabs GetNewFeaturesTabs(bool whats_new_enabled) const = 0;
// Returns tabs required for the Privacy Sandbox confirmation dialog. If a
// suitable tab is present in |other_startup_tabs| no tab is returned,
// otherwise a suitable tab based on |profile| is returned.
virtual StartupTabs GetPrivacySandboxTabs(
Profile* profile,
const StartupTabs& other_startup_tabs) const = 0;
class StartupTabProviderImpl : public StartupTabProvider {
struct StandardOnboardingTabsParams {
bool is_first_run = false;
bool has_seen_welcome_page = false;
bool is_signin_allowed = false;
bool is_signed_in = false;
bool is_child_account = false;
bool is_force_signin_enabled = false;
StartupTabProviderImpl() = default;
StartupTabProviderImpl(const StartupTabProviderImpl&) = delete;
StartupTabProviderImpl& operator=(const StartupTabProviderImpl&) = delete;
// The static helper methods below implement the policies relevant to the
// respective Get*Tabs methods, but do not gather or interact with any
// system state relating to making those policy decisions. Exposed for
// testing.
// Returns true if showing the standard welcome page is permissible.
static bool CanShowWelcome(bool is_signin_allowed,
bool is_supervised_user,
bool is_force_signin_enabled);
// Returns true if the standard welcome page should be shown in a tab. This
// should only be used following a positive result from CanShowWelcome.
static bool ShouldShowWelcomeForOnboarding(bool has_seen_welcome_page,
bool is_signed_in);
// Determines which tabs should be shown according to onboarding/first
// run policy.
static StartupTabs GetStandardOnboardingTabsForState(
const StandardOnboardingTabsParams& params);
// Processes first run URLs specified in initial preferences file, replacing
// any "magic word" URL hosts with appropriate URLs.
static StartupTabs GetInitialPrefsTabsForState(
bool is_first_run,
const std::vector<GURL>& first_run_tabs);
// Determines which tabs should be shown as a result of the presence/absence
// of a Reset Trigger on this profile.
static StartupTabs GetResetTriggerTabsForState(bool profile_has_trigger);
// Determines whether the startup preference requires the contents of
// |pinned_tabs| to be shown. This is needed to avoid duplicates, as the
// session restore logic will also resurface pinned tabs on its own.
static StartupTabs GetPinnedTabsForState(
const SessionStartupPref& pref,
const StartupTabs& pinned_tabs,
bool profile_has_other_tabbed_browser);
// Determines whether preferences and window state indicate that
// user-specified tabs should be shown as the default new window content, and
// returns the specified tabs if so.
static StartupTabs GetPreferencesTabsForState(
const SessionStartupPref& pref,
bool profile_has_other_tabbed_browser);
// Determines whether startup preferences require the New Tab Page to be
// explicitly specified. Session Restore does not expect the NTP to be passed.
static StartupTabs GetNewTabPageTabsForState(const SessionStartupPref& pref);
// Determines if the Incompatible Applications settings subpage should be
// shown.
static StartupTabs GetPostCrashTabsForState(
bool has_incompatible_applications);
// Determines if the what's new page should be shown.
static StartupTabs GetNewFeaturesTabsForState(bool whats_new_enabled);
// Determines whether an additional tab to display the Privacy Sandbox
// confirmation dialog over is required, and if so, the URL of that tab.
// |ntp_url| must be the final NTP location, and not the generic new tab url.
static StartupTabs GetPrivacySandboxTabsForState(
extensions::ExtensionRegistry* extension_registry,
const GURL& ntp_url,
const StartupTabs& other_startup_tabs);
// Gets the URL for the Welcome page. If |use_later_run_variant| is true, a
// URL parameter will be appended so as to access the variant page used when
// onboarding occurs after the first Chrome execution (e.g., when creating an
// additional profile).
// TODO(hcarmona): it might be possible to deprecate use_later_run_variant.
static GURL GetWelcomePageUrl(bool use_later_run_variant);
// In branded Windows builds, adds the URL for the Incompatible Applications
// subpage of the Chrome settings.
static void AddIncompatibleApplicationsUrl(StartupTabs* tabs);
// Gets the URL for the page which offers to reset the user's profile
// settings.
static GURL GetTriggeredResetSettingsUrl();
// StartupTabProvider:
StartupTabs GetOnboardingTabs(Profile* profile) const override;
StartupTabs GetWelcomeBackTabs(
Profile* profile,
StartupBrowserCreator* browser_creator,
chrome::startup::IsProcessStartup process_startup) const override;
StartupTabs GetDistributionFirstRunTabs(
StartupBrowserCreator* browser_creator) const override;
StartupTabs GetResetTriggerTabs(Profile* profile) const override;
StartupTabs GetPinnedTabs(const base::CommandLine& command_line,
Profile* profile) const override;
StartupTabs GetPreferencesTabs(const base::CommandLine& command_line,
Profile* profile) const override;
StartupTabs GetNewTabPageTabs(const base::CommandLine& command_line,
Profile* profile) const override;
StartupTabs GetPostCrashTabs(
bool has_incompatible_applications) const override;
StartupTabs GetCommandLineTabs(const base::CommandLine& command_line,
const base::FilePath& cur_dir,
Profile* profile) const override;
CommandLineTabsPresent HasCommandLineTabs(
const base::CommandLine& command_line,
const base::FilePath& cur_dir) const override;
StartupTabs GetNewFeaturesTabs(bool whats_new_enabled) const override;
StartupTabs GetPrivacySandboxTabs(
Profile* profile,
const StartupTabs& other_startup_tabs) const override;
struct ParsedCommandLineTabArg {
// Indicates whether a tab URL could be parsed from the argument.
CommandLineTabsPresent tab_parsed = CommandLineTabsPresent::kUnknown;
// URL for the tab to be created from this argument, will be populated when
// `tab_parsed` is `CommandLineTabsPresent::kYes`.
GURL tab_url;
// Parses a command line argument to extract a `ParsedCommandLineTabArg`
// Note that it is possible that we detect that a tab can be created, but
// can't parse the URL. In that case we return an empty one. `maybe_profile`
// should be provided for better accuracy in the parsing.
static ParsedCommandLineTabArg ParseTabFromCommandLineArg(
base::FilePath::StringPieceType arg,
const base::FilePath& cur_dir,
Profile* maybe_profile);