blob: 77fc7677ca14e19c51ba2fa23bd1a6005d5c608c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "chrome/updater/app/app.h"
#include "chrome/updater/configurator.h"
#include "chrome/updater/external_constants.h"
#include "chrome/updater/prefs.h"
namespace updater {
class UpdateServiceInternal;
class GlobalPrefs;
class UpdateService;
struct RegistrationRequest;
// Returns true if the command line has the switch `--service update-internal`.
bool IsInternalService();
// AppServer runs as the updater server process. Multiple servers of different
// application versions can be run side-by-side. Each such server is called a
// "candidate". Exactly one candidate is "active" at any given time. Only the
// active candidate is permitted to mutate shared system state such as the
// global prefs file or versions of managed applications.
class AppServer : public App {
~AppServer() override;
scoped_refptr<const ExternalConstants> external_constants() const {
return external_constants_;
scoped_refptr<const UpdaterPrefs> prefs() const { return prefs_; }
scoped_refptr<Configurator> config() const { return config_; }
// Overrides of App.
void Uninitialize() override;
// Overrides of App.
void Initialize() final;
void FirstTaskRun() final;
// Sets up the server to handle active version RPCs.
virtual void ActiveDuty(scoped_refptr<UpdateService> update_service) = 0;
// Sets up the server to handle internal service RPCs.
virtual void ActiveDutyInternal(
scoped_refptr<UpdateServiceInternal> update_service_internal) = 0;
// Sets up all non-side-by-side registration to point to the new version.
virtual bool SwapInNewVersion() = 0;
// Imports metadata from legacy updaters, then replaces them with shims.
virtual bool MigrateLegacyUpdaters(
base::RepeatingCallback<void(const RegistrationRequest&)>
register_callback) = 0;
// Uninstalls this candidate version of the updater.
virtual void UninstallSelf() = 0;
// As part of initialization, an AppServer must do a mode check to determine
// what mode of operation it should continue in. Possible modes include:
// - Qualify: this candidate is not yet qualified or active.
// - ActiveDuty: this candidate is the active candidate.
// - UninstallSelf: this candidate is older than the active candidate.
// - Shutdown: none of the above.
// If this candidate is already qualified but not yet active, or the state of
// the system is consistent with an incomplete swap, ModeCheck may have the
// side effect of promoting this candidate to the active candidate.
base::OnceClosure ModeCheck();
bool SwapVersions(GlobalPrefs* global_prefs);
// Uninstalls the updater if it doesn't manage any apps, aside from itself.
void MaybeUninstall();
base::OnceClosure first_task_;
scoped_refptr<ExternalConstants> external_constants_;
scoped_refptr<UpdaterPrefs> prefs_;
scoped_refptr<Configurator> config_;
// If true, this version of the updater should uninstall itself during
// shutdown.
bool uninstall_self_ = false;
// The number of times the server has started, as read from global prefs.
int server_starts_ = 0;
scoped_refptr<App> AppServerInstance();
} // namespace updater