blob: 8dc46d5132a4232f39581b8ce69a07716f3f762d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module autofill.mojom;
import "components/autofill/core/common/mojom/autofill_types.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/string16.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/text_direction.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom";
import "ui/gfx/geometry/mojom/geometry.mojom";
import "url/mojom/url.mojom";
// There is one instance of this interface per RenderFrameHost in the browser
// process. All methods are called by renderer on browser.
interface AutofillDriver {
// Pushes a form the user interacted with from the AutofillAgent to the
// AutofillDriver, which may consider this form as a probably-submitted form
// once the page is navigated away from. If |form| is not set, it resets the
// last-interacted form.
SetFormToBeProbablySubmitted(FormData? form);
// Notification that forms have been seen that are candidates for
// filling/submitting by the AutofillManager.
FormsSeen(array<FormData> updated_forms, array<FormRendererId> removed_forms);
// Notification that a form has been submitted. The |known_success| indicates
// whether the submission succeeded or not. Currently, we assume submission
// succeeds if the form is removed.
FormSubmitted(FormData form,
bool known_success,
SubmissionSource source);
// Notification that a form field's value has changed.
TextFieldDidChange(FormData form,
FormFieldData field,
gfx.mojom.RectF bounding_box,
mojo_base.mojom.TimeTicks timestamp);
// Notification that a form field has scrolled.
TextFieldDidScroll(FormData form,
FormFieldData field,
gfx.mojom.RectF bounding_box);
// Notification that a form select control has changed.
SelectControlDidChange(FormData form,
FormFieldData field,
gfx.mojom.RectF bounding_box);
// Notification that a select element's options were modified.
SelectFieldOptionsDidChange(FormData form);
// Queries the browser for Autofill suggestions for a form input field.
// For autofill this means asking the user which values to fill.
// |autoselect_first_suggestion| indicates whether a first suggestion gets
// auto selected. |form_element_was_clicked| indicates the user tapped an
// input element. When this happens, surfaces like Touch To Fill and Fast
// Checkout might be shown.
AskForValuesToFill(FormData form,
FormFieldData field,
gfx.mojom.RectF bounding_box,
AutoselectFirstSuggestion autoselect_first_suggestion,
FormElementWasClicked form_element_was_clicked);
// Instructs the browser to hide the Autofill popup if it is open.
// Sent when either (a) focus moves off of any form element, or (b) focus
// moves off of the form that the user had previously interacted with to a
// different form. |had_interacted_form| indicates whether there was such a
// previously-interacted form.
// TODO( Remove need to pass |had_interacted_form|.
FocusNoLongerOnForm(bool had_interacted_form);
// Notification that a form field is focused.
FocusOnFormField(FormData form,
FormFieldData field,
gfx.mojom.RectF bounding_box);
// Sent when a form is filled with Autofill suggestions.
DidFillAutofillFormData(FormData form, mojo_base.mojom.TimeTicks timestamp);
// Sent when a form is previewed with Autofill suggestions.
// Sent when a text field is done editing.
// Sent when |field| was in autofilled state but JavaScript modified the
// value. Note that from a renderer's perspective, modifying the value with
// JavaScript leads to a state where the field is not considered autofilled
// anymore. So this notification won't be sent again until the field gets
// autofilled again.
JavaScriptChangedAutofilledValue(FormData form,
FormFieldData field,
mojo_base.mojom.String16 old_value);
// There is one instance of this interface per web contents in the browser
// process that handles all the frames. The motivation was to make the interface
// associated with PasswordGenerationDriver.
interface PasswordManagerDriver {
// Notification that password forms have been seen that are candidates for
// filling/submitting by the password manager.
PasswordFormsParsed(array<FormData> forms_data);
// Notification that initial layout has occurred and the following password
// forms are visible on the page (e.g. not set to display:none.).
PasswordFormsRendered(array<FormData> visible_forms_data);
// Notification that this password form was submitted by the user.
PasswordFormSubmitted(FormData form_data);
// Notification that a user has modified a password field. This is fired both
// when typing new characters and deleting characters, so the password field
// in `form_data` may or may not be empty
InformAboutUserInput(FormData form_data);
// Notification that a dynamic form submission was observed. This could be due
// to a same-document navigation, detaching a frame, or hiding / removing a
// form after an XHR.
DynamicFormSubmission(SubmissionIndicatorEvent submission_indication_event);
// Notification that password form was cleared. This is used as a signal of
// a successful submission for change password forms.
PasswordFormCleared(FormData form_data);
// Sends |log| to browser for displaying to the user. Only strings passed as
// an argument to methods overriding SavePasswordProgressLogger::SendLog may
// become |log|, because those are guaranteed to be sanitized.
// Never pass a free-form string as |log|.
RecordSavePasswordProgress(string log);
// Notification that the user (not JavaScript) modified the value of a
// password field.
// Notification that the user (not JavaScript) modified the value of a
// non-password field with |renderer_id|, and |value| is the current value.
FieldRendererId renderer_id,
mojo_base.mojom.String16 field_name,
mojo_base.mojom.String16 value,
bool autocomplete_attribute_has_username);
// Instructs the browser to show a popup with password suggestions. The popup
// will use |text_direction| for displaying text.
ShowPasswordSuggestions(mojo_base.mojom.TextDirection text_direction,
mojo_base.mojom.String16 typed_username,
int32 options, gfx.mojom.RectF bounds);
// Instructs the browser to show a keyboard replacing surface (e.g.
// TouchToFill) and whether the form is ready for submission after filling.
ShowKeyboardReplacingSurface(SubmissionReadinessState submission_readiness);
// Checks the safe browsing reputation of the website where the focused
// username/password field is on.
url.mojom.Url form_action, url.mojom.Url frame_url);
// The focus changed to a different input in the same frame (e.g. tabbed from
// email to password field).
FocusedInputChanged(FieldRendererId focused_field_id,
FocusedFieldType focused_field_type);
// Sends the success state of filling credentials into a form. This happens
// only if the form being filled has a renderer_id. |result| is an
// integer serialization of autofill::FillingResult. It is passed as an
// integer as no further interpretation of the value is necessary in the
// browser.
LogFirstFillingResult(FormRendererId form_renderer_id, int32 result);
// There is one instance of this interface per web contents in the browser
// process.
interface PasswordGenerationDriver {
// Notifies the browser when automatic generation becomes available
// and provides data needed by the UI.
PasswordGenerationUIData password_generation_ui_data);
// Instructs the browser to show the popup for editing a generated password.
// The location should be specified in the renderers coordinate system. Form
// is the form associated with the password field. |field_renderer_id| is the
// ID of the password field triggering generation.
gfx.mojom.RectF bounds,
FormData form_data,
FieldRendererId field_renderer_id,
mojo_base.mojom.String16 password_value);
// Informs the browser that the password generation option was rejected
// by the user typing more characters than the maximum offer size into the
// password field.
// Instructs the browser to presave the form with generated password.
PresaveGeneratedPassword(FormData form_data,
mojo_base.mojom.String16 password_value);
// Instructs the browser that form no longer contains a generated password and
// the presaved form should be removed.
PasswordNoLongerGenerated(FormData form_data);
// Communicates to the browser that a scroll event happened on the frame. This
// event affects the password generation popup position.
// Informs the browser that the generation element lost focus, so the browser
// might hide the generation popup.